A -7- J J J GROUND Pride Arabia Coffee LOSLAWS BAG Shredded f I t I SPECIAL FaceEUe SPECIAL Face Tissues SPECIAL Jersey Milk Cubes Of I ON fOC I WITH COUPON Heinz Spubetti New Doaesbc Kraft Slice TOMATO 2 OX TINS CTN P1MIHT0 SHOAL 1IKUfT Am A or Baby Food Tea fl or IB MR TIN lllberf Cake con TIN art wo 2 TINS Ml 10BIAWS Instant a Warn ltd FUUm Aytam TawlMWl freest aoz oz TIN POUND COTTAGE BRAND WHITE BROWN WHEAT I mm TINS DOI or Ma TIN Doled SLICED OR NOW ON ffXClUSSVILT AT LOBLAWS VOLUME If New MO TAITY I Mon Wed- a- noon 4iu Sat 1- mutTONf ji AND I VEGETABLES waw APING Carta lipid Carta wssa I irs- W 25 is Mr Mi ITS A Womans World By Caroune Ion In the excavations Main St prior to its re surfacing comparatively few relics of the past were unearthed At least one superstition was dispelled Vandorf News Communion service will be onto to see the Orange church A fiveinch square wooden pipe was dug up by the workmen Christian Baptist church were located silent reminders of the Some observers thought that it march of progress They had was ancient that it dated back been cut off farther along their to the days before metal was used for the towns water sup ply But a check with the water department corrected that idea Its very unlikely that those wooden pipes were used for town water Fred Evans report ed Most likely they were plac ed there by the Bell Telephone Co as a conduit They arent too old In bygone days water power was used to run the pipe organs in the churches rather than elec tricity One pipe to carry water for this task to the Trinity United and another for the Social News Mr and Mrs Wallace Adams and Betty have returned home after spending last week visiting friends and relatives in Brace- bridge New Hillard- ton and Kirkland Lake Mrs Harry McKelvey and family have returned home after spending the past two weeks with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Wallace Adams and grandfather Mr Howard Moore Mr Harry McKelvey visited at the home of his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Wallace Adams on Tuesday Miss Jean Greer is spending a vacation with Miss Patsy Greer at Place Mr and Mrs Roy Martin at tended the wedding anniver sary of Mr and Mrs Elliott Gra ham Toronto on Wednesday July Miss Eva Barnes will spend the summer holidays at her cot tage on the River Mrs J K Cowieson accom panied by her son Jeffrey Tor onto spent last week with her parents Mr and Mrs L Lyon Miss Eleanor Rose and Mrs William Bray Toronto visited their parents Mr and Mrs Rose last week Mr and Mrs Clarence Sponce and son Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs J Bull Mrs Leo and ton Bernard spent two days last week in London the guests of Mr and Mrs John Daley George Hamilton spent a few days with his sister Mrs George Ruddock and brother Leonard Miss Martin is spend ing a few weeks vacation with Mr and Mrs Dennis Martin Kes wick Mrs Edna and Mar garet and Misses Eva Barnes and Jean Sister left on Friday morn ing for a weekend motor trip to Ottawa Mr and Mrs Anton are spending two weeks holidays in Alberta and Saskatchewan They are guests of Mr parents in Wood Mountain Sask and plan to attend the Calgary stampede before returning home Mr and Mrs Harold Bull Richmond Hill were guests last week of Mr and Mrs J Bull Mr and Mrs Robert Rose Beach visited for a few days at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Robert Rose Mrs J Sanders Richmond Hill was a guest last week at the home of Mr and Mrs George Ruddock route but there were still the outlets from the main for the pipes to supply water to operate those two pipe organs The watermen encountered some diff iculties before they were able to cut them off at the main One thing this Main St job has done and thats to discount some of the a timers stories continued our friend at the water works Weve always heard about some terrible hollow spots under that road In fact they were supposed to be so bad that there was the possibility that a team of horses could be lost in one of them if there was a break in the shallow road surface We excavated in front of nearly every property on Main St to modernize the services We didnt find any hollow spots mostly just good hard clay We did locate a lot of rotted timbers probably the remnants of a cord uroy road But the timers will have to produce more proof before they can convince the towns workmen that their stor ies are more than tall tales The danger spots on Main St in future will lie not in any poss ible hollow spots under the road surface They will be concerned with the driving habits of those using the street at Wesley United church on Sunday July 12 at Mr Robert and Mr Ar thur Starr arc entertaining their Sunday school classes to a pic nic at Park Tuesday night Mrs Jack Burlington is staying a few days with Mr and Bert and family Mr and Mrs Basil Newmarket and a friend Miss Freda Lamb Toronto had Sun day tea with Mr and Mrs Bert and family Mr and Mrs A Aylett have moved into their new home Miss Gail Aylett Is spending a few lays with her aunt Mrs Davis Mr and Mrs Harold and family motored to Longford