V Number of Copies Printed this Week AURORA AND RURAL DISTRICTS Of NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending Newmarket 1865 Trading Aurora Others TOTAL A EXPRESS HERALD NO 20 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 1954 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Never Deal With Strangers Cautions Bureau Manager A Haskell general manager of the Toronto Better Business Bureau gave some good advice to a group of businessmen and interested citizens at a meeting sponsored by the Newmarket Chamber of Commerce on Mob day Mr- Haskell discussed fraud in business and in particular de scribed the Various rackets employed by salesmen and canvassers heard of one old lady said Mr Haskell who was in- formed by two strangers that a couple of bricks were loose in her chimney She allowed them to carry out repairs After the original bricks had been replace with a little mortar was presented with a bill for Her cheque was cashed at a local tavern before she could cancel it after phoning the Better Busi ness Bureau Before you give get the facts That is a good slogan to her said Mr Haskell If you sit out on your front lawn these fine evenings be wary of the man who comes along with a cart at dusk arid MAN TO FACE TRIAL Harry Hill was committed for trial on a charge of manslaughter when he appeared before Magistrate In on Tuesday May IB The charge was laid following a fatality on Wo highway at the southern entrance to Aurora oh April Instantly killed was year Raymond Fortune an at the Good Things farm who had come from Mel rose a month ago He was walking with his brother Ralph into Aurora he was struck by the northbound car driven by Hill Hill pleaded pot guilty at the hearings leased on property bail Constable J in vestigated tries to sell you fertilizer for the grass investigations have prov ed that fertilizers range from colored sawdust to coal dust The despatching of unauthor ized is another racked the speaker said an agent comes along later to col lect the goods or your cash you may demand a fee storage charges before handing over the goods he said Women in particular cannot resist a bargain said Mr Has kell He said there is little chance of getting a bargain from a stir anger The speaker was introduced by Howard Morton vicepresi dent of Chamber and a vote of thanks was recorded by Bert Morrison ANNIVERSARY Rev Dr A A Scott moderator of the General council United church of Canada Will be the guest preacher for the anniversary services of Trinity United church Newmarket on Sunday May choir is preparing specjaj music for the fe anniversary local church SENTENCES FOR DRIVING WHILE DRINKING Two men Percy Toronto and Leslie Lloyd town were given jail sentences when they were con victed in Newmarket court last week of offenses involving driv ing while drinking re ceived days for driving while intoxicated was con victed for impaired driving and driving while his operators li cence was under suspension He received 21 days with the sent ence running concurrently had had four pre vious convictions for driving while his licence was under sus pension one conviction in a fa tal accident and one for drunk driving ANNUAL VISIT TO TULIP GARDENS OF MR AND MRS KIDD The annual visit to the gardens of Mr and Mrs will be held on Sunday May under the auspices the Newmarket Horticultural society Each year this visit is a delight to flower lovers In the community and an incentive to beginners to ontor the field of fldracuituri Hie gardens are situated off St with the entrance by a bine east of the Gurhom St bridge There are five acres of landscaped property include in the wardens ami the thousands of- tulips are a sight when- seen en masse Autopsy To Determine Of Childs Death CREDIT UNION FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS FORMED TUESDAY A Newmarket and District Credit Union was formed in Newmarket Tuesday night A meeting of interested citizens was held at the Agricultural De partment hall Botsford St on Tuesday night and among those present were Bruce McClymont manager of the Newmarket Co operative Store Frank Wear and John Membership in the union will be restricted to citizens residing within five miles of the town halt Newmarket but any mem bers of the Newmarket Coopera tive wilt be eligible to join The members unanimously agreed to proceed with the in corporation of a charter Inaccurate To Say Child Died And Brought To Life Following the death of nine year old Annie Foster Raven- shoe at York County hospital yesterday an autopsy is being performed at the Sick Child rens hospital Toronto to deter mine the cause of her death The little girl suffered a res juratory lapse while she was be ing given an anaesthetic at the hospital Dr J A Ritchie Newmarket was about to te rpiKor cyst Girl Guides won a first prize ribbon in the parcel wrapping event last Saturday at the York Division annual Guide rally held at Richmond Hill Municipal Park In the back row left to right are Linda Clarke Betty and Donna Hands j In front is Marguerite Metcalfe Photo Stcfaniukj Remanded On Bail Arson Weapon Charges BRADFORD MAN DIES Funeral service will be held Friday at pm from the Kil kenny and Son funeral home Bradford for James Archer lifelong resident of the Bradford district who died in York Coun ty hospital Tuesday Interment will be in St Pauls cemetery Coulsons Hill Charges of arson and carrying a loaded concealed firearm were laid against James Hanson Aurora when he appeared in court before Magistrate O on Tuesday May He was remanded until May on both charges arid released on bail of The charges were laid follow ing a 1500 fire in the farm home of Mr and Mrs Earl Campbell King on Sunday May Provincial police were call ed to investigate when firemen noticed a bundle rags in the kitchen The Toronto fire mar- shuts department joined in the investigation The Campbell family was- awakened early Sunday morning by a explosion When Mr Campbell came to the top of stairs he was met by a heavy cloud of acid smoko pouring from the kitchen His daughters forming a bucket