Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Jun 1953, p. 9

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ft- I I Loyalty Scroll For The Queen As a result of the dull and bleak weather on Satur day there was lacking the color among the onlookers at the town park to witness the Horse Show Dresses were subdued in tone in contrast with the same occasion last year when the sun shone bright and the day was warm and summery HALL AURORA TEPHONE PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE Nor were the crowds present in such numbers as a year ago At least that was true during the afternoon when we took in the exhibition During the time we were there we did not see many familiar faces But the exhibits were excellent Among the many other feat ures we saw Mr John Bowser lead out number one of his fa mous Angus cattle winners of many prizes The jumpers were wonderful There was also an excellent showing of ponies and many splendid specimens in the heavy horse and Clydesdales sec tions The handicraft display in the Armouries appeared to us to be as good and as varied as ever People We Met Among the visitors we were glad to meet Mr and Mrs Wil liam Richmond Hill The former reeve of Richmond Hill appeared to have lost some weight following an illness since we saw hirn two or three years ago This may be an advantage since he was looking well and fit Mr was a popular mem ber of council He was reeve for a number of years retired for reasons of health He was op posed in municipal life from time to lime but was never beaten at the polls It used to be said that no one could have dislodged him from the office of reeve and we certainly believe this lo be true While our wife and self were talking with Mrs Mulligan Mr Alex Hell former mayor of Au rora came along We have not seen or talked with Mr Bell for over a year He was looking re markably well While chat ted with him for a few moments Mr Victor came along and laughingly told us not to believe one word of it We re plied that it all depended on what we were being told As have previously remark ed hi these columns we had our differences with Mr Bell while he was mayor But ve also that while he was a tough oppon ent he was always a sportsman In his private capacity Alex Bell was always agreeable and friend ly He was entirely devoid of pomposity and loud airs In his official capacity he never became aggressively intimate to the point of publicly diagnosing the condi tion of his councils guts Nor he ever descend to the lang uage of damned trash Camera History Mr Hod Smith was hard at work taking camera pictures of the pony races Then he found time to tell us about new mem bers that have joined the Little Symphony orchestra He vas also good enough to say many people had been pleased with the writeup had given the orchestra in connection with the April recital in the high school auditorium The Little Symphony orches tra maestro is looking forward to a renewal of musical activities In the month of September He told us that selections of a light er character in preference to the heavier classics will feature pub lic performances Tills we think is a fiuod decision A flood Show Talking together were Mr and Mr McDowell the latter looking now in good shape after hia illness When we told Mr Evans that we wished to ask him a question native political sagacity was at once re vealed it depends on the ques tion us to whether I answer It replied We assured him that our hod no strings to It He ml led encouragingly and waited As a farmer we asked what do you think of the show His reply was that he considered it an excellent exhibition but was very disappointed with the poor attendance at that time due to weather Man can control many but not the weather But it a good show Atu Key Mulligan has been away revolting Princeton r AURORA BOOK MUSIC Stationery Greeting etc For Era TOR WOOD It A Your At D HISS logical Seminary New Jersey USA where he was a student in former years The occasion of his visit was a class reunion and also a meeting with relatives and old friends at Highstown Be tween four and five thousand former and present students at the seminary were present There he renewed former as sociations with Dr John MacKay a student contemporary and now moderator of the Presbyterian church of the USA Besides the holding of this eminent position in the Presbyterian church of the United States Dr is an outstanding international figure The graduation services for theological students held in the university chapel a beauti ful building modelled on the fa mous cathedral France At Princeton university Dr Mul ligan tells lis there is a magnifi cent library to which the Fire stone corporation gave the im mense sum of Dr Mulligan says the Corona tion ceremonies made a tremen dous impression on the American especially the religious services Queen Elizabeth is a loved and popular figure in the united States and her crowning appeared to have proved of as much interest to Americans as the historic event did among her own people Away in New Jersey during the terrible twister days in New and other parts of the USA the weather beau Mulligan informed us He said the crops in un usually fine shape and some har vesting was almost ready He thoroughly enjoyed his weeks stay in the famous university city A Day Of Worry At least one person in Aurora had a day of intense worry over the New England twister This was Mrs Willis whose sister the former Ida and her husband Mr Bob Corn ish reside