Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Jan 1954, p. 11

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r i I tint His Consent There was a Jot of business transacted at the last meeting of council Nonetheless the mayors gavel ad journed the session at pm Credit must of course go to the mayor for his speedy handling of a heavy agenda He did not hurry anybody but he never lost touch with business We have always a aid that Mayor Rose is an His special Went Mat direction was in evidence in the roidflt of many problems one or two of thcra contentious But hli mood was good at the last council mating and by and large the session was was put on the spot during the course of the evening by J- Murray It happened over the revival of the Mr Stuart Mills for a vacancy on the planning hoard It will served on the planning board some years and resigned be- fore his term was ended He sent two letters to council members of coun cil and deeply annoyed Mayor Re Be It easy to find nominees for the planning board Reeve Cook wanted Mr Mills back again to fill a vacancy Several took objection to return it came to a vote it was tied four members lor and four pulling for left a ta which the mayor had to give a casting vote had not said he wanted to return to the plan ning He asked for two weeks to think the of nomination over That placate his opponents who call ed out for another town clerk called up some likely names but the answer was When these ap prover were cancelled out the name of Mr remained on the motion paper The suggested that he hold up vote until the next meeting didnt the deputyreeve asked us to said Mr Murray Now we must ask you to vote The mayor went into a spell of medi tation When he came out of it he said In that case I go along with Reeve Cook shall vote for the motion and let bygones be bygones Mr Mills with out his consent has been ap pointed to the planning board The question is Will he return Zimmerman Subdivision We are sincerely sorry for Mrs Zimmerman who cannot proceed to build on her subdi vision because of the restrictive registered Official Plan dating back to the year With her representative she was present at the meeting of council to as certain if anything more had been done to relieve the situa tion The mayor could only state that for one cause and another there had been no further joint meetings of the council and planning board and consequent ly no progress had been made towards easing the situation of building on the subdivision One has gathered the impression that the fault lies with the planning board in its refusal to fall in with the wishes of council Hie mayor pointed out to Mrs Zimmermans representative that council would submit fur ther proposals to the department of planning and development but that these would come back to the planning board So It looks like a continuous journey in a Vicious circle The point seems to be the preservation of certain green- belts But people cannot live in a greenbelt But they can live in homes When will homes be built on the sub division That is the ques tion Does council or the plan ning board rule the town of Au rora That is the ques tion AURORA WATER PROBLEM No Time Lost In Manning To Provide For The Town The subject of the has become a perennial one Willi shortages in summer months It has constantly been maintained that there is no short age potential supply but that the means of obtaining it has been inadequate The new deputyreeve J Murray is taking no chances this year of householders and businessmen complaining of shortages He brought the mat ter up at the first meeting of the IBM council and suggested that it be given immediate consider ation and action if possible Arising out of his suggestion the fire and water committee of which he is chairman met at the waterworks on Saturday after noon January He had in vited as many other members of council as possible to join in on this conference and in attend ance were Reeve Cook and Councillors Jones and besides Councillors Davis and Davidson members of the com mittee Problem Following the inspection at the waterworks members ad journed to the council chamber where as the report slates the water sit was discuss from many It is appro priate to recall that a solution to the problem of tho summer shortages of water in Aurora has varied in estimated costs running into many thousands of dollars After a full discussion the fire and water committee brought a recommendation to council for installation of an automatic electrically driven compressor at a cost of approximately flOO to increase the flow from the water wells This the re port states Is the quickest and cheapest means of temporary relief to our water situation Council took the view that the committee recommenda tion which had what was de scribed as wholehearted support of the consulting engin eer Mr met the situ ation and the report was accept ed If as Is anticipated tho me thod now to be used will solve the Aurora water problem oven temporarily the solution will be far less costly to the taxpayers than had been expected In which case the Murray commit ter will receive the commenda tion It deserves C ON COUNCIL NEWS The Boys Deserve Raise lien