Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Feb 1954, p. 14

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K3S551 f 1-1- v Era and Thursday Feb And District provincial police raided the Borden Tannery Hill Farm Log Cabin Grill Oak Ridges group conveners of Kingcrafts I i early Sunday morning seizing a will meet on Wednesday otter quantity of liquor Charged noon Feb to outline what with keeping liquor for sale was each group will be prepared to the proprietor Wong Gee a make for the forthcoming sale Canadian Chinese in his on October early sixties He was lodged in Glen William Rumble aged the Newmarket jail and later eight months son of Mr and released on cash bail He Mrs Austin Rumble was to appear in county court by Rev Martin at Newmarket on Tuesday of in a ceremony performed at the this week Mr Gee has been in Rumble home on Friday after- Canada for years J noon Feb and Mrs C Stewart spent the Mrs Maple weekend at near tended church dinner Stratford for the wedding last Friday Mrs was anniversary of her brother a former member of the Even- and his wife Oak Ridges They ore members of the Aurora Corona tion symphony orchestra Mrs Hill WUlotighhy gave two readings David spoon was chairman Anniversary Winner Because Mrs W A Carson be came ill oh Wednesday morn ing Feb 10 she and her hus band were unable to take part hi a dinner party given in honor of their wedding at the home of their daugh ter Mrs Wrist Bound With Tape rf Bank Staff Watch Robbery -S- and Mrs Ross Sinclair Toronto spent a few days over the weekend with the formers sister Mrs Williams Mr and Mr Percy Leather- robbed Sheila Bell dale concession at Strange of the manager gold their farm ley My Bank Stolen When word reached King City that the King bank had that the bandits had stolen her iggy To the old girl that was the most item in the establish ment it was upstairs A baby brother was born to Hunters parents Mr and Mrs Ralph Hunter on Feb j- Handicrafts have a way of turning up whenever a group of mingle Mr A I Aurora who was pres ent with his wife at the recent MEDICAL riPrivilegosi democracy carry- responsible Hies said Dr Glen Secretary Ontario Medical Association lie ad dressed Kifig City Iri prof these are clearly defined and held his sub of the Medical Profession in Mis inod- em Hevas introduced by ftenhis Miss Dennis resident of St i v to Donald Barker a fax of Weston who will take possession in April Later Mr Barker will be married Mr and Mrs Harry Edwards are well on the road to recovery after their illness whichflqif to their j Thomas where Sawyer had home for some vyL djfeBftfiiial Miss Eva Dennis head of KnTgpriof to his school attended -a- convert dealing in KlrigJstrici I fepy tffaaMfttf famSfcrfiFaWl on lne s his patients Kingmfters evening has best Invest Building country people do receive Medical Street King has varied continued the speaker ii6n0Wi future gave Institute TSS hers ah- thefurh collie concehtf ate ffieir J arid of this or- a centre J iS lite Association doctors Some bylaw the j purchased j i the profession to and is feet It is This aspect the work which south of the Dan j Was set up life is known as property and is next to King Flan A pre wearing jackets and suits by his wife for some time Mrs is a member of the local Guild af Mr Willis was wearing a fieiTingbonf tweed jacket which had carded and woven by his wife In less than three years Mrs MacLachlan has become profici ent in this hobby Mrs Arnold Peter King CijjV applies her creative ability leather Recently Lady a handsome Swedish wool handbag in favorite beige and brown combining wool embroidery Mrs A Is a hand hooked screen The design which has delicately shaded roses on a light background it chair seat by Mr Won admiration when ft was it at Montreal Mrs Partridge Maple has hand hooked a rug ah in originality Oyster Supper AH the oyster soupjyymi want was the password at the annual oyster supper held by the King City lions club oh Feb In all five gallons of oy sters gallons of milk AjcT Memoriai library site The iAWi Maple dcttlohi to invest in the was made at a special business meeting of Kingcrafts Friday Feb Tlie second annual congregation of by and the who Ufa part in of the Sunday and six pounds of soda biscuits It was held oh paid Medical Plan was establish in and the Physicians Surgeons plan begun there are 400000 people in They pay on a monthly basis on the pay- roil plans are also from potent of Canadians who cannot insure themselves supper was given fife cared for without fee served There were salads pies and included in the Proceeds realized were Veterans cooks Mrs Fred Boys and Mrs George Feb at King City VriiM More than adults and child ren en the dinner A film was shown by Mr Stanley Hud- pared the oyster soup in the kit- son an official Lands of the United church The and Musical selections Lionesses took charge of the salad plates and their husbands served or at reduced rates In plain the people in Canada was con sidered inie profession to ihc outside own country Dr exphilned the EWorld Medical was formed between to 40 countries are a ftoutley was the first ihairman and were given by a violin trio Mrs ftd draft the constitution He J- and Miss Lois a consultant oh this Th6 Kllcn Wilson teller in the King City Bank of Commerce was unable to help the manager IT Dell Bill Burns 19 and John Loonies accountants when their wrists were bound with adhesive tape by a bandit during a bank robbery on Feb Oho