Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Jun 1953, p. 7

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JUNE Pednfes Sec me scots Band openair concert midway of fun and Your lucky num ber admission ticket gives you chanceto win one of over prizes Dancing in Casino t 1 r I I Deo suffer an longer For relief piles with medicated Or Ointment Soothe it heals A safe home eat meet foe over years J DR CHASES OINTMENT ASPHALT SHINGLES A SIDINOS ROLL ROOFINGS and SHEATHING A KITS MATIRIAU ISCO triplex Green Board iwrley RUSTIC CiMINTS ft ROOF COATINGS FlfECi LINE ROCK WOOL INSULATION MICAFIl for ml Mi ION0ON M am Show The annual peony show of the Newmarket Horticultural society will be held in the basement of the Christian Baptist church on Saturday June The peonies and rosescombine to make this a beautiful show All members of the society are eligible to enter exhibits in any of the shows Anyone wishing to enter bloom may purchase a membership ticket on Friday night June when the show is set up The exhibits must be en tered before pm on that even ing and must be tagged by oclock On Saturday the show is open to the visiting public from 2 to pm Among the new classes intro duced this year in the peony show are four classes for one stem of rose in each color as well as the classes for three stems This change like a similar one in the iris show was made to encour age the beginner to show There is a class for the best floor pedes tal basket of any variety of flow ers The arrangement is to have quality and general appearance to count The basket will be se lected on points There is one class in peonies for the exhibitor who has never won and displays of peonies add to the beauty of the show Included in the show with the peonies and roses are classes for long and short spurred lupins sweet and sweet peas There are classes for a miniature bouquet livingroom basket din ing room table floral centre and corners best collections of roses effect only and best collection of climbing roses with the judge selecting the sweepstake rose and peony First and second prizes are of fered in each class The Mrs Fildey cup is for the best pe ony in the show The Jelley trophy will be awarded for the floor pedestal basket The exhibitor must win the trophy three times in five years to re tain it permanently For the grower with the highest number of prizes in the show are plant stakes a donation by Earl Wed- HOLLAND LANDING Mr and Mrs J Peter Pollard Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Mae Pollards uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs George Row land Holland Landing News A pretty wedding was solemn ized at Wesley United church on Saturday June when Jose phine was united in marriage to Bertrum Lawrence Our best wishes are extended to them Mrs Grant Morley was guest soloist at the wedding with Mr Geo Richardson play ing the wedding music and Rev Moddle officiating Several members of Wesley attended the meeting and luncheon at Aurora United church last Thursday when Mrs president of Centre Presbytery was guest speaker Mr and Mrs Powell motored to Lakeficld last week end and their son Bryson has returned with them to spend the summer holiday season Mrs Powell Aurora spent last Wednesday with Mrs Clare Powell and children Mr Wilson was bad ly hurt last Tuesday night when he stopped his truck to try to locate the trouble when another truck crashed into him causing a serious cut in his head and a dislocated shoulder We wish him a complete recovery Mrs Ian and David Brampton spent a few days last week with Mrs Clayton and family Mr and Mrs Ralph Donna and Beverley Mr and Mrs Edward Toron to were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs A Richardson and Mr and Mrs Austin Richard son and family visited one day hint week with Mr and Mrs of The Vnndorf Womens AMI BEACH The children are looking for ward to their summer holidays which is just around the corner The people of this community wish the teachers and pupils a very pleasant holiday The teachers of Jersey school are worthy of a lot of praise for the good work they have done in the past year Mrs Carl Graham who has been ill for some time is slowly improving Mrs Ida Miller spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Chester Miller Mount Pleasant Mr and Mrs Percy Brown Mount Pleasant called on Mrs Ida Miller on Monday afternoon Mrs Katherine Dickson To ronto is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs Herbert Sullivan Mr and Mrs Roger Boundy Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herbert Sullivan Mr Alex has started to build a garage on the west side of his house Mrs Florence Benton spent Monday afternoon with Mrs Cecil Weekend visitors at the home of Mrs Delia King were Mrs Margaret Keswick Audrey Failby Bradford Mr and Mrs James Crowder Bald- Queensville News 1 Mr and Mrs Elliott and daughter spent a week at Rice Lake Mr and Mrs Max Stiles and family of Newmarket visited Mrs Stiles on Sunday af ternoon Mr and Mrs Harry West of Bogarttown were Sunday guests of Mrs Bert Dike Mr- and Mrs Floyd Winger and boys spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gooding of Dundalk Mr and Mrs and Billy attended the re union at Que eastern Heights on Sunday Mr and Mrs Hugh Elliott and Mary Lou of Agincourt and Mrs Stiles attended the anni versary services at Mount Pleas ant Presbyterian church on Sunday on Tuesday night June Plan to attend the sports day meeting to be held in the rink on Tuesday night June fol lowing the ball game The library will be open on Friday nights from to oclock throughout the summer months A strawberry supper will be served on Tuesday June