They Should Have It Among the correspondence read at the last meeting of council were Jetton from Mr- Joe McGhee and Mr of tho waterworks staff asking for an increase in their wages and an application from Salvation Army asking for a grant Both applications were hand ed over to the finance commit ted Councillor chairman Cook and Councillor Moffat On their rec ommendation council will make decisions for or against Cm ml seems seme or not fife legal tali Sal- Amy fee St lotas Am taxpayer wmH glad Mp a in MiAnir fry wMtfbv cms of pay to an A letter from the Canadian Institute for the Blind the first province a gasoline tax two in ct to asked permission to hold a tag day in Aurora on Saturday May The request was granted Comment J Sure thing An rem people will dig In their pockets and help this necessary and noble cause of aarisUng those cannot see To be deaf Is bad enough hut not to be able to see Cod help us Health Unit A letter was read from the York County Health Unit re questing a first quarter advance of was read The amount asked for was paid Comment This works at per annum The the ser vice of the Victoria Order af in Aurora- We often wonder it the change has been worth the extra We dent know like 7 in to fJdl a Mnmwatlvo Page J SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE DOAN HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYEIGHTH DAY OF JANUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AMD FIFTYFOUR IALS OLD HOME WEEK The mayor made an eloquent plea at the last meet ing of council for the arrangement of an Old Home Week in Aurora this year The idea would be to at itvact old Aurorians and visitors here We are that the same idea was carried out some odd yeavs ago and to quote the words of the old us the information complete flop because J bad weather -v- the success of I festivities weatheivis an essential and nobody that- In any ra their appraachtothe proposition Cook thought if it couldnt for this year work could be gin on it for softie future time DeputyReeve J Murray put forward three objections which he said he had heard along the street Cl Councillor Bill Davidson thought a week was too long and suggested three days Councillor Moffat ques tioned the cost to the town and asked what the taxpayer would get out We dont recall that any member of council showed real hearty enthusiasm for it though Councillor thought it was a good idea if it didnt cost the town too much It appeared to be damned with faint praise as St was thrown into the lap of the chairman of the sports and publicity committee Councillor Covbett for fur ther investigation A SENSIBLE DECISION The decision of council on the casting vote of the mayor to pay members of council a fixed stipend of a year was a sensible decision Taking into ac count special and committee meetings together with regular council meetings the stipend represents approxi mately what members of council have already been re ceiving The payment now fixed covers all attendances concerned with council work whether regular or sup plementary meetings Councillor Jones wanted penalties imposed in cases of absenteeism It should be pointed out in fairness that members of the Aurora town council rarely miss a meeting Not only so but in our experience the town council and the recreation commission are the only two bodies that invariably begin business punctually at Y From our observation the tribute paid by the mayor to his council was well merited Whatever its faults the punctuality and regularity of attendance of mem bers of council deserves commendation HARD TO FIND m Vacancies on the Aurora planning board go Nominees to fill them are hard to find Tele- phono calls in search of recruits are painfully futile Such calls were made last year from the town hall and again this year Negative answers were the result There is a shyaway from the planning board Council would be astounded if some wellknown presen ted himself as a potential recruit for service in these circumstances Mr Mills was pressed into service without his permission He was elected to serve for three years although he made it known to council that he wanted two weeks in which to think lover the matter But nobody else who was asked to serve was willing to do so It seems an odd way to con duct business to appoint a man to a job before he states he is il i to accept it There really seemed no reason for hurry Aurora has a good adult population and in time a willing nom inee might possibly have been found for the vacancy However there was a hole to plug and Mr Mills hurried into the hiatus without waiting for his affirm- He laughs best who laughs last In this case Mr Mills has the last laugh TIME GENTLEMEN PLEASE- Wi9iiiicillor Bill Davidson is in the idiom of his native country ft tough nut lie may not gain his point at one meeting but depend be back again same bell ftp been talking about bad sidewalk on Tyler St for several months and we wont be surprised if he gets the interests of safety for pedestrians- Meanwhile lie thought that 12 pan was too late an hoar for council to close its bar of town business Closing time he not later 11 Ho did not gain his point the first time of asking But at the last meeting