Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Jul 1953, p. 1

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t a A YEAR HERALD YEAR NO 29 Here There Around Town By Local Editor Jack Struthers and are holidaying this week and next at Beach With the scorching sun and the heat from the asphaltlaying Main St probably had the enviable distinction of being the hottest Main St in North York on Wednesday Earlier in the week before this phase of the job was begun on the south end of the road Main St resembled a ghost town There werent even many construction workers in that area As Local Observer strolled down the street the tune Me and My Shadow sprang to mind as being a most appropriate one for that occasion NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY Mass tt A Liberal banner has been raised across Main St pointing the way to the committee rooms in the Scout It has come to our attention that youngsters around town have been defacing the polling lists posted in each subdivision In the instances with which we are familiar it was not small children who were to blame Boys and girls who should have learn ed respect for public property were the culprits Were in for a dry warm sum mer That forecast didnt come from the weather bureau but from an indisputable source Ac cording to English folklore if it doesnt rain on St Swithins day it wont rain for days Yesterday was St day and not a drop of rain fell in the Newmarket district Youre quite safe to go ahead and plan any picnics family re unions or holidays and not worry about the weather It will be fine It has been said frequently Its the woman who pays But in one instance this week it the man who suffered the moat Trouble between two neigh bors both women in the River Drive Park area resulted in court action on Tuesday July when one woman was ordered to sign a bond promising to keep the peace for one year Refusal to do so bore the penalty of a fine or seven days in jail The trouble revolved about the use of one womans driveway by a member of the other family But like so many case of dis putes between relatives or neigh bors the day might have been saved by a sense of humor Short tempers and long tongues are too often encountered in neighbor hood quarrels The defendant was accused of having struck the other woman after using profanity on hen The This light plane crashlanded on Max Stiles farm on Tuesday Here Harry points out to Jim Stevens Sharon where a tret was struck and topped by the plane as it made its forced land ing- Plane Hits Air Pocket Crash Lands None Hurt A a two passenger training plane crashlanded in a field on the farm of Max Stiles Main St North Newmarket on Aurom Tuesday July Neither the Womens association to WOMEN MEET An invitation has been extend ed to the women of pilot Orla Larson 25 nor the passenger Jim Watson was in jured We had taken off and had just reached flying speed when we hit an air pocket said Rather than risk hitting tele phone wires by attempting to gain altitude we headed the plane for the first clear field The propeller and one wheel were smashed as the aircraft landed a former Newmarket boy who was well known in skiing and archery circles had flown here on Tuesday from Kingston with his friend to visit Mr and Mrs Harry They had landed their plane in a field on the farm of McKinley without mishap In fact this was the first accident either had had Jim Watson was a pilot in the RAF during the war and has been flying for some time The aircraft belongs to the Kingston Flying club of which both men are members They returned to Kingston Tuesday night by motor vehicle CONSTRUCTION MAN CRUSHED BY ROLLER tend a special showing of the movie The Best Years of Your Life Outstanding speakers will address the meeting The meeting will be held in the Oddfellows Hall Aurora on Monday July 27 at 230 pm- Jack Smith Liberal candidate for York North will be present as well as several officers of the Ontario Womens Liberal associ ation Mrs Angus Gordon pre sident Mrs Greenwood president and Miss Laura secretary will be guests at the meeting WEEKEND QUIET IN RESORT AREAS Despite the heavy flow of traffic between Toronto and the resort areas there were no seri ous accidents due to traffic throughout the and district The weekend was quiet at Lake Wilcox and in the Mussel- man Lake district Police were alert for trouble The police in the southern Lake Simcoe area were prepared for any disturbance which might develop due to the offenders be ing driven out of the Mussel- man Lake district However the quietest weekend in weeks was reported by Chief Constable police Chief is in charge of the only jail or lockup between Newmarket and In the Lake Wilcox and selman Lake areas the provin cial police had a heavy detail on duty Following the disturb ances of two weeks ago when a group of rowdies from Toronto caused mischief their presence acted as a detriment in curbing trouble last weekend There were eight provincial police constables in uniform and two plain clothes men working in the district The uniformed policemen carried inch hick ory sticks similar to the type used in the United States Newma Prominent This week Newmarket lost a prominent citizen in the death of Thomas Doyle Probably no man deserved the title of Main St more than did Tom He had a record of years in business in Newmarket Active in spoils service clubs municipal and church organi zations Tom Doyle