SPECIAL Ale or Lime Rickey SPECIAL Double Soda SPECIAL OSTON Beans Wetheys Pickles SPECIAL Wetheys SPECIAL CLOVER Link Cheese MANZANKA Ox Twt tap Ceffee 91c ft Pickles JO- 5 v Sniffs Swills in 2fr Oft QMUfT Aoomo arts Cheese ttirgirifle triad Pickles McLarens Jelly Powders Hemes Histoid Powder Oft 2 VITAMIN OX TIMS Vita CTM IftFU OX A J biscuits if A CACAM VAN ILIA 3 Pint Coke Mil Mm Mm Tm TIN TiM rice SPECIAL Jersey Milk Cubes MOM LB HOW ON AT LOB LAWS VOtUMi CALIFORNIA SWEET RIPE HOMY MELONS 3k A RIAL Green Limes 49 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DOZIBNC Tea MAiBBOUMD quaky ROM I FIELD GROWN FAMOUS FOB IN Mr and Mrs Wilbur spent Monday even ing with Mr parents Mr and Mrs Si AAA NT TVM AMT is sib obtaru on Star ft ASSORTED FLAVOURS I MUAAf a -v- rTT SKVM V JT THiriMIST QUALITY U Of DEIICATESSIN MIATS TO Classifieds Continued DEATHS BB Bh I BF Bh 1 1 BL b1 At his residence 13 Joseph St Newmarket on Mon day July Henry Charles husband of the late Bertha Andrews and father of Mrs Linda Toronto Mrs E A Mitchell Newmarket Fred Detroit and Reginald of Port Hope Funeral service was held at Grace church Bots- St Newmarket this after noon Interment Newmarket cemetery on Sun July 1953 Thomas beloved husband of the tale Elizabeth dear of Clare Doyle of Montreal service was held Wed nesday morning in St John Chry- ostom Church Interment St Johns Cemetery At St Michaels hospital Toronto on Sunday July Sadie McKay wife of the late Charles dear mother of Lester Dick of Toronto and Mabel Funeral service was held at her home on Wednesday at pm Interment Newmarket cemetery At York County hospi tal on Tuesday July 1053 Isabella Crittenden beloved wife of Walker Rigler in her year dear mother of Rose Mrs Cecil Grant Gertrude Mrs Ross Stiles Resting at her late residence Keswick Funeral ser vice in Keswick United church on Friday July at pm Casket will be open In the church from pm Interment Queens ville cemetery IN by sons Howard Jim Law rence and daughtersinlaw Grace and Mabel WIGHT In loving memory of my dear wife Mildred who pas sed away July 21 One year has passed since the sad day The one I loved was called away i God took her home it was His will But in my heart she still Ever remembered and sadly mis sed Stanley Wight- WILSON In loving memory of my dear husband Arthur E Wit- son who away July 20 No one hears the door that opens When they pass beyond the call Soft as the dropping petals of a rose One by one our loved ones fall But the memory of each loved one Like the fragrance of a rose God sends to linger with us Till our own lifes door shall close lovingly remembered by his wife Minnie CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the sympathy and kindness shown during our be reavement and especially our neighbors Rev Rhodes and Dr Mrs Thomas Watson and family ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Herbert Webster King announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Jean to LAC William A Ot tawa son of Mr and Mrs J A King The marriage will take place on Saturday Aug- j at pm at the home of the brides parents Prevent Grain Eir FUMIGATE OR svC If granary is empty spray all walls and bags with DDT oil spray ffi All old grain being curried over should gated Do not apply DDT to grain For further information Representative Ontario Department of NEWMARKET WT Box ione fm iT AIM PERCENT Summer Sport Shirts Summer Dress Straws ladies Bathing Suits MORRISONS NEWMARKET and AURORA ARMSTRONG In loving mem- of dear mother Mrs Vena Armstrong who passed away July 28 Loving and kind in all her ways I Upright and just to the end of I her clays Sincere and true in her heart and mind Beautiful memories she left be hind rememtoreri by Henry LARGE In loving memory of my dear husband who passed to fuller rest July All souls are Thine we must not say That those are dead who pass away From this our world of flesh set free We know them unto Thee remembered by his wife In loving mem ory of my dear mother Delta who passed away sud denly July I am thinking of you today dear mother Hut then Its nothing new I thought about you yesterday Ami the before that too I will think of you tomorrow And each day throughout the year I will think of you forever For to me you were so dear Always be by daughter Ruth and it IS tJ A PICTURE TO EMBRACE EVERY VCr fes loving mem- of a dear daughter Dora who passed July Peon hi the heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest In memorys frame we shall keen she wis one of the best Ever remembered by her fa Receive While m recently a young from Toronto had a bad hiking accident Ducking bead to avoid a branch of a tree ha into another branch that damaged hi left eye Ha complete of eight la that optic Confederation Policy which be ha an Ac Death A Benefit a result he SXXtUehiaaofaightofhkeyai In loving mother who on July Time asses on months have passed Since Its gloom Its shad ows cast Within our home where all seem- light from us We miss that light and ever will place theres none to Mil hero we mourn but not in vain For Heaven we will meet Sadly missed and ever ife St- SMC ERtlStHelWkaW iaw i- 1 t J Uwitt4ea i love Herd amity at of CM CteM With Me lili faith to till yon timet to it ft who hat m dream for art Mtt ffr he a -i- A- l GodBtessEvergbody STARTING CONTINUOUS NIGHTLY FROM PM a rahe