of council he had a motion all ready Jones The the procedure bylaw bo amended to to close down at The motion Was Now if oratory Davidson is legally entitled to call out Time Gentle men Please Councillor Davidson is a tough nut The nearly voters who gave htm their confidence at the last election placed it in good custody His opinions may not please everybody But he has the courage to stand by them and that is high COMMISSION THE NATIONS HEALTH Dread Of Losing Life Savings Haunts The Lives Of Workers There is increasing evidence of a deepening being taken in the promotion by the government of a national health service that would have for its tiVhtiiLV Canadian unions are showing increased propaganda activity among their Torn national health insurance bill At present protection to hospitalization costs is In the absence of Jlr J Buchanan arising from injuries suffered in an accident viceChairman Les presided over a meeting of the Aurora rec reation commission held on Thursday night January The main subject of discussion concerned correspond ence with the OifA It will be recalled that the recreation commission sent a letter of strong protest to the concerned with the dis regard of rules in junior hockey and in reply to this a letter was received from the OHA re questing a statement of specific evidence rather than one of generalities Commenting on the OHA letter Mr A Holmes sports di rector at St Andrews college described It as a masterpiece of evasion He went on to say that all the had to do was to look into reports from ref erees Mr Holmes further com mented to the effect that plenty of publicity would clean the thing up Back Up Protests The members of the recrea tion commission unanimously supported the views of Mr Holmes and in a general discus sion it was agreed that there would be little difficulty in sup plying the with the evidence it had requested Mr A K Bennett and Mr Don Glass both said that the letter should be replied to im mediately Mr Bennett said that the bottom was dropping out of junior hockey because of the roughness that had got into the sport Mr said that their duty as a recreation com mission to do everything within their power to help clean up the sport On a motion by Mr John Of- ford seconded by Councillor Cliff Corbett it was further agreed to send a supporting let ter to the Ontario recreation commission Other Business Among other business trans acted Mr expressed the view that a cup might be presented in place of a money prize for the best work in con nection with the camera club in stituted in memory of the late Mr Mr Bennett and Mr Offord thought the sugges tion was a good one and the matter was left over for further consideration Councillor Davidson re ported that the sale of the sweaters was doing well Re ports indicated that the swim ming classes and dances were very satisfactory Appointments the commis sion included Councilor David son as representative of the Lions club Councillor representing the town council and Mr as represent ative of the commission on the arena board Other nominations as repre sentative of Hie commission on the arena board included Depu tyReeve J Murray Mr Don Glass and Mr A K Bennett all of whom withdrew their names in favor of Mr Steadman varied and at best chaotic Large ly it is ah arrangement between employers arid employees and Sri- companies with varying rotes of payment frohv pay cheques- r Aii overall scheme of health would equalize all payments If the British and European methods followed such a scheme would be contri butory on the part of the em ploy the employer and the government would be basic rates of for medfc service- v It appear that this prob lem of satisfying the medical profession has been one of the difficulties ad vocates for national health insurance Canada Difficulties Overcome Certainly the opposition en countered from the medical pro fession in Britain towards the creation a system of national health insurance postponed for some years the passing of legis lation that is now regarded by all political parties as a fundamental part of economic and social structure of the Motherland The medical profession opposed from the outset the introduction of a plan of national health in surance The opposition pro ceeded from the belief that me dical services would hot only be underpaid but that the prestige of doctors would be adversely affected All these fears and difficulties guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Murray Young of Willow- dale The many friends of Mr Vic tor will be glad to learn that he is making con tinued recovery from the illness which kept in hospital for several weeks WHAT THEY SAYING When a familiar picture is takeu down f wall whore it has been displayed for a long time the omis sion is noticeable at once Much the same sort of overcame us on Thursday night January 21 we attended a recreation commission meeting and found another chairman had replaced Diek Buchanan The newcomer to the chair was no stranger In fact his presence was as familiar as that of Mr Buchanan himself Only we hadnt seen him presiding before and we wondered where the re gular chairman could have gotten to We soon learned that Mr Bu chanan was