was a familiar figure to young and old Although in his 80th year he had retained the spirit of the participant and still enjoyed his lawn bowl ing and curling In 1890 Tom Doyle started Mr Doyle was born and edu- on Main St He was cated in Newmarket where he employed at Walter made his home all his life Son grocery store which was located of the late Stephen and Ellen where the present provincial Haskett Doyle he police office is now Mr PICNIC Keen interest is being shown by the employees of Office Spe cialty Man Co in the second annual picnic which will be held this Saturday July at Blue Spruce Park Lake Wilcox All kinds of events have been arranged so that all members of the family can join in the fun Take some lunch Free milk for the children Tea sugar milk cups freely supplied for the rest of the family A bus will leave the Specialty parking lot on Timothy St at 1 pm sharp Aurora Legionnaires Wallop Newmarket Legions 70 Hear that big bang Monday to a twinkilling by on Levi Mustard Stouifville suf fered multiple leg injuries after being run over by a paving roll er near Sutton on Tuesday He was taken to Toronto General hospital According to the police in turn said that she had I man Nigh Stouffville who op- been hit and sworn at and that Urates the roller was backing up probably the one who had fared worst in the fracas wcg the hus band who had attempted to in tervene and restore peace No one man is equal to two females in a scratching and hairpulling mood GUIDE There are a few vacancies for guides at the Toronto Area Camp Glen Hawk tone for the camping periods of July to August and August to Aug ust Any guides interested in attending either camp arc requested to contact the commissioner Mra Nelson Ion immediately The camp fee for one period including transportation from To ronto is For guides out of town arranging their own trans portation the fee The Newmarket Guide Local Mustard slipped from a platform at the rear of the roll er Mustard received medical attention from Dr before being taken to hospital ILLNESS CURTAILS This weeks lass contain It pages Staff on holidays and unexpected have the la the rise of the paper It was therefore to hold aver torn new and ad- vertlsement We regret thta and where we will carry the material next TRADE FAIR MEETING A general meeting of all ex hibitors who are In the Trade Fair will be held In the New market Memorial arena on Thursday July at assist guides with their We are anxious to have all ex- camp cost present York North Candidate Outlines Partys Program It was no atom bomb just Au rora Legionnaires snapping Newmarket Legions ninegame winning streak Naturally our hopefuls had to lose sometime so it wasnt so much the loss that hurt but the way Aurora rub bed it in Four little words good field no hit explains what happened to Newmarket Ron Simmons drew the starting nod from coach Fred Wilson Simmy was master all the way Using a lot of stuff drops jug handle curvea etc Simmy tamed Now- on five hits Ron Simmons and Norm Stun- den emerged as Auroras hit heroes Simmons hammered a double to complete Auroras threerun second frame Sim mys blow came on top of singles by Norm Stunden and Harold Stephenson a walk and an er ror Norm Stunden did his stuff in Auroras fourrun fifth Heres a recap of that fourrun frame that settled the issue t Aurora loaded the bases on Ron Simmons single Bob Cook got aboard when Thorns pivoting to start a double play heaved wildly into center field and then hit Grant Winters with a pitch Andy Closs next up singled homo a run That was nil for Thorns Ken assumed the burden to be greeted by Norm Stun- dens baseemptying triple Three fielding stars In order were Harold Stephenson Lloyd Harvey and Grant Blight churned up the outfield to shoe string grab loft in center field to kill a budding Newmarket rally in the fourth after Bill Smith poked out a fllnjjlo and Don Gibson got a life on an error Lloyd Harvey rat his star for pulling down Norm sizzling liner which he promptly converted in- third to double off Grant Win ters Grant Blight ranging back of short grabbed a couple of la belled shots to cover himself with glory Thorns not effective as usual was nicked for seven hits Ken gave up one during his one and one- third innings tenure on the hill Thorns crashed a triple Don Gibson a double Bill Smith and Elbsby singles and Charlie VanZant came through with flying colors again In a pinchhitting role in the seventh The gome drew the largest crowd to Aurora park In a dec ade The teams resume their feudln tomorrow night at the fair grounds at seven oclock In accepting the nomination as the candidate for York North last night Donald Scott said that the CCF party in its program has a purpose to fulfill to effect a greater meas ure of social justice in Canada For every hungry destitute person In China or India we have a potential Communist he said It as much protection from Communism it is the following of philosophy of Christian homo life that a funda mental principal of the Early lies In the belief of the of man Mr Scott said the common people are seeing through the fog these colonels are stirring up They will not support a splinter party led by on erstwhile col onel who makes fine promises which arc not kept He outlined several of im portant planks In the CCF plat form Mr Scott Mid they would work to return Canadas lost markets for her export and for an adequate program of