Newmarket Era and Express, 1 Oct 1953, p. 11

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So WHAT THEY ARE SAYING No Secrecy Says When The Roll Is Com For years the mostdiscussed question in Aurora has been unequal assessments Complaints have been audible to the effect that certain industries and busines ses have not carried their due assessment loads Former assessor Mr E Good did his best at rectification but the results of his work wiped out by later rulings It was acknowledged in counted common that Mr Goods assessments were substantially sound The J Editor OFFICE HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA AURORA Social News PAGE ELEVEN him was The mayor Brought a drawing to council which clearly showed that Mr Snows car used for charge made against that his timing was bad that business purposes would be in his roll was incomplete through nobody way It must be insufficient time to complete to the mayors credit that he whole and that he should supported Mr Snows applies- therefore have waited until all tion for parking space for bust- properties had been surveyed purposes But his the records show many firms made no appeals against Reeve Murray was against this reasonable request and made a motion to put in a meter in increases which Mr Good place of a No Parking sign considered were justified by the It is because we facts But others did not follow- enforce Mr Snow to feed the a course and later rulings meter every time he steps out wiped out approximately half a of his car to go into his business dollars from Mr Goods premises is an act of injustice assessments Industries and two that we have made an issue or three private businesses en- 1 it and given so much space to joyed these amendments among it the latter being Reeve Cook Stopptn Not Parking A New When the meters were first Chairman of the finance in a parking fee of per Councillor Dale King brought to council the proposi tion that future assessing should be placed in the hands of a new annum was to be imposed on the Gray Coach company for buses calling at the Aurora depot The directors took action against outside firm Eventually Bust- the fee was wiped Planning Associates of To- It was argued that the were selected from other buses were not parking but applicants and it was Councillor stopping Kings responsibility to recom- the same sense it can be mend their appointment argued that Mr Snow is not Against the strong opposition parking but only stopping at of Reeve Cook to appoint business premises Where is outside firm Mr King pressed difference between his for a decision from council and case secured a favorable one None that we can see Business Planning Associates re- of the chief reasons put appointment as assessors forward for the installation of for the town of Aurora for the year 1S54 Reeve Cook request ed postponement Councillor King asked for a vote got it and won through against the single opposition of the reeve No Secrecy Mr George Wilkinson town clerk was good enough to bring Mr Gordon of Business Planning Associates to our office by way of introducing him He and his assistant will already have begun the big job of assess ment by the time these lines are printed Mr Baty is anxious to gam the cooperation of all property owners in his comprehensive task of what he described as equalization Explaining some of the principles which will be followed Mr Baty said that it would be open to all property owners to ask questions and seek information on the proced ure that was being followed in pursuance of the policy of as sessment equalization as laid down by the Ontario department of municipal affair He stated however that no property owner must expect to be informed on what if any changes would be made in pre vious assessments of their pro perties That information He said would not be available to any property owner until such time as the complete roll was an nounced He said there would be no discrimination on that point However said Mr Baty when the roll was complete it would be open to any property owner to inspect made in respect of other property own- meters was not to make revenue but to ease the traffic situation Meters Not Used We pass and repass the meters on the east and west sides of Yonge St from the Aurora Auto motive to near Catherine Ave several times daily and the only times we have seen that parking space used is after parking hours Wed be surprised if the tovn collected cents a week from about a dozen of those me ters Wherever we have looked at those meters which we have made a habit of doing out of curiosity we have seen is the red Expired sign in them One member of council bland ly calculated that if Mr Snow used the meter for five hours daily he would be paying no more than 25 cents per day On that reckoning we suggest that he would be paying more each week than In collected weekly from all of the meters from the St stop lights to Catherine Ave Meters we had always heard it claimed were installed to help business men and not as it now appears to penalise them Curtain Up We learned at council that at long last the board of trade is going to pull up its on a nomination for the Industrial Council It proposed some months back but never filled Its vacant seat on that new Aurora setup Recently a letterwriter to council said that there were now so many organizations in Aurora that it was hard to keep tab on them The board of trade curtain is coming up Keep your eye on en where it was felt any the ball and watch who gets equal assessment had been made Our