End Disposal Plant Odor Not in years have such strong protests been heard in Aurora from so many people as have been aroused over the smells originating from the disposal plant The people who have suffered most of course are those whose homes are in the north end of the town We un derstand a petition will be presented to council Some four or five ago gallons weekly and that a we saw a petition containing further concession was granted somewhere about names some time later for double that protesting against the tannery quantity of effluent to be car- smells We believe the petition by the disposal plant was launched by the redoubt- Those best experienced in the able Gordon Hoffman who is a problem assert that the disposal man of parts During the last plant was installed only for or four years there has poses of town uses and that la been a great abatement of the extend its use for additional odor nuisance and this easement loads such as the above is to was the result of steps taken by invite immediate trouble The the tannery authorities town foreman was mentioned at There is no question of the the August 17 meeting of reputation the Collis Lea- and his opinion given that ther company gained for itself circumstance as excellent employers who disposal plant would not last good wages and bonuses and more than a year If this provided the most modern should found for its employees As we Aurora will then be have recently pointed out costly has gone to consider- stalling a new disposal able expense in the upkeep of fine surroundings adjoining its the disposal plant is taxed factory buildings the sight of as a result of which is a credit to the town additional We wrote further that as one yy quantities of foreign mat- of the two major industries in question of corn- town providing employment for sense to stop such a process a large number of workers that the factory 1 every reasonable opportunity will de should be taken to promote the the disposal best possible relationships be- primarily intended and the town and the com- of pany Which does not mean of any case those course that preferential treat- who appear to be best informed should be accorded to any the subject assert that the particular industry or company cannot satisfactorily Justified are being That the strong feeling of pro- yh test aroused among the citizens for some prior to the heat wave in the latter pari of August and ft beginning of SeptembeJ But was when thl August heat wave did CoUls strike Aurora the from disposal plant were wellnigh in- asserted that the second to the tannery amounting These odors were referred to altogether to approximately Council or Clarence Davis at gallons weekly of effluent he August meeting of the town council He made no bones about how strongly he felt on town the subject Bringing up the fc te question at the new business the stage he asked the mayor M of course public properly was being done about the smells May lha lh Unless something is done di he said theres going to be a but there are no figures given or mention of such thG l i ft a full discus- ftrsl to move Mr Davis took place on the subject of said the smells coming into his dis J St that additional help was most unbearable required for the supervision of Since then the situation has the plant But nothing further grown steadily worse until done until August when the last week in August it it was agreed that additional was impossible to avoid closing help was required for the super- all the windows in ones house vision of the plant But nothing Protests have been heard on further was done until August every hand from affected J 1 when it was agreed to and business people have tise for help The member of deplored the loss of trade Of council chiefly responsible in the course such a situation cannot matter of carrying through these be tolerated and at this time of council instructions the we hear of demands for chairman of the property com a special meeting of council with DeputyReeve Murray irate citizens ready to attend as It would be interesting to learn delegations of protest of his explanation for the delay What Is The Cause in the matter of the July de- It has become common town of council The disposal knowledge that a concession plant odors have undoubtedly made in the early part of jural Auroras reputation as a this year to the tannery to healthy and wholesome effluent at the disposal town as well as is said that the con- many citizens who have cession amounted to Borne fercd from the repugnant smells LEGALLY TIED AND BOUND Official Plan Jr Subdivision Uses K A the outcome of recommended by the board the year approved gi and confirmed by the department of planning and development the council of finds iLself legally tied and bound by an Official Han the repeal of which lias been rejected The irony of the situation lies in the fact that the existence of this restrictive official plan ap pears to hove been forgotten by both the planning board and those who wore members of council in the year It is stated that the present mayor who was mayor in disclaims any knowledge or recollection of such legislation having been pas sed by council Last year the planning board approved the Slater vision and it was okayed by ell Rut when proposals for bull ding on the subdivision were in their preliminary stage the fact of a prohibitive official plan was disclosed and until it is amended no building on the restricted area can be proceeded with The same conditions apply to the land owned by Mrs Zimmerman and proposed for a subdivision k The dilemma arising out of the official plan was disclosed at a special of council called to the toning bylaw one of which is to implement the official map which hang on HALL PAGE NINE HURSDAY THE TENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER NINETEEN RED AND FIFTYTHREE wall of the council chamber All members of council signed a motion calling for the rescinding of the official plan But it has been ruled that the official plan cannot be rescinded but amended only To what extent amendments are possible is still councils ma jor problem potential amend ments not measure up to per mission being given to the own of the subdivisions to use purposes a serious situation will result from the legal operation of a forgotten piece of council legis lation AT LOCAL GALLONS DAILY MtaH this It is Of from ike Colli Urn town to fep In the the ar ticle written in tee bore ngwca were Amn News to Mly mot a tetai mm EDITORIALS I PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS During the past few weeks we have called atten tion to dangerous spots