Newmarket Era and Express, 29 Apr 1954, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Notebook York County council held its final meeting at the Adelaide St budding in Toronto recently a few days before the piano wardens chair and other fur niture were moved to Newmar ket building headquarters for the continuing County of York At that final meeting the members of council were gloomy as they looked around at the beautiful interior of the chambers which the administra tion of Metropolitan Toronto was about to take over The Adelaide St building is a modern one constructed since the of the war- Members of council obviously hated to leave No doubt veteran mem bers of council were nostalgic about the pleasant times spent at Adelaide during and arid following past sessions of coun cil The words of the Warden were and the words of Reeve Asa Cooke from Aurora were gloomy Then Joe Dales from Newmarket rose- Said the reeve It seems to me theres an sura of gloom per vading the chambers Could I persuade you to think that at least some of this gloom would be if you would per mit yourselves to anticipate the royal welcome that will be ac corded you by the town of Newmarket on your arrival in Juno Members of council spruced up It appeared that the aura was with statistics and details It will be re called that a few weeks ago members of the town council objected strongly to plumbing inspection proposed by the York County health unit for the new plumbing scheme Council decided to call in a representative of the health unit to explain why so much should be charged for the in spection of a bathroom plumb ing job The plumbing inspector him self appeared before council Monday night He is a man who knows his job and can pro vide a lengthy answer to any question a mere councillor might ask The inspector might have prefaced his remarks by saying Okay boys you asked for it He presented a straight forward case for the following half hour providing details which no doubt many council lors could not understand un less they were former plum bers A few new members of coun cil asked questions regarding the intricacies of plumbing Wore experienced members asked no Questions After minutes had passed Reeve Dales rose hastily thanked the speaker and suggested that council pass the bylaw There were no more complaints about the schedule of fees Incidentally it had taken the plumbing inspector and other experts two months to work out the plumbing inspection scheme and to decide on fees which would be fair to all One can win many an From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago April 26 The Armstrong family of New Toronto motored here on Sunday afternoon and made a short visit with Grandma Jack son Miss Gladys Belfry of to and Miss Cunning of spent the weekend with Mrs Belfry Hi St Before leaving Newmarket next week for Quebec province Mr sold his Pros St property to Mr Who intends to occupy the residence and as there are three acres of land idea is to go into market gardening Master Willie Gardner son Of Ernest Gardner New market returned home yester day after being in the hospital for two months Mi P and friend Mr motored from Detroit to spend the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Andrew St Mr and Mrs Walter and Mr and Mrs Ralph of Buffalo NX spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs floy Gould St An accident happened at the barn of Mr David Cove of a few day Ago by which one of his little had his leg broken and his little brother v wonderful courage The boys were play ing in the hum whim he barn door on Malcolm years had tvo bones broken in His nine of aie got hold of a putting his little brother it drew it the road Us April Miss May of to came here last Friday ac companied by her sister and brotherinlaw and is now spending a month on the old homestead in East Miss Edith Weddel re turned to the city on Monday On Saturday Mr John foreman of the Topic and his bro ther Mr Albert of Toronto were calling on old friends here and were cordial ly welcomed Mrs George ami baby of were visiting her aunt for a few days Mrs Brown on Prospect Ave Anybody in need of a or democrat should attend the sale at Carriage Works on Saturday About couples attended a ball supper at the Royal hotel Wednesday night and the pleasure was kept up till after the wee hours were past The dancing took place in the com mercial rooms and music was supplied a local orchestra Mrs Allan of was visiting at Major Allans this week Miss Lena fall of Pine Or chard was the guest of Miss Case over Sunday Several of our young men at tended a dance at on Wednesday night Miss Ida Vernon of Toronto has returned home after spend ing a week with Miss Vernon Church St Mr Taylor brother of Mrs Hunter who is intend ing a college- In the spent Sunday hen her QFA SAILOR PRINCE has all bearing of a seasoned aboard royal yacht for what the prince first Mother Pi luce way for a family reunion Jnburgh at Libya by and Express Serving Newmarket Aurora rural districts of North York The Era The Express 1395 Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket and Express Limited Subscription 4 for two years for one year in advance Singh copies am 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Week Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Auiharhed as Second Class Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN Managing Editor CAROLINE ION Womens editor GEORGE Sports Editor RACINE Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE TWENTYNINTH DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR START CAMPAIGN FOR HOSPITAL The first two