i Number of Cojbs NEWMARKET i AND THE RURAL V CIRCULATION Average or three December 31 Aurora AH others TOTAL PAID A YEAR EXPRESS YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH ffyfe and There By Local Observer Most local residents didnt realize how many times they checked the town clock until it stopped this week Is old age its trouble Or is the clock rebel ling against the arrival of Day- Time this weekend Dont forget to put the clock ahead upon retiring on Saturday night It would be embarrassing to arrive at church shortly be- fore noon lor the oclock ser vice If you are like the majority who can never be certain whe ther the clock is to goahead or back an hour you can keep say ing under your breath until the weekend spring forward fall back The tables have been turned this week for teachers and pupils throughout the province It has been a time of carefree fun and play for the youngsters who are enjoying the Easter holidays from school For thousands of teach es it has been a return to lecture halls where they have watched demonstrations examined exhi bits and listened to panel discus sions and many speeches They have been at the Ontario Educa tion association annual conven tion Toronto Popular in the district for concerts is the Keswick Klub under the direction of Mrs Elaine and sponsored by the Keswick district club The group organized last November consists of young women and a waiting list of would- be members spurs attendance at rehearsals to percent Mrs is photographed left with one of the Dorothy Rye Keswick Mrs also supervises music for all public schools North Sutton public and high schools and for some of East public schools Photo by Mike The rubble and scrap which had cluttered the area north of Davis Drive beside the canal has been cleared away The im provement is a welcome one The location for many months was the site of a salvage yard- One young man showed typi cal male disinterest in miladys fashions at the Nursery School show last week He slept con tentedly in a play pen through out the entire presentation Of course he was a very small type The day will come when he will notice how attractive some young lady looks in her Easter finery Seeks AWOL Personnel Sergeant Himself AWOL Charges that army personnel fore going in Certain signs of spring the smelts are running nursery stock Is feeing delivered farmers in the district are spreading that old- fashioned noncommercial type fertilizer over their fields the greenthumb league is busy sharpening hoes and spades and much liniment is being purchased to rub tired backs after sessions of rolling the lawn OPENS NEW OFHCE FOR HALUDAYS AT NORTH MAIN of homes and summer cottages in Canada are officially opening a new Order Office at 218 Main St Newmarket on April Bob Dyson owneroperator of the office says we will offer to the public of Newmarket and district p information and advice on the erection of prefabricated homes and cottag es Helpful advice will be given to local contractors wishing to erect prefabricated buildings Contracts wherever possible will be given to local businesses Samples of building materials will be on display including roofing trim paints and linole um tile Free truck delivery will be made direct to customers site in the Newmarket area Mr Dy son has had considerable experi ence in the building and allied industries were AWOX in the district backfired on Bruce on Saturday April when he was arrested and turned over to the Army Provost Corps Toronto as being himself Con stable Arnold Newmar ket police and Constable were responsible for his detection McAulay first came to the provincial police office in town on April when he claimed to be a sergeant with the Provost Corps He asked the assistance of the police in locating several men in the district as they were absent without leave from the army Later he contacted the New market police with a similar re quest continued to hunt for his absentee soldiers and to check with the police for help His story didnt seem to ring true said Constable so we checked on him We had be gun to wonder if hed ever been in the army from different admitted when he realized his masquerade as a commissioned officer was over He was trying to find a couple of soldiers who had been with him at Camp Borden explained that he had a grudge against the men and thinking that they were in the Newmarket area decided to tell the police they were A He thought the police would help find the men However it was lie who helped the police in his own arrest He had more nerve than a canal horse commented Constable I when the case was com pleted HORTICULTURISTS TO HOLD MEETING ON CONSERVATION