Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Apr 1954, p. 6

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v 1 i- ftp Era Pt HOUSE FOR SALE Sutton house good location Priced for quick sale Write Era and Express box J is NEWMARKET New large living room and dinette bedrooms bath modern kitchen oak and tile flooring automatic water heat and furnace Full price Easy low down pay ment Phone NEW bungalow bedrooms hardwood floors bath oil garage north of Ave Newmarket Substantial cash payment Write Era and Express box rooms and attached garage Terms Early possession Write PO box or phone stucco house small barn good garden close to church school and shopping centre Box 28 Keswick phone Roches Point HALUDAY HOMES BUILDING MATERIALS Prefabricated garages and sum mer cottages Drop in for your catalogue Purchase up to can be financed under Interprovincial Building Credits See your representatives Bob Dyson Main St Newmarket phone DOWN Modern bungalow with bath all conveniences nicely decorated parage Early possession Total price or reasonable offer Phone Newmarket after pm HOUSE FOR RfMf 4 ROOMS and hath Apply Stanley St phone New market HOUSE in For further information write Rex Smith or phone REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED We have clients wishing to purchase farms In this area also small acreages with or without buildings Contact Irene Roches Point A Broker Toronto FARMS WANTED IN YORK and COUNTY IF you have a farm to sell Phone Rex and Jack and start to pack WE specialize farms and farms only and have a large FOR FAST CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CONTACTV REX SMITHnftg phone JACK Representing V J Laueaen- St Toronto REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STOUH REAL ESTATE LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM FOR EXAMPLE AURORA NEW room brick home Si AURORA OLDER room brick resi dential district AURORA remodeled bedroom home acres AURORA brick home resi- dent fat ideal for tour ist or resthome AURORA ACRES ranch type home near town BRADFORD ROOM year old masonry home large lot room ranch style brick on highway ultra modern and with rolling hush and farm land 2100000 NEWMARKET NEW room brick home centre ha plan basement garage built room brick home Park Ave lovely family home and suitable if or looming house NEWMARKET NEW rooms masonry home and oil healing country Itou NEWMARKET ROOM frame real good condl- NEWMARKET brick home oil healing completely decorated 1 bed rooms etc NEWMARKET block construction garage on acre frame and REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEAVER VALLEY ORCHARD ACHES apple trees bal ance highly productive land very best of buildings River runs through MOUNT ALBERT ACRES Sandy loam frame house and bank barn AURORA DISTRICT 150 ACRES brick house bank barn acres of bush HIGHWAY ACRES brick house in lovely condition Large bank barn Implement shed etc A top notch farm with over acres in high state of cultivation king NEW room ranch home on acres Really worth seeing at OAK RIDGES ROOM frame house 3 bed rooms Large Jot Many of the above properties may be purchased with low down payments We have hundreds of other properties from to Hamilton and courteous Sales men ready to find the property yon are looking for Aurora Pa Vi GORDON STOUTT LTD REAL ESTATE BROKERS brick home ideal income home or lor large family acre with river front age iron fireman all conven iences close to bus schools and shopping See and make offer SUTTON 100000 down rooms and unfinished second pressure system on pav ed road Full price 350000 ISLAND GROVE Attractive roomed home with view of lake storms and screens garden plenty of cupboards Full price ROCHES POINT Handyman opportunity to buy cottages and winterize one rent the other Make offer Contact Irene Roches Point assoc A Broker Toronto NEWMARKET DAVIS DRIVE 5 acres frontage 330 on wide paved road very near St Excellent location no waste land Excellent opportun ity for one or more good homes Plan available Half cash bal ance percent or builders terms on balance Phone Dixon King clw5 KCROWN TRUST CO WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE lady with small fam ily requires rooms May Reasonable rent or would give domestic service