aftiimiivW t i J- x I ES7 feSNs butter Keswick News The Evening Auxiliary of the Mrs John Keswick will meet at the home of whose family farm home is now Mrs on Tuesday the Greehslades One brother Feb at pm Mr Dave Ward Miami Miss Peggy spent the predeceased him Rose at Hope some years ago was Ina Morton Mr and Mrs Boothhy and daughter of the late Mr and Alex visited air and Mrs Alex Mrs Alfred Morton Toronto on Mondays She there is one A large group ti meeting on Monday WW Mr Ernie inter EHa Mrs arid instructive talk of the use of shrubs trees flowers The meeting was followed TJ a large Valine hostesses were Mrs Mrs lard and Mr and Mrs Davidson Toronto visited Mr and Ann arid Douglas were Alder on Sunday Sunday- guests of Mr and Mrs Mrs Wilfred Stephenson spent Rye several days in Toronto with her Miss Dorothy Rye spent Mrs Art who day last in Richmond Hill at Mr Is very ill and Mrs J H i Monday Feb at of there will meeting in the Warren to was memorial arena hall to form a fiS SiJKs- nuaL sports was in Mr and Mrs Jack Harper and The Christian church mission- Mrs John Hopkins were guests of Mi and Mrs Gordon Harper on Saturday meeting announced for last Friday evening was owing to illness and bad and Mrs Ed Alder visited Look for announcement of Mr and Mrs Tom Service New market Thursday Miss Jean spent the weekend at her homei The February meeting of the was held at the home of the annual Francis Mrs J Wright devoted to the life and work of that wohtaiif danpfeeils paper on assets of the liquor problem Discussions on these problems and questionable social activities placed During the so cial hour lunch was enjoyed Christian church mission ary meeting which had been postponed will fee held this evening Feb It will take the place of the usual Wed nesday night prayer meeting The social part of the evening take the form of a Valen tine party Many from here attended the funeral at on Thurs day the Strasler parlors Archie McKinnon Keswick who I had been ill at his sons home I Toronto since before Christmas He was a regular attendant at Keswick Christian church for many years and in his year Warren and Rev con ducted the service Mrs Hi Wilson Toronto vis ited her mother Mrs Etta Wil der on Saturday Mrs Frank Toronto was the guests of her sister Mrs Amy on Saturday Held over from last week The skating on the bay was of short duration Ice and ground are heavily covered with a blanket of snow which fell last week Word was received by rela tives here yesterday of the death in Markham of Mr War- riner following a stroke later date Miss Lynn Mr Jack Cameron Miss Myrt Lloyd and Mr and Mrs Lloyd attend ed the ice carnival in Maple Leaf Gardens Tuesday evening The Koraleer concert Friday night at the area under Mrs Angus Cowiesons direction was well attended and enjoyed Heard on a last weeks radio show an interview with Art Dawson of the Boat Works Keswick I and Herb May Mr Dawson was at tending the Toronto Boat Show and exhibited some of his finer i Mrs Vera Herring has return ed after several weeks Chi cago and Claire where she attended the funeral of her cousin Mr Marion Paul Ravemhoe United Church Holds Annual Meeting After a supper served by the Womens Association on Wed nesday night Jan the annual congregational meeting of United church was held Reports were received from the church treasurer William King The raised over the Sunday school The WMS exceeded its allocation and com- and shipped a bale iM at lW 7ui Kenneth Huhti was elected secretary King treas envelope sec William King organist Mrs Kenneth Hunter assistants Mrs Edwin Mrs Lea Gloveri King Stanley Armstrong as president of the Wo- and Mrs Ralph is the new presi dent of the The Sunday school under has had a record year A months ago a gift of was received from Mrs Fred Evans whose interest in this church dates back to child hood This money has been placed in a special church fund It is expected that in the near future extensive improvement will be made to the outside of the church During the past year the interior of both audi torium and basement were re decorated- Since the new year the church has lost one of its oldest mem bers Mr Albert Cole Rev Campbell Keswick is pas tor of church which serves a constituency of fam ilies The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb BUY YOUR COAL FROM ROBINSON FUELS i offer armefc Jg m m i mm Obtain own Delivery phone v IIS AMD mm INTO CASH i I BELHAVER Held over froth last week Mrs Elja returned home on Saturday after spend ing a week In Toronto at the home of her son Mr and Mrs Reginald Denny BIRTHDAY m Birthday wishes are extended this Week to Glenn Wayne Harper Mount years old on George Evans Newmarket years old on Friday Feb Newmarket years old on Friday Feb Dana Leonard Salmon I years old on Fri day Feb y James Everett Miller Newmar ket years old on Friday Feb Jill Louise eld Maple years old on Saturday Feb Carol Lynn Evans Newmarket years old on Saturday Feb Dorothy Wilder years old on Sunday Feb Margaret llene Pottage- of spent the week end with his grandparents Mr v Feb I vf I always wanted be a photographer Wi My Imlihy is photography and from the sate of photos phis saved from my salary as a grocery have been able build up a bank balance Dominion Hank Now Im ready to launch myself full time photographer Your own security a new holidays many ran yours when you thrift the pleasant way by regular savings at The Dominion Bank For advice on any financial matter come in ami see our manager I and Mrs Charles Pollard Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd had tea Saturday ev ening with Mr and Mrs Winch and Mrs David Davidson spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd visited Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan at on Sunday Miss Muriel of spent Monday at her home here Shipping on Canadian water ways including canals Inland lakes and rivers is open to all world countries on equal terms except in the case of the coast- was the son of the late Mr and trade Marian Martin Patterns um mm Nancy Diane Duncan New mar years old on Sunday Feb Janice Sheridan New market years old on Sunday Feb 7 Roderick Smith Newmarket years old on Sunday Feb Craig Newmarket 3 years old on Sunday Feb Kathryn Marie Lewis Holland Landing years old on Sunday Feb Wayne Aurora 14 years old on Monday Feb Marilyn Louise Kes wick 5 years old on Monday Feb 8 Joanne Finder Sharon years old on Tuesday Feb Rose Mary Wright Newmarket years old on Tuesday Feb Lois Jean Black Zephyr years old on Wednesday Feb Patsy Aurora years old on Wednesday Feb Sadler Holland land ing years old on Wednesday Feb 10 Sharon Elizabeth Harrison Mount Albert years old on Wednesday Feb 10 hurls Edith Brandon K 3 Newmarket years old on Thursday Feb Jimmy Bond Newmarket years on Thursday Feb 11 Johnny years on Thursday Feb Judith Mary Ann Racine New market years on Thursday Feb Marie King Lake Wilcox years old on Thursday Feb Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club L ij YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CANADIAN PEOPLE 1L Roberts Branch Manager v Main St t i V was worth com modities produced in for every man woman and child In Canada nearly four times the per capita production of Mom Shell be the prettiest little JIFFYCOAT tops everything on Easter Sunday two main pattern pieces no in this outfit Its collar no fitting problems fceweasydrcss and have a Sleeves turn back into cuffs at safest cmu 1 minimum of wmnanto tor He wrist or length dresscheckv J S plain with all your spring summer are so Ray 111 it wilh skirt as a suit and h all your spring and Choose a spring wool contrast In Have you heard MORTON BROS LTD PLAYING CARD I to say w love you the fragrant way Cologne Duetto I ice St op Prripllpf ft i