Li A Pages from the Editors Not The train was a little late coming into town one day a ago It had a royal tour as it came rolling down the tracks On the front of the locomotive was a large placard stating that this was the last trip for Engineer A MEMBER NEWSPAPERS The Snowy owl is seen rarely in this part of the coun try A recent television pro gram showed motion pictures of this rare bird In Toronto area A owl was seen re cently perched on a aerial after years of at the York County home for j icon street Is it that he was seeking television publicity advisor on nature sub- service with the railway- Engineer front his cab arid hands with the people station It was able that the train was schedule since the eh saying farewell friends at each station Lemming in the north country the line Engineer The Lemming a small rodent live in the fair Is the Showy owls upon retirement vffood Serving Aurora rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era ffcferess Herald Published- every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by ihe Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription 4 J years for one year advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Authorized as Second Mail Office Department Ottawa Managing Womens itcftfir- v V Or- GEORGE Spoils Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Slim natural born primitive artist spoke to the Health From the Soil club of Corners on Monday night on the topic You and Worms There has been a lot of attend MaJN Kcllcy says at reason for the owls ap- nglneer in this part of the to his country the shortage of tho IAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production EDITORIAL PAGE the worm the salvation of humanity Without worms you couldnt grow much in garden Worms busts up the soil too makes It soft and easy to work talk on organic fanning and little clubs have started I the up here and there to promote asked interest in compost heaps and the compost and the organic farming I read an of worms Were PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AMD i NEED BYLAW a r Motorists who live in Whatever city we visit we or in the district are familiar find someone from Newmarket with the lights at the We were in Montreal last week- comer of Davis end and met a former resident Main Street but if seems that who will be known to many one cannot trust the green light Newmarket natives He is Afac without first looking left and lead right One local motorist pro- with Max orchestra south on a green light in the room Mount ScenUy with hi eye on the Royal hotel Mac was Hint When he was halfway draughtsman at the Office the intersection Mfg Co in the thirties automobile travelling front the and was a well known musician west to east crossed his local orchestra with Art a good rate of speed inches West He was introduced to us from the front of his own car by a friend Editor Ken Walla The traffic lights who also is a talented stalled last fall cot- musician will be swarming along We also chatted with the De- Davis Drive on the weekends Red Wings Red before long and when we think who played in Montreal how unobservant some day night He is a native of mans are we doubt our own home town of Port that many will breeze Dover We hold the opinion through the intersection heed- that if all players were less of the lights Too many like Red Kelley a good na motorists already have tared person with a fine code fortunate experiences at this corner It may be that larger advance warning signs are nec essary for living and playing hockey there would be no criticism of the national sport of the sort have been hearing lately From the and -i- FEBRUARY Miss Shirley a pupil of Mrs J 15 first class hon ors on the exam intermedi ate harmony held at Toronto University last Miss Phyllis award of To ronto spent a few days in New market this week renewing old friendships and enjoying the bright sunshine and refreshing i- will attend the iajrdressers convention at the King Edward hotel Toronto on Tuesday Wednesday of next iLast Friday evening as two prominent ladies of United church were the premises from opposite directions to attend a comipit tee meeting both met with mishaps- A skidding auto air tractid the attention of one of the ladies when her feet slip ped from under her and aft fell to the pavement ward Her glasses were broken cutting face and she imme diately turned homeward The other lady was by drawn by a small boy as she was crossing the street frorn the post office lit her fall she was considerably bruised and suffered much the following day Both however able to be out Miss Naomi Ewers of St Catharines is spending a couple of weeks with her par Church St Mrs of Perth who was home for about three weeks left for Toronto yester day to spend a few days before turning home WtJss Laura arid her Mother arc spending tvo weeks at with her brother Mr Ed who is on the institute staff About one hundred college boys accompanied the School of team here last Sat- and there was indeed a at the skating rink There a fine crowd of spec and the cheers as each aide scored fairly made the building ring Taking it alt through the playing was rather and in the last half one of the visitors named Kennedy got his hand cut so badly that he was forced to retire and the was finished with one man jess on each side Miss enter a number of young pie last Friday night Mi and son Man who have been in Ontario for the past three montiis spent a few days With John nephew of Mr before leaving A resolution put forward at a meeting of the market council this week that an existing bylaw bo strictly enforced seemed unnecessary to Mayor man who said that all enforced Councillor had said that all citizens do not shovel snow Sidewalks as the bylaw says they should and he felt that resolution was