Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Mar 1954, p. 13

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ip i ji A MARCH Klf HALL your and material Oiie week delivery- Wholesale prices for 1 5IS72J after oclock SATURDAY SPECIALS J- IT Salmon Salmon Tea BlaekwelJ Date and Nut roll Dale Pudding rr T CHOICE YOUNG BEEF and round steaks lb lb 38c for for 54 lb lb lb lb 6dc J IE DELIVER PHONE 109 i Open Friday evening until pm V Closed Saturday pm J r a T a -1- and your ainst the hazards left Collision Damage and Liability Charles BOYD for Insurance MAIN STREET NEWMARKET PHONE If its owning its worth insuring JMp A -N- ji ft JiBikj iday lutjfHing Cole will do flow com- quick lo lift sagging pifiisi Kow sure to pica the most exacting coke any time ij p- ii kS SO Acres Annexed by Whitchurch township council meeting on Saturday afternoon received official notification of a municipal board hearing on Mar 24 of the annexation of approxi mately acres of the Timbers farm at the corner of the concession to Clerk Jack Crawford said that a assessment was involv ed in the annexation of this land half of which Is presently under subdivision Clerk Craw ford and representatives from council will attend the shearing The township some time ago agreed not to oppose the annex ation as the land was adjacent to town and the portion under subdivision was receiving local water service Payment was authorized to Briiiinger of 50 for one sheep killed and flock damage Council after looking over a number of prices for clocks agreed to fake the offer of the Canada Clock Co of 175 for an IS clock for the front of the municipal building After some discussion about the attendance of council mem bers and township officers to various municipal conventions a resolution was passed which wilt provide expense money for members of council and officials when attending a convention in the interest of the township CANADIAN IN MALAYAN TRINITY The Womens Missionary So ciety Trinity United church Newmarket met on March with the president Mrs Albert in chair The treas urer gave her report A quilting bee will be held at the church on March 24 Pot luck dinner will be served and all the are Invited to attend Mrs J A who was in charge of the program gave Lieut Roy Bonnie left Is only Canadian officer serving with the British forces in Malaya His unit consist of British and two native trackers from Borneo one of whom Is pre senting him with a parang a native knife fashioned from the of a car Lieut Bonnie a spends most of time on patrols with his trackers who he says seem to prefer diet of snakes frogs turtles and Iguanas when on the warpath Bonnie prefers the army rations Hold Tom Kirk arch 31 The annual Kirk Night or School Kids Night will be held at the Newmarket arena on Wednesday March A full program of hockey playoffs and skating races is being planned The program will start at pm with Canadiens and Red wings clashing for the squirt ho ckey league title At the hockey league final be tween Boston and Montreal will hold the stage After the hockey program skating races between the pupils of the five Newmarket element ary schools will be held Each school will be allowed to enter two representatives in the vari ous races During the past two weeks eliminations have been held to declare various school winners in various age groups The program of races will start at pm The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar Cyr v A Board Suggests To Make Crossing Safer A recent fatal accident at the railway crossing in Whit- The township solicitor J church township was mentioned recommended that the reeve and clerk meet with him in a letter from the board of before any action is taken and transport commissioners to the on the suggestion of Councillor township council last Saturday it was further agreed to The board suggested that a cut meet with owners of the in the railway grade and adjacent to the crossing to clearing of trees might improve ascertain If an amicable approach to the crossing could be arranged letter also stated that the fog obstruction board would be interested to hear the views of both the way and the township with re spect to their suggestions for L Simcoe Plans A dinner meeting to discuss and Irwin Baldwin business matters of interest to Scott Reeve the Lake Simcoe area as well as Bain and Walter an interesting chapter from the 4J another meeting within a wi week to in motion the possibility of forming a Lake Simcoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce was held at Cedar Cliff Manor Township on March A temporary com mittee was appointed to arrange a period was led by Mrs C lin WILD BOY TAMEL BY CIVILIZATION sary arrangements to form a Chamber of Commerce Suttons DeputyReeve Wil liam Sellers is the chairman and the suggested is com prised of the six reeves who were present at the dinner plus other civic officials and business men from each municipality The committeemen are East Gwillimbury Reeve Jack Rye and Longford North Reeve John Doyle Thomas Johnston Keswick and David Davidson Reeve George Frank Burrows Kes wick and Sutton and Kenneth Sutton Georglna DeputyReeve Clarence Clarence Zephyr Thorah Reeve Wil fred Morrison Reeve William Gillespie Stanley Croft Alfred Brodie Councillor Don Ross Howard Hancock Brock Reeve Fred Lamb Talmadge Bryan and George Edwards both of Sun derland is repre sented by Angus Jewell Mason Horner and C Wilson Since there has been no organized promotion for good business and publicity for this area and a Chamber of Com merce should fill the need MRS JOHN GUEST OF Mrs John Toronto was a guest at the dinner meet ing of the club New market on Monday March Held at Country Acres the meet ing was under the direction of Mrs Nick Mrs had been a mem ber of the club when she and her husband wore directors of Following