arising from the recent engin eering misfits on some of the new sidewalks Preven tion they say is better than cure It is obvious there fore that council would be acting wisely in insisting that the faulty work in regard to which citizens have complained should be corrected in advance of further accidents Already two have occurred at the Bank of Montreal If a citizen suffers injuries on the streets of the town he or she has no claim to compensation unless and until the victim takes legal action and wins a case against the town Such a process involves expense worry and perhaps a long suspense until a claim obtains a hearing There seems no alternative to the present setup having regard to the obvious fact that the town could not effect insurance covering each individual citizen The town pays heavy insurance premiums out of income derived from the taxpayers But such insurance exists to protect the town against claims made against it Since it is claimed that no practical alternative to the present setup is possible at least the town could have faulty work corrected So far nothing has been done to correct the dangerous spots at the Bank of Montreal and the slope on Centre St adjacent to the Aurora dairy To ignore danger spots is to invite accidents These danger spots have been made clear to council and if accidents should occur on them after winter has set in the onus of responsibility would be all too obvious But that fact would provide little comfort to the injured who would still need to have recourse to legal action to prove their case It seems too bad that such things should be WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Means To Beat The Heat Water Used From Creek The chief topic of conversation last week apart from the loud protests heard in the north end of town over the terrible smells emanating from the disposal plant was the heat It certainly was hot One man we found hard at work on an interior cleaning job in an office was garbed in bathing dress He looked cool and quite at tractive in a bluecolored outfit AN AFFRONT TO CITIZENS Most people will agree that it has been a lovely summer a trifle hot perhaps in spots But there have been rare cool evenings when one might expect to enjoy a garden seat with the fragrance of sweetsmelling flowers and the scents of the gentle nicotine being borne on the soft breeze It all sounds attractive doesnt it Good enough almost for a Welcome to Aurora poster Instead citizens at the north end of the town have been holding their noses and running indoors to close any open windows in efforts to escape the oncom ing waves of stenchladen air arising from the disposal plant While some of the big bosses the town on Kennedy St west could spread themselves on lawns and drink in cooling draughts of evening air citizens at the north end have suffered bouts of sickness as a result of the stinkladen atmosphere It is too bad that this putrid state of affairs should have been allowed To have ones summer evenings ruin ed by the pervading stench of sewage is hardly a rec ommendation of competence for those who run the town To be compelled to close every window in the house because of an almost unbearable stink originating from a town property is proof of bad management and negligence The stink has persisted over several weeks The explanation for this abominable affront to citizens appears to be that the disposal plant lias been taxed to overcapacity The plant was installed for the domestic use of the town of Aurora It is only common sense that if it is taxed each week with gallons or more of factory effluent a breakdown will result The temper of northend citizens reveals that a day of reckoning is at hand for such disgusting mismanage ment CONTROL BY COUNCIL The upshot of the special meeting of council called lo discuss the old subject of the zoning bylaw appears to be that some plan is wanted that council itself could control It is this principle of control by council that has formed the basis of a great many articles we have written in the past four years concerned with the plan ning board The lesson has been learned the hard way by coun cil for at the present time the town is tied tip with an official plan passed in which everybody seems to have forgotten was in existence and which as stands at present forbids any building taking place on the Zimmerman and Slater subdivisions Its repeal has been refused and the position now is confused CLEAN SPORT One of the main objectives of the Recreation Com mission is to ensure clean and healthy sport In and out of season members of the Commission have insisted on good behavior on the playgrounds and many expres sions of congratulation have been received by them as proof of the success of their efforts Bearing this in mind it was regrettable to hear that some sport in Aurora is bloodthirsty rather than clean Strong condemnation was heard of what goes on at local wrestling It appears that the good efforts of the commission are being undermined else where This further to our contention that all sport in Aurora should be coordinated under the rec reation commission AURORA Social News Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis spent Monday afternoon the guest of Mr Roy Mr and Mrs Philip Davidson Ottawa were guests over the weekend of Mr and Mrs Doug las Mrs Sara Sprindale Perm and Mr and Mrs Herb Ihring David and New Kensington were recent guests of Mrs E Graham and Miss Ella CopsoiL Mr and Mrs James Goulding are on a motor trip to Cannon Manitoba Miss DoolitUe Is leav ing thk week for London where she will take a special teachers nursing course The local branch of the Wo mens Institute will be guests of the Mount Albert ladies on Thursday Miss Dorothy King ston spent the weekend with Councillor and Mrs Davis Mrs Gordon entertain Ihe ladies of the Anglican Church Guild at her home on BAR North Sho Dancing Every Satu TiW DOOMS OPEN DAILY MS SAT AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR S FREE SATURDAY mm had to make use of a blanket Were not complaining of the Too hot to wear clothes in heat not too much anyway Air Tuesday here he said so I put on my j too soon the snowflakes will be bathing and feel just right fluttering down Severn e on No Present Shortage Up to this writing there has the summer been the usual supply of water in the taps sometimes very good and sometimes a trifle slow lie looked like it A man we know very well who has an aversion to casting aside his jacket even in the hot test of weather finally succumb ed to comfort He was seen on Some people have been using den Airs Jane and family have