Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Mar 1954, p. 9

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cyjwr OF Brought In Fund Statement If reports can be relied on the Aurora board of trade not unanimously but by majority votes has solved to dispose of the public trust it has held for some years by allocating funds to two purposes the approval of the town council I a a financial statement pub lished exclusively in Aurora New Page in its issue of May It was shown that the fund amounted to held in Dominion of Canada bonds and that cash on hand amounted to cents The greatest difficulty ad been experienced over a consid erable period to obtain a finan cial statement for publication In an editorial in Aurora News Page which appeared on April we wrote Careful search through the columns of Aurora Banner of last week failed to reveal any report from the board of trade concerning fund held by that or ganization The editorial continued We have no intention of relaxing bur efforts to have a statement produced which we are inform ed on good authority was pre pared for publication last win ter In our news columns of May we were able to say The following is a financial statement concerned with the fund known as the Aurora Com munity War Memorial Fund Its publication answer the fre quent enquiries about it Tor the preparation of the statement and the handing over of it to Au rora News Page for publication expressed our indebtedness Mr former president of the board of trade treasurer of the fund ft The statement gave a full of the fund which had variously estimated at amounts ranging from four to twelve thousand dollars It was generally agreed that this news paper performed a public ser vice in its exclusive publication of the statement Ht Reports indicate that the board of trade has now by majority votes resolved to place at the disposal of the town council for the purpose of laying permanent floor at the rink and of the total sura of to be allocated for the acquire ment of a new park near the high school the balance of the cost to be met by a proposed grant from the agricultural so ciety and the town It is understood that the ap proximate cost of the new park property at the south end of the town might be from ten to twelve thousand dollars Debated By Council It is on the record that the land for the projected new park was offered to the council which debated the proposition at length A first price of was mentioned and finally a member of council reported that quick action might result in the acquirement of the property at Arguments were then put for ward that the tovn park was in adequate for the agricultural show and these countered by suggestions that to remove the show from its traditional lo cale at the town park would re sult in loss of patronage It was News J G SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE DO AN HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MA NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR council TAKING IT EASY a a asserted that the proposed pro- til new park was too cumulated including sale of roperty donations rents etc and paper salvage Wch had produced as much as the time of publication News Page as the show had made repeated efforts to get the financial What the reactions will be to the new proposals remain to be seen It is satisfactory how ever that reports indicate readiness on the part of the board of trade to allocate its longheld public fund to com munity uses to he decided on by the town council SOME GONE OTHERWHERE filter Describes Aurora This week we are taking it easy by raining from editorials on town and council iii our vacation we are choosing lighter subjects thaii fthose that harass the minds and bring sleepless nights Town Fathers For more and J reflections we humbly refer our loyal readers to other in our newspaper Writing editorials is not as easy as it is read them The heavy ones that is What we are now is no more difficult than answering the question of whether Mr Jock Willis is a Grit or a Tory It would seem a terrible thing even to dream that Mr Willis was a Tory much less say so in the open However all people dont think alike So what is political poison to our worthy pharmacist is good and wholesome food to other of our friends So we quit such a volcanic subject in haste to lake it easy THE 2 BILL Two men in a store on St fell into an argu ment on what is the greatest thing in life One of them took a bill from his pocket and said That my friend represents the greatest thing in lite money The other man replied No the greatest thing in life is character A good name left behind you will last longer than your money Christ had no money but His impact on history has been greater than that of any other man St Fran cis of gave to the poor the riches he inherited and his name lias been remembered for years Mozart was buried in a paupers grave but all the world of civilized beings rejoices in his immortal music As It Was 37 Years Ago Looking over a commercial history of Aurora in and comparing it with changes that have taken place in the interval of years pro vides an interesting story Some of those who operated businesses in that period are still happily alive though no longer similarly engaged some introductory words of tractive and the town welt de- Ayrora the writer says All the j serves the reputation it has at- public utilities are owned and for its handsome Operated by the town These in- and gardens electric power in Advantages Offered years ago Aurora could boast that sites for industries within the corporation are by no means exhausted and the town is prepared to deal gener ously with manufacturers look ing for a location The town will grant to bona fide enter prises free sites exemption of taxes cheap power etc PleasureLoving People Reviewing the manufacturers and businesses operating In Au rora in the