in return for part rent Apply Era and Ex press box apartment or house keeping rooms In Newmarket for mother and 2 children Apply Era and Express box ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE unfurnished rooms in cluding kitchen facilities space use of bathroom Suit business couple Reasonable rent Phone PA Aurora 3room apart- Close to shopping Im mediate possession Phone Newmarket after pm BOARDERS WANTED NICE bright room and board preferred Phone Newmarket ROOM AND BOARD WANTED FOSTER WANTED CAN you share your home with and give understanding to a typical fourteenyearold lad- Board paid clothing and medical care provided If you are interest ed and have had experience with teenagers write Em and Ex press box AR FOR SALE PRINCESS PAT In good condition Phone New piano Phone Newmarket HELP WANTED APARTMENT FOR RENT selfcontained up stair apartment all convenienc es garden garage No children per month Possession May or June Mrs Elgin Evans phone ket unfurnished hot and cold water Possession April Abstainers Phone 1G3r Newmarket PAIR of twin beds complete out fit Apply evenings Catherine Avenue or phone PA LADYS suits wine navy beige and Black Watch size in very good condition Phone Newmarket lw5 Oval coal or wood Waterfront Apply Eagle St or phone New market 2 GARAGE doors So Oil burn er Apply Elm St New- market RUG Rosewood color size like hew Phone New market WALNUT springs and mattress double bed in- good condition Mrs Una Hill Main St Newmarket BURNER electric stove oven in excellent condition white and grey Good stove for summer home Apply Millard Ave or phone 133w Newmarket TON ford truck Will trade for garden tractor Also re frigerator 2wheel trailer Phone Mount Albert electric lawn mowers inch votary These machines really work and the price is only The cord is far less trouble than you would be lieve See these fine machines at Stewart Main St Newmarket phone dining room tabic and hairs dark oak Will sell Phone or Prospect St New market lw5 GARAGE FOR RENT BAY TORONTO SIX really good rooms modern conveniences Lot about of an acre Numer ous fuliygrown shade trees Ex location overlooking pro posed park Terms Phone King 8200 1unga low all nicely dec orated No oak floors well lo cated all town facilities full basement with recreation room and workshop Immediate pos session down excellent terms on balance or BEST offer 9room brick duplex all conven iences central large shaded lot double garage possession of lower 5room apartment 3000 down SI MODERN firoom dap- board bungalow oak floors all conveniences oil furnace full basement large lot close to No highway and daily Toronto bus down JOSEPH QUINN REALTOR Queen St Phone Newmarket LOTS FOR SALE TWO lots One 7 acre lot acre lot On highway A ILK I Keswick phone GARAGE at rear of Eagle St Newmarket Apply Bill Main St phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE DRAPES Roches Point FOUR building lots feet by feel approximately on Ave Phone Newmarket i LOTS Also acreage suitable for subdivision Marion Atkins phono Newmarket KESWICK lots in one half acres Also acres and acres on highway A Keswick phone 141 Roches Iolnt lots south of Rogers Newmarket Sewers and water available Phone 174114 Newmarket building lots South of St Water and roads nave been Installed Phone Newmarket READY made draperies inches wide up to inches long a pair Plain floral and modernistic design Senecals Main St Newmarket VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Klrsch drape tracks drape arras and Pin hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone or Harold Craddock Ont- qrjg S W New tfl3 RUGS SAVE PERCENT NEW rugs made from your old rugs carpets woollens etc Dominion Rug Weaving Go phone Newmarket PLAYER piano Stanley Bat tery radio Deforest Iron and springs brown enamel double bed Coleman lamp table or hanging Coleman iron ladys spring coat sie Phone 279m N automatic electric range about wide lour burners also has light and minuteminder About three years old Phone oPIECE chrome suite mantle ato electric washer sewing machine Jamesway electric brooder chick size walnut coffee table spinet desk of glass top cupboard Odd tables chairs dressers beds gas stove white Bridge lamps firebasket JJW Irons Quantity Fiesta ware Coleman gasoline