health Insurance and housing The advocated accepting sterling and the dropping of the Interest which Great Britain Is paying Canada on loans for threeyear period so that Britain could use that money to purchase Canadas exports Mr Scott said hed like to meet Liberal member Jack Smith PC candidate Tiny Gathers in discussion of those points at a public meet candidate charg ed that press particularly the dallies had an axe to grind and appeared to bo working to prove that a CCF party didnt exist For example take speeches the partys leader Mr Caldwell They arc usually salted away between the obitu aries and the comics In one To ronto daily Perhaps the week lies who only have a small hat chet to sharpen will give us fair coverage FLAN AUTUMN DANCE The York County Police As sociation is holding autumn do net on Wednesday Sept at Pavilion Lake There will bo door prizes and spot dances Music will be supplied Cecil and his now orchestra FINE TRESPASSERS ON RAILWAY BRIDGE Fishermen continue to use the railway bridge over the Schorn- River south of Bradford the No Trespassing signs which are displayed prom inently In the area Convictions for trespassing on the bridge were brought against six on Thursday July by Magistrate O The bridge which was the scene of a triple fatality on Juno been a favorite spot for anglers for many years Mr Max Title and Mrs Goodman were fishing from the bridge on that Sunday in June when a southbound passenger train struck them Mr and Mrs Titles bodies thrown into the river Within a few hours of the fa accident anglers wero once again fishing from the bridge Loral residents knowing the dis trict fish farther along river It is anglers from Toronto who continue to trespass considering bridge a likely spot for their stlll-flsh- In fining the six in court on Thursday Magistrate said that anyone using tho for fishing was risking his life Ho added that police continued to patrol the bridge since tha three Toronto persons were killed sold out early in the twentieth century to A who moved across the street to the present premises soon included dry goods boots and shoes floor covering as well groceries Tom Doyle had been with the store since then until his brief illness which had confined him to bed for about a month prior to his death In he entered partner ship with Mr After the death in Tom Doyle operated the store on his own until when it was pur chased by Carl Gabel It was in 1907 when Ted Adams came to town and by then Mr Doyle had already had years on Main St Two other merchants who were in business prior lo arc still living but they are both retired They are W C and Charles Willis With Mr Doyles death there are no men still active on Main St who were in business prior to ACCIDENT VICTIM IS IDENTIFIED A man who was critically in jured on Saturday July while travelling south of Mount Albert on the concession has been Identified by police as Daniel George Toron to was a passenger in a stake truck driven by Walsh Toronto Police investigation showed that an accident occurred when the steering gear of the truck became disconnected This caus ed Walsh to lose control and the truck went into the ditch When It turned over the truck pinned OGrady beneath it It was first time in the truck The pair were to pick up sod and take it to To ronto He was known only Danny to the driver Walsh escaped with a few scratches and a On his arrival at Western hospital Toronto was found to bo suffering from a skull frac ture broken hip and possible Internal injuries He had not regained consciousness by Mon day morning and police were en deavoring to locate friends or relatives who were thought to bo In the Klrkland Lake district Chief Constable Joseph Jar- dine East Gwlllimbury investi gated the accident was the old est of a family of children For the past few years he had resided on Prospect St with two of his sisters Mrs Harry Fee and Miss Grace Doyle Tom Doyle took a keen inter est in sports He played baseball hockey and lacrosse in Newmar ket and was a member of the lacrosse club and the Bradford lacrosse club In he was president of the Canadian Lacrosse association Still active in the Newmarket Lawn Bowling club an organiz ation of which he was president in 192122 he was the chairman of the grounds committee at the time of his death Mr Doyle served on town council the separate school board and the library board He was a i open Newmarket was one of the first towns In Ontario to ac cept Wednesday afternoon clos ings for stores On Tuesday evening the New market Lions club the Optimist club the Aurora Lawn fowling club and the Holy Name Society called in a body at his home The funeral service yesterday morning was attended by the mayor Joseph Vale and coun cillors as well as representatives past preside Holy society and at the time of his death was secretary of the New market Lions club and superin tendent of St Johns Roman Catholic cemetery Much of the pioneer work the present agreement regarding the allocation of school taxes for I the separate school was done by Mr Doyle Associated with him In this work were the late J J McCaffrey P Pearson and Solemn requiem high mass was celebrated at St John church by Rev Father T J assisted by Rev Al corn and Rev M pastor of St Eugenes church Toronto The church was filled to capa city Music was provided by the choir under the direction of the organist Miss Florence Gold smith The pallbearers were Max A