s lie Newmarket Era Mar IS 195ft News Mr Frank KetUeby Kinley spent Monday in Toronto visited with Mr Mrs- Mrs Donald and recently ily visited her parents Mr and Mr and Mrs Ira Hastings at- Mrs Roy tended the funeral of the late recently Purchase Aurora on Wednesday last Mrs Burnett Maple spent the The Evening A members of weekend with their niece Miss the United held their Cora meeting on Wednesday evening Mr Wilfred the home of Mrs Cecil Wat- Jed the Good Road convention in Toronto Mrs arid Delia Mrs Bernard Sutton Sud- has returned home after spending a few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Win Mar- Russell was in recently MOUNT The fine solo sung by Mr during the ser vice on March at Mount church much appreciated by those who were present Yemens Insti tute are having an entertain ment in hall on day evening March 24 at Mrs Herb Toronto aid of York County hospital There be pictures of a trip across Canada by Mr Held from last week Mr and Mrs Herbert Webster Mrs G Taylor who were holidaying at the home ill forthe past month their daughter Mr and goh William this past Mri Raymond Woods week Mrs John Harmon with Mrs Esther mother while were gone Mrs Hunter has visiting with her daughter Mr Dale returned from the husband Mr and Mrs Kenne3 recently- Londonrecently funeral of the late Rev The Guild of Christ entire of Exeter was held Edgar met at the home of Mrs Black on Tuesdays West entertained at a noon lunch fourth line group of the pieced quilt block and picked Mr and Mrs J Blatchford at the ceme tery Some years ago he was minister the United church here tor Smith Toronto and a good variety program The draw for the quilt will be held arid made candy and pop will be sold v- Sbrry to hear Mrs had the misfortune fracture W TheMatfch meeting of tie was the home of Mrs Howard McGlure The elded to the Mehcls in Korea- A collection good used clothing will be received at the April for Korea re- The prograrn was the charge of agricultural and Canadian in dustries committee A reading was given- by Mrs- Jesse and a paper on Compost Heap prepared Mrs Johnson The Common By Isabel liwlisG6lviifoSvi LAW OF COMPENSATION The late Mrs Johnny Islington was buried at the l answered recently it l service was held in St Mary mem are the proud grandparents of address on Mental Health at feby bpy son ofMr and j banraMar10w Mrs Jack Cummings New Sunday school at and Mrs Sy and in kV aiden name was recent supper The fourth line euchre met at Perry guest of Mr and Mrs Stewart the home of Mr and Mrs Black on Saturday evening Mrs Bethel and Canadas exports of forest Stickwood and and Mrs Stickwood Hope family visited with Mr and ducts are ten percent more val- 1 Canada is second on Mrs Dale Tottenham on than her exports of to the United States as a pro- Sunday- cultural and vegetable products of aluminum How often when we are de prived of something we think is absolutely essential to our happi ness we stage a little rebellion It may be fought in the battle- ground of mind or heart and make those us even if they have tfo with it We as for the law of put in Most of unfortunately a as the words of want what want When In bur youth if we dont get thing at once I be when I a young girl everyone set had bicycles I was- heartbroken and disgusted mother was be killed got one Being si mother was cautious being Irishman my father was always to take a So at last- the adventur- ous side of the parents won but and I got bicycle thing about all this that I did not want the bicycle because 1 wanted to ride- it 1 -was- simply petrified with fear when though of but badnt reached t age when I simply say 1 to ride when all my chums Were tearing around the country Instead anguish and determination m my heart I toiled afraid to go down- hill My bicycle career terminated when usual pro cedure of steering right thing I under white ing wagon there and looked up into his weary wise- old I made ray yow J was done With bicycles The compensation came when horse back riding took the place of bi cycles and I found I could a horse- Lately we have owing to health considerations been to give choir work and here again were saved from a music blackout by the Corona tion- Symphony Wo hope pur Newmarket friends are looking forward to pur May cert as much as we are Our con ductor Mr Fisher of A Barrio is putting in much work live up to his standard And so thanks to and Nature the law of compen sation works as we lose through ago or health one thing or gain another Archie can find joy in making violins and can put all my love for beauty into painting One can always find an outlet for the urge to create I can at least attempt to some of the beauty around into ZEPHYR Mr David New market was the guest of Mr- Keith Profit on and sang two beautiful solos in the service of the church on Sundav evening bf Zephyr United cnurchis holding a box social the community hall on evening at pm A good variety program will of- boxes The pot luck dinner arid quilt- held last luider the auspices