Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Aug 1953, A14

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King City And District Include the kip program held mid Adrian Battle John and in the Memorial pavilion Inst At teenager Friday is any criterion of camp the latter part of the future of activities J August will ho Suzanne sponsored by Marie and Kinp Athletic Association the mark has set a Rood high Alible Andrew and His Cana dian Ranch Boys the radio from St Catharines was im pressed with square The caller said he couldnt call a dance that the sets could not master It was the host dancing we played for commented Mr Andrews who asked to return to King City in September With paid admission and with the from the Mnrlc refresh ment booth the association made a profit of The building which has cost is of debt As the fund Ifi again built up the interior wall will be finish ed in antique style the exterior sided and the main entrance changed to the north aide A will be built the north end for spectators over a kit chen where the refreshment booth will operate In time a stage could be built at the south end of the building to form a and her brother Tim and Gill Judy Strain spent fen day at Camp near button when Intermed iate girls were enrolled Mary Carol and Heather Crooks will to Glen camp near Beaver- ton for ten days on Aug Ronald and Carolyn Parker are visiting their cousins Bobby Mary Charlie and Willy lorgensen accompanied their parents Mr and Mrs Ivan for sev eral days ramping Lake Sim- roe this week Beverley Barker was an enthusiastic swimmer and archer when she spent two weeks at the camp for crippled children Unlike her two previous vacations there has developed much more strength during the past year Peter Brampton has been visiting his grandparents Mr and Mrs Ross Walker Klnkeinan a Finnish boy has left his companions in Dent home to live with his twin band While the plans are pjster at Bradford Miss Janet tentative the improvements will be introduced gradually Saturday forenoon when Andrews the bund leader made his disc jockey radio broadcast lie spoke of the reception he and musicians received in King City On Friday evening Lake Marie Association will hold a bingo in the pavilion to dispose of the prizes left over from the field day Children On Vacation Neighborhood young people are having a fine vacation at summer camps and visiting friends at the Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship Pioneer Camp at Mary Lake Port ART BOSS KING livestock Sand and Crave and PHONE KING YOU CALA WE HAUL is with Mrs Bill Drink- and children at her Honey Harbour cottage John Jr visited his grandmother Mrs Horry Pear son Toronto at her cottage on the Black river Mr and Mrs Whaliey and children are taking a vacation with Mrs mother Mrs Pearson where Mr will have good fishing in the Black river Young Allison and her little brother Jack returned from Willow Beach Lake Sim- with their parents Mr and Mrs Jack Fraser who had a cot tage there for several weeks School Enrolment Increase Raymond Burt treas urer of King school board is ask ing that all new prospective pup- register at his home King St east of the Bank of Com merce before August 15 There will be to beginners in September and seven grade eight pupils who have graduated to high MfcftaL then he Mffe school entrance next term the total enrolment Is estimated At about an excess of over the number in IMS term The complete number of now pupils for the school cannot be definite ly sot depending upon newcom ers to tho village who may have school age school board is concerned with future accommodation whether the three room school will take care of the school pop ulation or whether a fourth class- room need to he added Mr and Mrs Scott spent the weekend of July at Bank returning to bring Mrs John Hill a sister of Mrs to for her vacation Mrs Alfred and Miss Mildred Gillies were at a and kitchen shower given Mrs Bill Bailey at her Aurora home last week The shower was in honor of Miss Agnes J Hill whose marriage to Douglas Lyman Lee Inch Ham ilton will take place on Satur day Aug Miss Hill is a f Mites Sing Anthem Tend Grave For Dusty Car Accident Victim flood old Dusty springer of tune or giggled because David spaniel pet of the Keith den family in the village of King City was given an honorable burial last week He was a ear accident victim having been knocked down by a hit and run driver Dusty was following David and his pals who were crossing the highway the time of the accident He never whimpered after he was hit In the evening the Cambdens could hear in back lot They looked out the window and saw the children holding their hats and with bowed heads they were solemnly singing God Save the Queen Someone must have been out stopped them sharply This is no laughing matter he said Well start over again and they did