at near Wor cester Mass is a resi dential suburb situated some five miles from Worcester where the Norton manufacturing works are located employing about workers Mr Cornish holds an executive position vith the com pany The twister hit bath and Worcester severely At least J 000000 damage was done to the new Norton plant with loss of life and destruction of homes and properties in both places For many hours on Wed nesday Mrs Viliis tried vainly to make telephone contact with her relatives and It was not until late in the evening of that day that that she learned both were unharmed A letter received later from her sister described the havoc suffered by friends of the Corn ishes number of whom lost their homes So great was the damage done that debris and rub ble caused by the sudden violence made the roads so impassable that the journey from the plant to Mr Cornishs home took three hours by car covering a distance of about five miles only 100 em ployees at the new Norton plant which was partly destroyed es caped almost certain death by only a few minutes Mrs Corn ish said that the ruin was In describable The twister struck without warning about a oclock in the evening of Tuesday June Scroll Of loyally The Junior Chamber of Com merce Is undertaking the agree able task of preparing a Scroll of loyalty and Devotion to be humbly submitted for the accept ance of liar Majesty Queen Eliz abeth The idea is to obtain the utmost number of signatures from the citizens of Aurora and when the list has been completed the Scroll will he submitted In charge of the undertaking is Mr who recently came to Aurora us manager for the theatre Mr has become a member of the Juycees and has been appointed chair man of a committee whose duty it will be to have the Scroll com pleted It expected that the forma for the signatures will be ready on or about June 25 When Mr first arrived in Aurora wa wrote some para graphs about him in which we said that he was very The Jaycees soon discovered potential useful ness and unrolled him Wo are sure that ho will make a success of the admirable task he has taken on and that liana will sign up In large numbers to demonstrate their loyalty and devotion to the of Canada Two Canadian ctrr an product over cam of towak viluad at WHATS BEHIND IT Mr Seston came to council and read a wordy brief concerned with new industries for Aurora Mr Seston is the manager of the Hart manufacturing company As a sideline occupation he is president of the board of trade Our first knowledge of him arose from his sup port of liquor and beer outlets for Aurora a proposi tion which the citizens rejected by a substantial major ity Mr has been coming to council on this and that for some time now Two or three weeks ago a Banner editorial painted a bleak picture of Aurora as regards its labor housing water and sewerage short ages Now Mr turns up with a blueprint pro posing a cure for all this Is it a mere coincidence that Mr proposals should follow so closely on the dim picture painted by the Banner Mr proposes the setting up of an industrial council composed of eleven representatives But some thing more is suggested It is this We suggest that from this number an industrial representative be elected and this individual should be given full author ity to act on behalf of Aurora in all matters connected with obtaining new industries for the town Whats behind this move Could it be that there is a buildup going on for the nomination of the manag ing director of the broiler festival as the industrial representative Is it in Mr mind that Mr Picking is the individual who should be given full authority to act on behalf of Aurora We suggest that this recent move emanating from the board of trade should be closely watched Theres no knowing what may come out of it A PLAGUE OF STUNTS As a resident of this town it is our sincere hope that we are not at the beginning of a plague of stunts As we see it the socalled broiler festival is nothing more than a stunt and a smelly stunt at that It is called a festival What in heavens name is there to festi- vale A few hundred dead chickens to be eaten off plates with no other utensils than the festivators fin gers What a happy situation for the late king Henry the Eighth We should not be surprised to learn that the idea first germinated in the mind of promoter Picking Or should we say managing director Picking since that is Hie title of his broiler office He has been preaching chickens for some months past claiming their birth ami death to be Aurora and districts biggest industry It matters not in whatever head it first sprang to life the broiler festival is nothing more than a mounte bank Idea Broiler festival What a horrible juxtaposition of words What next shall we have thrust upon us Perhaps a Council Carnival with all members invited to turn up with a wind instrument and the promoter beating the big drum Beating the big drum Of course ONE AND ANOTHER If the town council hud refused to allow itself lo be closured on the county seat discussions a good deal of bad publicity for the town could have been avoided As a result of the closed meetings have come specula tion and rumors and a letter from the mayor to a North York weekly newspaper containing the elements of a threat of legal action Such are some of the consequences arising from closed meetings which we believe were at least opposed by one member of council namely Councillor I J Mur ray It bus been remarked that if county seat is to