weeks jfiEAtilli campaign Enthusiastic this week and they were optimistic Already two service clubs and one industry have pledged The is costnw hospital wings to be constructed Paying lion of the cost will be the County of promised a year for five of Federal and provincial fttSl The success of the public a large extent on the canvassers aMittAiiib- they present the been pointed out that if York County to give Give canvasser asked what that hospital is For a hotel room a hospital there is only one room at a a hotel he does not receive his meals not does lie st iWffijh one The hospita I also the cost of indigent all rates are the provincial ol eSUivJ township summed have This is the feos many been no thougfit services the that jo sejilMitjol in jj- -H- ijQJbcNb Hill popUiatton at Ife fiftfesi teftSaX av SSrXtp hi the for Si Beit ni and as hoi fe WliowrilCiiicsejQLit tS coinp6tedibViiig mo mm fltew not have Plus mm seized by the to a hospital of over beds would be required to iilwd will be calling in all parts of York Con next week from Sutton lo and l There have been a of fund alt worth causes but Hie local area only It is of concern to in the for ptrroii may require the services of Hit hospital THE MENACE CAN BE OVERCOME Pen loc racy Today and Tomorrow em- two lectures rfiven by Violet Carter under the auspices of Nit lectureship at he university Toronto a exposition of individualism the which the individual faces in this period of transition dirty Carter is the elder daughter of the former prime minister of later I lie was prime minister for period of years from to the fcil of when he was d by Mr Lloyd Mr as he was was responsible for the declaration of war against in August now known as World War Thesi lectures present a ami series of portraits of the tremendous development in the field of science culminating in the present ominous threat to civilization in the discovery of the atomic and hydrogen bomb Lady Carter does not take a fatalistic view of the present situation but believes that by an intelligent and dynamic effort on the part of freedom- loving peoples the menace to them and to the individual can be overcome What I wonder would John Stuart Mill have said today about radio and television that new medium of masscommunication a medium of really terrifying for good or evil she asks lie little dreamt the arsenal of new weapons with which to attack the human will and understanding that the future held in Store for totalitarian use the heresy hunt the secret police the torture chamber the forced confession and the concentration camp By weapons such as these for a generation and East Europe today have into one vast prisonhouse of the mind fa Science which has brought such countless mankind has also put new powers into the hands of tyrants The individuals weapons used to he ideas andttvey have won many a battle But what can ideas today How can ideas fight the atomic bomb w even the secret police And yet it is ideas and noth ing else which have brought us to this pass and it is only by ideas in action that we can find the right way flfllv But it they to prevail we must invest them with the impetus of a positive and dynamic faith HIGH TAXES FOR 1954 Taxpayers will not be happy about Newmarkets levy of mills It is recalled that last years coun cil committees submitted estimates which would have put the mill rate up to committee budgets were re viewed and with trimming the final rate for was cut down to mills Council could do little to prevent a sharp increase this year because a severe comity levy is expected Of the seven mill in crease five mills are for the estimated county levy Taxpayers are sure to ask When will it ever end There is no indication that there will be an and to annual increases in the near future Newmarkets debenture debt is over and growth in- few years will mean more school costs A fourroom wing to be constructed this year at one of the public schools provides accommodation for increases in the school population for little more than A large expenditure is expected on a sewage disposal plant in near future as well The five mills for the county arc estimated by the finance committee of council Coun cil has had no guidance from the county itself and for all we know the actual levy may be higher Taxpayers can only accept it as did Dales who commented We are part of the county and we must share in its misfortunes RENOWN AT STRATFORD Ft iff a A book has been published last years Strat ford It is Uciiowu At Stint ford The authors are Tyrone and There are illustrations in water colors by MaeDouald This tells the story of the and gives a review of the main parts in the plays of last year Ilirhard IIP and Alls Well That Weir the boarded editor of the Peter borough describes I ho principals of the plays The character of the individuals in their roles is analyzed with humor and precision Much is illustrated by a painting of the actor in his or her makeup and cos tumes These illustrations will lie fondly looked at by all those who attended last years performances The character of each person can be seen in the face The work of organization and production is des cribed in rttnrtlingly clear terms by the director Tyrone He recounts all the difficulties hut so from the looking backon it of view As a result tnorl hurdles mid how they were overcome are seen from a humorous as welt as serious point of view The descriptions used by both writers arc most lucid To anyone interested in the theatre this is filled with ideas The general reader will find this a refresh- different book Htm not of state In intrnmafiontU notional