system means said Mr Baty that there will be no secrecy whatever In our plan of equalization of assessments From our conversation with Mr we are quite sure that property owners will receive every courtesy as well as the cooperation he has asked for from themselves Dictatorship If a business man cannot have a bit of unused space in front of his store where he can pork his car while he goes in and out of premises It Is a bad situ ation If by councils decree a meter Is stuck in front of Mr A Snows premises on St north we maintain that a form of dictatorship will have repine- Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At Two Graduate Asm FA THURSDAY THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER NIN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE SIDELIGHTS A AVBOBA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Staler Aient For Era ClaMlfiod Ad WOOD St Friendly STORE the nomination for this history- making brand new organization We think the nomination will of broiler festival Horse Show Success The Aurora Horse Show held on June last a financial success to the extent of a profit of We are Interested In that pleasing result for several reasons As many as of the leading merchants and business people in Aurora bought space on Aurora News Pago to help ad vertise the show and devoted considerable space to the publi cising the event Besides this wo gave consider able space to the publication of a large list of subscribers who gave money to make the show possible Among them were names from Newmarket and district whose donations represented a goodwill gesture towards their Immediate neigh boring town The and Express wns the only one of the two local papers to publish the list of subscribers It cost us time and money to publish the list but we were glad to do this public service The Broiler A week later than the Horse Show the muchpublicised broil er festival was held It will be recalled that DeputyReeve Mur ray told council that the broiler was much more im portance to Aurora than the Horse Show It was publicised as something in the way of a community effort and it received the official of the mayor and council Part of Its purpose was publi cised as sn effort to help local service clubs and was therefore semiphilanthropic in its objec tives In these It was assumed that financial statement would be issued show ing the results of the festival So far no financial statement been Issued but It assumed that the committee In will be issuing one If for no other reason than to promote public confident to an which on to EDITOR I A A NECESSARY CHANGE A lot of time was used up at the last meeting of the recreation commission discussing what might and might not be done towards getting free time for Sunday skat ing at the rink The Athletic committee composed of Councillors Davidson and Murray and Mr A Ben nett recommended that Sunday free time should be from to pm The commission agreed with the re commendation but a decision rested with the arena board Once again the futility of having two organizations in control of sport was made evident Arguments to and fro on free skating time were mere waste of time under the present setup In fairness to the arena board it was made clear that the rink is in Councillor Jones words expected to be selfsustaining That means that all free time is so much leeway the arena board has to make up in its efforts at showing a credit balance How much more workable the situation would be under one board is selfevident Programs of summer and winter sports could be arranged quickly if conflict ing points of view were eliminated This desirable state of affairs could be attained if control were vested in one organization If the recreation commission were the supervising body larger provincial grants would become available for recreational purposes The logical thing to do is for the town council to coordinate all sport within the control of the recreation commission by amending the bylaws As far as we are able to understand it there is no valid reason why this should not be done If there is such a reason we would be glad to hear of it HE GOT A METER Mr Al Snow is a business man and with his partner has a store on a quiet section of north He uses his car for journeys around the town and district Some times he will park his car at his premises for a few min utes sometimes longer He is a heavy taxpayer and thus helps the town A No Parking sign was placed almost opposite the window of his business premises He made a reasonable request to council to be allowed to park his car in the circumstances mentioned above by his window where the road space slopes away from the highway On a motion by Murray it was re solved to give him a meter to feed instead of the reason able parking consent he for there being no other point near his premises where he can park We hear a lot about cooperation and help your neighbor in Aurora The building bylaw has been repeatedly bro ken to accommodate local builders Here was an in stance where council could have accommodated one of its business men without loss to anyone Instead they have fixed him with a meter What price cooperation and help your neighbor policy COSTLY STEPS An Aurora citizen Mr W J Cowling resides at 20 Yonge St North immediately behind the southern tip of the retaining wall The engineer put some of the steps to Mr Cowlings home in his driveway Quito naturally Mr Cowling objected Some members of council were sympathetic to the point of saying he shouldnt have to pay for the correction