Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Feb 1954, p. 11

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CANVASSER a Merchant Says His is Reach Dead End Some weeks ago in Aurora News Page we tioried the case of an Aurora merchant said he had been left holding the bag as a result of paying money canvasser who had failed to keep the agreement X The merchant in question is Mr Osborne wellknown proprietor the mens and ladies varnishing stores on Main St the following signed state- money- A number of other Au- Mr Osborne now relates hit experience with the canvas- Some time before the new telephone books were to be is sued in Aurora a man called at my store to solicit advertising work he a stranger to the district I asked him if he had any nce He then produced a let ter of recommendation from the the publisher of the Auroral Ban He said also that pro- petition had been approved by the Aurora Board of Trade both the Aurora and the Aurora Board of had carried out a campaign on the slogan of investigate before you invest warning people pot to part with any money unites and until they had satiated themselves that everything win okay I took the further precau tion of telephoning the publisher of the Aurora Banner while tlve canvasser was in my store From Banner publisher I re- ceived an assurance that the so licitation was bona fide and that he in tad held money for the proposed printing A justice of the peace was in my store at the time The canvassers proposition was for the printing of the telephone numbers of local mer chants to be distributed at the same time that the new tele phone books were issued- It seemed to me a good idea and on the strength of the assurance I received I paid the canvasser the sum of as requested by him Since that time the summer of last year I have heard nothing from the can vasser I have received no ad vertising and nothing for ray BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads THE MISSES WOOD Yonf St Aurora r- J WILLIS Drug Store News- Tobacconist etc Business Founded Sly Aurora PA Make It A Meet Your Friends At The D HESS Drug Store Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora It merchants who paid money to this canvasser for the same purpose are in a similar posi tion The strange thing is that when I later contacted the Ban ner office was informed that the printing which I had order ed and paid for had been com pleted but that it was being held so that its distribution would synchronize with the change over to the new dial telephone Later however when I renewed my enquiries I was told that no copy had been received from the canvasser Enquiries It will be recalled that the Aurora Banner carried several stories of Aurora people who had lost money as a result of parting with to transient can vassers in its and the Aurora Board of Trade campaign for in vestigating before you invest Although had taken as I be lieved every precaution in that respect I was determined not to lose the money I had invested through neglect of further en quiries I found that the same adver tising plan had been carried through at Newmarket and at Georgetown From the publish ing offices at these towns learned that everything was okay and that the canvasser had carried out his agreement to the letter Failing to trace the can vasser through enquiries in Au rora I sent letters to various addresses where I understood he might be found at Toronto and at Montreal As I did not re ceive any acknowledgment of letters I followed them up telegram No replies being burnished contacted the post office and received confirma tion that the canvasser had pick ed up my correspondence to him last Since then I have contacted Better Business Bureaus of Toronto and Montreal but with out result so far Having reach- a dead end in all these direc tions am now left with one al ternative only and that is to hive a warrant Issued for the of defaulter Although I dont like taking drastic step which would involve local people I It ate the idea of being done downV I feel theres a nigger in the pile somewhere and Id sure like him Its too bad that such a thing should happen here Latter all the propaganda that ha been put over about in vestigating before you invest I heeded- the warning to the best of my ability and you see where its got mi Mr Osborne said he knew of other business men in Aurora had suffered a similar loss from the same source but said there might be others whose names ho not know In any case Im finally through with all outside- canvassers no matter whose signature appears on any letter they bring me -J- Hit giii payroll of Experienced but will train LI TOBIAS COMPANY LIMITED rwl VIP jf -J- i rrv i V t go 1 ft L- WINTER UNITS OVER il j I v fe J G SI N CLAIR Editor OFFICE HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR NEVER WOULD BE MISSED As we see it there are far too many boards and wouldbe authorities in Aurora We fully agreed with the remark made to council by Mr Corner form er warden of York county and graduate of a number offices that there are so many organizations in Aurora that it is hard to keep tab of them If a number of boards and aspiring authorities were would anybody miss them Nobody except the talkers S- M Some of these boards have proved expensive to thW taxpayers Chief among them