Newmarket Era and Express, 13 May 1954, p. 5

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ftgfTtffrjF FARM ITEMS CLEAN wheat straw for sale Newmarket CREAM shippers Get all the cream Steady test Viking sep arators Trades terms trial We cover York and Ontario counties weekly No obligation We sold Sri Sep arator Service Hillsdale BALED clover and timothy hay wheat and oat straw Will de liver Bales Bros- Sharon phone PLANTS FOR SALE STRAWBERRY plants Si per No delivery Mrs Sam Deans Holland Landing phone Newmarket PUNTS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALS MISCELLANEOUS MeCALLUJVPS GREKNHOUSES A new importation of shrubs just arrived from Holland Rose hushes The largest growers of boxed plants in the district Asters petunias marigolds stocks snaps and many other varletlS at the usual low prices per boxes in full bloom per boxes Same variety not in bloom 20 per boxes Tax extra on flowers Also cabbage peppers sweet and hot tomatoes Many varieties Spanish onions large flats flats flats Assortment of potted plants hanging baskets filled We sell for less to all Why pay more Sell to many parts of Ont ario Open evenings to all Bring your friends and save money C Holland Land ing LIVESTOCK Horses for mink Will for with Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or write PO box GOOD suckers Phone Newmarket short horn bull months old Phone lw9 4 Chances are you fc practical in contains able the ton Mi uharnoJs P Que huge new completedW will be shipped op the Wert Cowl of ttv- 2 YOUNG Guernsey just over 3 years due end of May Apply lot con North or phone Roches Point meal time or ev GRADE Shropshire ewes with lambs Phone Roches Point or apply Frank and Ted Keswick POULTRY WANTED kinds live poultry want ed Any amount We pay you Toronto price right at your door Phone Newmarket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re Highest prices paid Oak Ridge phone Turner POULTRY FOR SALE PEELS Fast Feather Barred Rock pullets from each up These birds are from the strain of Rocks in Canada and should make the purchaser a nice profit at these prices How ard phone Newmar ket 6wl7 SACRIFICE SALE 100 Barred Rocks Barred Rocks and New months Less than cost each 2 New electric incubators egg each- new range shelters aluminum roofs heavy wire floors on skids hens each Must sell now each 20 chick feeders and ft each Hen feeders each Aluminum and galvanized roofing Hog fencing steel posts and wood posts Half price years old fresh July Apply Chas Sut ton St Newmarket lwl9 CEDAR poles and TV poles Also assorted cut lumber Art Cation phone DAHLIA roots each or for Exhibition stock Gladioli bulbs Hill 17 Davis Dr phone Newmarket PETS BLACK and white Spaniel pup Reasonable Phone New market Spaniel puppies pure bred blonde male weeks old Lovely pets F Daniels phone 3 Queensville PEKINGESE Beautiful puppies for spring Male or female These intelligent dogs make wonderful companions Call and see our stock now Phono Newmarket BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi A prompt and effective rem for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket GLADIOLI bulbs Better varie ties Cheap No room for same Apply Main St phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT HOSPITAL beds wheel and in valid chairs and phone Mount Albert OF SALE BY VIRTUE of an execution issued out of the Division Court in the of York and to me directed against the goods and chattels of THOMAS WILSON At the suits of Mac Texaco Station and Service Station I have seized and taken in execution Chesterfield arid two chairs Heavy duty electric stove two plates Kitchen table and four chairs High chair Ice box Floor lamp Rug Childs Cot Single bedstead spring and mattress Two stands Dresser All of which property will be sold by public auction at Drill Hall Rowlands Garage on the day of May at the hour of wo oclock in the afternoon Curtis Bailiff Dated 2nd day of May NOTICE TO CREDITORS LARGE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED drain and tile laying All material supplied Prices greatly reduced on com plete tank jobs in or near town For estimates call between 530 and pm Murray Baker Eagle St Newmarket phone 51 tf3 AllHerbal rheumatic tablets tor muscular arthritic neuritis sciatic Price Drug Store phone NOTICE is hereby that all persons having claims the estate of James H Nelson late of the Township of North Gwitlimbury in the died on or about November are hereby notified to file- with the undersigned the Execu tors of the said estate full par ticulars of their claims on or be fore June as immediately thereafter the assets of the es tate will be distributed having regard only to the claims which the undersigned will then have notice DATED this day of May Mrs Ethel Draper Sutton West Ont Mrs Nelson Mr Ont Nelson Estate TENDERS FOR BREAD and FUEL OIL YORK MANOR FOR THE AGED NEWMARKET ONTARIO TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supply ing of fuel oil and bread sliced white and brown for the period of July 1 to June ALL tenders to he addressed to the undersigned and received by oclock noon Wednesday May LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted J L Smith sec York Manor Home for the Aged York County Administrative Office Box ISO Newmarket TOWNSHIP OF I The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page Ross Elsie Windsor HEFNER Or Wednesday May art happy to announce the at the home of his