Conservation will be the theme of the general meeting of the Newmarket Horticultural society on Tuesday April pm in Trinity United church school room Sound films in color pro ductions of the National Film board will be shown Mrs Orley Hayes will give highlights from the annual con vention of the Ontario association Mrs Hayes at tended the convention in March as the official delegate of the Newmarket society Membership tickets in the so ciety may be purchased at the meeting Orders for nursery stock which is available to all members of the society at a percent discount may be placed as well All orders must be re ceived by the purchasing agent Hill not later than Fri day April 30 to make use of the discount A further premium of membership is that all members have the opportunity of subscrib ing to a wellknown Canadian magazine at a special rate The conservation films to be presented at Tuesdays meeting show the growth of the soil through the years and the effects of the components in the soil on health Other phases of conser vation will be covered Refreshments will be served A cordial invitation is extended to all gardening enthusiasts in the community to attend IS IN HOSPITAL Mr Fred Hoover is in York County hospital as the result of a car accident on Sunday April He is improving slowly SATo Apr For The Salvation Army will hold a blitz campaign for funds in Newmarket and district next Thursday April The ob jective for the blitz is 2400 The Salvation Army annual nationwide drive for funds this year May 3 to The New- campaign committee has decided to conduct the local cam paign on ApBl because of the campaign the second two weeks in May County hos pital building The many services the Salva tion in clude geneial arid Jmaterhityr Sot sons arid infants Army officer- in is Captain 6hairmari Of the Newmarket campaign committee is Mayor Giadmaii A manager- tile of fph- branch is Mrs Arthur Sheridan feesiden canvass Honorary- chairman is TO ASSIST CWaSsS BASEBALL MEETING Intermediate baseball players of last years team and any new players wishing to try out with the team are asked to be at the town hall Friday April at pm 1 NG EVENTS FRIDAY APRIL spring tea In Trinity United church Newmarket from to Mm said Both and are veterans Upon investigation by the po lice it was teamed that come from Washington originally and that he had serv ed for about three months with the Canadian Medical Corps SEWING The Cancer Society regular sewing will be held on April in the board Newmarket More mem bers are needed to make more HOME AND SCHOOL TO HEAR TALK BY DR C D Dr director of art for the Ontario department of education will be the guest spea ker at the arts and crafts meeting of the Newmarket and School association The meeting which is open to the public will be held in the Alexander school on Tuesday April pm Or will illustrate his informal talk on Children and their Pictures with movies and slides He is as wellknown for his friendly manner as he is for his authority to speak on this subject which has been his lifes work Representative exhibits of art work by the pupils of the four public schools wilt ho displayed Each classroom will contribute lo the show Nomination forms will be dis tributed at this meeting Only paidup members will receive the forms or he eligible for election to office Refreshments will be served Hie program promises to be an outstanding one and all are cor dially Invited to attend Grist Mil Sold After Years In Family History was made yesterday at will carry on until Mr a hamlet a few Ilea becomes acquainted the west of City when the Hoi- brothers grist mill was purchased by Richard fifth concession of King town ship The mill has be in the family years TlWlafe Eli became tW operator of the in He Joined his son Em In and years later by hi younger ion Albert The brothers are happy to retire from the heavy work at the mill Hollina- 1 Kinghorn until the early part head who is aya he cannot of the present century when the carry on the business because of Davis family started operating a health reasons but the brother tannery in Newmarket business The big part of the business is rolling oats and sell ing farm feeds The mill building oyer a century old In the early days It was an inn It is made of pine boards which were made from logs taken from property across the road from he mill Some of the boards in the structure are over 30 inches wide After the inn was closed the building was turned into a double house for employee of the Davis tannery at The tannery was operated at hall sponsored by Elm- grove Norm findings or chestra Admission FRIDAY Euchre Party in Scout Hall Newmarket under auspices ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary prizes re freshments Admission SATURDAY APR Newmarket Town Hall pm Jackpot SATURDAY AND SUNDAY APRIL The Salvation Army St Band to Musical Program pm in Christian Baptist Church New market APRIL unity sale Good used clothing white elephant table St Pauls Parish hall Newmarket at am MONDAY APRIL Ath letic Society are holding meet- at pm In Public school to make arrangements for Sports Day Please plan to at tend this meeting TUESDAY APRIL Illustrat ed talk by Dr provincial director of art New- market Home and School meet ing Alexander Muir school p m Display public school art work Refreshments Public welcome TUESDAY APRIL Newmar ket Horticultural society general Trinity United church Convention highlights Col- sound movies on conserva tion Refreshments Public wel come TUESDAY APRIL The Whitchurch Conservation Club are holding Spoilsman Night at Hall at 8 pm Pro gramme Harvey popular singer comedian Guest speaker Mr Hudson of Department of lands and forests Door prizes for member No admission Everyone welcome AND WED APRIL AND Night In audi torium of Sacred Heart school line King Township given by King Ridge insti tute pm Adults child ren 25c Proceeds for Well Baby Clinic clwlC TUESDAY APRIL of the Newmarket Dramatic club in the town hall basement at pm WEDNESDAY APR 28 Next bingo rit Legion hall Newmarket pm Good prizes Twenty games Jackpot Door prize special games bus after bin no WEDNESDAY APRIL St James Anglican Sharon Is sponsoring a spring supper in Sharon Hall Supper served from oclock on Sutton will show slides on hi work in Africa after the supper Adult Children WEDNESDAY APRIL crafts monthly meeting the home of Lady con cession King township in the afternoon Guest speaker Miss of Gar dens an on perennials THURSDAY APRIL The Red Cross win quilt and sow from one oclock until five oclock at Trinity United church Newmarket cl THURSDAY APRIL Annual spring opportunity sale of used clothing white elephants by Newmarket Home and School association- Keep project in mind when housecleaning THURSDAY APRIL Spring- lime tea at Snowball United church Supper served Evening entertainment colored pictures shown by Arthur Black burn mayor of Stayner Also local talent Admission Children THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APR AND Newmarket Figure Skating club registration at the Dominion bank from to 3 pm on Thursday and 1 to pm and to pm on Friday FRIDAY APRIL spring festival of fashions music and drama Time pm Adults Students 25c FRIDAY APRIL Euchre and bridge party at Lodge Orchard Beach at pm Sponsored by Kes wick Club Refresh ments and prizes FRIDAY APRIL Sharon Junior Farmers Minstrel show sponsored by Mount Albert Pub lic Library Board in Community hall pm Adults Child ren TUESDAY MAY At the Ag riculture Bonn looms Newmar ket pm general meeting of the York County hospital Womens Auxiliary Guest speak er Arklnstnlt Tea served Public cordially invited TOURS SAT AND WED MAY AND Betty Cordons Dancing Club fourth annual recital in the Newmar ket Town hall at pm Adults Children THURSDAY MAY Annual Blossom tea sale of home bak ing candy aprons fancy work under auspices or Junior Ladies aid Christian Baptist church to Tea FRIDAYMAY con cert sponsored by the Business and Professional Womens Club In Trinity United church New market at pm presenting Coronation Little Symphony Orchestra and Ellen Tun- soloist Admission adults Students Proceeds for York County hospital SUNDAY MAY bus to Niagara Falls Bus will leave Newmarket taxi office am Anyone wishing to please Mrs- for tickets Return fare FRIDAY MAY 21 Lilac tea bake sale and white elephant table under auspices of Junior Evening auxiliary of Trinity United church to Tea Supervised nursery EVERY Snturdav at Mount Albert hall to Norm Burling Mod- and old Admission tf3 FOR BUILDING The Newmarket Handcraft group will participate in the housetohouse canvass to be launched in Newmarket on May as a part of the York County Hospital Building Fund cam paign The group meeting at the home of Mrs on Tuesday April decided to as sist in the campaign Mrs George presided Other projects were discussed by which money could be raised for the Hospital Building fund They will be attempted later A talent project has been started in which each of the Handcraft group weaves articles and the proceeds from their sate go to the Building fund KITTEN ARRIVES At OFFICE ON BLUE CROSS PLAN Members of the Ontario Police department who patrol No highway in the Newmarket district have a ma ternity ward at their detachment headquarters at I This week a cat into of locker and while the cat was taking up