is our old friend the planning board It by the score since its inception in How Much better off today is Aurora because of board It has plana and maps and gathered together a pile of big words zoning bylaw which council year by year has failed to understand Of course it has done something That something was described by one member of council as a damned mess The mess is represented in the present tieup of building The town council is stuck with the Official Plan One of the consequences of this condition of being stuck is that despite the good intentions of the town council building is held up on the Zimmerman subdivision We repeat the question What useful purpose has the planning board served in the development Aurora It is apparent that far from serving any useful purpose it has a hindrance and a nuisance As Councillor Vic Jones colorfully expressed it Council bucks the planning board and the planning board bucks council Will the time ever come when this farce will be ended v MS North Aurora COUNCIL REPORT Letter From Board Of Trade Resented By Mayor Council A general meeting of the town council was held Monday night Feb A letter from the board of trade alleging that a hydro weakness held up the town during the recent fire found strong disfavor- Deputy- Reeve Murrays factfinding report oil proposed Old Home Week this year revealed that the merchants are almost opposed to Among correspondence iSceiy were letter frpra thennidb WHAT THEY ARE SAYING D J Murray Gets A New Job J A Bolsby Arena Chairman LiAfctliis time of writing we dont know whether there will be any Old Home Week but few comments tliose who have discussed it are of interest One we- have repeated Where ijid idea originate Who first thought it up Maim MEMBERSHIP DUPLICATION There is the town planning committee of council Its chairman is Councillor Jones An interesting situ ation might arise if the planning committee of the town council brought in recommendations of its own in regard to building and council passed them Would such re commendations have to be approved by the planning board Or could council go ahead and overVide the planning board- The existence of so boards organizations and semiofficial committees creates a situation where members of the one are also often members of other if not all of the various bodies This duplication of off iceholding could well mean that a member would be voting for something for one organization that he might find necessary to oppose if it came up on the agenda of another organization An example of this conflict of purpose can be shown in the recent controversy over free ice time Members of the arena board will argue that free time is a loss to the a a board finances Members of the recrea tion commission will argue that the arena was built for the people of Aurora The conflict continues until the problem has to he brought to council for settlement The point however is that some members of arena board and the roc commission are also members of council As members of council they are probably forced into the position of sitting in judgment on themselves as members of the foregoing boards Such are the logical consequence of too many boards and organizations and the inevitable duplication in membership since there are only a limited number of individuals willing to accept public office The facts relating to such situations are clear enough But the answer to them is not so clear since it would appear that the tendency is to multiply rather than decrease the number of organizations in Aurora EARING THE MRJyy V Last week we said we would comment further this if Vwcek in regard to what were stated to be some J- tions to what Mr vicechairman of the Aurora recreation commission said with reference to the rental charges and the use of the Lions hall by the appeared that some mombers of the felons Club said what was than analysing the comparfltivo values of rent paid and results tfiwefiom looks to us like business no objection could fetagM annum is quite for tlio use few hours each week and the more so if only a small number of people Mr Steadman is chairman of the finance committee recreation commission As lie is cost if results said also that the com- mission had no with the Lions board in Supported by Mr A K Bennett a other Mr Steadman added that the hall had been acquired by the Lions at a nominal sum having regard to its secondary use for community purposes He certainly did not criticize He inly made statements of fact and quite properly claimed that he had nothing of Richmond Hill and township thanking the Aurora town council for- its generous ap preciation of services rendered by during the recent fire A letter received from Mr Lee tendering his resig nation as a member of the plan ning board A letter from board of trade alleging that there was a weakness in the hydro service during the recent Main street fire elicited a strong rebuke from DeputyReeve Mur ray Mr Murray said every thing had been done that could have been done and the service to the town was restored as soon as it was possible to do so The mayor said he held his own opinions on the letter and added that the service was re sumed as soon as it was safe to do so Chairman of the ByLaws committee Councillor Moffat introduced a number of bylaws among them being