of their daughter on Saturday Mrs Forbes Whit- May At York County hos pital Monday May to Mr and Mrs William Jack Niagara Newmarket a daughter Mrs titty Ave- Niagara Falls Frank Hefner husband of the Jane Elizabeth Hefner Ami- father of Mrs Rogers Falls of 4 SMITH At- York CoUrify Friday May arid Jlrs Robert J Sriiitn Lang- staff a daughter v Lebanes Beatrice late of service was held on day County pi tat Monday ay to Mr and Mrs Triyett Keswick a at his residence t Timothy St on Thursday Roy Mitchell brother of l Tough of Newmarket iFacfcvTfmmins and William of iSask Funeral service MTtkU was held Interment VAN York County Newmarket Saturday May 5 J951 ft LOST MANS jacket dark grey gabar dine containing set of keys Applv Era and Express box I FOUND SMALL young dog Phone Newmarket lwl9 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED hardwood Stove length Warren Graves phone Mount Albert MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS ANYONE from 10 to years who wishes to learn to drive a car phone 1355J Newmarket Gospel Pastor RE It 1 50 Bl IOOI ALL AGES THEPASTOk A STUDY IN THE PSALM IE PASTOR WHEN MAN WORSHIPPED BAAL Special J Woods GARDEN TRACTORS POWER NOMINATIONS of candidates for the office of one councillor for the purpose of filling the vac ancy in the council of the Town ship of Whitchurch for the bal ance of the year AD will held in the Community hall Friday May 21 at the hour of pirn of which all parties are required to take notice and be governed accord ingly IF more candidates arc nomin ated for the respective office than are required to fill the ren with results Price same and qualify as such The Best dates before pm of the day Drug Store phone T nominations then the election will be held on Monday Mav TENDER FOR TWO-ROOM- SCHOOL SEALED tenders on a stipulated sum basis and marked Morning Glory Public School will be received at the office of the Architect until pm DAT v THURSDAY MAY 20 for construction of a two room school on Provincial Highway approximately miles east of Virginia PLANS specifications and tender form may be obtained from the Architect upon deposit of which will be refunded on return of the drawings and specifica tions in good condition EACH tender must be accompan ied by a bid bond equal to per cent of the tender and a Perform ance Bond equal to percent of the tender price EACH tender shall state the con- 1 at tractors estimate of the time re quired for completion of this pro ject LOWEST or am- tender not nec essarily accepted Howard Chapman Architect Avenue Road Toronto Ontario Mr and David Van Schepen Newmarket son At York County hos pital Thursday May 6 to Mr and Mrs Allan Wool ley It 1 Newmarket a daughter DEATHS DOYLE At Sutton Private hos pital on Monday May 10 Adelaide La Chapelle widow of the late John Doyle of Sutton in her year mother of J Doyle Roches Point Agnes Mrs James Hushes Frank Doyle Sut- Resting at the home of Her son Frank Doyle Requiem mass Thursday May at St church Virginia Ont oclock at New- market Thursday May Mabel Simpson wife of Wesley Williams and mother of Mrs Gordon Kaiser of Toronto Mrs Fred Smith Edith and Frank was held on Saturday Interment Newmarket cemetery ROBINSON At York County hospital Newmarket on Satur day May George of Aurora husband of the late Emma Patrick and father of Lome in his year Funeral service was held on Tuesday In terment Aurora cemetery CARD OF THANKS Mrs Farr and Bobbie wish to thank all their friends who were so kind in sending cards and gifts their recent short visits to York County and also on returning homo IN THROAT Pink Tablets the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump the and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults arid child GOODMANS COMPANY John Crawford Returning Officer WE have all sizes of used mater- Pipes steel posts angle iron channel iron cables steel rods reinforcing steel I beams and boilers suitable for culverts Phone Davis Drive Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket ftcT SALE REGISTERS FRIDAY MAY Auction sale of household effects the prop of C to bo sold ill Timothy St Newmar ket Sale pm Terms cash auctioneer IN THE MATTER of Sections and of The Ontario Municip al Board Act Chap ter 262 ftnd IN THE MATTER of an applica tion of the Corporation me Town of Newmarket for Authority to dispense a vote of the ratepayers with re to defrayine the cost OX of a Public Library Approval of the said under taking and capital expenditure of FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO Municipal Board hereby appoints Monday the day of May AD at the hour of two oclock In the after- coon at the Council Chambers in Newmarket for the hearing herein Toronto this day NORTH CHANGE OF GARBAGE COLLECTION DATES TAKE notice that there will be no garbage collection on the following dates MAY 24 AUGUST 2 and SEPT But Garbage will he collected on the following days MAY 25 AUGUST and SEPT RATEPAYERS are requested to make a note of these changes Winch clerk Keswick WEDNESDAY MAY IDAuction sale of head of registered and grade cattle including cows springers heifers and calves also Surge milker of May with outlets spraytype Signal Sanderson cooler Viking electric Secretary lbs size Surge si ay Kev Leslie with an unveiling that Hi shock and amaze everyone Li i- A yv separator vat milk pail and strainer at lot con Pickering on at Farms No reserve as riving up milk business Terms cash