needed to ay or considered that ass of the resolution would be a on the present enforcement Dales pointed out that there are outdated bylaws enforced but that this par ticular one should be he said he could see nothing wrong with the resolution Reeve Dales comments suggest that a bylaw is needed many musty old are there hidden away in the clerks vault which have no hearing on day customs Like the regulations displayed in hotel rooms that the innkeeper is responsible for kept at there are no in New market which could be put It is possible that most of the citizens are for all we Know That horses be tied to hitching posts on Main St still may be one of requirement of outoftown shoppers in Newmarket in there is one law made outofdate only in last three weeks stipulates that stores may for certain hours on Saturday nights most of the stores now open Friday nights Nearly every merchant then is a lawbreaker It may mean much work for the town clerk and many hours of time for members of council but some day the clerks vault should be given a and the town laws should be kept up to date Then Mayor Glad- man could say that all bylaws should be enforced to church last Sunday and fill for their prairie home on Ved their duties at the tea meeting largest skating night in the history of the arena took place last Tuesday over skater from town and sewjingly from evety part of the county donned the blades at the Newmarket Citizens Hand skating party Miss OBrien of spent Sunday with her brother- Mr A and sang In the Methodist choir Mr Jorcd Irwin has return ed home after spending a month with his son in States the THE CHILDREN NEED HELP v war has come to an end Canadian concern over that area is beginning to wane the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada points but are improving Kore can not rationalize the effects of the Korean conflict A former now serving in Koiea the United States army wrote a letter which appeared in the Era and Express last week asking for help for the Korean children rot Private Archie You really have to be to see for yourself and realize how tJicjKare struggling to keep vyarhland alive Children are running around half naked ho shoes run ning around the snow in their bare foist begging for Committee to pro vide famished and homeless children with dally howl of barley during the three coming leanest One dollar will feed five child rah far a whole morith ten cents every Canadian would feed thousands of starving A few ago Dr executive director sur veyed conditions in Korea spoke in and asked for then money has been raised by church groups Womens institutes mid groups of neighbors The fund fe nearly short and other fttill help by pending clothing and money for the Korean children to the Committee NOT FLATS Plans are being made store east of Main Street ertek to the edge of the pinking hi which onto Water St and St It was at a council that before the work is undertaken the be straightened street extend buildings the A concrete culvert be constructed It would seoni wise for town the i between Timothy St and St as ot no use at Queen St be private land We sec reason why the sewage and water not bo V THE RED CROSS CAMPAIGN i The Canadian Red Cross Society is preparing for its annual campaign for funds in Newmarket a blitz campaign will be held on Thursday March This year the Red Cross is asking the people of Canada for 5122 Ontario branches are being asked to raise 2141690 of this amount to maintain the many Red services such as disaster relief international relief health and education services such as swimming and water safety home nursing outpost hospitals veterans welfare blood transfusion service and womens work -0- Through its volunteer workers builds up stockpiles of clothing bedding and medical supplies ready to be rushed to ail points in Europe and Asia when disaster strikes In many remote areas of On tario lied Cross Outpost hospitals and health centres i the only places where skilled assistance is avail able in time of accident childbirth or sudden illness This time last year the people of Britain Holland and Belgium knew from personal experience during the devastation of their countries by flood that truly the work of mercy never ends Canadian Cross was to bring disaster relief Again it was among the first to bring aid to the earthquake victims in Greece last summer Women across Canada volunteer their time and their energy for the Red Cross They gather in work groups in the basement of a church in the library or wherever space is available and make clothing bedding and hospital dressings for use at home and overseas This is a most important service of the lied Cross and on it depends the stockpile at Geneva and the stockpile proposed in the Middle East to bring quick aid to vic tims of disaster rite Red Cross at the request of the National of Health and Welfare has taken on a new project that of collecting blood to supply gamma globulin So the Red Cross is how enlisted in the fight against polio for gamma globulin manufactured blood lessens the crippling effects of this disease The Red Cross lias earned the trust and affection of Canadians through many years We are being asked to give generously for the work that is being done and for the tasks that lie ahead BOY SCOUTS IN NEWMARKET Of la fawn gown diamond I by lh Of owning of the New Ha nth Wale put gret crowd that gather the servant not ikm matter of the people guarantee Infringement on their right their in international and national it the function of the to the direction of that which on individual cfiofco rt -z- tide once that said that the human species can deteriorate because of the lack of vitamins and things in plants If there is insufficient matter in the soil then the carrots arid peas and lettuce you eat wont do you much