i J from the Editors Notebook a and Express Hydrogen bombs may be set off there may be radioactive tuna fish more evidence of in ternational espionage may be discovered but the most dis turbing fact is that the town clock has not been working all week We first noticed that the clock was stopped on the week end and that the clock faces were darkened at nights The clock was the foremost tonic of Main Street discussion groups and during coffee peri ods it took precedence over pockmarked windshields yes- Mechanical failure is reported to be the reason for the situation at the post office tower Town clock specialists were expected to arrive yester day from Toronto and we were anxiously awaiting a diagnosis of the clocks condition There were rumors which one would expect that a mouse had been caught in the works but these were denied sent a photographer over to the clock on Tuesday Our plan was to photograph a re pairman up in work ing on the mechanism with hammer and pipe wrench and examining the machinery with a jewellers eyepiece Such photograph could not be taken without an official letter from Ottawa or the district office at Toronto we learned Maybe the reason for the clocks failure is that the works are tangled up with red tape Ginger heard a report that it was radioactive worked with former fighter pi- tots of the German air force One of the immigrants had en gaged Allied bombers over the night of July 22 the same night that the Lancaster crew was over that city Last week a German grant employed at a Toronto firm was installing a rebuilt job printing press at the Era and Express A member of the Era staff invited him out for coffee atinef afternoon break period Our staff mem ber who fought in Italy within armored unit learned that he immigrant German armored unit fighting in the same sector S There we drihkirig coffee together and Jen years ago we probably were shooting at one another saldlgtfft staff man The ills experience in- way differed probably the as you were didnt think about the reason fofcft until the war was h said The former German soldier was la ter taken prisoner in ftussia and at time while he was in prison camp weighed only pounds Strvliig Newmarket Aurora and the districts of North York The Newmarket Era Express Herald Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription far two years 250 for one year in advance Stogie copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Ctmada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN STRUTHEHS Managing ION Womens editor GEORGE Sports V RACINE Job Printing and Production J a We have heard stories about world war veterans who were once fighting on opposite skies of the battle line The Era and Express carried a story a couple of years ago about a former Lancaster bomber crew haying a reunion at King City Two of the crew members employed at a Toronto aircraft factory From the Files of 25 and 50 Ye0iAgo Newmarket Wolf Cubs are hoping to win a 4000 prize from a certain packing house by saving box tops from a certain butter substitute We expect abuse for mentioning that the products name is AtUweet but hasten to say that pressure was exerted on us by one of the Cub leaders Housewives are asked to save the carton ends because each is worth one cent to the Cubs They are asked to phone Kirk Everett Newmarket a Cub will call for them Any money which they bring in of course will be for a good cause 19 Miss Eva Pearson of Toronto is spending this week with Mrs Kirby Mr and Mrs Cryderman of Flint Mich visited her par ents Mr and Mrs Miss Audrey Harvey of To ronto was the guest of Miss El sie Allan over the weekend Our esteemed friend Elder has gone to live with his son Fred in Toronto Another of the individual losses of the Newmarket flood on April was the loss of beautiful hens the property of Miss Williamson on Prospect Ave The poultry home was at the foot of the garden border ing on the Specialty flats and the water rose almost to the roof One hen managed to find a place of refuge right against the roof hut all the rest of the flock were drowned Mrs A J will re at Si Pauls Rectory on Friday afternoon April from to oclock Rev J- Cochrane of North Bay was a guest of Mr and Mrs It Manning during his weekend stay in town Miss Beatrice Bain nursein training of Buffalo City hospi tal is home to recuperate having appendix to- moved Mr and Mrs If Meek spent the week and with their daughter who was giving shower to Mm with Mrs Dr Wilkinson PRINCESS APRIL At the United Factories yes morning Mr Oscar had his hand bruised and cut in cording in contact with 3ome machinery they were moving He will be com pelled lay off a few days Mr George Lyons and Leon Agar of spent a few days last week with their uncle Mr Luke Moody of Street John Morgan enter tained a dozen and a half schoolmates last Friday even and they all had a jolly time Dr Allen of AJHston was here the leapyear and remained Sunday with friends Mrs Jackson gave a thimble tea to a number of la- dies at on Tuesday afternoon To show how the newspaper trade is demoralized men tion the arrival on Monday of over tvo tons of paper at the Era Office direct from the mill This paper was ordered the be ginning of January for deliv ery the of February For the past five weeks we have had print the Era on any kind of paper we could get in small lots from Toronto whole- sales but now hope that our troubles are over for a While in that respect Mr Wilson manager of the Clothing factory talks of add ing another dozen sewing ma- and increasing the staff as there such a demand for their go vis UNDERGROUND f Margaret to tad safety to at after tot a pick if J- it a PAGE TH THE TWENTYSECOND DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR A -r-S6- A I- The Easter parade in Toronto drew many thousands of people from all parts of the city- and the surrounding district to loot Street last weekend The crowds were so large that even the subway minutes behind schedule A parade is always an attrac tion