Early the following mowing Rickey Belknap carried a largo stone from a nearby field placed It on Dusty grave On the stone David inscribed in chalk Dusty My Dog Also on the Ait is a cross of twigs On an upright board Cnrstcn wrote Dusty died in a car July Another warning sign near by soys Keep tit of our dog Davids Dog The youngsters have cleared away the long grass have been keeping flowers on the grave watering them when they w were paying their first visit to Ontario and were impressed with teacher and her fiance is fine dwellings at King City is the a course in law She of Mr and Mrs Hill of Collar Bone Peter Upjohn months son of Mr and Mrs Brian Upjohn King Citv fractured his collar bone on the left side when he tumbled out of bed on Sunday morning The break was clean his shoulders will be strapp ed up for a couple of weeks Peter was treated by Dr Gordon Cock at York County hospital Newmarket Mr Newton Watson killed at In a raffle accident on Saturday was first cousin of Mrs Jesse Richards and Aubrey Campbell King City Mr and Mrs Harold Mr and Mrs Peter Sutton West- on were holiday visitors of Mr end Mrs Harvey Folllott on Monday On Monday morning Bible Va cation School opened at school for the pupils and child ren of the district conducted by Rev David Wotherspoon The lasses are being held from until pm from Monday until Friday Mr and Mrs David with their son Morris his wife end two child ren Toronto called on Mrs Ar thur last week They Miss Mary Thompson director a nursing department of Ot tawa Civic hospital is the guest of her friend Mrs J Grew this week Miss Suzanne Grew is visiting her friend Miss Anne at Ottawa- On her return she will have as her guest Miss Mary Frances of the Ottawa district Mr and Mrs William Brock ell Toronto have taken an apart ment over the post office build ing belonging to Mrs Mc Donald Mr H has the smaller apartment Recent visitors of Mrs Gordon were her cousins Mr and Mrs Harry Lis Saskatoon her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Thomas her mother Mrs and sister Miss Elizabeth and Miss Lyliah Partridge who is Mrs Breggs sister All are from Toronto Mrs Eric Johnston was in Marie for the funeral of her sisterinlaw Mrs L Johnston which was held in Aug ust She motored with friends late in the week returning home on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Leonard spent several days at Falls Earlier Mr and Mrs Harry Cunningham and Betty Mrs and Lenore had a cot tage at Falls for a short holiday K m fm in one short year in Parliament Mike Starr has worked for all the people of this riding lies got action at Ottawa on dozens of local problems problems that were ignored by the present government until he intervened In one year Mike Starr has become one of the most respected men in Parliament- respected by all political parties for his ability and sincerity Mike Starr got better postal service for Mike Starr first suggested the Coronation medals for school children Mike Starr protested the taxgrabbing noli- of the federal government which have put Canadian municipalities in a precarious financial position while Ottawa piled up huge surpluses Mike Starr has more than years ox perl- ente in public life experience which make V A 1 it possible for him to help you with your problems at Ottawa as ho has already helped dozens of individual men and women in thin riding He and his party stand for higher income tax exemptions A Progressive Conserva tive government will increase exemptions so hundreds of thousands of Canadians will no longer pay income tax Mike Starr and the Progressive tive Party stand for lower hidden taxes A Progressive Conservative government will reduce these taxes thus lowering the price of most of the things you buy Mike Starr and his party stand for action to regain our traditional overseas markets for farm products They stand for a new national health insurance programending forever the fear of hospital and medical bill and a new housing program with lower down payments and lower carrying charges for lowcost homes Mike Starr and the Progressive Conserva tive party stand for honest efficient ad ministration of public to the reckless waste and extravagance now on In Ottawa Mike Starr and the Progressive party stand for a hold new program of developing our natural resources for the benefit of all Canadians DONT SKTTB ANYTHING THAN MAN AND BUST VOTB FOR MIKE ON A1KSUST J I j J YOUR Owf fej r J 7W J fe- Miss Lois McBride spent three days with her parents Mr and Mrs Harry last week Mr and Mrs I Scott visited their cousins Mr and Mrs at their cottage at Brechin over the weekend Mr and Mrs Blyth Joanne and Virginia Windsor were visitors at the home of Mrs Clarke Archibald a cousin of Mrs for an afternoon last week They also visited Mr and Mrs Frank their aunt and uncle Oak Thomson Toronto is spending two weeks at the