J tfii Held from last week to hear that Mrs been ill and the wish speedy iqyeiy- lift Mrs Cryder- and of iperjit Sunday with Mr and Mrs Kay and Mrs Donald Morton visited Mr and Mrs Norman King Saturday evening Congratulations to Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Ronnie who are the proud parents of baby boys Miss Kay of the Bell Tele phone Is taking a four week ex tension course in Mr and Mrs Stevenson Royal Beach Virginia had din ner on Sunday with her mother Mrs Kay NEW LOOK FOR NEW EMPRESSES Your stake in the search for Setter Health r Everyone has a vilal Interest in sciences efforts to help us live longer But life insurance policyholders have a special stake in this work You sec certain important thyroid hormones blood clotting and asthma to mention but a few Will all help you and your family to live longer healthier lives A scale model of two new 23000ton streamlined ships now on order by the Canadian Pacific Steamships for transatlantic service is shown above making a realistic trial run in a British tank The liners with rakish lines and echelon decks will bring a new look to Canadas inland portion of the transatlantic route when they go into service in and Contract for constructing the second ship was let in at Britain recently by A of Montreal managing director of Canadian Pacific Steamships to VickersArmstrongs Limited while the first which will be named Empress of Britain has been under construction since last Fall by Ltd Specially designed for the CanadaUnited Kingdom service the liners will have accommodation for tourist passengers and first class passengers as well as feet of cargo space The sister ships will be 635 feet in length feet in breadth and will draw feet fully loaded The name of the second ship has not yet been chosen medical research projects are supported wholly or part J by funds from all the life insurance companies in Canada with their millions of policyholders As a result skilled scientists in many Canadian medical research centres can carry on their task of attacking some of man kinds deadliest enemies Their names cancer heart ailments tuberculosis and poliomyelitis Other vital studies are sup ported in a similar way These focus on processes of ageing cellular growth dental hygiene pregnancy AT YOUR SERVICE I advance of modern medicine babies born today can expect to live about 20 years longer than those of 50 years ago Many dread diseases have been banished or controlled Ahead lies further progress that will surely benefit you and yours And if you are a life insur ance policyholder you also have the satisfaction of know ing you have participated in this program designed to bring the blessings of good health to all- A underwriter one of morm than SO Canadian British and United States life In Canada gladly help you for bow for your familys and your own needs years Rely en THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES CHIEF ILL Chief Constable Joseph Jar- dine East police is ill He has a months leave of ab sence Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance m DR EDWARDS SPEAKS TO NURSES GROUP Dr J C Edwards addressed the regular monthly meeting of the Registered Nurses association of Ontario Chapter District when it was held in St Johns school Newmarket on Tuesday Mar 2 Mrs E Macpher son Mount Albert presided Dr Edwards who was intro duced by Miss Bertha spoke on the post operative care of surgical patients A film on the Recovery Room was shown Mrs Barbara Brady moved the vote of thanks to Dr Edwards There was a discussion of ways by which the Nurses association could raise funds for the York County Hospital building fund No definite plans were made but a fund raising project will he held by the group The evening closed with a so cial halfhour were served HORTICULTURAL SOC STARTS DRIVE NEW MEMBERS With the approach of spring the membership committee of the Newmarket Horticultural society begins its annual campaign for membership The other commit tees of the society are planning an active year for the organiza tion Membership convener is Charl es Through member ship in the society local garden ing enthusiasts have the oppor tunity of purchasing nursery stock at a discount of percent There is a special reduced sub scription rate the Canadian Homes arid Gardens for members of the Newmarket Horticultural society Other committee chairmen for the ensuing year include exhibi tion Charles Boyd juvenile Miss Eva Barnes purchasing George Ruddock social Mrs Wal ton show Orley Hayes and Hill program Mrs Jean