residence in the the stork paid a visit Withone kitten The kitten i veil Blue Cross hos pitalization plan papers officers the detachment put up in the office which Silence Maternity one person who heard the stqryj is only a word until Now At New Here Metro Eyebrows Are Raised By Quick Furniture Grab -r- CELEBRATES 96TH BIRTHDAY SUNDAY Mis Robert rover celebrated her birthday at the home of her daughter Mrs Howard on Sunday April Fifty rela tives and neighbors attended to offer congratulations to Mrs Gra ver a former Newmarket resi dent Her four sons and four daughters and several grand children and great grandchildren were present Mrs Grover was up at am on Sunday and continued through the day without a rest A buf fet supper was served and she received a number of gifts Mem bers of the family attended from King Sutton Newmarket and Sharon SPRING SEMINAR ON CRAFTS ATTENDED BY LOCAL WEAVERS The Spinners and Weavers of Ontario under the presidency of Miss Carrie held their spring seminar on Tuesday Apr 13 at the McGtU St Attending from Newmarket were Mrs Arthur Mrs Bales and Mrs George McNelly Miss Eileen Muff crafts spe cialist with the department of education spoke on new appli cations of weaving techniques Community Program Work was the topic of a talk by John Mardall superintendent of Com munity Centres Toronto A forum or weavers prob lems was held tending brought a finished duct from her No name were attached to these exhibits An open discussion period held in which everyone con tributed constructive criticism on the displays of weaving They were judged as to origin ality texture design color and suitability of the type of weav ing for the use of the article Miss Muff spoke to the spin ners group in the evening She said that the weavers should use more of the hand spun wools The spinners dye their own yarns and the colors are superior to the commercially dyed wools she said Plans for the future activities of the Spinners and Weavers group were discussed The or ganization wants to reach weav ers and spinners throughout the province so that there can be a better exchange of ideas them At present the major por tion of the program centralis ed in Toronto A rally for the girls and their leaders of North district will be held in Rich mond Hill United church an Sat urday Aprit The rally will begin dahi and continue until pm Registration is cents and each girl and leader is to pro vide her own box lunch Choco late milk and tea will be provid ed The program will include skits games and folk dancing several sing songs and movies The rally will close with a wor ship service The rally is open to all girls between the ages of and Any in the district who are in terested in attending should con tact Mrs New- market Mrs Eric Warren or Mrs Bruce Roll ing Mount Albert These lead are arranging transportation for their groups GUEST SPEAKER James Lake was the guest speaker at the Gar dens Baptist church on Easter Sunday The County of York has moved into its new headquarters at the former Davis family estate at the north end of Newmarket This week furniture from the former county building at Ad elaide St Toronto was moved to Newmarket and officials of the Metropolitan Toronto admin istration which purchased the Adelaide St building seemed surprised that the county had made off with most of the fur niture Metropolitan Toronto purchas ed the building from the county recently for and it was understood that there would be a reasonable distribution of furniture A report in a Toronto paper last night said the Metro politan city slickers didnt come out too well in the deal with their country cousins Metro officials eyed the bare rooms of 67 Adelaide St yester day One official said the rural municipalities just backed the wagon up to the door Furni ture moved to Newmarket in cludes leather couches leather chairs all the furniture in the wardens suite all the furniture and equipment in the threeroom treasurers office much of the furniture in the council cham ber including the wardens offi cial chair and the table where the council clerk records the de cisions of council Metro officials made few com ments The Metropolitan coun cil previously agreed to purch ase the furniture which was left over But one detail is being questioned by the Metro a piano w the rural representatives price at Former members of the county now in the Metropolitan area seem to recall that only was paid for the piano a second hand one Distribution of assets of the old County of York between Metro and the new county make the picture confusing The former t y municipalities which have joined Metropolitan Toronto represent percent of assessment of