one concern ing the projected widening of Wellington St East A further bylaw dealt with the for financial assistance for County fiopftaV- made an eloquent appeal for for this Worthy suggested the of organizing the and the of suitable in Aurora He feer that some organ ization in Aurora put oh a play or suitable event chiefly for the publicizing of the campaign J Reeve Cook speaking with some warmth said he was get ting fed up with supporting everything in Newmarket He did not think the town should be called on to assist in the mat ter although he personally had given financial assistance to the hospital reeve said they would be goats if they gave everything Newmarket which already had the registry office the police the hospital home for the aged and now the county seat which would prove expensive He said he could not give the campaign his whole hearted assistance Mayor Rose replied that the doctors were doing their best to improve the hospital in every way It is a York county amusement has been caused by the fact that few it any of those whose names have been associated with ithe prof to hold an Old Home Week this year are natives of Aurora Some of the more aggressive among them have lived in Au rora for a few years only fact might be found that no nativeborn Auxbriah respon for the idea One resident suggested that there a of between centennial and and the posed Old Home Week One merchant ft by say that it was Just another fifti revenue and that fie was oppos ed to the town making any grant for in any case the matter is now up to council and from what we have heard any decision taken will not be There is a current belief that a majority of council will decide holding the proposed event this From Florida From Florida the other day received news from Mr and Mrs Murray who are vacationing in the sunny south But they find It down there They sent us a picture describing the Spanish moss which they say is so thick here that you gradually come to love it Although the weather is cool Mr and Mrs Murray find it good for travelling around Their numerous friends in Au rora and in York county will be glad to hear that they are en joying their visit immensely New President The new deputyreeve of Au rora Mr P J Murray appears him good going in his new be collecting new appoint- 1 of parking on the north said of Centre St from to Newmarket you cant change what is The A bylaw concerned with the location of th hospital was to councillors provoked I under the Hospitals an unexpected discussion in the Act The mayor said he was not course of which a reversal of an earlier vote was made At its former meeting when the sub ject was debated the mayors casting vote gave a ruling that no deductions were to be made In cases where members of coun cil were absent from a regular council or committee meeting Arising out of a stipulation in the Municipal Act concerning deductions in cases of absence a further vote was taken by council which by five to three decided that be deducted in cases where members were ab sent from a regular meeting and from a committee meeting of which they were members York County Hospital Concerning the forthcoming suggesting that the town should make a grant but that the fi nancial campaign should be giv en every assistance in a very worthy and necessary cause He believed it would succeed Other Business Among other business an ap plication was heard for a yearly increase for the Buchanan cartage and referred to commit tee First offer of property on avenue for sale had been offered to the recreation com mission for a playground the deputy- reeve reported A review of council proceed ings will be given in Council Sidelights in our next issue Editor OLD HOME FactFinding Survey Shows Only Merchants Favor to as member of a hiding commit tee appointed in connection with a proposal to hold ail Old Home Week in Aurora this year I J Murray produced some remarkable figures as a result of a personal canvass he had conducted among the merchants Mr Murray said he had given answers were as follows said the sal considerable j No five were undecided arid thought before reaching a per- two favored the idea sonal decision on the matter j Mr Murray said he was Now he said my mind is of opinion that this made up and I am completely wasnt the year event opposed to holding such an and that any money they hud to merits at a fairly rapid rate these days He has just recently been appointed to the office of presi dent of the Aurora and Progressive Asso ciation- in succeSsibii to Mr Alex Bell Air Murray received an acclamation did to the of fice of Although his pontics are clearly defined in and federal matters not a municipal affairs As a member of the town councU said Mr Murray politics 1 Is to represent all with- out to have always kept this in mind of the In Mr Mur rays pal can be found Jit the general support he rev reived from Conservatives and Liberals alike nomination papers have always contained the names of prominent Liber- ab Mr Murray now fills a role as president of the Aurora and district Association that was previously filled by able men among them our good friend Mr William Bill Case the president of the federal riding of the North York Progressive Conservative Association I New Chairman There has not been much news for some time past