home of his grandmother Mrs Herman Visiting Mrs Herman McBride on Saturday afternoon were her sistersinlaw Miss Ella and Mrs Angus a daughter who is a nurse at Kingston hospital and Mrs shaws little grandchild Mrs Harold Saunders a niece was also in the party All were from Toronto Miss Julia reports a splendid vacation in company with friends at Cape Cod Callers on Mr and Mrs M Bell last week were Mr Harold Lane manager of the Bank of Commerce at and his wife Misses Olive and Hut chinson The Bell family expect to take vacation this month at Mr and Mrs Fred Dent and daughter Freda motored east on Monday to take the Island cruise on the St Lawrence river Mr and Mrs Ralph Hunter and Teddy have taken a cottage at Trout Lake near North Bay for a week Miss Dorothy Armstrong was organist on Sunday morn ings CJBC radio broadcast when First Avenue Baptist church ser vice was on the air at am Armstrong King City Mis Bessie and Mi Elaine Western Toronto are spending two weeks at Cameron Luge Falls Mr and Mrs A at tended the opening of Barrios centennial celebration when Premier Frost was one of speaker Mr and Mrs WIlKonn fifth grandson bom July their daughter Pat and her Bruce Mr and Mr Mr and A Kctley motored to Terranova near to roc Mr- Bells form where he his family spent weekend Mr Bell Is the local manager of the Bank of Commerce King City Mrs Burns Kinhom has her grandchildren Tommy and Marion Clark Brant fork with her tills week Her Donald Burns wife and baby have returned to Toronto after two weeks vacation at the farm Mrs Norman Visited at Windsor lor several days leaving her children with her sis ter Mrs Walters On August Carol Anne was junior bridesmaid and her brother Brian was ring bearer at the marriage of Peggy Steven son Toronto to Ray Dobncy at a wedding held In Howard Park United church On August the brother and will be attendants at the marriage of Miss June Walters their cousin Miss Mildred and Miss Farley Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mrs Alfred Gill lino Miss Farley At TOffMRVrf A major event will take place In King City Memorial Park to morrow at pm Aug when Turk All Star haws ball team will contest the King City club and players from the neighboring districts District players will be SUn Foster Jim Jones Maple Charlie Hope Jim Maw Bolton Kearny Gordon Broad and George Old field of Jim Kottleby Doug and Murray Edwards The local boys are Jim Fatten Gordon Tony Roman Church Shields John Dew Not man Keith Kyle Bob Gil lies the Parson brothers and John Langdon The team Is made up of Sid Harry Watson Gardiner Jim Thompson Bags Danny Lcvicky Hugh Bolton Don Har ris and Turk Proceeds from the match will be used for King City Lions welfare work and boys girls activities A feature of the evening will be the dedication of the has been a guest the marriage bleachers to King City and com munity by president John Dew Members of the club spent many hours constructing the stands In the park and the achievement Is a fine on the part of club The bleachers will scat over Turk has always been In in Lions work with young which was demon rated with a game between his team on a form ocas Ion of her friend Joan Cameron Lindsay when she became the bride of James Jenkins Oak- First Trip to Canada Guests of Rev Smallcy and wife at the Baptist parson age have been Mrs aunt Mrs Lewis Mclnncs of Owen Sound cousins of Mr Smallcy from Ohio Mr and Mrs Harold and son Ken neth Mr and Mrs all paying Ihelr first visits as Americans to Canada To Improve Highway Corner King township council has agreed to offer C the sum of for a piece of land on the south east comer of his farm at Wellington St the 2nd concession of King for the purpose of Improving a danger ous corner on the heavily travell ed highway west of Aurora triangular portion of this prop erty has a foot frontage on each roadway The township would level off feet This particular corner has been the scene of several bad accidents Road Needs Improvement the September term opens for the new Kcttleby school of Area conces sion road should lie improved for the operation of the bus which will convey the children to the Tills fact was pointed out by deputy reeve Bill Hodgson members of King township council The school board he said not worrying about the road on the concession but it Is corned with the line He re ferred to that section of the south of the Aurora and north of the Community which has twists and and Is very narrow matter will be brought before the de partment of highway by the township clerk Era and classifieds bring Clocks Cars Per Minute At Highway Cloverleaf bridge at the King on the highway provide free entertainment for many people living near the highway who find eluding a fascinat pastime the heavy flow of northbound motorists on Friday that Increased every hour from pm to Mart the Civic holiday weekend Saturdays