Newmarket Era and Express, 22 Apr 1954, p. 10

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ASifi WJiXirc fc I- Jacob Smith has been ill with the flu Her daughter Mrs Harold Miles Toronto is staying with her Mr and Mrs spent the weekend in London Mr Gordon Elliott and family visited his sister in Toronto for Easter Mrs Frank Clemens Peter borough and Miss Betty Milne Lindsay were home for the holi day- Mrs Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Miss Jean Cunningham Bow- is at the of her Mr and Mrs Floyd Cunningham for the holidays Mrs A J Milne is visiting in Trenton this week if- TV FORMER NEWMARKET WITH ONTARIOS FARM Agriculture directly employs onesixth of all working Cana dians WINTER CLOSING HOURS AT BlllS OR N E R Monday Closed Tuesday to Friday Saturday IV Mldnlte Station and Motel are open all days Si- POLICY Moil to CONTINUOUS FROM SATURDAY ONLY CONTINUOUS FROM MATINEE AT AT tt y APRIL 222324 A former Newmarket resident is taking a part Ontarios farming venture which is in operation near Kingston on acres along the canal Seven farads and their families have formed a syndicate of effort and by assigning many of the individual- phases of farming to individuals they expect to make their work easier and more profitable Art Haas Little Bob Barkwell and Ha Ghent former manager of the Newmarket District here show their cooperative equipment in front of their barn Cooperative farming has been successful in Western Canada KESWICK Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood Toronto spent the Easter week end with Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Mr and Mrs Ray and daughter Susan Toronto visited Mr and Mrs King over the weekend Miss VanNorman To ronto is spending the Easter holidays at her home Mr and Mrs Ike Mr and Mrs- Malcolm Han over and Mrs Dan attended the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Harold recently Easter weekend guests at Mrs and Miss Magees were Mr and Mrs Allen Snider and Mr Malcolm Gardiner Owen Sound and Miss B and Stewart Toronto Mr Lloyd Toronto Wednesday to attend the funeral of his father William who passed away at St Josephs hospital Toronto on Monday April Interment was at Mount Pleasant cemetery on Thursday Mrs Etta Wilder and Mrs tie Hopkins are visiting friends in Toronto Mrs Vera Herring left Sunday to visit her sister Mrs- Rye in Chicago Mrs Fred Newmar ket was a guest on Saturday of Mr and Mrs William Lloyd Miss Mary Mclennan Toron to spent the Easter weekend as a guest of Miss Terry Keswick Christian church had an inspiring Easier service with Mr delivering the message assisting Rev Easter decorated the church Six new members were welcomed Holy Commun- ion was held Mrs Taylor sang the Easter solo Mr and Mrs Freeman Rye Toronto opened their cottage at Keswick Beach a few days last week Mr and Mrs King Village visiting Mr and Mrs James Wright oh Good Friday Mrs- Geo Dales was a week end visitor with Mrs Clem ents Mr and Mrs Howard Wright spent the weekend at Port Row an with relatives to Hanover for the Easter week end at the home of his nephew Dr and Mrs Lome Stokes- i Mr and Mrs Williams Toron to were Easter visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr arid Lome Paisley j The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to Mrs liams and family in the death of her mother Mr Allan Hooper Barrio spent Monday with Francis Mr and Mrs Ernest Cook and family St Thomas visited the homestead on Monday Mrs Cook returned with them for a couple of weeks Miss Barbara is spending the holidays in Toron to have moved to Miss Marie Broad and Mrs Wallace Greek are spending the Easter holidays in Bermuda Miss Isalxflle Tor on to was ait Easter visitor at home of Miss Mildred Dike Mrs Fawns and Mrs Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Harmon land Mrs Shields Mrs Horace Pearson visited her cousin Mrs Murray Kerr at Washington oyer Easter holidays- Dr and Mrs George son Maris and Jack spent the holiday weekend with the doc tors mother Mrs Macpherson Sr Place The Hall Board dance in the hall on Thursday evening was a success Proceeds went to the washrooms fund The lucky prizewinners were Rate who won the blanket and Mrs Sam Harper who won the bas ket of groceries Mrs Mclntyre and family Wetland for the holiday week Mrs Jones who has been visiting her daughter Mrs and Mrs Snyder Ricky and Paul motored to Kitchener for weekend Mr and Mrs Pegg and daughters spent the Easter holi day with relatives at Condon Miss received word on Saturday morning of the death of her brother Charles Hayes his home in Toronto on Friday evening brother Hayes died early Satur day at his in Ottawa The funeral service of Charles Hayes was held Toronto torment at Mount Albert ceme tery He is survived by his wife the former Anne J Bain and one daughter Mrs Mack Toronto Mr Everett Hayes was buried at Ottawa and leaves his wife and one daughter Betty Mrs Ketch Tilbury Ernest Port Perry and Harold of Ml Albert are brothers Mr and Mrs J Arnold went HOLLAND THEATRE Mr and Mrs Harry Draper and family Cordova Mines Mr and Mrs Bruce Ramsay and Ross Draper Toronto and Mrs Ronald Draper and family were visitors at the home of their and Mis W Draper over the There were Holy Week ser vices at the United churchlast week and Good Friday morning The church was filled at the Sunday morning service to hear the Easier message of Rev and the special Easter music by the choir Mr and Mrs Draper spent Easter the home of their daughter Lyons Heights Mr and Mrs Alto Davison and Caleb were Tues day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs was Mr and Mrs Dayisbiis wedding anniversary Miss Ana Carrulhprs and friend Toronto were at the home of her parents and Mrs over Easter The and of the United church will hold ah affiliation meeting on Tuesday April at pm The Cheerio group will meet in the church school room Sat when Rev Geary Sutton Anglican church Will be the speaker Rev Geary been in missionary work and all are invited to attend to hear ah interesting lecture