issu it function of to otiumo of on iiktvkhat Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger This Saturday you and me will be out get tin them Jed trout once agin said Slim one day his week Tve got a little creek all lined up back of that bush between Junction and Cut- tin Corners Theres a nice little bend back in there and thats where you ami rne will be come sunup Saturday Say why dont we go out right now and inspect that well be sure to know whore to lift them trout from said Slim Why not said The boss has gone to a meeting of the Womens Civic Betterment association so he wont know the difference whether were away or working So wo started out in Pierce Arrow and headed for East township On the way we took the side which along the fringe of swamp We breezing along in pouring rain when we came to a low pari in the road where the swamp gets heavier The road was muddier ami began worry about getting back be fore the boss returned to the office Maybe wed better tarn bark 1 suggested Heck no The Arrow can to through said Slim I dont know why they dont stilt build these ears As rounded a lend in the road we came upon a great pond which has flooded across the road As Slim stopped and eyed it an elderly approached from the side of the Five cars has got through this morn in so you wont have no trouble fall he said Just slip low and meander right through Shes a good gravel bottom that there road We need a snorkel tube said Dauntless Slim slipped or into low and we moved like a tugboat Better take a compass read ing if you have a compass I said Shes as good on water as on land said Slim as the Arrow purred through two feet of water Shes a real amphib ian can take anything- But as words trailed away I had a sinking feeling not of the but of sinking physic ally The Arrow began to lose speed as we sank lower Have you heard the rumor around the ship that are going down I murmured to Slim Stuff Rubbish said Slim Shes Nevertheless the Pierce Ar row was down There was truth in the rumor Soon she was foundering She gave one last lurch and stalled in water up to the top of fend ers We were still going down sinking in mire Slim threw open the door and shouted Man the lifeboats is it We plodded waist deep hack to the old tnin was Standing We looked back and only the roof of the old Arrow was above water Looks like you got a salvage job on hands said the old man you missed the turn Turn- cried Slim Yep Road turns south yards said the man thought you was natives and knew The boss was in i towering rage When we returned wet There is some ques tion about our future employ ment hero The boss says it is the balance by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches It refreshing to find in the days of lunacies like the atom bomb a few plain or dinary veryday cases of stu pidity It is encouraging to sec that humanity can still behave in a way we can understand for example the case of our great city of Toronto Toronto has the Winter Fair St houses the government and it has Mayor A A never say it once if you can repeat it I It has the University of Toronto and it has Hart House It has the biggest hotel and the tallest bank building the best and newest ami most admirable institution call ed a subway has cocktail bars and Sunday sports but it no gasoline for after pm not anywhere As we were making our way down to the city the other night our daily worries and concerns plus usual old fashioned spirit of procrastination result ed in us forgetting to refresh the parched insider of our cars gas tank As we were driving south on the new highway we noticed with more and more concern that our gasoline gauge was getting tower and before we knew we were in the city of ghost gas pumps We were in Toronto Hut and behold amidst the dead stones dark windows we espied a blazing glory of an oasis a spot of utter delight an functioning gas station We are sure that the sigh of relief we heaved could be heard for miles round and with happy anticipation and the feeling of just having been spared from an ordeal we made our way to the gas pump There were men around and there was an air of hustle and bustle People were getting gas though not ourselves finally somebody shouted to us Pull up to the curb and then make sure you touch the sidewalk We did as we were instructed meekly but with dispatch Then a man came with a full gasoline can stilt dripping gas and pour- its contents into the tank and we him- As the gas gurgled down the empty tank the situation became clear As a matter of fact it became obvious Here was a man who was getting around a city regu lation by serving gas as it would be done an We got our gas and we got away from and we shouldnt complain really The whole affair belongs in the same category as when onions are dumped by the thousands of bags into a dump and sold at an price in stores It is the same as having the greatest shortage of protein feed and a surplus of flax It is just plain ordinary At least we can laugh at it HYDRO HEEDS PUBLIC INTEREST In response to the keen Interest shown by them of for that to view the Interior of No of the associated with Ontario Hydros Sir Generating Station No development A wooden alsilng of some steps was constructed by Hydro from e way to the floor of the section of the canal from the tunnel portal the stairs descend Inside the tunnel to visitor to enjoy an extensive view of diameter tatertftr of the tunnel The length of the stairway down Into the subterranean passageway compare with steps leading top of General monument fust in that monument tfwi L J

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