Sale at Turner clerk auctioneer NOTICE Li- Everything We Sell mi of Phone 300 WEDNESDAY MAY Auc tion sale of household effects the property of S Stevens to sold on the premises And rew St in Newmarket Sale Terms cash Fred Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket THURSDAY MAY 20 Import ant auction sale of IS head of Registered cattle fully accredited and vaccinated farm implements selfpropelled com bine two tractors pick up baler forage harvester ft bale load er forage wagons power grain drill on rubber tractor manure spreader hay dryer with motor and controls maple syrup evaporator ma chine milk cooler car hay straw etc at lot con mile south east Of property of the estate of the late A Mack- Sale at am for imple ments Sale of cattle pm Terms cash No reserve Re freshment booth on the grounds Lloyd Turner clerk Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers SATURDAY MAY Auction sale of farm stock Case tractor threshing machine sheep and lambs trucks furniture etc the property of Shrop shire lot 17 East mile south of on highway Everything will he sold Terms cash Sale oclock sharp Mount clerk J Kavanagh auctioneer phone SATURDAY MAY Import ant auction sale of registered and grade dairy cattle tractor New Favorite threshing machine farm stock implements etc Im plements nearly new on lot concession on Dawes at OSuMvans Cor ners miles west of Aglncourt Property of A Mason Sale at sharp Terms cash All sold without reservation as farm is sold Ken and Clarke Pren tice auctioneers Dr J A Ritchie announces that as of the end of May his office J moved from its present oclock Lloyd location at the Newmarket Clinic 111 Main presses formerly occupied by Jeff Smith Dr Ritchie will continue general practice specializing in general surgery Office hours are by appointment Phones Residence MSI Office notice FUR STORAGE Mr of Furs Toronto will be in Monday May Any- cue wishing their fur coat stored phone Hookers ladies Wear 315 Newmarket and your coat will be picked up on Monday ciwie a son At County hospi tal Sunday May to Mr and Mrs Alexander Zephyr a sou NOTICE moved the rear of St St N phone No NOTICE APPLICATIONS up till June are invited for the of Tax Collector for the Township of Scott 1951 DUTIES commence with the com pletion of preparation of the Col lectors Roll for early in June Salary 225 per annum FOR any inquiry as to duties of the office inquire at the office of the clerk Webster TENDERS TENDERS will be received up till Saturday May for approximately ton of Cava lier Stoker or its equivalent for the Newmarket Public Schools to be supplied as and when required Include with ten- name and sample analysis of proposed coal AH tenders must be plainly mark ed Tenders for Coal and mail ed to Hunter Newmarket Public School Board HOWARD- At York Tuesday May to Mr any Frederick Howard Rich- a son At York County May 12 to Mr and Mrs Floyd Hoi- linger a HOOD At York County hospital May to Mr and Mrs Hood Cedar Valley a son At York Countv hospital Thursday May to Mr and Mrs a daughter At York County hospital Thursday May to Mr and Mrs Leonard den Oak Ridges a son At York County hospi tal Friday May to Mr and Mrs Charles Rich- vale a son York County hospital Thursday May to Mr ami Mrs Mount Al bert a son York County hospi tal Saturday May to Mr and Mrs Paul Pepin Aurora a son At York County hos pital Monday 10 to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sut ton a daughter York hospital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs Harold Mount Albert a son ROSS Mr and Mrs Kenneth NEWMARKET PHONE BROS MOUNT ALBERT PHONB 1 NOTICE I wish to make known to all my friends and neighbors that I have never at any time laid a hand of abuse on my mother and those who have repeated this untruth will have to prove their state ment Mrs Hazel Harrison I BIRTHS York hospi tal Friday May to Mr and Mrs Adema Newmarket a daughter ALLENAi York Countv hospi tal Sunday May 1954 to Mr and Mrs Stanley Allen Newmar ket a RURNFORD At York hospital Thursday May to Mr and Mrs Michael Burn- ford Queensville a son At York hospital Tuesday May to Mr and Mrs John Richmond a son DUKE At York County hospital Monday May to Mr and Mrs James Duke Richmond Hill a son At York County hospi tal Thursday to Mr and Mrs Cecil Hewitt Rich- vale twins boy and girl HIND At York County hospital Friday May to Mr and Mrs William Hind Newmarket son York County hospital Sunday Mr and Mrs Bruce This lovely blue with matching interior white wall tires air condi tioning heater radio oil filter com plete with license Special This complete with ra dio air conditioning This car could do with a job which we will lit tte color user requests for this week only sedan 2 door Lovely light blue with grey interior has 17800 miles heater in first class running order a Light green air condition ing heater Its a real car at price- V Door VfflHMttln Black This car sold new life for or more has custom built ra dio air conditioning heat er overdrive transmission license J tone this car has been complete ly all rust dam ago has been re license road I t If youre have a few on and your IAYAWAY NO TRADE to 1933 cars are covered with a We cordially invite you all in to see Buick which is display in tifroojn m Here are some of the offer doors special special door hardtop Above prices include undersea license Open until nine evenings rf T S

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