writer notes the James and company store established in by James and J Wil cox and Osborne now oc cupy the premises where gro ceries provisions in fact every thing found in an uptodate gen eral store could be obtained The people of Aurora the writer states are decidedly of a pleasureloving class and dur ing recent years the automobile has come to its own and is being regarded as the acme of luxury and refined enticing pleasure Thus Mr if of the Aurora Garage advertised Ford cars at the following prices Runabout 475 Tour ing Coupelet Town Car and Sedan 890 An advertisement by If dealer Aurora claims that thousands of wives and daughters run their own Ford cars They use them for shop ping calling attending the re taking tho children for a run in the country or to school can call around town fternoon or take a mile spin in country at the mini mum of ghee furnished by the of Toronto and York Radial railway for power pump ing and lighting purposes at very low rates an inexhaustible sup ply of pure spring water first- Iaas fire fighting appliances lowest rates of insurance Among other amenities the writer notes that Aurora has a hall and market library atlng and curling rink for pub- amusement movingpicture etc Aurora has many of granolithic sidewalks Its streets and roadways are well laid out and kept in repair Fine houses says the writer are not the exception but the We in Aurora beautiful homes seen everywhere The awns before these are most at- A i Make It A ESS Stow A gasoline oil Drug Store Newt- obaccoaUt etc founded ear on Here Some Gone imojjg industries that were flourishing in the year in Aurora and are still flourishing are the Sisman and Leath er companies But others have gone among them the Floury implement manufacturing comp any which had an employment rolj of Gorio too is the Of- Bureau Ltd office furniture and interior fittings which gave employment to workers Among the personal busi nesses Mr Davis Is still happily here Of Mr Davis these words were written in 1 He has the reputation of handling the best fuel and jers supplies on the market and his business methods are along THE BIG SHOT It must he hard work being a Big Shot To begin with one must suppose that one knows it all To look at onesself in the mirror each morning and say My boy youre it You have all it takes The humble- minded man would slash his chin with his straight razor if such thoughts struck him while he shaved But the Big Shot uses more customtailored equipment Me re moves his hirsute growth with hydra power The Big Shot loves the limelight Not for him the light under the bushel ties out and around where all may see and hear him Wherever theres a head table he takes his seat He looks for his name in the payer for praise but not criticism He fears a lest the bubble burst Better he a little man than a Big Shot Its cosier in a chair in the corner of the room where nobody bothers you LAUGH AND GROW Yon has a lean and hungry look I like about me fat men men who sleep Shake speare wrote something like that but we havent the play at hand to check for accuracy We recalled after listening to a friend who is presently con cerned with reducing the size of his stomach to accom modate a scheduled hole in his belt Its a good life this if you arent victimized by the modern fad of counting calories and vitamins True its unwise to cat or drink overmuch The glutton like the drunkard is an abomination But its good to see ones companion eat a sound meal and enjoy a glass of wine To move around with gnawing pains in the belly lest the needle in the weighingmachine trembles at a few additional ounces of good honest flesh must he a dreadful life REGRET AND Somerset Maugham one of the greatest of living writers who recently celebrated his birth day wrote these words I have learned toregret notli Too many people destroy their peace of mind and happiness by fretting over mistakes they they made Probably if they had clone the things regret not having done or left undone the things they did do they would have been much worse of The wise tell us to attain happiness of mind we must banish regret for what is past and fear of the future Jive up sorrowing over what cant be helped Elimin ate fear of the future Life can then be a lot of fun GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY irow old along with me the best is yet to be the last of life for which the first was made wrote Hubert pnttb young yet not too said would like to grow old gracefully There is much similarity in the two statements One thing is tot the best way to grow old gracefully is to take stock of the passing of the years Age is not v matter of the calendar but of ones attitude to life The best is yet to he for the reason that the time we have lived is over and done with but that which is to come may lie better than that which has gone before springs eternal in the human breast we never but always to be THEY ARE SAYING Suggest That Don Glass Take Needed Cooling Off Period subject of discussion at its meeting held on Monday night March the town council granted a building permit to Aurora Farms Limited establishment of a poul try processing plant on Cousins Drive Mr Lome Cousins appear for the company Mr Cousins assured council there would be no- odors arising the processing operations at the location of the building immediately south of Harts manufacturing company It was understood that the be in the fcorlioou of in length and feet wide The majority of the questions put to Mr Cousins came- from the deputyreeve Pointing but that when a previous application had been made for a building for a similar purpose which had prompted strong opposition from a large number of taxpayers he slated that new homes had been built in the area in belief that any further question of a plant being established was over and done with Across The Track The deputyreeve said there was a general