good Slim a com post heap in his garden behind his piano box mansion by the wfrris the hefore but not last Can you fixVS plain that aid enthusiastic gardenef ths -T- Sbmeihing roust have away said the robins all take furinyi railway tracks so They dont around a place pert on organic farming and worms v In his address to the Health From the Soil club said You dont realize import- ant worms are to you Them worms is responsible for djstri- organic soil I say that if we dont think more about worms the health of the world is doomed Soil is arid all the time As me I sure I got plenty of worms started my compost heap with two dead chickens and a weeks garbage But compost heaps take a long time to rot and worms is necessary to break down garbage into good soil Nowadays they have some sort of chemical to rot heaps When we think on the or dinary insignificant little worm we aint inspired ordin arily unless its for but they dont like Youve got to encourage them make their one To encourage interest in vita subject Health Soil club adopted the mot- to Worms and Keer J Following the meeting a lunch was served and a social followed Hos- tesses fibita Hearr and Miss Jenny the High school teacher Slirri Is thinking of starting fit worm farm and that is why lie has been speaking around at different organizations in the district Theres dough iri i worms said Slim If can get people convinced that they need Ill have a real business I plrm three sales men on the at all times worms I tell you theres a real market worms by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Horace is always an in h in the minds of all with the Association It is their desire that lis lie to llio attention of the public because February is the anni versary of the birthday of founder I I Powell Fortyfour years he brought into the of for Boys inert today look back with grateful to the years they spent in the movement has now to a World Population of well over five and a half million iii countries- Observance of this special month is made in the of parades and their- annual drive for funds continue tins worth while Wrirk with boy Newmarket is hot appealing for thin year Not because we are overly blessed but in deference to other local drives will be held over until next year are however for leaders the Hoy Scout Troop The Packs are led and it would lie an inexcusable fault if buys from Pack to Troop tost interest in Scouting for want of rounded which can only bo provided is the only troop in town and for The support afforded it by the citizens of Newhiarket for its periodic and greatly but in a community of oyer it is a source of that in the form of leadership is not forthcoming from the pen Of Baden Powell Is always wortli say that Ihero fwil points to look for a leader lie must whole hearted faith a belief in of his lid must cheery with ftymimthyaudiXricii his followers- He muni bo himself through of job What ho preaches he must practice- of a nation change of its Interested volunteers invited to phone the present Scoutmaster Horace y or of the It would he interesting to foretell by conjecture what in fluence the expansion of the town of Newmarket will have on the industry of farming car ried oh in this area The pro posed MO houses in the new subdivision along with the or dinary building program car ried on could add very close to people to the population of the town within the next couple of years This will mean an increase in the services necessary in town Larger anil more frequent transportation facilities ah in crease in the number of people shopping general a more active business community Undoubtedly some of the present business establishments will expand and some others will be established The question is ill the farmer re ceive any benefit from the na tural growth of Ihe commun ity We feel that by planning and by making some attempts at market the prosperity of Newmarket could be made to work Hint way First of all some thought lie given to the of a market It should be situated in location with ample parking space and in a proper building Those who have seen- market J Kitchener or at know business he done there to large extent mar ket can to better In- come for farmers It could in clude cutup chicken and market for vegetables towers There might bo a that one of the local butchers could be approached with the view of establishing a tor house Any planning for an under taking of this sort would re quire much preparation It would be interesting to inves- how the new farmers market at Hill is working out The town should be approached to see it the council would he interested in helping The present generation housewives we believe could be educated to use a farmers market Those of us who re member the g sprawling markets of the old country wilt remember the fascination of J the sights and smells There is an attraction in in a place like this There a sense of freshness and direct ness about it It would shortsighted to miss out such an It might be a job for the Newmarket of Commerce to tackle It should include def initely the local units of the Federal ion of Agriculture It should he on Street point of great contra- What depth of wisdom made the town decide this should become light industry we dont know On a with new residen tial why should tins appear to the casual traveller nil industrial town doiVt know nor do we try to figure out It is li the utmost It might ah advantage present and provide protection for other sections of I in town hut in long run it will Ihj a factor re ther READY FOR CANADIAN CURLING i an foursome from the start of the flail Thistles quartet winner of tbo Ontario ink championship at rnltii represent Southern Ontario at the at In March Pictured after rink J0C happy ftWSwfe rear Cross left and Rom a WlUon it tor t J JV VL rfMftttaSt-