come to Aurora in an atmosphere of such hostility and suspicion the town would he better without it The course of events indicates that council voluntarily and involuntarily has gotten itself gummed up in one mesa and another ON WHOSE AUTHORITY broiler Former Wo have just read in Banner that festival is to take place in the town park arrangement to hold it in a field at south end of he town have apparently broken down What we concerned with here is to ask on whoso authority peoples park been handed over for the sale of rousted chickens at the broiler hinge What wo would like to know is how tho Banner was able to announce tho use of the town park by the roasted chicken salesmen before a meeting of council was held Only council and the athletic field board have authority over the town park and no consent for its use for such a purpose has been granted by either body Who then authorized the Banner to make such an announcement will be If such irregular procedure doe not provoke at the next meeting of council It inconceivable that either the mayor or the deputyreeve who the property committee chairman would act over the htada of council BROILER FESTIVAL Aurora The class held a quilt ing bee in the church parlors on Tuesday June Hie pupils of Grade of the public school enjoyed a banquet on Wednesday evening June I in the United parlors I Mr entertained on his harmonica The United church Sunday school picnic will be held at Camp on Wednes day July The Ladies Lawn Bowling club met at the home of the In Park ing Merry Over ladies attended the Women Association luncheon at the United church Thurs day afternoon Mrs was the guest speaker A piano solo by Mrs Willis entitled On the Highway by For syth was much appreciated Mrs Harry Bassett Paul and Linda Midland were weekend guests of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs John Walker The Liberal Womens Associa tion met on Friday evening at president Mrs Geo Pattenden the home the president Mrs on Thursday evening It Webster Mrs Smith was decided to have mixed bowling j elected treasurer and Mrs on Tuesday evenings at seven heller secretary On June Mr and Mr Bert Sisman will have completed years residence at their home In a news report in last weeks Aurora Banner it is stated that the broiler festival location has been changed from a field at the southern end of Aurora to the town park On looking over the situation again the report states the committee in charge decided that after all the town park could be utilized oclock and Wednesday after noons for the ladies at two oclock Anyone interested in bowling is asked to get in touch on Catherine Ave with the secretary Mrs Irwin I Mrs C Anthes St Augus- directors include Mr Mr Ray and managing director Mr Picking A question that is being asked in Aurora is on whose authority this committee decided that af ter all town park could he utilized for the socalled broil er festival None of those on the committee is a member of either the town council or the athletic field board the two bo dies which annually control events in the town park There have been no meetings of either the town council or the athletic field board to consider the town park many citizens are asking Such an event as a chickeneating binge in the town park could prove obnoxious to citizens whose homes are adja cent to the park A disagree able mess in the town park of discarded chicken bones and refuse is bound to occur is the view of some citizens The town park was gifted to the town by an early Aurora pioneer John An Eng lishman he founded the Angli can church in Aurora and don ated to town the Trinity church property St was any application from the broil- named after him in recognition committee for use of the of his numerous benefactions town park DeputyReeve James There some belief in Aurora Murray is chairman of the town that a condition of his gift of the property committee but it not town park was that no charges assumed that he would consent should in any circumstances be to the use of the town park for made a commercial purpose without if that belief Is correct it prior reference to the full body of council Arbitrary Action The categorical announcement in the Banner that it has been decided lo utilize the town park for the broiler festival has the appearance of a highhanded de cision in the absence of any con sent from the governing bodies No use has hitherto been made of the town park by service clubs or even the Youth for Christ movement without pro per application being made to the town council Yet here we have a decision announced in tho Banner in ad vance of any application to coun cil Who authorized the locat ing of the broiler festival in would presumably follow that any charge in connection with the broiler festival in the park would he illegal in any case the questions of who authorized tho use of town park for such a purpose and Banner announcement conting ent thereto still remain unex plained It may he the situ ation will call for clarification at the next meeting of the town council on Monday night Juno As matters stand present it seems that rights of the citizens to whom the town park belongs by heritage arc being brusquely ignored on the part of some person or persons for com mercial purposes Watts Wellington St Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy were Mr and Mrs J A Man ning Maple and Mr and Mrs Murray Young Mr Charles local repre sentative of the North American Life Insurance Company is at tending