Newmarket Era and Express, 29 Apr 1954, p. 5

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iar 5JrTiB t- SERVICE Sd NOTICE Mrs Leslie Huntley 51 Pros pect St Newmarket request ed that it be explained that it is Mrs Raymond Huntley who has been a patient in York Coun ty hospital and Toronto hospitals Residents have been enquiring of Mrs Leslie health be lieving that she had been ill J J Beauty Salon wish to announce that the business carried on by Mrs Lillian Rank under the name of Thompsons Beauty Salon has been purchased by me as from April shall look forward lo offering the same courteous service as given in the past STELLA J PHILLIPS Thompsons Beauty Salon BROS LTD NEWMARKET PHONE MOUNT ALBERT PHONE GUARANTEED h USE CARS AND TRUCKS 1952 CHEVROLET Door Sedan This lovely horizon blue with matching interior white wall air condi tioning heater radio oil filter com plete with license Special 149500 P0NT1AC 2 door sedan 1950HUDSOH door deluxe sedan This car complete with ra dio air conditioning heater This ear could do with a job which we will do In the color the purch aser requests for this week only Special deluxe sedan Light green air condition ing heater Its a real car Lovely light blue with grey interior has 1 miles a real low price heater in first class running order really a beauty Special uxe Sedan sold new or conditioning beat- Special i CHEVROLET door sedan Two tone Lower half of this car has been complete ly all rust dam age has been repaired Heater license J toady for road Special 1947 coach This car ready for the road light blue in color heater license Special 1947 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan Heater license Ready to roll for economical trans portation Come in and see this wonderful buy Special a good buy in a good used come In and see us We and more coming In so call acquainted and help you with ways to buy NO TRADE DISCOUNT are covered with a Goodwill warranty We cordially invite you all in to see the wonderful new which is on display now in our showroom special low priced Riviera hard top are same of the fabulous prices we have to special door sedan sedan Above prices include undersea heater and defroster ready for the road until nine evenings from Monday to Friday WHITCHURCH SIGNS FIRE AGREEMENT WITH STOUFFVILLE Whitchurch township council agreed on Thursday evening sign ire Agreement with Stouffvdll the basis requested by that municipality The town ship mil pay to standby time S60 per fire for the first two hours and an hour thereafter This matter has been on the agenda for several meet ings as there- was on the figures which were slightly higher than the agreement with Aurora A letter was received from Richmond Hill asking if the township desired the fire brigade from that town to service fire calls to Oak Ridges and other nearby points in the municipality which normally went to Aurora Council agreed to circularize the ratepayers in that area as to the proper Aurora phone number to coll in case of fire but agreed to pay any calls which Richmond Hill did have Council did not desire any fire agreement with Richmond Hill- Consider Dance Hal Council will ask Walter Pres ton to supply sketch plans of a proposed dance hall restaurant and gas station which he is con sidering erecting near Pine Orch ard There was some question as to a traffic problem which might be created by the dance hall and council wished to look over the proposed entrances to be made to the premises Sign Police Agreement The iimuil agreement with the Ontario Provincial Police was placed before council who agreed to on the snne basis as last year payment of will be made hi three instalments Firemen Demonstrate New And Air Packs Last week a demonstration of new equipment was given by members of the Newmarket fire brigade at the fire hall Under Fire Chief John Gibson firemen I demonstrated the use of an aux iliary portable pump a and an air pack- The pump is carried on a fire truck and can be transported by two men It is used extensively at outoftown fires and can be operated with two lines of one another pack next year Members of town council tended the demonstration Firemen Insured at- LIGHTNING BLAMED FOR BARN FIRE AT QUEENSVILLE The barn on the farm of Gor don Cole was de stroyed by fire after it had been struck with lightning at am on Tuesday April Members The town council recently of the Mount Albert fire depart passed a bylaw which insures each fireman for in case of death Firemen are also cov ered for the loss of a hand a leg or an eye The policy costs the town 10 per man every year It also covers a person who might be pressed into service by the and a half inch hose pumping chief in case the brigade is not j from a well or creek This pump up to the full strength of 21 has already saved a farmhouse at any fire or barn on several occasions The is carried on a fire truck at