a w Classifieds Continued I WHS A York County ho Friday March to gVw and Mrs Donald ft oi At York County Wednesday March l Mr and Mr Oliver For- Newmarket a son At York County til Saturday March to t Is a mighty Mr and Mm John Gable New a daughter At York County hospi tal Sunday March to Mr and Mm Frank Jamie a daughter York County hospi tal Thursday March to Mr and Mrs William Aurora a son McVOVAt York County hospi tal Friday March Mr and Mrs Leo Brad ford York County hospital Monday March Ml Mr Bradford a daughter 1 fe Tuesday March to I and Mm James Nolan Hill a son IN LAiRln ever loving memory my dear husband Emerson who passed away April at hospital We walked together you and I sorrow and in Joy We shared our pains and jr With love without alloy And death shall never end our love by his loving Wife Bertha f PEA vfcei iieino of aiwSMath A page In the I- r Pv- i i HP j Men At York County Thursday March Mr and Mrs Newmarket a J At York County Tuesday March to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Richards Lake a son County March 291954 to Mrs a son STEFAN At County hospi tal Tuesday March to Mr and Mrs Jacob Stefan Brad- ywl a daughter York County Tuesday March to Mr and Mrs Charles Stewart Aurora a daughter VERKUILENAt York County hospital Sunday March Mr arid Mrs John 2 Aurora a son At York County hospital Friday March to Mr and Mrs Anthony a son At York County hospital Wednesilay March to Mr and Mrs Walter Jacksons Point a son York County hospital Tuesday March to Mr and Mrs John Wil liamson Aurora a son Ever remembered by Percy Betty and Anrie fii fig it my dear Allen who paused away April 1953 At night the silent stars look down Oh a grave not far from hero Where sleeps the one The greatest husband this world could have A wonderful smile and a heart of gold- v- And those who knew him will know- How much I lost one year ago today- Sadly missed by his wife in loving memory of my dear husband William who passed away His weary hours and days of pain His Suddenly at his home 38 Symington Avenue Tor onto early Friday morning Mar home Symington Avenue Tor Friday morning William Thomas beloved husband of Agness Mc- Creery dear father of Florence May Keswick William Scarborough brother of Mrs roubled nights are past And In my aching heart I know fie found sweet rest at last Beside his grave I often stand With heart both crushed and sore I lost my souls companion A life linked with my own And day by day I miss him more As walk through life alone Always remembered by wife Ivy j ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Fred Boys Oak Ridges Ontario announce the engagement of their daughter Marion Elizabeth to Mr Vernon Plant son of Mr and Mrs Fred Plant Weston Ontario the marr iage to take place Saturday Apr at oclock in United church Mr and Mrs Percy Corby n Ket wish to announce the of their daughter Ruth to Mr Thomas Hugh Richmond son of Mr and Mrs George Richmond High land Creek the wedding to take place April at the home of the brides parents ken bearing rubber tire wag on new Ramp for grain tank wagon Flat hay rack trailer Rubber Ural wagon Anderson nearly new MISCELLANEOUS Circular saw complete with blade Thresher push pole No electric cream separator hew Stainless steel cream separator Renfrew wheelbarrow Threshing wagging spout StiSel stone Set Of tractor chain mixer with ptjlley hew my forte B ling ropes Chain ana rip rope Cyclone seeder ihg chains Number 0f jticeii Rods Iff try fence Number of box wagon box ji Power emery mower and- knife Coleman Inch rubber belt Force pump Crosscut saws- Pino wagon rack sills Iff Pile of used lumber scraoer Electric Number of hydro poles Quantity rails and fence bests v Quantity of wire Brooder house ft by ft house ft by ft Number of grain bags and sacks oil brooder stover- Number of steel hog troughs Tarpaulin ft by ft New gate ft by 10 ft- wood Hay knife Lumber cut for new gate Snow plows HOGS Hogs approximately HAY AND GRAIN Quantity of Red Clover hay haled bus Red Clover Quantity of Alfalfa and Timothy hay baled Quantity of second cut Alfalfa hay haled Quantity of Oats and Wheat straw baled Aptiroximately bus Reaver Oats and Montcalm baric v Approximately bus Clinton Oats and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Electric range Churns Other articles of furniture Other articles too numerous to mention Sale pm sharp Terms cash The A ladies will provide OBITUARY Burt Cody Hughes Burl Cody Hughes Eagle St Newmarket passed away on Tuesday March at York County hospital He was born In Out in 1838 the son of the late Susan and Hughes Mr Hughes married of Aurora In He was a member of the Friends Church ami belonged to the Masonic Lodge He Wfliati em ployee of the Office Spialty Co lor fits chief interests were gardening and flowers Surviving are his wife one brother Walter of market Ti The funeral service Was con ducted by Rev Hill of Gait from Ihe chapel of Road house and Rose on Thursday March Pallbearers were Lloyd Powell Garfield Rogers Norman Hughes Do La Ha ye Fer gus Taylor and Howard Burin Interment was An Newmarket cemetery AJ lunch and coffee Everything will positively be sold without reserve as farm Is sold John Grant clerk J- auctioneer phone 57j FIRE DESTROYS NEW RANCH HOME Fire a newly