brigade from a j nearby spring assisted Mr Campbell in bringing the fire un- j dor control by the time the fire department had arrived Exploding bullets added to I difficulties of the fire fighters Over rounds of ammunition had been stored in the kitchen where the fire broke out No one was injured TREND TEA King District and Oak Ridges Will hold a Trend tea in aid of the Canadian Cancer society at Eaton Hall the homo of Lady Eaton King on Thursday May from to pm The conven er is Miss Kay Clark chairman the hospital medical staff said yesterday that it was at the be ginning of the anaesthetic that the childs heart stopped The Here and There Around Town By Local Observer Newmarket has its share of fine song birds as lias been evi denced by the sounds of music along Main St this week Wo are not referring to the feathered variety but to the youngsters of the public schools who have been holding rehearsals at Trinity Uni ted church preparation for the annual spring festival of music tonight It was a sight to see a young lad swinging along the road with his baseball mitt and glove softly singing Vespers chest wall was opened and mas sage was instituted by Dr Rit chie he said Heart action was started again but the child remained in a coma Dr Case said that it would be inaccurate to say that the little girl had died and was brought to life again as stated in daily papers this week Dr Case explained that the greater the time lag from the instant that a heart stops beat ing to the time that it resumes beating again the less chano there for a recovery we had neve than five minutes Sick Childrens hospital quest will be held it is expected The parents of the child arc Mr and Mrs Douglas Foster Raven- shoe BOY ON BICYCLE RACES TO SAVE FAMILY FROM CAS Don Sutton rue death on his bicycle yesterday and won The youth awoke to find his sister Mrs Kathleen her husband Edward and their oneyearold daughter overcome by coal gas from a bake shop beneath the apart ment He jumped on his bicycle and raced a mile to the home of his parents who rushed to the scene police cruiser Dr Stuart an on I he minutes The par- consciousness arrived He said have died had ho a few minutes delayed believe gas seeped into apartment when two work men closet the dampers on a stove in the bakery before the gas had burned off Town Organizations Plan Big Barn Dance For Hospital Benefit Theres a new barn being rais ed this week at Farms on the second concession King a few miles from Newmarket It was under far different and individuals h a v caught the spirit of the event and planning is going smoothly A Gathers a farm neighbor and Farms are John the farm manager ing their famous Golden Guern sey milk free and Hillsdale Dairy will process and dispense it free of charge to the barn dance com mittee Beverages are and representatives of town or ganizations have seized upon the opportunity to have a monster barn dance to raise funds for York County hospital doing the same- fund John Kudelka has been is plenty of enthusiasm pointed chairman of the in town for event which committee Other for Wednesday night tecs were set up Tuesday night A charge of t per per- 1 as follows games George at the door representing the Lions that the next boy me to public attention He was son he made at the door representing a Hi year old high There will be no advance sale of club entertainment Jog Dales school student who appeared in I tickets I representing the Optimist club court on Tuesday to face charges of creating a disturbance Under oath the boy admitted Bruce of Richmond Hill high school is greeted by a team mate as he crosses the finish line in one of the Quaker Relays held at Pickering College Memorial Field last Saturday afternoon In this particular race Richmond Hill won the junior medley Close behind is a Malvern Collegiate man Over schools were represented In the Quaker Relays sponsored by Pickering College for- the first time The event will be an annual one See story on page Photo by RECEIVES INJURIES IN MOTOR ACCIDENT TV ft WrtS reported yesterday that construction of homes in the subdivision on St Newmarket will start another week new will be mult area shown above has been surveyed and staked out a bulldozer is preparing the ground Needier owner of the finance Eddie Bus Lines has offer- senting the Rotary club cater ed to run a shuttle service be- ing trie Canadian Legion and the having accepted a bottle of beer tween the King George hotel and Ladies auxiliary the Legion from an acquaintance near a j the farm tho Manhattans a local j Mrs Charles Gordon chairman dance halt in the area The pro- orchestra with Rod police William Bone represent- police officer arrested West as leader has offered to the Newmarket Veterans as- him later for creating a disturb jprovitie music for round maintenance and and for using profane and the Chamber of Commerce J Frank Bowser representing language When questioned by Irate O as to his fathers views on the matter the young man said that his dad working on publicity there the Lions farm committee will be a square dance orchestra John received a broken shoulder blade May when the oar In which he was a passenger was involved in an accident with a loaded gravel truck near Mr was with his nephew Bert londorson when Mr Henderson attempting to avoid the gravel truck swung his car into the ditch whore it turn over The car was wrecked completely Mr Henderson suffered back injuries but was not hospitalized Air Traviss returned from Math- on Sunday by train and is convalescing at his home association is pro viding soft drinks the Catholic Womens League will look after didnt known about it lie was ticket arrangements the Lions carrying his lunch with him on will operate games Optimists Tuesday a lunch which no doubt arc providing entertainment fir his mother had prepared for him nances are being handled by the thinking he was off to the club school for the day j All in all the town taking ic Boy Scouts the Handcraft group the Catholic The next meeting of the man agement committee will be held at pm Tuesday