all times and can be used to revive persons taken from the water or overcome by smoke It can be used on in fants or adults Firemen pressed pride in this piece equipment and all members the it An air pack is now carried on each of the two fire trucks The packs are used by firemen who must walk into smoke- fill ed buildings A pack consists of a mask a tank which is strap ped to the firemans A survey of Main Streetbusi ness establishments made recently by the fire chief and members of the department Some basements were found to be untidy and recommendations were made ft the owners Attending demonstration Monday of last week were J brigade are learning to use Hamilton chairman of the fire committee of town council Mayor and Councillors Edward Charles Alex Hands and Robert After the demonstration firemen took on the councillors at euchre Third back and Lieutenant Frank Newton and gauges which regulate the flow Deputy Chief Bill Dunn saved of air from the tank The air the day for the firemen by win- pack also can be used under out in a final hand against water in rescue operations pro- j Mayor and Councillor viding water is not too deep Eddie Lunch was The brigade plans to purchase served fought the fire for over two hours and remained at the farm for the entire day to pro tect the house and other build ings At one time the house was on fire when it was struck by lightning The lightning entered the house beside a couch and the mattress caught fire The vol unteer fire fighters quickly brought it under control before any serious damage was done to the house The implement shed and other buildings near the barn were saved One cow was lost and another suffered slight burns The large bank barn was filled with feed at the time of the fire Damage has been estimated at over 20000 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Apr Page Meat Groceries PROSPECT ST NEWMARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS WELLBABY CLINIC The wellbaby clinic will be I held at the York County Health i Unit offices Main St j on Friday April 30 from j to pm The immunization program is being continued Mothers are urged to have their children protected against diphtheria whooping cough and tetanus The clinic is open to all It is sponsored by the Newmarket Womens Institute ARTHRITIC FAINS Are you suffering from arth ritic pains If so write at once to Pharmacol Co Ltd Milton for particulars of their guaranteed treatment Money refunded if pains are not relieved A STEWART BE ARE People sometimes me if parents should lay down the law about what kind of TV their children watch Of course they should Ev ery parent sees that his children get some candy lint not loo much go to movies but not too many and some home work but dont cram to ex haustion Because TV comes right Into your living room the people who produce TV shows are careful selfcen sure tastes vary ami thats where parents should make the decisions Last Christmas tor in stance the American play wright George Kaufman was on a TV show and marie the offhand remark Lets make this one pro gram on which no one sines Silent It wasnt very well put he meant It as a protest against the com me re tall ra tion of Christmas Hut the TV network and the spon sor gat hundreds of com plaints about the remark and Kauf man was fired from the program When TV producers and sponsors are that careful about what comes over your TV set its a tip that you should be just as careful In choosing a set Thats why we the smart new VICTOR careful of your eyes with clear pictures and careful with your pocket- book And when you buy a set from us you know well be here to help you get all the quality out of the set that the maker put into it Thats at STEW ART RADIO AND APPLIANCES 113 Alain Street Newmarket phone 355 Antiques From J Pioneer Days In King Home The home of Andrew a retired farmer who lives at King City is filled with relics of pioneer days antiques which have been handed down through the family or collected in the district There is a grandfathers clock which came from an uncle of his grandfather in Ireland and it has been in working order since it arrived in Canada A label on the back shows that it was repaired at Sharon by J in lflfll There is a spinning wheel five feet across with winding reel and carders which the fam ily used in the early days a powder horn polished and smooth which carried powder and shot for muzzle loaders in the King township pioneer days hand made wooden butter scales which tame from the farm at King an from the Henry Marsh bush to turn over huge logs in the early days near King City On a table is a small hand made wooden drill It was made by Bob at I leys New Scotland over 100 years ago Seed was sown on small patches in clear ings in those days Says Andy Hob Kelloy thought there ought to be some way relieve the backbreaking work so he invented the little