of gunrneh rifled the tellers tilljdf after the staff had been ordered to lie on Within the three men two we report ed 1 to carrying automatics staged the robbery the this bank In They escaped- ftv a car Which was abandoned near jfe soon I what happening I they can teiv Wilson had been In W private dfifcet As Mr Bell left his office ho was faced by the leader of the wore a black up this is a lie third rhari members of was get up Sie floor his fll tied the safe in flie vault must be sorrtetSihg more in this shdUted fcicl the time was bnV but he didnt believe me said Air i Sitting in he office Mrs Boyd was ordered first to come out with others This was changed to stay where you- are and be Mrs Boyd obeyed- could riot what was on as both doors were closed most of the time thugs Were and They had plenty of confidence I look but felt ft wasnt Worth taking chances Mrs told afterwards Bert was startled by gunman as he entered the bank during the holdup J hard ly knew what wa5 happen ing before a was pushed into the managers office I was told to stay there arid riot to more When she heard the last leave bank lifts Boyd rushed to office window She saw a dark ear pulling itriought I should get Hie license number My son Pete who fe- a would kid me if I teiy him Mrs Boyd was unable to read the license from where she stood as she wasnt wearing her glasses Before the bank robbery a resident of John St was driving a truck when a black cor blocked wayv signalled with his horn and car pulled over allowing him to pass He saw three men In the vehicle Later when Mr learned of theft he was ta ken to the third concession by the police and identified the abandoned car as the one ho had earlier A Bell Telephone man also saw a dark car speed ing east on the King sideroad It swerved at the comer of the third and went south he said Mr Bell telephoned for tho police a few minutes police detectives bank officials news reporters and photograph ers bail arrived Roadblocks were set up but by one oclock the police were convinced the had escaped -v- Mr years as a banker the King City robbery was his first Miss Wilson has been on the local staff for two years Bill Burns has been there eight months and John came from a short time ago as Bin to he moved to another centre The first two bank robberies at King City occurred when Mordant Benson was manager The two happened Arthur was the In the fourth holdup a Shot was fired through the ceil- entering tho pax The fifth robbery was when Milliard Bryan Maple was manager The institution hod been changed front a Bank of to Commerce Miss Margaret was the KESWICK Mrs rick had as guests Sunday Mrs father Sinclair Sr Ring- wood and Mr arid Mrs Mur ray Sinclair all of The supper party was In honor of Mr Sinclairs birthday Barker who has been staying at Mrs home was taken ill over the weekend and has been moved to her daughters home in Manilla Mr James Wright is on the sick list ALBERT FIRE BRIGADE ANSWERS THREE FIRE ALARMS the Mount Albeit Hit Wlade wits called to iliree fires within hours last week On Thurs day Feb It a the home of Mr Mrs Ken- I Ian at the a accohd call received by tho volunteer fire department a lire at the Mr and Mrs iv At 5 following day the alarm Was received a ire it Hie burned A hole In the roof b fore Itwasbrought corn two earlier fires stove pipe chimney fires The fire chief is Bruce AURORA Continued from Page ly recently The Society met In the church parlors on evening of the judging school were guests and Miss Margaret Dove Who authority on flower arrangement led a discussion oh Kdcascs of psittacosis rabies fever were reported Ifi Canada CHILDRENS PARTY Newinarket Veterans association held the annual online party for the children and mothers the Rail a JMovfes Were shown There singsong Games and draws were included in the Refieshmehts were served In the by the Veterans TOercyycre hot dogs cake arid ice cream and each child ed an- orange and candy as a hat and a noise childrens party is held at St Instead of Christmas ami has a pop ular affair for both the children arid their parents Alfred Elph- president welcomed the guests- V BEACH iMr Cool proprietor of Cool- mere Lodge suffered a heart at tack on Monday and is lei hospi tal in Toronto Sunday Mrs Gibson nee Crittenden called her parents Mr and Mrs ftg distance from Moose Mr arid and son also Miss Chapman at tended the boat show in Toronto Saturday Feb The Keswick have been invited to sing at Sharon in the near future Three local girls are members of the chorus Mr and Mrs Bong left on Saturday for a motor trip to California and Mexico Mrs Violet Chapman spent the weekend with her son Mr- Ace Chapman and family offering a special discount oil all fantt J t machinery on which delivery taken during February New standard tractor Used standard tractor yy- Favmall tractor Firestone and Goodyear Tires Farm Equipment Farm Implements CLL Paints and Fertilizer King City Telephone King and John organization is interested In i help needy iiiucj developed training Im been of the of medicaid has sent trained ill Kb and- campaign fllhstvffU through Womens Institutes- In ta i it If Every Every four hours a lost Every two Insurance cannot restore or mitigate liQancial burden of disaster Even then the bill comes high year companies writing Automobile Insurance iW than in accident claims part of the cost of carelessness in driving Ars INSURA companies writ a r s

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