naval veteran 29 was imanAmously the coming federal election North at a held last in auditorium The meeting Kenneth Bryden a HL minister of labor tor who is the Ontario vincial CCF secretary in support of the Charles Millard the CCF date for York West Mr represent riding in the provincial until the 51 is the national United and one of the viceP the Canadian Congress Also present at which drew a crowd of were candidate for wire CCF candidate for York Bill motion of Mrs and DoUgU Richmond Hill that the decided to nominate a for the election Mr named Donald Scott Mr Scott Wilson graduate of the having taken gree there under the OTAi the lost war He Is has two children Robert The sixth annual sport la being Aug tournament games and prizes for An evening concttt given by Rainbow Hamilton and Joyed A be wtWdW the Mayor Howard Cane Tom Doyle Smith Murray Roberta Fred helped organize the Newmarket Thompson Fred Lundy Bernard AURORA FRIDAY Br Her bolt down very Using far held by Roy and will to town again tomorrow Fri day to renew their South league fend with Legion Yon can bet Cain and company will hive hot welcome ready for the firemen an they fteek revenge for a shutout hong on the leeeb In Aurora Monday Iart Friday game here and Monday In Aurora drew large fan attend- of any game In the Hub r Aurora In the past decade Ho yea better come early If want to grab a In the bleacher Game time la and the place I he fair jrroanda Lawn Bowling club and he was the first to conceive the idea for Wednesday afternoon holidays for the stores in town That last progressive step re quired a great deal of organiza tion It was first attempted be fore a bylaw had been passed One merchant would say he willing to close Wednesday would come and remain HIT AND RUN DRIVER CHARGED AFTER FATALITY Ralph Peterson 33 Lake Wilcox will appear in Magis trates court Newmarket today to face charge of falling to re main at the scene of an accident Leonard Mongraw was killed in the accident on Sunday July Mongraw who died instantly after being hit by a panel truck had been walking along No highway two north of Richmond Hill The truck did not atop Another motorist Albert Lewis said that he had been driving behind a panel truck nnd aaw it hit a man The panel truck failed to stop and con tinued north along the highway Peterson was arrested while attempting to start a stalled truck on a aide road near Lake Wilcox leaves a and daughter Sheila Hi mo ther Mr Olive Green and a brother Clark both of Toronto a slater Mrs George Carter survive him and Eugene McCaffrey Mr Doyle Is survived by his son Clare Montreal one brother Frank four sisters Mrs Fee Miss Doyle Mrs Frank Duncan and Mrs George all of Newmarket His wife the former Elisabeth man predeceased him years ago modem KINSMEN TO Sutton a two vass to aid in the kiddie Kinsmen club homes peanut butter the party vies Liberal Rally Maple Leaf North York will join with the other York and Toronto ridings in what will undoubtedly bo the political rally of the Canadian election campaign Hon Louis St Laurent will speak at the Maple Leaf Gardens on Friday August Several thousand from riding are expected to attend and In various communities arrange are already being made for transportation Tickets for seats which will be reserved un til pm may be secured at any of Jack Smiths campaign com rooms in the riding The big meeting on the Fri day evening before voting has not yet been advertised but al ready we are being swamped with for ticket Jack Smith the North York today He gave organisation would Jack hat ha He beta all parte of tiding received Mr Smith 1 tie In North York aid never looked and Maple evening the member pointed out Liberal overran year aaen a national strength Canada We have has grestett of aortal fare in our history created employment and our national have risen every year we art doing so think any changed asked just sound sen business he said to that make sure there an distribution of tickets to all government under whin parts of the riding I have prospered and dona COMING EVENTS JULY W Every Thursday at pm Tiny Gather Conner- vntlvo candidate at tee Rooms Yon go St Aurora Phone mm Aurora SATURDAY JULY Tiny Picnic at Sharon Tem ple grounds your banket and enjoy afternoon of fun Hot coffee and Ice cream avail able Sponsored by York North Progressive Conservative Assoc iation i2w28 TUESDAY pm Fret mov- for children dub Lions club cwry Tuesday for next mow SATURDAY vlllo Snorts Day Softball tour midway bingo games Cafeteria supper Fun for all Admission to grounds child ren SATURDAY sale In St Pauls Parish Hall Newmarket Time If by the 1 Branch of the CHARGE MOTORISTS USING MAIN ST WHILE BARRICADED A few charges boon laid motorists who been driving on laid Main St concrete The has boor barricaded hut two or dri vers removed barricades and travelled on the street Officials of Warren Co explained that tho concrete base on tho must set for days without traffic Traffic could can no or break ing of under part of con- construction foreman We Arent any chances Charges offenders may bo laid according to the highways act when barri cades are removed or persona on closed roads a a M i ft- Jam w v With of the first citizens felt that the biff job was good headway Causing comment had probably more unofficial superintend Local havo no to moothest Main Si In North ra ill the pro hie J

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