drill so he could stand up at the job A candle lantern has a place of honor came front Mr Clures fathers home It was the only safe light to use in the barns for at the time A mounted grey squirrel kill ed in a haymow in IBM mount ed by a taxidermist in Newmar ket for cents still is lifelike Another relic is a milking hook A clasp would fit onto the cows foot and the end of the cows tail was put through a damp which kept the tail from switching while the cow was being milked Mr McClure has a good mem ory for dates and happenings He knows the family trees of most of the older families in the township and of many others I York County lie had a daily I diary which he has kept since He always has been inter ested in collecting relics The late Mrs McClure the former Maiy Wells helped him collect many of the antiques In his living room is an Eng lish ivy plant which was grown by his wife It is estimated that it has CM feet trailing vine winding around the walls criss crossed at the centre I just keep growing to amuse or tor ment my friends he laughs Years ago bears were plenti ful around King Creek Mr discovered a discarded trap there so it is now in his collection- His daughter has the wooden egg cups made by the Bob Kelley family after the par ents came to in settling tit New Scotland Mr celebrated his birthday on Tuesday April ON TELEVISION Terry ap peared on the television pro gram Now Is Your Chance as a contestant on Thursday April Mr is wellknown as a tenor soloist in the district Last week on April Mr was announced as the winner of the previous show It is presented over CBLT and I loney Pod Peas Horseshoe Salmon Nescafe Maxwell House Chase Instant Coffees Garden Patch Wax Beans Post Grape Nuts Pride of Niagara Fancy Cream Com Sanborn size for lie tfc C for lie Succotash 15 Quality Beef Pork Lamb Veal Sirloin ami Round Steaks lb Minced Beef lbs Rolled Plate Rib 1b- neuters Small or Farmer Style sausage lb Phone free Delivery Open Friday Evening Until A letter was on Thursday night by Whitchurch township council from the City of Port Arthur asking Whit church to endorse a resolution which had been sent to Premier Frost recommending compulsory insurance for any mechanical vehicle travelling on the high way This idea is strictly to get the farmer taxed for tractors and other implements declared Councillor Every bodys paying into the unsatis fied judgment claims fund and if government can to pay for accidents caused by old jalopies on the road it cart at- ford to pay for the farmer who him to go on the road with his tractor ho said Watch out that if compulsory insurance the rates dont go up for everybody but Im one hundred percent in fa vor of compulsory insurance for cars and trucks he said Coun cil agreed to take no action on the request Weed Inspector Resigns liner Starr who has weed inspector for Whitchurch township for a number of years has resigned the position and Clerk Crawford was instructed to prepare a bylaw far a new appointment Itulsvd A letter from the township planning board requested a bud get allowance this year of 1- which is higher than last year The reason for the in crease the board stated was to carry the extra activities of the industrial committee Deputy- Reeve Timbers stated thai the board desired to meet with the council this Tuesday night regarding the new master plan tK now un der preparation was also hoped King of the Health to discuss the use old subdivision lots a smaller area than required The Mc Town ship council accepted with regret a of the coun cil on ThiJrsdox April Mr been councillor for the past four years Mr resigned as he is no longer a resident of the township The date of the to fit the vacancy on the council wilt be announced later PAROCHIAL The Parochial Guild St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket will hold the closing meeting of the season on Tuesday May pm at the home of Miss Mar garet Morning The meeting will he held at the hntjio Mrs Court St on Wednesday May a at pm TEA The annual Tea of Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket wilt be held on Thursday May ti Tea will be served from to There will be a sale of fancy work and aprons Home made candy baking will he offer ed for sale DEBATE HELD AT FREE METHODIST YPMS MEETING A debate was the highlight of a meeting of the Voting Peoples Missionary society Free Metho dist church Newmarket which was held in the church on April pre sided Visitors were present from Hull and The mate quartet Holt Free Methodist church two selections The debate on the subject Kcsolvcd that the world with its Is more con ducive to Christian living than years ago was won by the affirmative side Judges Wet Murray and Walter Creed Mrs Lome and Harold Bull Richmond upheld the af firmative Cyril Gibbons and Miss Mary Moffat tootc the five aide

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