the din ner she showed films on mental health and child behavior pat terns Some discussion was held on the clubs Urination in the drive for funds for York County hospital No definite projects were begun but the group pledg ed its support in the campaign Mrs Mosey was appointed Hospital Campaign convener for the OptiMrs club SALVATION ARMY A group of special speakers called the Hallelujah Envoys will visit the Salvation Army Newmarket on Sunday Mar They will conduct services at the regular hours There are six in the group An invitation is given to all old time Salvationists in the district to attend these evangelistic meet ings Barn Fire Mom Six months In a Winnipeg have tamed this four-year- old boy in Northern Mani toba Suffering from a tuber cular condition when he arrived In hospital he was as wild a an animal kicking and scratch ing anyone who came near and destroying everything he could hands on Now he rides a bicycle and plays with other chil dren TO COMPLETE NEW CHURCH AT SUTTON BY JULY 3J r r A new Roman Catholic church in Sutton is to he ready for use by June this year according to Rev Father Arthur The church to be erected with pre- fabricated materia will seat people There will he a room partitioned from church proper by a soundproof glass wall to be used as a nurs ery It Is to be at the back of the church and will be serviced with sound equipment The building is to be erected on cement footings and will be of frame construction The con tracted price is 44500 of which is already pledged It is to be known as tho Church of the Immaculate Conception and is the fourth of Father charges in his square miles parish There is no alt-year- found place of worship for the Roman Catholics of the district between Virginia five miles north of Sut ton and Newmarket at the pres ent time and serious over crowding exists at the church masses Father says that the amount of building they are able lo do I far from satisfactory as need of a church hall Is great best that can he done at To Athletes Champions and near cham pions in many lines of sport en deavor were honored Thursday at the annual sports banquet of the Newmarket branch of the Canadian Legion Approximate sportsmen who through out the past year plied their trade under the Newmarket Le gion banner sat down to supper Awards were handed out to Orton who collected high single bowling honors in Zone competition recently to Chick Zone crib bage singles champion and second place awards in zone darts competi tion were given to Jack Fisher Jim Fisher Bill Ranger and Art Newman The Legion Softball team and the Newmarket intermediate baseball team were guests hardball team which the Legion sponsored hist season wad suc cessful in bringing home the South intermediate base- Damage amounting to was done to the store Oak Ridges when a breakin was at tempted on Monday morning March Alex the proprietor said that he thought the thieves were frightened away by the noise when a three by six foot plate glass window was broken Mr thought that the window had been broken Other damages to the premises were deliberate Entrance was gained by the intruders through a basement window which they broke They couldnt enter the store because the door from the basement was barricaded ay Next they attempted to gain entrance by way of the front door on St They were in the act of cutting out the lock on this door when the plate glass window was broken The cul prits escaped unobserved East Police Chief One Months Leave East Gwillimbury townships Chief Constable J was given leave of absence for one month at a recent the township council dine has been ill At regular council meeting on March a committee cattle owners under the Brucel losis control act was appointed Members are J Allah and Angus Morton along with the agricultural rep resentative and the provincial Veterinarian The superin tendent was Instructed to erect half load restriction signs on township roads Cox Construction company was awarded the contract for crush ing haulm- and supplying gravel at cents per cubic yard Alfred Kclley was to the advisory board for the Upper Holland river conserva tion authority The township council was re quested by the police village of Mount Albert to an en- to prepare a profile of St root for the purpose of regniding pavement and con structing storm sewers on each of the street At a special meeting on March the following lenders for materials were awarded powder Earl Harrison brush spray Stewart Thompson weed spray John The clerk and road superintendent were authorized to advertise for tend for a motor grader township plans to trade in the present grader The township road appropria tions for recently passed bylaw total rather than as reported previously PAINS Are you suffering from arth ritic pains If so write at once to Co Ltd Milton for particulars of their guaranteed treatment Money refunded if pains are not relieved A large barn and driving shed on the farm of Reesor concession of Whitchurch were destroyed by fire on Mon day night March 15 was estimated at One horse was killed in the fire but as the farm has been converted to market gardening there was no other stock in the barn Two tractors three tons of fertilizer a vegetable waxing plant and on ice house were lost in the fire Brigades from Au rora and Richmond Hill answer ed the call By the time we said fire chief Harry Jones Aurora the barn was beyond hope We couldnt save a woman We worked with the others I brings her own lunch to save the other buildings The COURSE The short course What Makes a Good Officer will be held in Newmarket by the Wo mens Institute on Tuesday Mar 23 Anyone interested in the topic is invited to attend The class will be held from to and from to Tea will be provided and each save farm house was about feet away but the wind blew the fire from