in the United church basement un der the auspices of the The Mission Band and other j branches of the held at missionary family night in thej United church basement on day night The children put on a fine program and exhibited their work on Africa A miscelanlus shower was held on Monday night for Miss Ann Cunningham at her par- Zephyr ball team will be play- new home Anne received ing Queensville team at the park- many lowly gifts Down The Centre by Hulse Jupiter PluviU5 dealt Canal- bridge baseball club and swing- town ball fans and Manager Ted ing a potent club at the plate Robinson a dirty deal last Fri day as the diamond kept Aurora win Mr and Mrs Harold Beard- Legionnaires from meeting the more Miss Ruth York Keswick also Miss Betty Mr and Mrs Bill Foster and family have moved to Miami Beach in the John Gamble house Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Fred Lockerbie and family in the loss of a bro therinlaw Mr March who passed away June Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Joe Draper in the birth of their son who was born June 13 The people of this community are pleased to hear that Mrs Ross Draper has returned from the hospital much improved Miss Sandra Bell had a tonsil operation at York County hos pital last week We all wish Sandra a speedy recovery Dont forget the euchres held every Tuesday night at St Pauls Anglican church basement at pm MOUNT ALBERT Mr and Mrs Ed Sallows Cold water were Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr and Mrs McQuaid The Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring two band concerts in the park one in July and one In August which will be on Sun day evening Exact dates will be given later Newmarket Legion team and set tling for the nonce the mere mat ter of group leadership Four brothers on one team is something we cant recall as happening in the district before Weve had three from one family but never four before The boys namely Harvey executive met last Monday evening at the home of Mrs A T McTaggart to prepare the new prg Mr and Mrs John Irwin and children Mr and Mrs Harvey and children and Miss Marie Thaxter motored to Gait last Saturday where they visit ed with their sister and brother- inlaw Mr and Mrs Walter Reeve and family Miss Marie spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs John Irwin Mr and Mrs Herbert Nelson and Shirley Victoria Square had Sunday tea with Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliver Our deepest sympathy is ex tended to the family and rela tives of Mrs Archie Dike Mt who passed away ctntly and Mrs Harold Slceth family motored to on Sunday where they vis ited with their friends Mr and Mrs Mrs William Kingdon visited flre to with her daughter Mrs Charlie you Cheer up my hearties the Charlie Ed and Tom who love series will start on Friday night lacrosse are all out with the Bradford team and ready to make a place too Bradford of Aurora on Monday next The J course has had three fans of both towns should be a brothers on the team at once at Newmarket as both clubs have an open date and back at bit hoarse come Tuesday We wont predict the outcome but we hope the verdicts will not depend on lady luck or ques tionable decisions May the best team win Quite a bit of excitement we may say in both towns about the serious Aurora had add ed playing strength in the per son of Earl McDonald star of the Ditch Diggers Softball club Ray Craig White and Jim Greenslade all of whom perform naturally on the baseball dia mond as well as they do at Several more may try baseball soon A hand for Charlie Case and and may have that again this year Meanwhile the Bradford officials have not been sleeping and are rounding up a strong team Theyve lured Smart and Pat- ton who were on the defence for to secured Ray Castator and probably Son Rowntree for another year in duced Allan Pete Jones of the defunct Maple club to come out of retirement and of course Doug James Harold Ted Bulpit Tom j Bob Perry Stnndeven are out again A newcomer by the name of also looks promising It should be in teresting season Albert who have been Aurori handling the umpiring chores ftml fcJLL for the Aurora club Both gents know the rules well and make their calls impartially Its true Scott and family Leaside on Monday We are pleased to report Miss Louise Carroll is in her own home again and feeling much better Mrs Geo Richardson Miss Betty Richardson Mrs Arthur Starr Mrs Geo Mrs Harold Dewsbury Mrs Harold Mrs Leonard Scott and Mrs White attended the meeting at Mon day evening to hear Hansen designer speak and show slides on Canadian crafts In industry may help with this project by donations or buying tickets on the valuable dolls to be seen at store Mr and Mrs J Burr spent Tuesday with relatives at Mr Doug and Ted Toronto left on Monday for motor trip to Kirk- land Lake and other northern points Mrs Clara Armstrong Buffalo Is visiting her sister Mrs Ethel Harmon Mr Ronald Allison is attend ing IOOF Grand Lodge hold in Toronto this week and former hockey great played in the golf club invitation tournament i on Friday and Saturday Charlie they may make mistakes but two rounds in the low few and far between and honest- fl in made Who can ask for more amatciir K Ellison Ram ram go away is has Cams theme song as Newmarket jincd the Q rfd have three postponed games A over the weather and theyd like hc ttdds Pinnacle Hill nine With Howie Meeker of the Toronto Maple Leafs Conservative MP for South Waterloo has joined Julian Ferguson for North in the insurance real Ellison as the main cog the can also call on Craig Charlie Simpcl and Charlie gives the Queens top hurling Mickey Sutton and