But not DeputyReeve Murray who said that Mr Cowling had little to complain of After much argu ment about it it was accepted that Mr Cowling pay half the cost council paying the other half Five feet of the wall will be torn down Costly steps for Mr Cowling The cement lino should bo christ ened Auroras Wailing Wall Two Years Late Says Murray Council started its last meeting on a quorum Even then proceedings began ten minutes late which is un usual Latecomers Dale King and Davis who usually arent late eventually reached their chairs and when Murray who usually is late found his place the panel was complete Cook was con spicuous by his absence LEST WE FORGET When we said the arena was in bad shape we were abused Rut at least one of those who abused us had to eat his words by coming to council and asking for help On that night August DeputyReeve Murray moved that the arena board bo allowed to spend on repairs No later than September 21 DeputyHoove Murray turned a genuine Murray by moving an amendment to his earlier motion that the arena board be allowed to spend out of its 5000 grant and a further expense be paid by town How are the mighty fallen TOWN MANAGER QUESTION The question of appointing a town comes before council at least once a year Its like a buzzing beo in Reeve Cooks bonnet The question is now being studied by a committee of which the reeve of course is a member When the subject discussed last year we published a statement we read in a municipal publi cation to the effect that there were only 23 town man agers in the whole of Canada In large towns and cities Is it necessary for the taxpayers of a small town of the size of Aurora to pay out four or five thousand dollars yearly to maintain a town What would he be doing moat of his time Presumably giv ing orders to a few town employees and seeing that they were carried out Why should the taxpayers be saddled with such an financial load A committee to study the question of saving town money would be doing more useful work Weve heard a lot in recent mouths about the sudden build ing boom that is to hit Aurora Apparently nobody asked where these newcomers were going to build And are they go ing to build Unless theyre in big funds they wont find a lot on which to build their dream castle The mayor told council that there are at present only two available lots under in Aurora An Aurora realtor had stated that he was selling lots every day of the week but they were located cither at Newmar ket or Richmond Hill So whats the use of publicising Aurora if there are no lots at reasonable prices for homebuilders and no available land for industries As the mayor pointed out some months ago all the land that the planning board mapped out belongs to private owner ship Then theres the 1949 Of ficial Map which among other things precludes subdivision owners from building No rea sonablypriced lots for sale no land for industry low water pressure Why extend the list In face of all these official ad missions Aurora must sound to outsiders as a dead duck The Cowling Mr J Cowling was pres ent at council to hear a further debate on a feat of engineering which placed the steps to his home in his driveway Councillor Davidson asked if any of us sitting around this table would be satisfied with what Councillor Murray describ ed as terrible and poor engin eering But DeputyReeve Mur ray thought the steps not un reasonable not hard to come down He thought Mr Cowl ing should come on half the expenses for any alterations Councillor Moffat said you cant ask Mr Cowling to pay Mrs Moffat charged that the engineer had promised to visit points of dissatisfaction but nothing more had been heard of it After much debate Mr Cowl ing agreed to pay hail the cost Council agreed that his under taking was very generous It sure was FireFighting Services Councillor J Murray chair man of the fire and water de partment presented a concise re port on behalf of his committee It instigated a long discussion The report showed that the King and Whitchurch representatives wish all retainer fees to be elim inated and a flat price per bo set To this Councillor Murrays report makes the following re ply Wo that the high standard and equip ment of Aurora brigade was not purchased nor needed for Aurora but has reached its present high level with the unified thought in mind of pro tection not for Aurora alone but of King Whitchurch and Aurora combined Wo of the committee foci If the other municipali ties wish to have our equipment at their immediate disposal they should in some financial way help to maintain It and not just when they use it on a sot rate for each fire call The end of long debate con cluded with an amendment be ing carried requiring retainer fees of paid by King and Whitchurch municipalities together with the sum of for each fire service plus per hour after the first two hours of services It can appropriately bo men tioned hero that from October to a Prevention week will bo observed In Aurora and much publicity will be given to the subject of fire hazards and their prevention Parking Mr Snow of the firm of Snow and Best made a request to council some weeks ago that ho might be allowed to park his car In front of his where there Is at present a No Park ing sign There a bend In the highway In front of hid promise which going north or south would na turally avoid Mr Snow la con stantly In and out of his store and It seemed a reasonable re quest to make Council decided to take away the No Parking sign and In Its place Install meter which Mr Snow