the house The depart ment from was there when we arrived he said ARMS AND MAN TO BE staged BY DRAMATIC CLUB ii t iJii IT ball league crown The production of Arms and Guest speakers were A the Man by George Bernard Ah and Fred Thomp- Shaw is in rehearsal by the son Other guests included Alex Newmarket Dramatic club McLean Zone legion sports play wilt be presented in the director Goo Hudson president town hall for a threenight and Ernie sec of the April 30 and May Newmarket Baseball club Directing the cast of well- Mickey Smith Doug Campbell known local actors is Mrs Bar- and the twins were Hamilton The east In- charge of program arrange- eludes Jack Fern The evening was voted Joe Dales Grace huge success and the directors Bill Elliott Ernie and Ken Learn ing are to be congratulated on their fine Whitchurch township withhold signing any fire agree ment until it has contacted Mount Albert re garding Service for the north east section the township The township at the last council meeting to off op the same the present time though Cardinal standby time 250 with a step had hoped for a more up in the first two hour rate permanent type of building for from 40 to for the each hour thereafter Church Immaculate council has re- Conception is to be located on quested 300 standby time R0 west side of Road for the first two hours and between Jacksons Point and the for each hour thereafter This main business section Lengths of rope made from papyrus have been found in Egyptian tombs rope thought to have WtWr server of at the Increase and is the same agreement as the town has with town ship while the township offer is the same as that municipality has with Aurora- Council expressed be cut to conform with price by making arrangements with Mount Albert to service part of that the Stouffville am the Wins Senior Skatinq Gloria Partridge North Bay- frequently visits friends and relatives in was the winner of a sen ior skating title recently the Northern Ontario senior cham pionship at sixth annual competition for champion ship held at Sudbury arena Gloria is granddaughter of Mrs John Cain St and niece of Mrs Her mother former Lucy Cain Newmarket was a well known figure skater here at one time Gloria was awarded first place by all three judges over com petitors Sudbury Schu macher and Owen Miss Pollard enter tained seven young friends on Tuesday Feb on the occasion of her sixth birthday Mr Lloyd returned home Saturday after spending a at Ids parents home in Toronto owing to the serious ill ness of his father The WI sponsored the New market fashion show in arena oh March 16 Mr and Mrs James Roe and Mr and Mrs Arthur Boo To ronto visited their sister Mrs Ike and Mr on Sunday Mr and Mrs Perry Winch vis ited their son and Mrs Winch and family over the weekend Mrs Etta Wilder has been in Lindsay owing to the illness and death of her sister Mrs Nancy formerly Nancy the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Elijah Kes wick Surviving are 1 her hus band and four married daugh ters her sisters Mrs Wilder Keswick and Mrs A Noble Little Britain and one brother Frank Keswick Mr and Mrs Charlie Anderson a niece attended the lit Lindsay on Tuesday Messrs Bob Peters and Ron motored to Ottawa for the weekend calling on Con stable Alan Peters of the P ana Mr and Mrs Larry LIFE MEMBERSHIPS Mrs Angus King president of the Evangeline auxiliary WM S Trinity United church New market and Mrs Blanche Mor ton received life membership cards at the March meeting of the auxiliary Making the pre sentations was Mrs C Gilbert THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ENDS For so long as there is human suffering then long docs the Charter of tho Red Cross require to bo Honoured by the work of mercy You know die and how great it is Please help generously Glover Tom Bos- worth Bob Bos worth Art Bi shop Dick Curl Lome Brown and Doug Hamilton were guests at the Optimist club dinner Kes wick for the school boys hockey league Larry was guest speaker Jack has been appoint ed chairman for boys work for the Keswick Optimist club Since output of products of Canadas paperusing indus tries has Jumped times in value figure for lat est available is needed this year Local Chairman Alex Bank of Toronto Newmarket Phone Laminated rafters continu ous from foundation to rooi ridge make strong wind framing Let us help yon work plans for your new bam Well help yon get material promptly BrSflMii IMPLEMENT SHEDS The night before the American TV show and Groom was to go on the air program officials held a conference with a couple who were to be mar ried on the show The bride In the modern sent out invitations to all her friends to fce at their TV sets at the appointed hour They would win a tain of gifts for their home the program moun- explained and an expensepaid honeymoon to Princeton What the prospective bridegroom exploded J Jersey thats Just across the river from New York The groom demanded they be sent to Florida or foroia on their The bride said New sounded all right but her future husband de manded Florida California or nothing That did It The bride stomped from the room and said she would take nothing The story m scene that sounded like French short groom after through most of the nigh slipped into his and crept into But the changed beds with her thcr the lather jumped from tinder the sh grabbed the helpless man and they packed off for observation at ward Or All of which proves when it your heart slon Is handing yea a a minute If yours is of the shrinking of homes ftl next time youre of our store and lets get acquaint Well show you range of models and anil gladly questions you may Wed like you to best for the least commend you There is no made and its right through service we provide ART BE ARE KADI APPLIANCES Street Mi- W

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