of was a decided success Dinner Was served lb oyer guests Three quilts were quitted which will be overseas ptoceeds of the dinner nearly A euchre party under the hail board will be held in the on Monday evening Mar 23L Ada Squires Keg has returned to spend ing a few days with her mother Mrs- A Smith Miss Squires is to take a new position as superin tendent of a new wing of the in mil ton Congratulations arc extended to Mr and Mrs Webb on the birth of a born at York County hospital last week Mr Art Patterson had a very bad accident over a week ago While operating the turnip his arm got caught in the machine and required stitches to close the wound He has had to spend several days in York County hospital because of the accident Mr Patterson is Horn er Walkers faun hand TELEVISI INSURANCE Covers set and Aerial against all including accidental breakage of pic ture tube Premium only for years We recommend this coverage CALL US TODAY E BOYD Real Estate and Insurance Main Strv Newmarket Phone USE the house and onto my walls from Scotland We v a z- V and Archie has the satisfaction of playing his own violin Once there were many other things to do which we thought we could never give up but as I began this article so I will end it if one looks around the law of compensation always works if we cooperate to give it a chance Hope he ovcred may saoh be fully to Victory in DogTeam Race QBE mm 7 -V- i fc fi V I cor of lowpriced field Clievroltl every other car line in your can be produced it lower coit and savings are On to you Yes Chevrolet brings you year after year finest quality at the lowest prices at Chevrolet prices the lowest of ail v Chevrolet dependability li by any carl Nothing famous Chev rolet dependability Many large companies choose Chevrolet for their entire sales force because Chevrolets reputation for reliability assures them these cars will be faithfully on the road all day every day A tradein value In the lowpriced field I Yes actual usedcar figures show that Chevrolet consistently commands a higher of its original price upon reSale than any other it fact you can verify for yourself by checking usedcar prices in your newspaper but one inure indication of Chevrolets superior value IIJ Brunei led In annual ace from Que to Out Ills of one hour minutes lor miles six minutes better than that of I lie second muslin asS i v maintenance it comes to dollari and cents rnahitenafice costs you save on service when you drive Chev rolet And When it comes to convenience member that no other car can match service facilities of Chevrolet XHtef network ready to serve you wher to Chevrolet offers unmatched economy of operation Your highcompression Chev rolet engine highest in its field Squeezes extra miles out of every gallon of gasoline yon buy On top of fives you the efficiency of over- deUfn pioneered Chevrolet and exclusive in held Chevrolet pro vide sound of new friends year after year I ail year consumer preference fur gave car a id units over nearer indicative Of Value when you buy you drive ami when you Hade BIRTHDAY CLUB wishes this wvk are A i t- M kv i 1 5 Jl J Theres no car like Chevrolet when it comes to sales leadership And thats because Canadians realize that theres no economy like Chevrolet economy when it comes to owning a fine car Chevrolet gives y all the for much less than any other lowpriced Canadian carl It gives you tried and true economy economy of fauvina drivinq and trading econorny that is unmatched And safety that you cant find you buy see and drive ur best buy by far for 541 1 i rj VI 5 vsi I r flri i j V N v SfWSf w t- fti m i A1- Aim old an Friday Mar IS Iolloch years old on Friday Attr I Ami a years old on I rid ay Alar iu years old Hi 14 Virini Amy la yearn old day Afar Isiye years nhl Saturday Alar Wright 1 ltl Alar vMIe old n Satiitilny Alar Km Wilson years old Sunday Alar Helen Drake Holland years KI flli- AtOWlayi Alar- is years on Walla ville year Old U Alonday Alar I Half years mi iMuuday Alar la Anne 4 years nlil on Alar year s old mi Wednesday Alar Mali land niarhel A year on Alar I J mi Thursday Afar Holland an- lit a Alar ju and hfntifir of Bin 5xpreaa MOUNT ALBERT Spring Fashions Spring styles for the family- were displayed at a fashion show in the hall on Tuesday March under the sponsorship of the Womens Institute The show was presented through the cour tesy of the merchants of New market Local models appeared in the show The proceeds 102 were donated by the WI for the now wash rooms at the hall In charge of the Institutes share in the show were Mrs Bruce Rolling Mrs and Mrs Ronald Allison On Saturday March there will be a sale of home baking and hand work at the United church when afternoon lea Is served from oclock The af fair is being sponsored by Ihe Womans association he church- Over 75 was raised by the scouts and cubs with their lead ers when pictures were shown in the churchy on March The groups led Ernest and Dike acted- as ushers and looked smart in new uni forms The program whs pro