Fill AW TOP SOU il ft they last fc Formerly and CHEVROLET VROLKT TRUCK DEALER Reorg For ction Councillor Robert made v proposal meeting of New market that an additional man be employed for building inspection Several parts of the town are developing rapidly and we would like to see planned development he said He added that he had heard complaints about building inspection On a certain street one man built his house accord ing to the existing contours of the street Another man built a house on the next lot at the rear of his property and put a septic tank in front We want to see better planning said Councillor Mr the town engin eer is the building inspector and lie agrees that he cannot carry on the building inspection duties by himself he said Mr suggested that the building inspector and the assess or work together A fee of one dollar per LOGO square feet is re ceived by the town for inspec tions There are from to GO building permitis issued in a year Sir suggested that a higher fee would pay for an ex tra man to make inspections the town engineer said that during the period of heavy house construc tion his time is usually taken up by the construction of municipal services Good- inspection for homes would require six visits at each new home being built plus one off ice inspection It amounts to about seven hours work for each house he said The engineer suggested that inspection system be reor ganized The duties could be shared by the engineer the assessor and an assistant assess or he said A committee Of town council is being appointed to consider the recommendation- WIN HIGH HONORS And Pupils At County Music Festival At the Peel County Music Festival held at Bramp ton choirs and pupils under the direction and instruc tion of Mr Illtyd Harris again carried off many honors The adjudicator was Mr music tutor of Miss Lois Marshall The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May 1951 NEW TRUCK News of the W News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately With their respective Donations were made to the dents Mrs Mrs j York County Hospital Building Howard Morning and Mrs Al- fund the building fund 40 members of and our own library King Ridge Snowball and Ket- The election of officers took tleby WI branches were guests place Mrs Sydney Thompson of the King City branch on May 11 They verc welcomed by the I resident Mrs Austin Humble Brief highlights of the WI presidents conference at Guelph were given by Mrs Rumble Mrs Archie Campbell read a was appointed the delegate to the district annual at Hostesses were Mrs Russell Mrs Sydney Thompson and Mrs Max The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs on Gold Medalists In the gold medalist class the following won honors Ken Ste phens open bass Marilyn Allen contraltos under Case girls under Garb Da- vies girls under Dennis Simons for boys under 9 and boys under Janice Carter and Case girls duet under Nancy Stocks and Margaret girls duet under Choir Wins The Aurora United church in termediate choir marks Au rora United church junior choir under years of age and marks AuroraMPt church choir and marks is the highest number of marks obtained by the choirs Of the Queen the adjudicator said do riot see how piece could have been done more beauti fully Silver Medalists In the class the following were successful Mary Lou girls under 21 Margaret girls and a Nancy Stocks contraltos under Marilyn Alien girls under bulletin from the Canadian Con- Wednesday May Roll Call Association Visiting branches contributed to the program when a skit was given by Mrs Pat Mrs Aston and Mrs Sproule of King Ridge Mrs Ken Carson sang a solo accompanied by Mrs Verdun Gordon King City From Mrs Bob Car son and Mrs John Davis sang two duets accompanied by Mrs Herb Webster Miss Sheila Davison representing the Snow ball group sang two numbers accompanied by her mother Mrs Davison On behalf of Miss Jessie Geliatly Mrs Williams conducted a contest for the local branch Mrs Ed Snowball district president spoke briefly and Mrs A thanked the visitors for their hearty re sponse and splendid turnout Why I prefer rural life The program will be by Mrs Eves SA SINGERS TO BE AT AUDITORIUM SATURDAY EVENING The Salvation Army Parry Sound Singing Company and instrumentalists scheduled to play and sing Tn Newmarket this weekend are due to arrive late