the old county By this figure Metro would le gally own percent of the but no ratio for the distri bution of assets has yet been set tled When the distribution arrange are made the Metro municipalities also will receive part of the sale price of the buil ding at Adelaide St Tins made strange bargaining during the sale of the building to the Metro area The rural coun tywanted more Metro wanted to pay less yet part of the sale price would go to the Metro area Meanwhile the county has not been able to set its budget be cause of the difficulties in fin uncial settlements As a result municipalities are also hav ing difficulty setting mill rates because they dont know what the levy will be The last county council meet ing was held In Toronto Inst Next meetings be In Newmarket The official opening of the new county build ing here wilt not be held until June ORATORICAL CONTEST An oratorical contest sponsor ed by the Newmarket Optimist club will be held at the town halt next Tuesday night at 8 oclock The three contestants all under 17 arc Bill Francis Lewis and Ken GoOp Nursery School Holds Concert And Fashion Show f m A concert and spring fashion show were presented by the pu pils of the Newmarket Nursery school in the Scout hall Newmarket on Wed nesday April 14 AH but two of the preschool age children who attend the nursery school took part in the varied program The theme of the concert pre sented under the direction of the nursery teacher Mrs Fred Hughes and her assistant Mrs was the old woman in the shoe of nursery rhyme fame William Warden one of the school fathers made the big shoe from which Mrs Hughes brought the children singly or in groups to sing simple songs and recite nursery rhymes The instrumental portion of the program was provided by three members of the family accompanied her brother when he ploy ed a violin solo Kevin was guest pianist Over outfits were modelled In the fashion show of childrens clothes Merchandise for the show was provided by Kiddies Korner and the Jack and Jill Shoppe Mrs Roy Shcrrard was the commentator Two draws for prizes donated by Atkinson Drugs were held The winners were Mrs John Ins- ley and Mrs T A Mitchell The school mothers sold can dy and punch during the after noon performance Mrs Ballard president of the nursery school welcomed the guests There were over present Proceeds from the pro will be used for the pur chase of outdoor playground equipment for the school A group of pupils in the Newmarket Cooperative Nursery school who took part in the schools fashion show and concert list Week are left to right Bill Sleigh Susan Ballard Maureen Jay and Michael ire Photo by AT Ralph has applied for a license to operate a television broadcasting station at Barrio it is reported He expects the station to be in operation six months from the lime of receiving his license The station would have an output of watts and good reception would be expected in Newmar ket Mrs Mcdonald elected president OF NEWMARKET Mrs Roy McDonald was elect ed as president of the Womens Institute Newmarket at the an nual meeting on Thursday April The branch met in the Ag ricultural Board rooms with Mrs Campbell presiding When the business session was finished and reports had been presented by the officers and conveners a life membership pin was presented to Mrs McDonald Mrs Campbell made the presen tation on behalf of the members Mrs McDonald has been an ac tivc member of the Newmarket WI for many years and served a few years ago as the president The life membership award came as a surprise to its recipient The main project of the New market WI is the Rest Room St Its operation is a great expense to the Institute Members are urged to plan ways and means by which money can be raised for this purpose of perch reported at lake simcoe Big catches of perch are being taken from Lake at the opening of the season this year Cm Monday the largest catch re ported to be taken from was made by Gordon tamer Marty Saul all of Toronto and Sam Chicago They struck out from Milters at Miami Beach with minnows and within two hours they started to bring them in in large Lands arid forests of ficer Harold VanWyck Keswick and veteran of the lake front Frank Miller claimed that it was the largest catch they had seen on the lake The four fishermen have been going to Lake tor years Good fishing in Lake is maintained because of the ef forts of the department of lands arid forests whose officers see that fish are protecUd durirut spawning season Mr VanWyck says that each female is capable of laying eggs It there is only five percent development there is still enough for all the fishing enthusiasts at the lake e I