for children and adults alike- popularity of the Easter parade suggests that something of the sort might be done at in future years Easter usually falls on one of the first weekends in the springtime when you can get out of the house go for a walk or drive and take in some of that new fresh air and sunshine Everyone wants to see out side activities after being shut up ail winter long The little lady is anxious to see what others are calling hats this year and show off her own new Even the male who buys a new spring suit at least wants someone to see it People certainly are in the mood for such an event as an Easter parade It would be a good annual project for the merchants of Newmar ket or the chamber of commerce one which no doubt would be popular with townspeople and others in the district MORE LICENSE SUSPENSIONS It was suggested in the House of Commons recently that a DominionProvincial conference be held to reduce highway fatalities The suggestion made Davie Fulton Karaioops and supported by Stanley Kriowles Winnipeg Shaw Red Deer was hot opposed by Justice Minister Garon said he doubted if such a meeting would accomplish much lie pointed out that the provinces have jurisdiction over highway regulations He added that the suspen- of more licenses would prove to be a far greater penalty than any fines that could be imposed Motor vehicle accidents claim 2000 lives in Canada Last weekend was the first big weekend of the warm weather season traffic accidents took their usual toll The weekend was a hint of what is to come this summer when more automobiles will be on the roads The tragic part is that the careful drivers are included in the list of victims A man known to be a careful driver was killed when his car was struck by an oncoming vehicle which was passing another at crest of a hill- What can be done to prevent such care lessness it has been suggested that governors be put on the motors of cars to limit their lop speeds to miles per hour This of course would prevent careless driving suggested that conference could deal such matters tests equipment such as brakes headlights and steering also speed limits and minimum age limits for operators Mr that greater emphasis should be placed on the education of in safe driving habits- would seem that the more licenses is the most effective meansMted Judges and magistrates should to suspend drivers licenses operators are foiihd of violations as Mr I to suggested of fender usually fears the loss of his license more than a fine WHATS RIGHT WHATS WRONG Although there may be diplomatic over the incident the exdiplomat in Australia wfedeiJed join her bus hand as a refugee from the Soviet of the free world has an effect on the individual who can only think of his own wife or daughter in such a The use of force hints of retaliatlrin on members of the family has an impact on the mind of the Western who life in lira free world and life Sim Oil other hand the story of the Hbomb list in the States being us a seeur- risk seems to harm the cause of the free world From all fir is a rare typo of not only a scientist hut linguist and poet one who feels Clint science should not ho divorced from tho humanities He is as a man who felt a m m responsibility to the betterment of mankind Because he at one time was opposed to the US proceeding with Hbomb experiments he is now being criticized Yet who cannot be opposed to such terrifying power J at least to some degree He is being criticized for favor ing the Loyalists during the Spanish civil war Yet who did not sympathize with the Loyalists in the days before World War Then it they were fighting Fascism Volunteers from the US and Canada not necessarily communists were taking part in the struggle Such sympathy which was once popular in the United States is now considered to be a crime it seems SALVATION ARMY APPEAL The Salvation Army accepts not only the of helping those in its own ranks but ail others as well William Booth the founder of the Army once said The world is our parish Wherever man is found the Salvation Army tries to meet both material and spiritual needs In Newmarket and district the needs of the lonely the dying the hungry and the con fused are responded to by the open door and the heart of the Salvation Army 7 A call at am was made recently from the Pro vincial Police district office here to the Army quarters The query was Can you find accommodation for a family of seven which is stranded The family had been evicted from its home and ted been trying to locate accommodation all not met with success Through the Salvation Army in Newmarket they were given accommodation and food until they could locate proper lodgings Another example of the Army work came from a letter received by the Captain in Newmarket from the Salvation Armys prison chap lain It was stated that a prisoner about his wife and family He had not heard from them but knew they were to move and that they did not have pro per furnishings for winter weather family was visited prayer was offered and clothe food fuel and a stove were provided In the past year other services were rendered all of which come in the line of the days activity for the Army Refreshments are served to cold and weary fire- men Assistance is offered to those unfortunate vic tims burned out An emergency call hospital is answered A man is dying and wants the Salvation Army officer to see him a Who is not connected with the Army and who does not attend church regu larly Probably the Army is upon the street with a message for all he feels that the Army is his shepherd Any veteran will have a good word for the Army The work of the Army is carried out without highly paid personnel Members of the Army have dedicated their lives to service What money is raised once a year is well spent This year the Salvation Army is holding a blitz drive in the Newmarket district on Thursday April The objective is merely and should reached easily Mayor is chairman of the drive Treasurer is A Cameron