absent for compul sory reasons On Monday Jan he was busy unloading some freight at the railway station when he most unfortunately slip ped and fell about four feet land ing on his back Although no hones were broken he was badly bruised and shaken up These facts explained his absence from the meeting but our latest infor mation is that Dick is out and around again The vicechairman of the rec reation commission is Mr to whom we have found it a pleasure to pay tributes over the past few years Mr was one of the origin ators of the commission and a percent attomler of meetings He took over the chairmanship at the start of and had a perfect score until the aforemen tioned accident However the recreation com mission has a fine record for the attendance of Us members with none better we would say than lie takes a very active interest in all commission activities and is well versed in its affairs Thus it was that his first ex perience in the chair was most successful He handled business in a confident and every thing went well When his turn comes round for election to the office of of the Aurora recitation commission Mr Steadman will make an excellent job of it Incidentally it was with great regret that the resignation of Mr Sum King was received and ac cepted his reasons being that his health is not too good at present and that he has a lot of work on hand Among his other chores he Is the town building Inspector Industrial Council Councillor Moffat reported that two hew members had been ad ded to the industrial council of which she is chairman They are Mr Charles and Mr Doug We would say that the industrial council has been greatly strengthened by the addition two of the brainiest young men in Aurora Neither one of these additions will be a sleeping partner Victor The innumerable friends of Mr Victor Attridge scattered throughout York county will re joice in the news that he is mak ing fine progress towards recov ery He spent weeks in hos pital and has now returned to his delightful bungalow on Mos- St We spent some time with him at his home on Sunday evening and he certainly looks good after a severe operation He is look ing forward to the spring and to his garden which his flowers have made famous Condolences The terrible fire on Main street on Monday morning last is fully reported on the front page of this issue Here we desire only to express our sincere sympathy with the storekeepers who have suffered such heavy losses Help was ready on bands and the fire brigades did their human best to avert further destruction so Aurora suffered its greatest lass by fire in Us history AURORA Social News Mr and Mrs Ben Andrews of Winnipeg and Mrs of Kitchener were guests last week of Mrs Chas Webster The Anglican Church Guild held their January meeting in the church hall on Tuesday af ternoon The Womens Institute met in the church parlors on Thursday evening Tho program was in charge of Mrs Geo Fish con venor of citizenship and educa tion After the usual weekly choir practise of the United church choir a very enjoyable social evening was Held followed by installation of officers for IMS Miss Leila Reynold was nominated as president Tho Club of the United church were guests on Tuesday evening of the Adult Fellow ship Group of the Baptist church An interesting program was presented by the visiting group and the Baptist group served refreshments Mr and Mrs Cameron Lob- law are holidaying hi Miami Florida Mr and Mrs were were eventually overcome with the result that a national plan health insurance was adopted The plan became a legislative act of parliament over years ago Britain and through the years rt been implemented in ac cordance with experience years the health of the British people has improved beyond a expectations despite the severities of restrictions and rationing resulting worldwars lor Education fireaiheed day is one of education oh behalf of a system of national health one of the major fears that haunt the Jives of the great Canadian workers is the able costs of protracted hospital ization Such a major be if van tern of national health insurance were in existence -vr- Workers would not then be the dread of seeing their swallowed up by lengthy hospital treatment Such costs would be covered a national plan of health in surance S AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads HK MISSES St Aurora Make It A Habitl Meet Your Friends At The HESS Drag Store Two Graduate Pharmacists J WILLIS PhmB Dnugtot The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded Yang St Aurora Telephone PA For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUGSTORE St PA Bra tad bring results AND VE THE DAY when youre feelfng hi rid body lotj Mp to tfmbatioo to McumulaU not only from of food mi writ f kidney action of id World ftATd Salts toiliBnil mcU is both I healthy Mtion in aod hut a Kruacbea with yotw when needed thoroughly clean inside top l the ball all day very U SCH E N At DOORS OPEN D FRIDAY SATURDAY J Bud Abbot and Lou r -r- r ALSO Randolph Scott In Color MONDAY Grant Deborah Kerr Walter Pldgeon in 1 i iVii all v- v i 1 John Payne Jan The PLUS 2ND HIT CRUISING THE Rl J r

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