range Quant ity dishes etc Fred Hirst phone WANTED TO RENT T te with two well- behaved children desire apart- or house Lady would do light housework Phone Newmarket with rent selfcontained apartment or flat by May Phone Newmarket IN vicinity of Aurora house or fourroomed apartment a cnuplo with daughters Salaried worker Good referenc es PA Aurora or three unfurnished rooms In Mount Albert by elderly lady Phone Mount Albert ANTIQUES and sold Furniture glassware pictures books Apply Main St phone Newmarket ELECTRIC Icebox lb Phone New- mar SET of seat covers to fit Dodge coach complete with door rovers Never used Phone 132 2wH MEDIUM size Quobee liearer suitable tor summer cottage Sunbeam iron with heat control good condition Phone Newmarket cabinet iiTgom lion double doors top and bottom drawers ami bread drawer natural trim with red Maurice Winter phone Newmarket between and 1 and after pm 2 NEW mantel mirrors plate still in carton on both each One and WW Will make ideal wedd ing gifts Phone PA gjwM WlirCIIT piano excellent con- Ution and good tone Phone Newmarket rebuilt motor for crank shaft with all bearings fitted complete with cylinder head A real bargain Phone Can adian Associate Store hi condition- Mrs Charles Weill King phone King ROYS In excellent con dition Reasonable Joseph St or phone New market MOTOR boat motor inside Phone Mount Albert blue food condition Newmarket CONNOR TTiciTnOliib washer excellent condition Apply Doug Clarke PA 74C17 Aurora SALE of and reronditioncd machines cabinet and portable Singer Sewing Centre Mo in St or phone New- market WANTED TO BUY CARS wanted for wrecking Walt Dyer Keswick phone Roches Point 135r2 PERSONAL Marguerite Bye or Nelson mother of Kenneth Wayne or anyone knowing her where abouts please write Era and Ex press box MERCHANDISE ALUMINUM storm windows screens and doors Special price on doors and metal awn ings Alsco Co phone or Newmarket 502 C LAR6E quantity of used out- board motors with shop guaran tee up kit prams 5100 assembled Morrisons Newmarket phone for HARDWARE We deliver Phone The Bathroom Set 13660 delivered A beautiful bathroom set at a reasonable price Everything in plumbing and heating JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies ONI Phone Open Wednesday and Friday evening and all day Saturday AWNINGS ORDERS taken now for awnings tor homes or businesses at city prices Ideal Awning Co College St or phone Lakeside Toronto Ai- HELP WANTED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS TEACHER wanted September for King City Mod ern school Send full particulars of yourself and salary required to Burt Box King City Secretary STENOGRAPHER to do hand typing and general office work Must be neat and effic ient Reply stating age exper ience and education to Era and Express box Teacher wanted ZEPHYR Public School requires two Protestant teachers for jun ior room grades to and senior room grades to Duties to commence in Septem ber New school with modern conveniences Apply stating qualifications experience salary and references to Bert Zephyr SALESLADY Experience pre ferred Tobaccos Main St Newmarket PRACTICAL nurse bedrid den lady residing in Aurora Minimum housework Write Era and Express box statins salary hours on duty days off and whether desiring to live in or out el wis WORK WANTED WORK WANTED EASTER PORTRAITS In your own home to compliment your new outfit JOHN EVERETT 214 Main St For appointment phone Newmarket EVERETT RADIO REPAIR St Phone HOG Newmarket REASONABLE repairs to radios and television sets clwlo CONTRACT carpentry Brick and mason work Frank Kob- Phone Bradford 3wj5 PAINTER and paper hanger would like large contracts or by the hour experience Phone Turner 425HG Richmond Hill Iwl5 PRECISION hand and power sharpening Bill Watson St Aurora phone PA DONT PUT IT OFF CALL BOB DYSON Main St Newmarket phone for fiee estimates with no obligation Says Bob I can give you the best deal in the district for ALUMINUM windows SCREENS AND DOORS tf3 TOWN or country Prompt ser vice Phone Newmarket week Clean modern plant Rest periods Steady em- CO LTD St Aurora tfI4 TOP TELEVISION SERVICE QUALITY Repairs ami Installation MAURICE Phone Sutton WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt In any fabric- Apply