vided by Mr Queens- ville Over 100 pupils and teachers from eight schools hi the district chartered buses on Friday Mar for trip to Toronto The group visited many spots of in terest on their days At Hall students and their teachers hoard the special childrens concert with Sir Ernest McMillan as conduc tor radio station candy factory and the highest building In Toronto The Bank of Com merce were visited by the group Mr Jus Hamilton spent a few days with his mother Mrs Mr and Mrs Case mo tored to Montreal to spend the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Pearson was admitted to Sunny brook hospital last week and Mrs Norm Wilson spent the weekend in Buffalo Mrs Kitchener spent a few days last week at home of her daughter Mrs Snyder lie I wishes arc- extended to Mr of Manilla formerly of Mount Albert who celebrated his birthday on Friday Mar I Air Mad ill is tiiid a in- in life QUEENSVILLE Mi Toronto once a resident of was buried here on Satur day a I or Miss nnia Doanc Reg spent the weekend at Miss Joyce to iutrsohitfainiiig visited her weekend Mrst JMiluo was visiting daughter in Toronto for sev eral ays last week Mrs- Wright has re- turned visit at her brothels homo in Texas to have his broken VV Guests fit the ami Angus Smith on Sun day wove and Mrs Ray and Leu and Mrs Tom AKUUtff Hill and Mr ami Mrs Hoy Walt Wright has return- Toronto hospital and is slaying his sister Mrs J lover Sharon Oliver has returned from liiispital hut is still con fined to Ids Wages paid to Japanese prim ary textile workers are nine per cent wages paid for in AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TO TURN INTO CASH lv4S j Lf SPOTS COLUMN The National Hockey League race is OVer Next week the four surviving teams plunge into the classic of the steel blades the battle for the Stanley Cup and the world championship of what has come to be Canadas national game Literally millions of people on both sides of the border will either watch in the rinks of four cities or on their television sets or will listen to the radio accounts of these stirring battles The borderline that separates the two great nations of this continent is forgotten as the Stanley Cup battles rage Since when the Pacific Coast League included a team from Portland Oregon professional hockey has been inter national in its scope played in the spirit of sport good and friendly neighbors It was in 1911 that the first pro fessional international Stanley Cup game was played when the Portland Rosebuds champions of the west coast came east Each of the invaders wore daily a fresh rosebud taken from a great basket But the rosebuds werent enough and Montreal the oldest team in professional hockev won the first international Cup series It was inevitable that sooner or later the Stanley Cup must go to the United States And the first earn south of the border to take the prized emblem out of Canada was Seattle Metropolitans who in had won the championship of a Pacific Coast League in which as hockeys popularity gripped the west three American teams were competing and only one Canadian entrant remained again cham pions of the east journeyed west and lost the title And so the Cup for the first time left Canada was a year of tragedy in Stanley Cup annals For after Canadiens and Seattle each had won two games the series played on the Pacific Coast was abandoned Prac tically all play els on both teams were stricken with the deadly flu then raging and stouthearted Joe Hall a star defense- man with the Habitants died in a Seattle hospital This was only unfinished series since die trophy be came the prize for superiority among professional players We spoke of the possibility of surprises Many of these have dotted Cup history Perhaps the most stunning of these came years ago iu the spring of when the Chicago Black Hawks raced through to the title The Hawks managed by Bill Stewart only American born pilot ever to achieve a Stanley Cup triumph had sixth in the points standing of an league They scored the least goals of any team Only one club had been scored on more frequently They had won only games of Hut in the Cup series they knocked out New York Americans and in a stormy final took three out of four from Toronto Thais the drama of the Cup finals the chance that the underdog will suddenly show his teeth v m Tt 1 LLERS IIMITEP DISPERSAL SALE OF REGISTERED SHORTHORNS Wednesday March 24 Location Lots Concession East miles north of or miles of Newmarket rt cows with calf at toot open heifers I cows mostly spring I stock bull bred heifers bull it months The females are mostly of Heath and breeding including a daughter of an imported cow selling Willi heifer calf at foot and rebred Most of the young cows are by a son of Hansom from the herd of Murphy Bros OrilHa The calves are from our stock bull a son of the famous Drambuie Imp This is only being disposed of because of serious illness of the owner Herd Accredited Negative to Test Lunch available at the Alfred Oliver Owner- ffNe Auctioneer V