can feed The motion to put In meter was made by Murray his ISO annual tax and and overhead Mr Snow will now have the happy experience the meter at in to business activities Feeding the Arena DeputyReeve Murray the astonishing admission that the estimate of for repair ing the arena structure which the arena board asked for and received approval on August 17 was only guesswork It was so much guesswork that on Sep tember the deputyreeve ask ed that the motion he moved on August be amended to the sum of 5000 or possibly more Apparently the arena board was responsible for the guess work which the deputyreeve translated into a motion which received the seal of the corpor ation The arena board can spend the 5000 Councillor Mur ray obtained for it from the provincial government depart ment and any further expense will it was understood be borne by the town The deputyreeve gave no in formation to council concerning the contractor or any breakdown of costs The additional expense seems a sort of blank cheque un dertaking seems such a little time ago that the arena board was protesting that there was nothing wrong with the arena Now the chickens seems to be coming home to roost You might call it guesswork No Report Complaints were heard In council that the engineer had failed to give a report Council lor King said We are paying an engineer a fee to look things for us and wo have no re port Councillor Jones said there wore too many unfulfilled promises from the engineers de partment adding that perhaps they were waiting for the new council Councillor J Murray said that up to the present the engin eer had recommended the pay ment of for work on Yonge St and Murray won dered if they thought they had got value for their money In the course of a discussion It was stated that the cost of the retain ing wall on the west side of St was Nice fat sum for nice little Two Late Councillor Moffat introduced a number of bylaws prompting a question on a debenture issue for 26000 15000 of this amount was for rink and for the new fire truck it stated Councillor J Murray said that for two years the town had been paying interest to the bank on the He said the de bentures should have been Is sued two years ago Had this been done sold Mr Murray tho town would have been saved the two years interest Further more they would now be pos sibly losing money as a result of heavier debenture Interest They were two years late ho said In the period concerned Reeve Cook either the chair man of or of the fi nance committee of Yawns To somo extent It was a night of yawns mayor yawned and one or two member yawn ed Wo also yawned It hap pens like that espe cially when Aurora News Pago Innt under fire Then nobody yawns not excepting mayor Mr and Mrs spent the weekend with friends In Wiar- The club of the United church held its first meeting of the season in the church parlors on Wednesday evening Mr Ronald Crabtree is in Eng land employed on the staff of an English firm Rev Dr Mulligan left last week for Edmonton where he will conduct the second anni versary services of Old Kildonan Presbyterian church Mr and Mrs Frances Cook and family visited Mrs Cooks parents Mr and Mrs Geo Man ning Alton on Sunday The meeting of the United church was held in the church parlors on Thursday af ternoon- Mrs H Hutchinson of the United church training school was the guest speaker and Mrs was soloist Miss Sheila is in training in St Michaels hospital Toronto Mrs Tom Rogers entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Marjory Patten- den on Monday evening The Anglican church Guild met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Hodgkinson A woollen shower was the feature of the evening Mr and Mrs Cyril Sydney accompanied by their daughter Mrs Cyril Ham lin and her son Keith Burns Lake have been recent guests of Mrs Hamlins Mrs Prank Smith Mrs Douglas Brown Midland spent the weekend with her sis ter Mrs Frank Smith Mrs George Fish will ad dress the Aurora branch of the on Monday October 5 when her subject will be Wo men members of parliament and Senate Dr Alberta and Dr Cross who are leaving shortly for the United States visited Mrs Webster The new telephone number of Mrs Roy is PA she will be glad to receive news items and personals for Aurora News Page The Aurora Is sponsoring the showing of two films on Thursday Oct from to in the afternoon in the Au rora Club hall from the Free Well Baby All mothers of proschool children are cordially Invited CONSTIPATID effective for Rap ays ROYAL BOOBS OPEN DAILY SAT JO AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT PARKING FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTAMED FRONTIER In Technicolor Joseph Gotten Shelley Whiter ADDED HIT ROAR OF THE CROWD In Color Howard Duff Stanley t j V J MONDAY TUESDAY Young YOU are welcome Morrisons Come In and Inspect our Fall merchandise YOU can own and operate a DRIVEIN THEATRE In your district consult Constellation Theatres Moor St Toronto Telephone Murray Blueprints Construction OperationPicture Contracts all arranged by Canada most experienced DriveIn Theatre Builders Investigate this new and profitable while locations are Mill available Contact us now and OPEN NEXT SPRING PUIS 24 fairs A s Ik Merle FOR GREATER SNOW AND HEATING LTD SI UMBS Phone a fcl J WILLIS The Store New Tobacconist etc JBuaineaa Founded 1878 St Aurora PA Satur riiV W r Sponsored By AURORA RECREATION A AURORA UOlift J SATURDi j i mil A Vi i Afffl A J 71 4 TV PAGES r r fc V A I A mL

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