Ken Sargenr St or phone New market tfl3 PROFESSIONAL permanent wuves given In your home if de sired Irene Sheridan phone St Newmarket SALES OPPORTUNITY have an opening for an honest man to Kelt Salary savin and pensions locally full or part time Must be a flares and have a car not necessary as we ejvo you a list you yi to per year Reply Riving full details age to family LtL Ave Toronto KING WOOD PRODUCTS Cor and Station ltd King City CUSTOM WOOD WORKING Cupboards Counters Built Ins of all types Furniture Repaired and Commercial Sinn Work KING OR f nurse avail able by the week or day or will make dally visits Excellent ref- Phone Allerallons new homes kitchen cupboards veals experience Phone HASHING REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone 355 Newmurket CARPENTRY and general prop- repairs Phone Roches Point or write Box Keswick USED CARS SSMOUTH in good or best offer Phone Newmarket good oixier or best offer Apply Srigley St CHEVROLET sedan good condition Phone 3wl5 CHEVROLET coach origin al owner outstanding condition accessories Phone New- market alter p MERCURY sedan radio heater good tires or best offer Phone Newmarket custom 2 door mileage Extras Turn indica tors radio optional imdercoat- winterized sacrifice for quick sale Phone or Newmarket 5 FARM MACHINER OLIVER Std tractor Drive Demonstrator Oliver fully equipped A good price on this tractor Oliver 70 new tires and belt pulley International fully equipped very reasonable Chalmers like new New and used grain drills ft Vernon lime sower No tractor spreader good con dition 2 sets of International ft disc harrows springtooth International cultivator tractor hitch cheap Oliver Sales and Service phone clw15 POULTRY WANTED y Poultry Any quantity Brim in or will can on Highest prices paid W Oak phone SEED FOR SALE POULTRY EQUIPMENT range shelters tile incubators each es electric brooders m egg capacity each Small cement mixer C K Sutton St Newmarket CHICKS FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE TO downtown Toronto Leaving Newmarket am Returning Apply Main St Apt Newmarket lwl5 TO Toronto via Don Mills a weekly Leaving am re turning from Union Station p Phone 1202 Newmarket TO the east end of Toronto via Don Mills leaving Newmar ket at am Toronto pm Phone Newmarket FARM ITEMS i TON hay mixed clover alf alfa and timothy baled ton wheat straw Priced to sell as farm sold Apply A Lilholt Sharon lwl5 REAVER oats phone Roches Point c2w5 CLINTON oats cleaned and treated Bales Bros Sharon phone BALED wheat straw 1 1 Dun ham Yonge St phone Newmarket 3wl4 HAY ton of good baled hay Apply Frank St Michaels Farm RR Aurora phone PA BALED clover and timothy wheat and oat straw Will de liver Rales Bros Sharon phone A removed from your farm promptly tor sanltan disposal Telephone Collect Newmarket 70 or Toronto GORDON YOUNG MACHINERY FOR SALE STARTING IN THE SOD BUSINESS COMPLETE equipment for sate Ryan sod cutter tract or with mower blade Can be seen anytime Phone New market TRACIORS row crop Horn Hy draulic loader Standard Men A with cultivator IViguson tractors now COMBINES CASE with motor ALUS with See the now Model fiO THRESHERS WHITE No Inch nearly WHITE Wood inch good shape BALERS NEW Holland 7G excellent NEW Holland CO models new FORAGE HARVESTER SKYLINE complete outfit A real buy SPREADERS USED and new all models SEVERAL Jiood ones HAY LOADERS SIX all late models SIDE RAKES USED and new ONE WAY DISC PLOWS DEERE blade nearly new blade nearly new TWO three furrow Used and MOWERS hath good New ami Ferguson HAMMER Mills HALE ELEVATORS Several models YOUNG AND SON PHONE MOUNT ALBERT IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 2 plain drills Phone Mount Albert- hay loader No Apply McMillan Bros FARM MACHINERY NEW Grain threshers Grain throwers and elevators combined straw cutters and shredders Fits all makes of threshers Apply Bruce Newmarket No CLINTON seed oats per cent germination cleaned and treated Bales Bros Sharon phone Queensville 3wl4 REGISTERED No Beaver oats at 170 per bushel No Mont calm barley grown from Regis tered seed exceptionally good sample at per bushel No Red clover at per bushel No clover at FOB farm Frank and Ted Keswick Ont LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WEANED