y I T J i 5 lt SUPPLIES POLISHERS CLEANERS Authorized Dealer I EAGLE NEWMARKET Queensville News Mrs Harold Simpson and Mrs holidaying with her Mrs Art spent a few days cousin Miss Grace in and enjoyed the 100 Master Bobby mile cruise on the Toombs and Dale have Birthday wishes are extended returned after spending 10 days this week to Mr if vff CocaCola v partner good Lakes Miss Marie Burgess return- from a trip to the Adirondack Mountains with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Henry Wide- man A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Ranald on Friday in honor of Mr Murray and Miss Doris Mcin tosh Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Doolittle Anne Cunningham who were married in United church on Saturday afternoon Mr Percy James Mrs Lillian Johnson and Elmer attended the Orange walk in on Saturday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jack Kavanagh on the birth of their son York County hospital Mrs Jack Beach and children vvv at Camp Lake I iL PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Ross Armitage and Mr Harry Armitage visited Mr and Mrs Harold recently Church service at Church of Christ each Sunday is at and Sunday school at Union church service each Sun day at am and Sunday school at 10 am There was unusually heavy traffic through this community on Sunday Mrs John Toronto Mr Fred and Betty Lou of called on Mrs on Sunday Garry Allen Mount July Albert years old mi Friday Gilpin mm m YTK K x- Mr and Mrs Colin Newmarket were Sunday of Stout several days Mr and Mrs R Allan and now with her father Mr- Clayton Foster Mr and Mrs Roy Leek and family of Sudbury spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Rex Smith airs George of Ma- is spending a few weeks with her cousin Harry Morton Mr and Mrs Mejia and son Miss A charivari party and presen tation was held at the Shropshire home on Friday evening for Mr and Mrs Donald Sheridan Mrs Allan Cody is holidaying in Muskoka Mrs Albert Lloyd and Mrs jiP Wood spent the weekend in Toronto with relatives An ice cream social and pro- J jr i ft I- year old on Friday July 10 Keith Holt years old on Saturday July Linda Jean Smart years old on Saturday July David Dion Aurora years old on Saturday July Betty and Barbara Aurora years old on Saturday July Joy Catharine North Vancouver BC years old on Sunday July David years old on Sunday July Terry R New market years old on Tuesday July Doris years old on Thursday July 16 Marilyn Barker daughter of Mr and Mrs Rex Barken New market is the bride pictured above Who became the wife of Mr Floyd Billing recently the son of Mr and Mrs Allen Billing Aurora at a wedding ceremony In Aurora First Baptist church Photo by Ballard and ILL IXW mm i fl xE i- a si l HILL of St Louis Missouri spent the weekend with Mr and Mr3 Frank Johnston- Mrs Aylward spent last gram under the auspices of the Willing Workers will be held at the Union church on Friday July at 8 oclock Program Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club week Vat Beach with will include readings piano Mr and Mrs Jas and family Mr and Mrs Will Clarke at tended the Ash reunion at Baldwin on Sunday selections male quar tet and vocal solos by Wayne Richardson a boy soprano of To ronto The held an enjoyable ZEPHYR Mr celebrated his birthday on July Mr son Mr Wilfred Gal his wife and children of and his daughter Mrs Parker and her husband and daughter Peggy Weston spent the evening with Mr and Mrs Mount Albert News Mount Albert cemtery on Sun- mother Mrs H Ross day evening was beautiful with The United church school pic- the many flowers brought by and had a happy in memory of loved ones So of York CouSTut Lake birthday party Neighbors and and on the plots All day a irr- r Take hoi today i- Jane days Lake Simcoe Remember the bake I sale on Mrs J Smiths lawni on Saturday afternoon July Mr isj progressing nicely following his operation in Toronto on Friday Mr and Mrs Fred Gulston and Maiy of Caledonia visited Mr and Mrs Roy on Sunday Mr Fred who was born raised and lived many years in this district died at his home in Toronto and was buried in cemetery on Monday afternoon Miss Jane of LEGION NEWS Mmmmttw BEVERAGES LIMITED PHONE York County Hospital Needs Your Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth will unveil this autumn a mem orial to of the Common- wealth Air Forces who laid down their lives In the second Great War and who have no known grave The memorial Is located at near London and the names of 21000 airmen will be Inscribed on it Of this gallant company near ly were Canadians and the Imperial War Graves Commiss ion has invited nextofkin to he present at the unveiling cere mony which will he held on Sat urday October All Interested requested to phono Mr Galbraith enjoys to the fine sermon by Rev comparatively good health We P Shupter who spoke highly all wish Mr Galbraith many more happy birthdays cemetery Mr and Mrs Grant Sudbury Miss Eva Comrie St Mr Home layman occupied the pulpit on Sunday evening in the United church The WI held their July meet ing in the community hall on Wednesday evening Mrs Profit was the hostess for the meeting About attended the United church annual Sunday school picnic last Friday evening held at the new York County picnic grounds Mrs J Is visiting at her son Rodericks home in Toronto Mr and Mrs Rod have a baby son Miss Armstrong is tak ing a summer course in music in Toronto of the beauty of our CT Mrg Q and the way it is kept Much Thomas were re- credit goes to S Harper or ftt the ccnietcry board and the care- Mr taker Carl It surely Mn M d a credit to our community andj fow J the cemetery board feel repaid J for their work by the many fine comments given them An invitation to attend Mount Albert Baptist church next Sun day July when the pastor Mr Evans will take his subject A Prayer Meeting for Heathen Only Remember the band concert by Newmarket band In community park Sunday July 10 at pm sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Mrs Chicago re- turned homo on Saturday after spending several weeks with her the home of Mr mother Mrs Jay Stan ton Mr and Mrs W A Conner lioverley and Jim attended Johnston Patterson wedding in Caledon East United church last Saturday Mrs Harry Mitchell Toronto spent the weekend the homo of Mr and Mrs Steeper Miss Relic Cook Toronto is spending a week at the home of her staler Mrs Sinclair Mr Will Harper Vicroy is visiting his sister Mrs J Slonicii ami brother Mr Q Harper A serious accident occurred on Saturday on the highway Just south of the village when a sod truck went out of order and overturned badly crushing one of the occupants who was taken to Western hospital in To ront6 ho lived Through kindness of Mi Mildred Dike the United church here Is having running put in the church kitchen by taking it across from her well at new home KESWICK Mr ami Mrs Perry Winch and family of and Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood North Hoy visited Mr and Mrs Perry Winch over the weekend Mrs Whipple left on Sunday for a visit in to welcome Mrs John Hopkins hack home spend lag a year with her daughter hi Calgary Miss Addle McMillan Queens villa spout Wednesday visiting Mrs King Early Vim Ycam of medical research lored by the Ontario Minin sedation may- haw found to the which attacks the of exposed to silica dust enough the treatment breathing very fine alum dust directly into tho aluminum renders the silica title The been adopted In gold mining area in throughout the world Aluminum long used In kitchens today in from foil for J i serious burns to J for aluminum for of sterile Aluminum Canada Ltd SiVrT I a reason for of for control Potato found ami aldobyahlc field that vlniw and WW outproduced with nwtorlalH by average of bushel per aero mere there mora No In offers proof not mora Ami Know that that They Slops It Stops blight in infected fluids crops have healthy growth will not stunt or burn vlnoa ami Speeds work It wont or ami to use as a dust or The most fungicide yon can buy on ft yioldperauro basis i