May at the town hall partin the Eastern Women COMING EVENTS At si Opportunity by the Home and School a mans was sold A key ring containing three keys hart heen left in the pocket Anyone knowing of these keys requested to con tact any member of the associa tion K ft i fl Si FRIDAY MAY Spring con cert sponsored by the Business and Professional Womens Club In Trinity United church New market at Coronation Little Symphony Orchestra and Penis Ellen Tun- soloist Admission adults Students Proceeds for York County hospital FRIDAY MAY Lilac tea bake sale and white elephant table under auspices of Junior Evening Auxiliary of Trinity United church to pm Tea Supervised nursery SATURDAY MAY Annual spring plant sale at All Saints Anglican church King City at pm Vegetable and flower jlants home baking Under the auspices of All Saints SATURDAY MAY In Landing Community Hall Orchestra Bert Dixon his Lazy Valley ranch boys lime pm Admission Stuart Scott school pm Public welcome Plan To Start Newmarket School For Mentally Retarded Children SATURDAY MAY sale by Mount WI Time pm SATURDAY MAY bingo Newmarket Town pm jackpot Bake Albert Hall Irack5erW9K S Canadian scholastic record for the mile at the of the team left to right are Ron SATURDAY SUNDAY MAY Parry Sound Singing Company Saturday pm at the Auditorium pro- iceds York County Hospital Sunday am pm Citadel St SUNDAY MAY Annual visit tulip gardens of Mr and Mrs Ktdd St sponsored by Newmarket Horticultural icty Public welcome MAY Rev A Yielding will address Home School association annual MAY The Red Cross and sew at Trin ity United church from oclock until pm Please bring all knitted articles WEDNESDAY MAY Meet ing of Kingcrafts will be hold at The Barn the home of Mrs Wets King at 215 Special planning for Kingcrafts sale on October at Mapte Com munity Centre THURSDAY MAY King dis trict and Ridges TREND tea In aid of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held at the home of Lady Eaton Eaton Hall King from to pm Admission and membership THURSDAY MAY Blossom tea and bake sale at home of Mrs Roy Cody sponsored by Willing Workers of Pine Orchard Union church from to pm Tea Everyone welcome FRIDAY MAY Piano recital at Fire hall at Pm Pupils of Mrs Verne FRIDAY JUNE Singing Am- Family in the church Newmarket at pm Watch for further particulars SATURDAY JUNE Party sponsored by Our Lady Grace church Aurora Games bingo lucky draw fishpond Supper served to pm SATURDAY AND MONDAY JULY AUG Keswick carnival trade fair and sports day SATURDAY JULY 3lQueerfi I Sports Day William Warden was named president of Newmarket and District association for Retarded Children at the organization meeting in the prince Charles school Newmarket on Tuesday May The meeting was at tended by parents of retarded children educational and health authorities and representatives of community and service organ izations Mrs V Hunt Toronto president of the Ontario associa tion for Retarded Children was the special speaker Mrs Hunt outlined the development of the association in the province She told of the work being done at the St school Toron to where 7 mentally retarded children are receiving instruc tion Mrs Hunt explained that children with an intelligence quotient of less than percent were excluded from attendance at regular elementary schools It is only since the parents of these children began their experiment at the St school and their courageous example was followed by others throughout the province that any recogni tion of this group of children was made by the department of cation It had been an accepted opin ion that they could not be educat ed and so they were kept at home learning nothing and forming a crippling dependency on their parents normal children wouldnt bo socially ad- it segregated In Ibis way said Mrs Hunt Since the Ontario association for Retarded Children has prov en through the successful opera tion of schools for this group that they can learn skills and thus become better adjusted emo tionally and more happy indi viduals the department has made a grant available for their education Like all educational grants it is based on a daily average at tendance at a recognized and ap proved school for the retarded- The grant amounts to a year per child Because of their need for in dividual instruction a class for retarded children is usually lim ited to seven In some instances successful classes have been op erated with as many as or but it depends on the children in the group The grant cannot cover the en tire cost of operating such a school In every case the par ents work to raise a portion of the money Service clubs and interested citizens have assisted in most centres In one town the Lions club makes an annual donation In another it was the Home arid School association which provided free transporta tion of the children to and from school The womens institute has helped in other towns J Churches have donated use of their nursery rooms to the parents some districts School boards have helped equip the schools a gradually throughout the province the many service clubs and community and church- organizations have become inter ested in the group Under the constitution the Ontario association each local group should include parents of retarded children educational and health authorities such as the school inspector and medical officer and representative mem- of the community who are interested in the all children The school is open to any child between the ages of 5 and la whoso mental capacity is that a norma child that is with an IQ of less It was decided ftt the lion meeting that would be started for of such a school which would tocWt- from the district can be charged so that y financial help will be needed cover the gap between the vincial grant and the anticipate operational costs can be obtained from the presi dent or any member of Those elected to office include Mr Warden recording retary Miss Km Barnes cprrea- ponding secretary Ion treasurer Jack standing ship Mrs Mr J Bowman QWJSfcV- A King ttfrs Ray pl09fe Additional miners to the i-