pigs Apply Mrs Amy lot con King TEAM mare and gelding and years 6 young Holstcin cows bilking some with calf by side choice of fine bred heifers due this summer Mount Albert clwlo REGISTERED Yorkshires Boar months old boars months old Also bred and open available J A Campbell RR 3 Newmarket phone Aur ora PA YOUNG Clyde team rising and years mare gelding 4 young sows Yorkshire and bred to a purebred English large Yorkshire dark reel purebred dual purpose Durham bulls A Holt LIVESTOCK WANTED DURHAM or Hereford bull about vears old Must be quiet By Phone Newmar ket Horses for mink Will call with truck Good cash price Frank Coleman or writ PO box tf3 POULTRY WANTED THE Kitchener agent here can save you money on chicks He has from this Hatch- SLA available Regular Stock Canadian Approved plus the complete year breeding pro gram Wide choice breeds cross es started Sussex Red Pullets on pullets 2 weeks Keep in touch with him ask latest quotations give him your order Remember Its later than you think Reg Shaw Cedar Phone Mount Alber 2907 APRIL chicks should be chicks In production for markets have pullet cockerels mixed some started Prompt shipment- Ask us for complete April list Let us have order Agent Ed Whitfield LOST LARGE part Collie part Police dog Main color black some white and brown Answers to Colonel tag No phone Roches Point BLACK and white cat name vicinity Mount Albert cream er Phone Mount Albert ly BROWN leather wallet in New market or Aurora on Friday night Contains drivers license pictures and money Please mail to owner or leave at Marl- sold Gift Shoppe Newmarket Reward GIRLS identification bracelet on front Tom on back Phone 426r Newmarket after ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your Phone Newmarket FOUND YELLOW Collie dog Apply Walter Wanen Mount Albert v LARGE white dog Phone Newmarket Son Rose QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET NEWMARKET PHONE MM Attend One of These SUNDAY APRIL IS CHURCHES ARMY CITADEL 14 Queen St W and Mrs Good Friday Service pm Special music and dialogue Easter Sunday Sunrise service at am am pm The Risen Christ Visit the Army this weekend CHURCH OF TUG Cor Main and Queen Sts Rev A Collins Minister Miss June Organist Miss Norma Baker Pianist EASTER SERVICES 1000 am CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL 1101 aim THE FIRST EAS TER DAY pm NOW IS CHRIST RISEN SPECIAL RASTER MUSIC and SINGING AT ROTH SERVICES Easter Radio Programs am kilocycles am kits pm kils COME TO CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY ST PRESBYTERIAN Meredith MlnkUt Mr Rudolf Hoydens Organist am Sunday am Morning worship pm Evening service GARDENS Fellowship of Baptist Muriel near Arthur Street Pastor am Sunday School am Divine worship Each Thursday evening meeting at homes of member FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Minister Mrs Gerald am Sunday school Easter program am Morning worship sage Tuesday pm Prayer service Thursday April Debate by the Young People and special singing FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT- tX Rv Casement Pastor am Sunday school Easter program Murray Varney Easter program Wed Apr pm Prayer meeting Sunday Apr Church pm Sunday school a pm Easter service THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Rev Fred am Easter Morning Service Special Faster music and message Sunday School 70U pm Easter evening ser vice Senior choir and special music see Wed Aprl Teachers Train ing class All welcome FRIENDS MEETING Street EASTER SUNDAY Christ the Lord is risen today am Meeting lor worship Burton Hill and family of expect to be with us Come and meet with us All welcome April and Friends Easter Conference Friends House Toronto Tell all the world of Life today Oh make it clear and plain Altho within the grave He lay Out Saviour lives again TmiNITY UNITED CHURCH M J Aiken Ministry of EASTER SERVICES Easter music by combined choirs 1100 am Easter morning ser vice L BELIEVE IN The Sunday School am The Senior School am Beginners and Prim ary am Nursery Class pm Evening worship A pictorial view or Presentation and dedication of film strip projector GOOD FRIDAY Presentation Sir Crtifiio v VjfU combined 3 1 i-

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