on the Middle Easty Mr and Bruce Ross Lan sing were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs J P Misses Muriel and Ross and Mi and Mrs John Ross called on their mother Mrs Ross over the weekend Set your clocks ahead On Sat urday night you will be late for church PINE ORCHARD Pine Orchard branch held its April meeting at the home of Mrs Carl Link It was deckled to sponsor Sharon Junior Farm ers Minstrel show at Vandorf Hall Proceeds for York County hospital building fund Report of Centre York direct ors meeting was given by Mrs Ross The officers elected were Hon President Mrs j Jesse past pros Mrs H Lehman president Mrs Mas on 1st vicepres Mrs A terl2nttvicepres Mrs A Codys secretary Mrs treasurer Mrs feajniner auditors Mrs A Johnson and A Shaw district Hope Sewing com Mrs J Ash Mrs J Lundy Visiting Mrs and and Canadian Johnston Home and Health Mrs- citizenship and fe Hope community pwbllc relations wscarcH current eyentSi Mrs A i for KdreanreliefC The district annual will be held at church Wednesday May ftfe Siajn- i Misses- Joan anil arel- spending Easter vacation with relatives at Mil Ronald Stick- wood Hope weri Sunday guests at the home Mrs J Mrs E John ston attended the handicraft course at the home of Mrs Goo MOUNT PLEASANT Easter service was well ren dered by Rev with two lovely solos by Miss Hop- ton Mr and Mrs Harry Davis and Neil Lakeview Mr and Mrs Ralph Davidson and Mr and Mrs man spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Davidson Mrs McLeod and daughters London visited over the weekend with her sister Mrs Leaney and Mr Leaney Miss Margaret IS enjoying two weeks of holi days at home I to of little John Hopkins being sick TOe Womens Guild has been postponed for one week Newfoundland and Labratit have some wholly dependent on the sea for a living who is not very well Kay attended the BarclayMitchell wedding in Friday evening J- Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs Frank Kydd Mr- and Mrs Fred Blazey and boys of Toronto and Mrs Lloyd Kay and girls spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Kay Sutton note and comment- on your appearance When they begin talk it is time for you to act health See your Doctor Let Bring hi prescriptions to us tor compounding I a Smith the con last week There was- a good at Union church on Easter Sun day Bobby and John Hope Terry and Joanne Lloyd sang an appropriate Easter hymn Rev A was In charge of the servicei Sunday April services at church of Christ and Union churches will be held at 11 am and Sunday school at 10 am saving time 5 miles east of Aurora stoplight 5 Shoot starts at pm Running deer flying ducks and targets gauge shotguns 22 rifles all deer rifles Bl prizes cist BRADFORD HAH In Technicolor SECOND Combat Squad John Ireland MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY In Technicolor The Lady Hunan Hay ward Charlton SECOND FEATURE In Technicolor The Story of Three Loves Kirk Douglas Jam Mason t t Tuesday to Mo own SECOND HOPE Services will be held in Hope United church on Sunday April Sunday school be at pm and the sermon at pm Mrs Robert Graves celebrated tier birthday on Saturday April at the home of her daughter Mrs Howard Friends and relatives called on her Mrs Graves received many beautiful gifts and cards She a hymn Will Meet You Just Inside the Eastern Gate Mr and Mrs George and family Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs John on Sunday Hetty Oliver St spent the weekend with Ann Walker Mr and Mrs Gibson and family were guests of Mr and Mrs Toronto last Mr and Mrs El wood Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson on Sunday evening Mr and Motley Moore and Pauline Port spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Howard Mr and Mrs W King and Mr and Mrs Jack No were guests of Mr and on Sunday Mr Mrs Arthur Smith Toronto had dinner on Friday with Mr and Mrs George Mr John Sharon had supper on Friday with Mr and Mrs George He is going to Island Alas ka as a missionary Mr ami Mrs Harry Moss Ross had supper on Saturday with Mr and Mrs George Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor Au rora spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mrs Hall Mr and Mrs Emery visited relatives in Toronto for a few days recently A large crowd attended the reception In Bel haven hall on Thursday evening for Mr and Mrs Clement nee Mae Mr Newmarket visiting his daughter and her husband Rev and Mrs J King for a few days Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs win Winch were Donald Winch Toronto Mr Winch Peterborough and Mrs Griffith Mr Mrs Bernard David son had tea Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Harry Horner Mrs Henry Kay and Miss Kay spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Stevenson Vir ginia Oh Sunday Mr Lloyd Hoi- stocks and friend Toronto call ed his Mrs Albert PLSANTVlLLE Mr and Mrs Roy Cody spent the Easter weekend with friends in Orillin Mr and Mrs Murray and Wanda were Sunday night tea guests of their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Miss Verna Wide junior teach er at school accom panied by a friend enjoyed a conducted tour at Washington DC during part of the holidays Mrs McClure was at the home of Mr and Mrs Moore Toronto during the weekend The returned home with her for Sunday tea after visiting their uncle in hospital at Mr and Mrs David Preston Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Del- Prcstort Miss Marjorie ton returned home with them for a week Mr and Mrs Earl Toole Elgin and Mrs Toole were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Han cock and Mr and Mrs A Forbes Lawn Garden Equipment SERVICE Hill i4 Reif to Stei to of J Main Sti SHORTY GOATS vn mux BOWL N01HIN6 TO TORI now offers you tremendous m J savings on this new 85 cuft VICTOR I REFRIGERATOR m reg 34900 NOW 259oo t m Across Tfp Freezer Shelves on Door Easy Budget Terms Butter Bowl offend hie iP b fluflywhht yri mild du tenuity hi howl Stewart MAIN STREET

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