of the Au rora arena board But it now has a new chairman In the per son of Mr J A Bolsby who has succeeded Mr recently elected to the town council Mr past- president of the Aurora Branch of the Canadian Legion is a man of forceful ability who will make an excellent chairman We wish v m rf u i i j t SCIENCE DEFEATS DISTANCE 1 Mother In Mediterranean On Sunday morning Feb around am this reporter was chatting with Mr Dale King In the course of the conversation he said in answer to a question that they were hoping to hear from Mrs King during j the course of the week It will be recalled that Mrs ence Mr King had gone to New York with his mother to wish her bon voyage Returning to his home two and a half hours later than the conversation reported above this reporter again saw Mr King who said he had just finished a telephone conversation with his King left Aurora on Thursday mother from her stateroom Feb for a days Mediter ranean sailing from New York oh that day aboard the American liner the Aurora Legion News Committee and other appoint- aboard the Independence at a point somewhere between and Gibraltar The con versation had lasted for min utes Mrs King told her son that the weather was beautiful and that she was enjoying her cruise immensely A major point in this story is that through the achievements of science a son was able to con verse freely with his mother made at the first meeting SC in of the executive n mm event this year The deputyreeve proceeded to give council his reasons for his decision He said it was pro posed to widen Wellington St east and that might take a great deal of time would be just too bad he said to have peo ple coming in for Old Home Week with one of our principal torn up- Mr Murray said that the sidewalks on St were falling apart and the work would have to be done again The merchants werent going to fool very happy about that he said 3 There were other major Jobs forecast for this year he street would- be ripped up for the of Sowers and a new addition to theWfiH would bo underway There was the problem of disposal plant and a new floor for the arena had been request There were the new assess ments coming up and people might not be In mood for a celebration when they received Of Merchants spare should be spent on help ing to bring industries into town and also to straighten out planning board problems Councillors Agree Councillor Moffat said hod enough to do this year out on Old Home week They had a lot of problorhs on hand Councillor said he agreed with what the deputy reeve had said They not ready for Councillor Jones said he good deal that had said and he what it cost the t6wn- said It was not to load the taxpay ers with trie expense He would bo Opposed to mat said he thought the deputyreeve was out of in giving had hold an other meeting with town organs v- Murray said he was In order in telling council what ho had found from a canvass of the merchants That was was appointed to the factfinding Branch of the Canadian Le gion are reported in the follow ing order Membership Or Heath to- convenor Harold social activities Earl Scott service bureau officer Alec McLean sick and visiting memorial day J Murray Poppy day publicity Norm Ben viUejrv Welfare committee three members John Flood first vicepresident Gordon Sen- tort treasurer William field hall rentals Mrs Elsie Nuffield special events A Heard sports officer Richardson salvage pickup Nels Anderson Birthday Anniversary The Ladies Auxiliary of the Aurora Legion journeyed on Monday night Feb- to take part in the first birthday anniversary of the Ladies Legion Aux- Legion ladies from Newmarket also was seated in a chair aboard a liner sailing through the Medi terranean sea For Friendly Personal Shop At JOHN DRUG STORED v Telephone AURORA News Mr Murray proceeded to say committee to get information that his enquiries showed that for councils guidance number of towns hod taken one and two years and even more to plan an Old Home week It was a big Job and he asked why Aurora should hold it this year He then reported to coun cil his findings of a canvass ho had made among the merchants said the an swers were based on the ques tion Is this the year to hold an Old Home He had call ed on S3 merchants and their LJ KiMy Councillor Davidson said most merchants were members of the board of trade and if of them were opposed to an Old Home Week this year how many were left to support it After saying that Mr David son had asked a good question the mayor closured further dis cussion on the grounds that an other report would be brought to council by Mr its next Tile Trinity Anglican Womans Association met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs J Irs Cowling spent the weekend with her daughter and sctvlhlaw Mr and Aire Jim Castle The Class held Us Feb luary in parl ors on Tuesday afternoon Hie of the United church held a veryisucesfurVaZendno Tea arid homo baking sale in tar chinch parlors on Thursday af ternoon The brunch of tho Wo mans Institute is holding At Home in the form of a pot luck supper In the church parlors on Feb Each member Is asked bring a friend Miss Merle Baker Toronto visited her sister Mrs J Continued on Page isi- Doris Day Gordon vi WED MALTA Alec Guinness Jack Hawkins i y v

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