Jay librarian Mrs Beatrice Hen dricks publicity Mrs Nelson Ion budget Eugene McCaffrey bulletin editor Mrs John Mount Albert Names Sports Day Committees Mount Albert Sports Day will be on June this year and com mittees have been set up to ar range the various events of the day Committee members are as follows Childrens entertainment Mur ray Edgar and Harvey Jones adult afternoon William CoOrdfoatfng Chairman For Counties Of Named Miss Burns Miss Burns who has been prominent in work for blind Canadians for more than years has been named chairman of the division for the Cana dian National Institute for the Blind Building Fund A for York County named soon Miss Burns community chairmen will he appointed in all major entres the county she added public appeal for made by the Canadian Institute for the Blind late April The Building will finance an urgently needed rehabilitation and ser vice centre for the blind in ton Ontario Peel and York Counties Construction of the centre to be built neat Hospital in North Toronto will begin this spring funds are available The new centre will be used to serve and train the more than blind persons living in the five counties It will have mod ern rehabilitation facilities a new Braille library and printing shoo and a residence to accommodate blind live outside Toronto who- must come to the centre for training or guidance centre will an im portant part in the lives of all people in these five Miss Burns said Not only will it make rehabilitation of blind persons more efficient Out it will aid in the ceaseless crusade for blindness preven tion the counties added -r- v- N D0MT ENDURE SLUGGISHNESS The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar Page TO BE IN RECITAL AT CONSERVATORY Patricia Coulter Toronto and Anne Stephenson Orillia pupils of Dr Ernesto Vinci will be heard in a recital on Friday Mar pm at the Royal Con servatory Concert Hall Toronto Miss Stephenson is the daughter of Mr and Mrs L Stephenson Newmarket and Mrs Coulter who is the daughter of Mrs A J Aldington Toronto is welt known in the district She is a niece of Mr and Mrs Richard Edmunds Richmond Hill Mrs Coulter who is a mezzo soprano will sing four French and two Italian numbers in her first group and four English selections in her second group Miss Stephenson is a piano For her first group she has chosen an aria from Mozarts Figaro Her second group will consist of four German and English numbers Miss Stephenson was the guest soloist on two occasions this week in Last Saturday she and her sister Miss Nancy Stephen son attended the two productions of the Opera festival at the Royal Alexandra theatre Toronto in the afternoon and evening Fol lowing the final presentation of the festival and Mrs Ernesto Vinci entertained the participat ing artists The Misses Stephen son were invited to attend as Dr Vincis guests and Reg gate com mittee Dike Bob Badger Lloyd Smith Angus Harrison Ernest Tickets Mrs John Case Mrs and Hames Knott Mrs Dike booth evening entertainment Roy Mrs Rate Mrs Rye and Mrs Stewart and Allan Hopkins Harvey pop booth Mrs dance Harold Rose and Rolling Mrs Donald Rose sup- George Smith concessions Roy per committee Mrs Franklin Carr Dawson Dike and Oscar and Mrs Davis maintenance Dike JMurrav Kirton Karl Lamb Mr Baseball Case and Knott Mitchell William Kenneth Case horseshoes Kirton police Bruce Rolling and Harrison and Seymour Har- per advertising Lome Maini prize and Ernest Davis pub- Mrs Reg Mrs York County Hospital Needs Your Donation Do you morning after feeUng tired And does that dull heavy sensation dragon da life ft misery Dont pat up Chances whole tremble from constipation fcyatcm a dogged by accumulated that you Kruschen Salt ft Wonderful help at these many ways they re iIentieal with the waters of Mineral Springs In other words much more than a For contains diuretic ingredients for the they help you to of Waste matter healthy bowel and action t Millions of people uae found that lees than half a in hot water wonders out what do for you from your nearest druggist today KRUSCHEN and Mrs Snyder parking Beverly Sinclair James Thompson and Karl Lees fiance George membership Mr and garden consultants Mrs Charles Howard Hugo Howard Proctor and Jack Steph enson e ft S Or TO CANADIAN Roberts ranch Manager Main St Newmarket PROPANE TABLE EXCELLENT r7 ASSORTMENT TOYS- cent OFF Leather work mhts and gloves and discontinued MARTIN CLOTHES HAMPERS a awl Wood COOK STOVES QUEBEC HEATERS OIL BURNERS fc Off All iT BROOMS Screw Drivers WSrs HEATER J i Ajii jis 1 j