returned from a very enjoyable holiday at St minus his jacket with water on their gardens and even a enjoyable time the weather had beaten him He during this summer and it did celebrate gathered birthday was hailed by a tradesman little good The wateringcan is Mrs was the redolent of for you he said looking the best means to reach the many lovely gifts and cards at the man in braces now youre a native Keeping Cool One way of keeping cool claims a writer is to think of winter days and snow and ice This needs close concentration with the temperature around But the writer maintained that keeping cool is a state of mind and if you think long and hard enough on winter snow and ice you can reduce your tempera ture several degrees on the hot test days Another way is to gaze long and earnestly at a picture post card such as Charles Badger sent us last week Mr Badger roots of garden vegetables but its a backaching job John Rexall Willis recalled to us the other day the serious shortage of water in Aurora some years ago when supplies were pumped from the creek for domestic uses Mr Willis said instructions to householders to boil the water before using it were sent around in printed form while strenuous efforts were put forth to locate another well Aurora has made progress with its water problems since that time Good Movies Several excellent motion pic tures have been presented over Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis and family have returned from a weeks holidays to Montreal and surrounding districts accompanied by his daughter P weeks including Jane spent a vacation at North Seared Stiff Snow While Bay Sudbury the United States Moulin then heading for Duluth and on R to Fort William Scared Stiff was a popular The view thru Mr success and many people came view that Mr Badger sent us and which we were pleased to get was of an ice- coated freighter after a stormy voyage in DuluthSuperior har bor A study of the iceladen vessel and the masses of in the harbor certainly had a cool ing effect on a blistering day A Main St merchant told us of another way of keeping cool He and his wife motored out a few miles from Aurora one success twice to see Moulin Rouge the manager tells us Mr also promises a lot of variety com edy action and dramatic movies for early dates In spite of the hot weather the above attrac tions have drawn generally good houses Mr Glass wondered if a letter of protest to the arena board would serve any purpose as it was their business and not the commissions Mr Steadman said they should not sit still and condone conditions they opposed We should voice our opinion the speaker It was agreed that the com mission should visit one of the wrestling bouts ami give the mat ter further consideration TOWN COUNCIL REPORT In view of the Aurora News Page being printed on evening to their country cottage days a report of the meeting Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Telephone which stands on a hilt That night he said I had the best sleep I had had for a week Up there it was really cool and I of the Aurora town council held on Tuesday night Sept will lie found in other col umns of this issue RECREATION COMMISSION Free Sunday Skating Condemn Wrestling Debauches Highlights of v instructive discussion which took at a meeting of the recreation commission on Thursday night September concerned Sunday lee skating at the arena and what was described as hoolU at the local wrestling bunts AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads THE MISSES WOOD 35 St Aurora Despite the extreme heat a large number of members of the commission showed up at a reg ular meeting under the chair of Mr Buchanan meeting began punctually as usual at pm A report from assistant direct or iMiindell was highly praised by several members for amount of detail given Mr also read a letter receiv ed from Mr Mitchell recreation I heel or of the Lindsay recrea tion commission In which praise of the of Aurora boys expressed I was resotven to send a tet ter thanks to Mr Mitchell resolved also to send a teller of appreciation and thanks to Mr Patrick for placing swimming facilities the disposal the commission Sell Lumber It was resolved that the chair man of the commissions property committee Councillor Vie Jones be empowered- to sell the best possible price lumber from the old bam found of no serviceable use to the commission Winter Prof Mr Los suggested that they should be preparing their winter program and It was resolved to consider recommen dations at their next meeting At Mr Buchanan prompted a lengthy on Sunday skating at the rink when he sug gested renting out a threehour period on Sundays He suggest ed that an admission charge for adults should bo made but that the children be admitted free Councillor J Murray he would like to see the arena be long to the of Aurora on Sundays and thought there should be free Councillor said the wag I opened up a big subject The trouble had teen Make It A Meet Your Friends At The lira Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Teh Calls Teh people came hi from all parts of he country side to take advant age of free skating Mr Don Glass said it opened up the question of commercial port and that in any case noth ing could Ik done without agree ment with the arena board The subject was referred back for fun her exploration and a poss ible meeting with the arena board Wrestling Bouts Many strong protests were heard against what were des cribed as horrible sights at the Monday night wrestling bouts Councillor Davidson said wrest ling was a fine scientific sport if properly carried But what was going en he said was no wilt oil her to those who took part la it or those who look ed on People who call nut for blood said Mr Davidson would not go into the ring and jibed their own blow Mr Buchanan said he shudd ered to think of effect such sights had on children They take no notice of the umpire said the chairman they just alt on him Councillor Murray said he agreed here was plenty of room for improvement Comparing wrestling in Eng land Mr said the umpire stood outside the ring and his word was law He said he had seen much wrestling in England ami It was a clean sport Television Councillor Jones said It was little use trying to do anything in view of the fact that those who had television sets could see horrible sights and children could look on Mr Glass said wrestling was a good sport If It were kept clean but he hated to think some of the things that went on Mr Davidson said it was Just Druggist Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded IB79 rouge Aurora iclepboiiti