Geo I fa EVERYTHING MUST 60 percent on your and at news a a Regular Special 17500 I MIS RECORDER RADIO MITCHELL REDLAMP RADIO MANTEL RADIO JEWEL MANTEL RADIO PORTABLE RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER COMBINATION SYMPHONIC PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER SPRINGWOUND PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER PROCTOR POPUP TOASTER HAMILTON BEACH MIXETTB PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC RAZOR SUNBEAM ELECTRIC RAZOR KAMICO SUPER GRAND CONCERT AUDITORIUM SIZE GUITAR SHOWBOAT V 15M ACE ELECTRIC HAWAIIAN GUITAR DIXIE 3ROW ACCORDION GRAFTON ALTO SAXOPHONE AND CASE 27500 ROYCB TRUMPET OUTFIT VIOUN OUTFIT MM J AND MANY MONKYSAV1NG BAKGAINS ON RADIOS INSTRUMENTS ETC I Main St V Phono MOUNT PLEASANT Anniversary service were well attended Inst Sunday which brought many visitors to the different homes and the Rev Mr Moores sermons were much also special music Miss Black and Mr Kcrnohnn The Womans Guild held at the homo of Mrs Stephens on Tuesday well attended Mr barn at Elm was burned to the ground on Monday Farmers have commenced Home of ladies from here attended the missionary meet- In Sutton on Wednesday the homo of Mrs Bible study Mr and Mrs John Thompsons home on Tues day evening was well attended late business and either is now MncFnrlmul do an adequate or will be resident in Col chore Diggers and Already the drums Andy Jr and Doug Rich- arc out for Meeker to join the Shipbuilders perhaps as playing conch Its no secret that Meeker just about retired from the last winter but stayed on request I think it can be taken as read that hell play his hockey in next winter Rumor has it more than once that maestro Bush give the leagueleading Yankees solid tossing The mound staffs are the best in the history of the Aurora town league Richardson when right is a smoothie who cant be hit hard and his Yanks are the sur prise of the circuit Ames former New market and Doe Ames goalie for the juniors of might transfer to other pastures 102027 Inter in the nets for despite his sago of success and this might just be the year of the Spitfires who tried to get a release for is definitely said to bo headed that way in time to ho an import meanwhile is playing in the outfield for Bar rio legion in Softball Good news for Aurora Bears Bob gangly Bradford lad who did such good job in I Varsity as they won the senior championship is again candidate in riding Doc has run close on a couple of occa sions and his supporters feel this might his year Mike Mr Mike of political fame who will headline the Liberal convention in Aurora on Saturday night resided in Aurora where his father his season will be avail- then a Methodist minister was a able for the Bears again Veajo baseball fan and player twas thought might head for university but joined daff of the Bank of Commerce in Bradford and manager Class heaves a sigh of relief Bill Bradbury former is in action these days with the News YOU ARK far interesting to do during the summer month youll Had crocheted am fun to Pretty pot holders worked in ninny novelty pattern such fruit and to add kitchen Hot pinto Uinta always useful mil bo crocheted entirely from cotton or now covers for mi mo you already for or hand- am found in many in- IcrcMtitiR pattern Dressing dollo in finory is another and would no doubt enjoy All article gift for snare or for your own use you Color In Color la Urn booomo oitrcmoly and to Tike his dad in Jds younger days the Honorable Mr Pearson was also an ball of note AUXILIARY Mrs Noble and her group provided the program for the regular meeting of the auxiliary Trinity United church on Tuesday Juno l Mrs Angus King presented report on Rural rally in Richmond Hill In her interesting report which highlighted the mooting Mrs King stressed to com bat Communistic Influences in India Plans discussed for a luncheon meeting to bo hold on September On that date Dr of the Unitarian committee of Canada will bo guest speaker on her return from Korea and Greece Shu hopes to all organizations of tho community well represented at the luncheon A social halfhour brought the last mooting the seaman to a close the of mar work as Ami Idol lioa or wIjiiiiKs are fleanonnlilo ami appear lifetike Id Smart lace are faJoaod green or to match of te omunu with colorod fabrkso for a different Tot inuo or flno be with for a Colored mat seta are loo for umner can Km in for a oottact breaknil or luncheon for UM loo and long you care to wo Novelty boa a your me to from flturdy pearl cotton You can Mt in a mat combination such and or raakt a Mt from WW at In pearl You can jokm for a for two be yau a to of paper i- HOPE sympathy of the ity extended to Mr and Mn Jim and family in passing of Mra Archie Dike Al though in fulling health the few months she waft always cheerful and pleasant and on- joyed to full She will be greatly miaaed by all In the community Mr Alex Rutlodge Mr Harvey and Francis Holt were Temple dr i Openings at TORONTO l r I Remuneration THREE WEEKS ANNUAL NINE STATUTTO AND PENSION PL GENEROOS SICK Apply To CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Room PARLIAMENT fc it- Complete Evinrude a motors 25 We Invite and Main St in A Here Compact Cabinet Freezer- Chrame Shelves Large Door Storage Unit Sonlod fi item i IS THE BEST VALUE FOR MONEY A QUALITY AVAILABLE ANYWHERE LET US APPRAISE YOUR OLD ICE BOX OK REFRIGERATOR TODAY rough buy one b of m Ctrndha providing them with obtain credit too with our of M folder QuU for Go- Remember when you for a loin you do not ink fvoue Bank of Montreal S i Newmarket tttmm it

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