retort made a bumper bump er cavalcade On Sunday even ing Clyde Cairns King cam to the minute Southbound truffle on Monday kept to a from mid afternoon made for home On Monday evening between lioura and the count was aver aged ism to the five would give vehicle to the hour Jenkln- on took five minute to m Mi while wife checked on the time Tim I rate of would be M with the lane pled as cart sped under the bridge Only one car In that period of lime suffered a flat tire traffle to move In an and How manner ome of the time A slow moving vehicle cim be the cause of a wave of ears appearing at the of the grade to tie real spectacle comet when dunk fall and the glow of bright do- disappearing under the bridge There Is one who will appreciate a service station the King He Is Clyde who within easy walking distance for the of who knock at hit door day or night for gasoline or water or I he privilege of using liIcphnne Fifty of highway without a sta tion Is a problem or the motor KING TWP PERMITS FOR BUILDINGS SOAR TO NEW HIGH The building trend In King township has climbed to new records In the number and value of permits to the end of July this year The overall picture houses a new school an industrial plant and repairs During the whole of building permits were valued at According to Charlea Boas municipal building inspect tor a total of permits at an estimated value of were issued from January to the end of July In this amount permits were received for new houses it a value of 724960 largest constructions were the Kcttleby Area achool re quiring a permit for and Watson industrial plant at King City A large percentage of home Is reflected in southern part of the township with the Holland Marsh and gaining steadily in programs With an open fall the number of permits will forgo ahead to slacken at end of year Mr Rots At Oak Ridges St two Mores will bo built to begin a program of five or commercial building W An official bulletin from the head office of the Ontario Womens emphasizes the Importance of the of the Dominion of Dtttlny performance in connection the conference of the Associated Country Women Of World It will be held lor the general public on Saturday Aug Requests for ticket are not being received at Maple Leaf flan Ion a in the quantity needed to make Saturday a Hits extra day was at the request of Ontario Women whom the board la will do their utmost to back It up pageant ins peat ierformance of August Ik for the whole family and children of the achooia should be encouraged to It follows Canadian history In acts MOUNT PLEASANT Mr and Mrs Bernard son held a shower at their on Wednesday evening In of their niece Miss Helen who becomes the bride of Mr AHcyne on Aboet were present Mr and Mrs Davidson spent Thursday with thlr daug Mrs who has been and Is now much belter Bible study held at the home of Mr and Mrs Bernard Thomp son was well attended The Women Guild will be held at the home of Mrs Rom Stiles on Aug IB at pm Rev George and Mrs Killen spent a few days at attending a Bible conference KESWICK Dr and Mrs and Mary of London spent a few days recently at Mr and Mrs Peels Other guests for the week end at the Peel home were Mr and Mrs of Wind- with Beth and Margaret also Miss Margaret Peel of Toronto Mr and Mrs Perry winch Jr weekend with Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Mrs Winch and children are re malninj for the week Rev K will occupy the pulpit of the United church during the month of August It Is with great pleasure that we welcome him hack to Keswick Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood Lansing spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs P F Winch Mr and Mrs spent Sunday in with Mr and Mrs Donald Marritt Miss Barbara returned with them for the week Mr and Mrs Van- visited Mr and Mrs on and Peggy on Sunday Miss Joyce Porter and Miss the wedding In New- market on August The Optimist carnival was well attended over the holiday week end Mrs Jack Harper is in hospital In Toronto where she underwent an operation Her daughter Pearl Is home Miss Joyce Porter and Miss Dorothy Rye sang a duet Sun day morning The Evening Auxiliary WMS executive met on Thursday even- at the home of Mrs Booth- by to make plans for the vents work Nine Indies attended Mr and Mrs and family visited Mr and Mr A Har o BUYS Arthur J Coltham formerly of Newmarket has purchased the clothing store of Brothers Ave To ronto Mr Coltham has been associ ated with this firm for the past years and for the past has held the position of general manager Bom and educated In Newmar ket Mr Is a brother of Chief James market BIRTHDAY CLUB to DmB It Aa I t fUbf fta yMii QUEBNSV1LLB Mr Mill ami of wnt Mr Mm John tin vMUng McOIII Anyone who up ftlncf will b1 to gel in i church Aag Cart Ntanr Mary I Over Night W tti once lf

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