opinion that such building should be put across the track He addedthat fluid from the processing would he passing through sewers through the town Mr Cousins stated that the building would be some GOO feci away from any resident and that the building couldnt be placed too near to the growing plant He added that if the council didnt want ihe building New market had offered land The deputyreeve said it ap peared that mustnt go too near to the chickens but it doesnt matter how near you come to citizens He that he was thinking of popple who had moved in in the belief that no such plant would be put in after the previous application had been turned down The reeve expressed the opin ion that hey should lie delight ed to get anew factory in town Before the vote was taken Mr rose to ask if he might speak and on leave being given for him to do so he said that he was one of the former objectors to a chicken processing plant Cousins Drive but had with drawn such objections how Council agreed to grant building permit requested and the mayor extended his good wishes to Delegations Three weeks ago we said we were closing down on the subject of Old Home Week unless something un usual stirred again Something has stirred as the quo tation that follows proves The quote is from last weeks issue of the Aurora Banner V On the front page of that issue to enter upon coolingofi Mr Don Glass is reported as period after which like a good telling a meeting apropos Old sportsman he might accept the Home Week that It is just too verdict of the overwhelming the suggestion was not of his fellowmerchants as on its merit The contained in the bona fide sur- made against those who vey proposed the undertaking and the A Splendid Offer survey which was claimed It must have been a lift to have been made arc disgraceful supporters of the Boy Scout to say the least movement when they read in We are not familiar with the last weeks issue of Aurora News accusations to which Mr Glass Page the letter from Mr Robert refers and apparently he did not Martin chairman of the mens specify them at the meeting at committee of the Boy Scouts in which his reported words were Newmarket in which the Aurora spoken We cannot therefore Boy Scouts were offered the use comment on anything of which of the Newmarket Boy Scout we have no knowledge hall Survey In making the offer Mr regard to the survey tin wrote 1 feel that it is our presented to council by depu- duty in fact the duty of every tyreeve we are in a more for- adult to assist the youth of our For the agricultural society Mr position as regards the communities by supporting and Hollingsworth appeared before facts We were present at providing leadership for these council of a donation of when the survey of worthwhile organizations to the town for the pur- ions of merchants was given In connection with the young chase of a new park subject to to members The deputyreeve Scout movement in Aurora Mr was reporting as one of three Martins letter pointed out that factfinding members of a com- possibly our building could be mittee appointed to find what used for some fundraising the feeling was in regard to event holding an Old Home Week in This is indeed fine encourage- ment given by our report showed that the community It is not our pleas the fulfilment of stated condi tions one of winch was that the board of trade would offer a similar donation Mr for the board of trade followed with a similar of fer in conjunction with the agri cultural society the available land amounting to some to acres The deputy reeve asked why would pay for the putting in of a road to the park and what price of the land would be Taking part in the discussion publisher J Picking said that no proposals had been made pending the decision of council The matter was placed in the hands of committees for consideration Town Solicitor town solicitor drew atten tion to what he described as hi- 1 that he had flouted the bylaw in relation to changes he had made hi the in terior of his office premises He that he did not appreciate that such alterations as he had made a permit or he would gladly have one lie had no intention of flouting any bylaw deputyreeve said that a corner of the been described as not being in a safe condition He agreed with the solicitors rema that I lie by law needed clarification Proceeding of council will question put to each merchant was plain and to the point It asked if the merchants thought that was the year to hold an Old Home Week in Aurora Fortyfive answered No five were undecided and two fav ored the idea One of the af firmative two however made the reservation if there is time this year One would have thought that such positive overwhelming evidence would have convinced even Mr Glass But apparently not He at least seems to have had his mind set on an Old Home Week CoolingOfr Period There was no secrecy about the merchants who said No Their names were written down on lists which the deputy- reeve placed on the council table for members and the press to inspect if they wished to It was how ever quite property requested that the names of the merchants should not be published It is hardly likely that Ihe Au rora Banner would print on its front page words to Mr Glass and enclose them in quota ion marks unless it was sure that such words were in fact lights in our next issue Editor fully reviewed hi Council side- used Assuming such OUTSTANDING SERVICE Native Born Aurora Lawyer Honored By Canadian Legion Outstanding tributes were paid to nativehorn ami wellknown member of the legal proles- at a banquet which took place at the Canadian Legion building on the occasion of the retirement of Mr A from the presidency of the Ontario Command of Canadian Legion accuracy it is de plorable that oho public man tire to know Mr Martin but we ate sure that we are expressing the feelings of the leaders and members of the Aurora Boy