Mills where they visited their niece Miss Laura Mae who represents Aurora high school at the Ontario Athletic Training camp Miss Shirley and Miss Ruth White spent a few days with Miss Nancy Miss Barbara Irwin spent a few days last week with her cousins the family Holt Mr and Mrs Thomas Forrest- Vancouver BC and Mr and Mrs George Young Newmarket visited Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliver last Thursday Miss Betty Richardson has been accepted at Hamilton Gen- oral hospital where she will train as a nurse We wish her even success Mr and Mrs William Klngdon and Bill Kinedon spent Sunday with Mrs Kindlons sister Mrs Henry Griffith Mr and Mrs Grant Morley and Mr and Mrs A White and Bob motored to Tor- parade on Sunday later visiting Mrs Whites sister Mrs Stella Grelg Toronto Mrs William Powell Aurora and Mrs Toronto are leaving Wednesday morning to spend a ten day vacation at Canadian Keswick Muskoka The Bible Vocation school will open at Wesley United church on Monday morning July All children of this community are invited to attend Mrs Robert Thompson to spent a few days with her cousin Mrs Harold Mr and Mrs Robert Brown entertained last Sunday in hon or Mr and Mrs Robert Thompson Toronto Wild their wedding attested Masters Douglas Bob Hillary returned ho Sunday from the boys cam Ahshunyoong and Harold and Keith Scott are attending the same camp this week The Wesley Church garden party was a great success on Thursday evening A bountiful supper and a good program was enjoyed by all i A TRAVEL BUREAU For Canadian National Railways Air Lines Steamships Real Estate Insurance St Sooth Aurora ECZEMA RASHES To swift relit f the itching ami irritation of other Skin try Or Chases Medicated Antiseptic Ointment A safe home treatment for over years DR CHASES Antiseptic OINTMENT art running Your Chamber Commerce building a better community News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately Rather than have no meeting in the Newmarket is planning a bus trip to on Thursday July Arrange ments are being made to visit manufacturing plants which will be of interest to the ladies such as Carpet Western West- Canadian Packers and the lift locks It will be necessary for the president to know as soon as possible how many ladies plan to go in order to make final arrangements with the bus comp any For further information phone Mrs Elman Campbell 1480 or Mrs Ed Richardson New market i Wl I branch will hold its an nual picnic at the home of Mrs Archie McDonald 6th line on Tuesday afternoon July The roll call will bo answered by Your favorite sport The motto A smile costs you nothing and gives much will be enlarged upon by Mrs Clyde Cairns A program of sports will be arranged for members and children by Mrs Millard Mrs J ami Mrs Lawrie Boys A hand kerchief shower for the Institute bazaar will be collected at this meeting The executive meeting of the Zephyr branch will be held on Wednesday July at at the home of Mrs Profit The program committee of i Cleland and Mrs Dew ey Graham Hostesses are Mrs Mrs Case Mrs Crosby and Mrs There will be a demonstration Every- Mrs Mac Pope Miss Eva Barnes returned on July after plain motto Do good with what thou hast or it will do thee no good The invitation to carry on in the booth on sports day at Queens- ville was accepted and a com mittee was appointed A resolu tion was presented and passed which will be forwarded to the township council asking for road signs to be erected at the corner of the fifth concession and the catering road also for signs to be erected at the Maple Hill school slderoad Mrs Mrs Moles Mrs and Mrs were appointed delegates to Canada Day at Maple Leaf Gardens on Aug 21 Mrs Cryderman was convener of the program on public relationship and commun ity activities Miss Shirley Ann gave several selection on the piano accordion which were much enjoyed Mrs Elton Armstrong gave an interesting address on civic ad ministration in which she urged women to take a more active part in municipal affairs such as attending school meetings and council meetings Mrs gave a demonstration on Good ways and poor ways to send money through the mall Mrs Cryderman gave a read ing Blue Cross fees are due next month y ORCHARD BLOCK CO Motit Albert MM -r- Custom made Draperies Venetian Slip covers Bedspreads Free Free In Newmarket or anywhere hereto Toronto bedroom unfurnished house Oil heated near school mm by August Will take good care of property PHONG NEWMARKET I a motor trip circling Lake On tario They had loft on their trip the day school closed Irene McGuiliicuddy To ronto visited on Saturday at the home of Mrs Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Walter Rose Thursday evening July There were nine visitors and 28 mem ber present Mrs Archie gave a suitable reply to the VU Pi MM i Shut A w KM MAm J l- W5KWii n if S brought to Kb Beyond With Robert roles It testhe of Iln tfT MGM drnma Above and and Eleanor Parker tho iorrlnB World I War the bomb dropped over Wo are as near as your telephone for delivery service for any of your to m WW as soon a a Either pjcupjiio and A A