honorary chair man J Little and residential canvass organizer Mrs Arthur Sheridan HBOMB THOUGHTS Winston Churchill says the hydrogen bomb is the greatest possible deterrent to a third world war The Financial Post asked a group of Canadians their views Some fear that a race in nuclear weapons could reach a point whore someone would get triggerhappy Nuclear weapons are perfect weapons for international political gangsters The can be used as an instrument of international blackmail Out of these and other fears it is suggested that tho free world must step up efforts to convince the Communist world we will never attack move more speedily toward building some form of world government generally increase It is that It would be a mistake to agree to ban the Hbomb because could wipe us out While wo were observing tho ban One respondent tho bomb as providing us with freedom from great wars indefinitely so long as scientific remains in balance as between the two sales fervor not master of J Mr fatnaHanol and It function to of on Individual Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Townspeople Al though your favorite corre spondent dreads to cany dread ful news this must be totd fox the sake the citizenry Our printers devil Lome has taken to the air He had hi first lesson last Saturday Fortunately none of us knew about It at the time but he was Hying about in this Very district of twolunged with flying who apparent Is riot tod concerned about how fie should live We known we would have been cowering in our cellars says that are yery strict about A gilot must stay feet above any building But as the facts leaked I out this week it was learned that our native born Hying printer smashed three automobiles his short lifetime actually in- tended to fly oyer and wave to his bus- friends and relatives here what really ha the truth reveals is that he flew east instead of west and was hovering over Junction seven miles east ot Corners waving madly and thinking that all his friends had assembled in the town hall square and were waving at him Actually was waving at a hero of cows in a Junction stockyard has now all members of the staff that he will restrict training operations to the area over swamp in East township On Monday the had Slim drive down to the flying school where he pleaded on bended knee to tho manager not to continue vth this mad scheme The boss claimed to the manager that this here was too valuable a devil to lie risked in he air said Slim Besides boss said he aint the type and furthermore yotiVe got to think ot the danger to the public Although the boss was from convinced nVwas told that K if had ib rhakihS of gbotl driver- that his tests that was a believe ft isM the printer is to take up a the shop for memorial cairn in the back yard a to Kittastroffy Why not an insurance policy before tooiafet had a OylAVhy should e stanrjin the way Of his ambitions is riot one to be thwarted easily replied I was merely erected in his Anyway the fly school may discontinue the after smashes two or three units rolling whatever call flying I v Meanwhile Kittasifj fe using of cake fee says- Ive this is push the down it fe Its wiirr- 2FtS2idy Virr I t 4 v I by Dairy Farmer After rnahy a tempt spring is the door rait that as far as asssiissrt- general are it wasnt a may well be that slowly to treat cattle diteraat- but we definitely had little trouble with usual dairy farmers- as had any year a bad year al though this- affliction is- -like- and strides a most hap- hazard way- There was a of trouble with but cot any more- than usual and the calves were mostly easy to get along with only lost one thai we feel guilty about and she was a one of As a matter of fact calves born last fail im mediately after the hot much weaker than the ones born in the of win- Last but not least we found it a very easy winter to cows hi calf a factor one tends to take for granted to a certain extent i can assure you that there is no greater head ache titan cows when they dont want to be bred We think that the progress made in general management practices and hew knowledge concerning diseases and their cures did help as much as any thing to make the lot of the dairy farmer a bit easier We also suspect that it contributed great deal to the increase of production It is our belief that all dairy farmers are get ting more out of their cows than they did out of similar cows or years ago We are also wondering if people not familiar with farm ing realize the complexity of this business of producing milk Aside from having to be a nursemaid midwife and sur geon the dairy farmer also TO agatsv W t ssate tulte irfrtftg r m mi I- I Saafen- gnirrg OTeitacan it ans association ajsa vfe high hens who aush dispense free S J j stjoc- Sect it asy solve crossword t Example one the mill going BJfcftpR wheai is dowjn sxe- to usfoarJBS is and plentiful but oil cake expensive Want An for 400 four years v now But muniment- vorkers are put of Weil the sun shining and the country is took and smell as if it is alive again and soon seeding time will be will forget our troubles until sunVmer is bverV This is the season when it is the easiest time to put some things over on farmers We are too busy to bother with politicians big and smalt and too anxious to get things done to worry about claims of salesman and are thai we will not get indignant again until the snow flies We will all feel the deep satisfaction of a job done and while the tractor purrs its way home from a day in the field and the cows graze grass with that satisfying tearing sound we will be happy and contented t STILL HIGH IN SAL BUDGET 1 ct I dollar paid by Canadians to tilt government divided according to the new presented by Finance Min uter Abbott as shown above still take a bilge slice out f all espendlturee and Mr Abbott save little hope a decrease la that direction By decreasing taxes on several hens total rev enue collected by the government next year estimated tobe less than this years