Scout movement in describing the offer contained in his letter as a very fine and friendly True scouting most peo ple would call Kindly Chinese We found time to visit the Royal theatre to see the movie which impressed us as one of the finest screenshowings we have seen for a long while It was a complete departure from the usual run of moviepictures and was impressive because of the fine acting and the closeness of the subjectmatter of the story to real life At the door of the theatre a small boy asked two Chinamen if they buy htm a ticket for the show One of them an swered immediately Sure where would you like to sit The boy scampered away with the ticket which was bought for him This little act of kindness re minded us of a story told to us by Councillor Bill Davidson who was chairman of a committee concerned with Christmasbox fundraising by the Lions club I placed a box in Bays res taurant around Christmastime should describe the survey Davidson but was the circumstances it donations among all of the boxes that we had put out Such acts of kindness give a savor to life and we are glad to put them on the record Among those present at the banquet were Dr of Acadia university Nova Scotia Dominion president of the Canadian Legion and Mr Anderson of Ottawa A presentation to Mr and Mrs took the form of a Duke of Edinburgh At other luncheons and din ners Mr Legion work has brought him into conference with such distinguished person ages as former governorgeneral Viscount Alexander the present governor- general the Hon Vin ery and General George Mar shall On two occasions he has ap peared before prime Minister Mr Louis St Laurent and his cabinet as Legion representative Mr relates that one of his most pleasant experiences in of fice was the occasion when he presented prime minster Leslie Frost with his past zone com manders badge Guest Speaker l parents Mr Among his appearances as cabinet of sterling silver in j tent Viscount pattern The presentation was made by the Hon Mr Jus tice Keiler Mack ay of the On tario Supreme Court a former president in 1931 of the Ontario Command and the only other member of the legal profession besides Mr to occupy that position The inscription on the cabinet reads as follows Presented to A in apprecia tion of his service as Provincial President of the Ontario Com mand of the Canadian Legion Other Presentations Further presentations to Mr were made by his succes sor to Ontario Command Major Harold city clerk of St Marie The first of the presentations was a cheque as a special mark of appreciation for his outstanding services to gether with a past presidents medal To Mrs Mrs Margaret Richardson Provincial President of the can Beauty roses Varied Activities During the two years he has occupied presidency of the In all would appear that what actually is disgraceful is the use of the adjective by Mr Glass It might also appear that Mr Glass is deeply piqued that there is to be no Old Home Week in Aurora this year We suggest that it might bo good for him AURORA Social News Mrs Bowman Mrs Linton Mrs Underbill and Mrs returned from a very enjoyable visit to Florida The Club of the United church had charge of the service on Sunday evening The ladies quartette furnished the music and Dudley Wilcox showed slides on his recent trip to Palestine Mrs Willis and Mrs Lam bert attended a trous seau tea at Keswick on Monday March given by Mrs Thayer for her daughter Eleanor whose marriage took place on Thursday March Mr Dennis Davies of St Thomas last week with ROYAL DOORS OPEN DAILY SAT FREE PARKING In Color JACK and Mrs M0NMS IN COLOR guest speaker outside of Can Mr took part In the International Peace Ceremony proceedings Ohio under the auspices of the Am erican Legionnlres He was also joint guest speak er with the Hon Douglas kay of Washington former gov ernor of Oregon and now Secre tary of the Interior Mr has had a remark able experience in the Canadian during the relatively short period of seven years in which he has been associated the Ladies Auxiliary of durJng presented a period he has held office two of SS85 dent of the Ontario Command His retirement from that office will not mean any lessening of his activities in Legion business Mr IT been appointed travelled far and wide in the chairman for the province of Ontario The honors that have come to Mr will give pleasure to the citizens of the town in which he was born as well as to his numerous Kra and Express Down The Centre sports fol lowers carrying out of multitude of organizing and speaking engage ments on behalf of the His duties have called him to numerous conferences lunch eons and dinners at which ho has met many distinguished people Among these were at the state din tober given in Princess now Queen attend- The Evening Group of the W A of United church met in the church parlors on Monday Miss Betty was guest speaker She chose as her sub ject her trip to the coronation last June The Horticultural Society met in the church parlors on Wednes day evening Reports of the dele- gates to the Ontario Horticul tural convention were given Mr and Mrs Chns Copland and family visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs of At the Evening Auxiliary of the United church on Friday night March Mrs and her daughter gave on exhi bition of beautiful films taken on their tour of Britain and Europe Solos were given by Miss Margaret accomp anied by Mr Harris Mrs Willis gave piano selections from Strauss Voices of Spring At the marriage of Mr Gavin Morton and Miss Eleanor Thay er which took place at Keswick on Thursday March Mrs Willis and Mr and Mrs Lam bert were among the guests both ladles taking part In the ceremony Mrs Willis at the playing appropri ate wedding music and Mrs with I it 1 oil J the of church was pry on Tuesday contributing a solo ROCK HUDSON PIPER LAURIE A

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