an educational confer ence in Toronto this week Miss Marjory complet ed her first year in training in the East General Hospital in To ronto and won the award for all round proficiency Mrs littte attended the graduation on Saturday afternoon Mrs Dunn was a recent week end guest of friends in Mount Albert Miss Ann Stephenson daugh ter of Mr and Mrs C Steph enson Eagle St Newmarket leaves on June to spend five weeks at the Banff School Fine Arts Banff Mrs Newton is holding an apron shower at her homo on Tuesday evening June in aid of the apron booth the bazaar Mrs Charles Dunham has been visiting her niece Mrs Eugene Sharon Mrs Geo Fish addressed the members of the York County Nurses Association Newmarket on Tuesday June Her sub ject was The Importance of tine Florida was a recent guest of Mr and Mrs Gordon Hoff man COUNCIL REPORT Zoning ByLaw Town Park m Permission Come Under Fire In the absence of the mayor Hoove Cook presided at a general meeting of the town council held on Monday night Juno Among the various business transacted an enquiry front Councillor J Murray brought out the admission that the mayor and Murray granted the broiler committee permission to use town park without reference to council Among the correspondence read was a letter from Mrs V Brown complaining of half- demolished of the old red barn rind what were described as terrible conditions Another letter this one from Mr Simpson complained of horses being kept on Wellington St and odors therefrom In regard to the latter Coun cillor King remarked that if we cant control dogs it wont be cash to control horses A letter from the Canadian Le gion requested the of the town park for three days in the early part of August Council granted the application from the Legion for the use of the pork Delegation a Mr John Waller requested council to receive hack his veter- ans lot on Tyler St on tho un derstanding that it was taken over by Mr Cliff Chapman who had undertaken to reimburse him for trees pi tinted and other work carried out When tho matter up la ter council decided to take the lot back and subject to the con sideration of previous applica tions for veterans hits favorably consider application of Mr Chapman who was ready to com- mencu the building of a homo Mr Tunnoy pointed out to council ho was interested in land which it appeared had been offered as a playground for chil dren on Catharine and Centre It appeared from tho rep resentations made that Council lor Kings proposals for a play ground were subject to res ervations staled by Mr Councillor reported further on the trll council vut stated that was suggested Jraf the number compotfni it to six Mr Moffat was appoint Councillor J Murray re porting tut chairmen of the fire and department recom mended that be in stalled Ha Mid water now food aa it ever but up ported that Mr Walter Dunning requested permission to build homo an Spruce St that did not conform with bylaws The foundation had already been dug Councillor Moffat asked why foundation had been dug be fore the permit was granted to which Councillor King retorted like they all do They start be fore permit ia granted Councillor Davis and other members supported the applica tion which granted Festival At this Mr pop ped in a broiler festival delegation to for the cloning of Wells St and adjacent on broiler day When re quest hud received attention ho desired Mr thanked council and popped out again The firm of Business Planning Assoc J a tea received their ap pointment and an appropriate bylaw received a third reading appointment woidd as from December and end on September 1054 The cost of equalization aa- for not ex ceeding would ho Zoning ByLaw Councillor King Introduced the deferred zoning bylaw now in its second reading Ho pro ceeding to read paragraphs in rapid fashion when ho waa pull ed up by Councillor Murray who said that alteration had al ready boon in what Mtf King wan reading Councillor Jones protected fur ther reading saying It was no talking about what thoy did not understand Councillor Davidson said there was no noed for a zoning bylaw to which DeputyReeve Murray retorted that that was a poor attitude to take It was finally agreed to hold a apodal meeting of council on June to the second reidingof the bylaw Who Councillor J Murray re tested Information on who gave broiler committee lion to use the town park for what ha described ai a commercial outfit Mr ray said it had bnn the rule for application to ell forth us For Friendly Personal Shop At aTfi JOHN MORNINGS but in this cose no application had come before council He wantcoTlo know who had the necessary permission Reave Cook that permis sion to use town park hod been granted by the mayor and DeputyReeve Murray who was chairman of property com mittee Councillor Murray it now looked as If the Banner controlled pork and said the application should have come before council DeputyReeve Murray said the broiler festival was far more Important and of greater signifi cance to Aurora than horse show Other business included a statement by Councillor Davison the widening of street south of Cousins and this was left with the committee A full review council pro ceedings will appear in Council Sidelights in next weeks Issue of Auroro News Page Editor and a complete TtK Xfc Garden Street North RICHMOND HILL Our New Location ON STREET MILES NORTH OF RICHMOND Opposite Summit Vlow WEEKDAYS FROM SATURDAY Dynamic John Wayne in

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