com pleted frame ranch house on the seventh concession of King town- late last night belonging to George Lane of Road Toronto who built it for a per manettt home The cause Is undetermined Loss is estimated at The blaze is to have started In the garage which is attached to the house There was no one home when fire broke out Aurora fire department answered the call but arrived too late to save building More than onefifth of total railway track fata Saskat chewan- Is a a year industry In Canada Thirty seasonal rec eded visited Churchill Man for grain cargoes in British Columbia ships Christ mas trees valued at Some Canadians are em ployed in the fine paper Indus- try Their weekly output is val ued at about Canadian manufacturing in dustries turned out goods with a peak value of In Life Underwriters of Ontario Lonii established Canadian Life Insurance Company writ ing all lines of life including Group Pension Trust etc on competitive rates wishes expand its Ontario field opera tions Opportunities are available for MANAGERIAL positions and GENERAL AGENCY representation in most of the principal centres of the Province you live in an Ontario centre and have life insurance experience we have a contract that will be most attractive to you We invite your inquiries which will of course be treated in strict confidence Please give full particulars concerning experience and pro duction record in first letter Era and Express Box Number Newmarket Ont The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday April Page ft B IN G Good neighbor prizes 1 Attendance prize 5 Merchandise NOTE of date W of the Minstrel show J Proceeds for Decoration Day June v to T A J -x- We wish to thank and bum from our Plant RIDDELL Queen St K Phone Ah rcC snack portion with freneh fried potatoes t5c Also orders to take out OUR SPECIALTY Deep Fried I and Chips SPECIAL SUNDAY OWNERS Main St 1 r w5Si ever fooled I fei S-r- k IT with Ifie mm -V- D the keyboard Toronto Mr Margaret Ireland and Mrs Cook Annie Aus tralia Resting at the Turner Funeral Home Avenue In the chapel on Mon day Interment Lawn cemetery the Rest Home ttocki California March Hen- of Mound Ave Pasadena be loved and Emerson valley Mount Pleasant cemetery South Pasa dena SHAW At Grand Rapids Ethel Mary Shaw on Monday March J dear sister of and Allan Aharon at the Funeral Service in the chapel oh Thursday April at pm Interment cemetery At home of her Mm Oliver St Aurora on Tuesday March Sophia Ann Oli ver wife of the are William Henry and dear mother of LMrs Oliver Ellis in her 5th year Sen vice was held on Thursday Mar 2X Interment Pine cemetery fc in In loving memory of a dear father Emerson who passed away April We do not need a special day To to our For the days we do not think of you Are hard to find all this world were ours to It yes and more To see the fare of alitor dear through the door Sadly missed by sons Ken and Don daughters Irene and Kay of new and near new implements hay grain furniture etc ho Lot East 2 miles north of on highway j WEDNESDAY APRIL 7 tractor PTO pulley lights starter and Wheel weights lever years old tractor pulley lights starter tires loaded straightening lever years old Combine with super A motor engine drive and clover and pick up and groin tank cut about acres nearly now New Hoi and No pick up hay Wisconsin engine drive with wagon loading bale rim to years old power ferllilzor drill discs foot markers and scrapers years old wide delivery rake nearly new power lift depth regulator with extensions id ft scrapers good McCormick tractor power mower ft cut nearly new Wlndrower ft fit any mower dump rock to ft Steel hind roller No manure spreader on rubber new McCormick ace tractor plow nearly now adjustable beam No walking plow Cider press manure loader fits any tractor with snow shovel- No hammer mill with screens nearly new ejection drag harrows Scdff lor Chain harrows Fanning mill bagger and power attachments Chatham Kef of sloop sleighs good thrower complete with pipes and port able new and to gas engine pulley belts to grain thrower and bale elevator etc new Bushel grain tank on Tim THE TIME 7 A Newmarket Era and Express classified advertisement is the quickest way to turn that discarded article into cash Now is the time to dispose of skates cookstove washing machine fur coat farm implements livestock -s- a ii- AD Write your classified ad in the space below put your address or phone number or both In the ad If you want a Box Number there will be an additional charge of 15 cents to have replies forwarded to you or cents if replies are picked up at the Era and Express office The cost of your ad will be cents a m word minimum of cents for each advertisement Half price if ad is repeated on successive weeka I I A i VHVtMltMtet4ltMtiiiiittttf I I BUI fc I ki 4i I I f 1 I 4t S MiMNMftt 4 MMtH I I fA It 1 AJt44MI- 4 t 4imi I i I Urn i i i I i l 1 CHARGE TO ADDRESS 4 J 1 rt 1 I It Ttt fc iy GRACE CHURCH fc ST A YICLD1KG all ages ii i T- sjieaning xift OK OF JOB y TM NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS GOES INTO DOMES Kv Mail classified ad order to The Newmarket Era and Express Newmarket Ont Phone Newmarket 1 I I Am art v V r i5 VL- J- i t J t ivv t3t i t rtfy i 7 W ia JV -J- fl I vi5j 1 i 5i T iiSTzfrCTa