Saturday afternoon and supper will be served them in the au ditorium of the fire hall where at pm a musical program fill ed with variety will be given The gross proceeds from this gathering will be turned over to the York County hospital cam- win boys under Bronze Medalists Winners of bronze medals were Stocks contraltos under girls under Patricia Bach twopart In vention Class for pianoforte Miss Patricia Aurora awarded first place at the Peel t i County Music Festival She is a pupil of Mrs Harris AURORA Social News Mr and Mrs James Bangor Maine came by air on a visit to Mrs James Catherine Ave Mrs Charles Webster and Mr and Mrs were guests of Mr and Mrs Islington over the weekend Miss Gerry Sanders Toronto Mr John Watts St Catharines and Mr and Mrs David Price Toronto were recent visitors of Mrs C King At the regular monthly meet ing of the Womens Association of the United church which was held on Thursday May Mrs George Morrison Toronto gave an interesting book review on Who Speaks for Man by Nor- an Cousins Mrs Willis and Emmons played a piano George Fish was guest speaker on Wednesday May at the Womens Institute Miss Phillipa daugh ter of Mr and Mrs J B Gar has passed her first year at the Ontario College of Art A necessity on almost an sturdy truck saves you time 7r Friendly Personal Shop At paign A silver collection will Mrs Norman Wade convened token and it is hoped that a S OR METEORS OR METEORS made on your used car and Monarch and Service Newmarket Phone The May meeting of Belhaven branch was held at the home of Mrs Ethel Draper baseline on Tuesday May The new the chair The other officers for the year ftre as follows Viccprcs Mrs J Wilkinson Mrs Draper MrsvJl press corresponded Draper pianist rfrs0 dist director Mrs Anderson Branch directors Mrs Mrs Mrs sunsKfti Mrs Crittendc Mainprise Mrs Mrs Stiles Mrs auditors Mrs C Stiles The branch has decided te lor the Sutton fair competition The two delegates chosen for the district annual are Mrs King and Mrs Elliott Five pupils of the Baseline school held a debute Mrs Wilkinson gave a short talk on greenhouse planting A lucky prize draw for two house plants was held the winners being the debaters Carol Jacobs A poem was read by Mrs Smith Irs Bain in Mr and Mr si- and Donald visited on Sunday Mr and Mrs Emery spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Skinner on the Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard were Mr and Mrs Reginald Denny Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay were Mr and Mrs Kay Sutton Mr Ira Morton Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs and money If youre short of ready cash for such Loan can put a new or used to work for you on cangetaBdfM Fan for any type of you need on your large crowd will be in attend ance The meetings on Sunday will all be held in the Salvation Army Citadel The young people Donald Morton will be accompanied by their Mr and Mrs esuay may new leader Miss Barbara and Muriel and Doris visited Mr and Mrs took speciar speaker for Sunday Mrs Norman be Mrs to the city commanding officer a iinv for a few Mr and Mrs Norman King and called on Mrs Kings Mr Phillips and Mrs Mo Masters at ARDED DEGREE i W00NT PLEASANT Bull son of Mr and riumber attended the Guild Mrs Richard Bull Oak Ridges meeting at the home of Mrs Alex received degree of Bachelor Hopkins on WednesdMter- Scientific Agriculture from I Mount Pleasant Anniversary services will be held on Sunday June ft pm Mr and Mrs Donald Davidson Malcolm Newmarket had Sunday supper two winning Worth and lure At the convoca tion exercises on Monday Mr Bull was awarded the Garden Club of Ontarios award of 100 for general proficiency flora culture horticulture and ti fie agriculture He awarded a 25 for contribution to the class paper Mr Bull plans to join his father in his landscaping business at Oak Ridges Mr and Mrs Bull Sr attend ed the convocation exercises on May They were guests at he convocation dinner The regular meeting of the branch was held at the home of Mrs Maude on Wednesday last week Mrs Weddel was in the chair Many items of business were discussed with Mr and Mrs David son Martin Toronto spent and Mrs Davidson returned home on Sun day from Toronto M I ARTIES Proceeds from a series of weekly euchre parties were re ceived a Newmarket Legion Ladies auxiliary euchre on Tuesday May from Mrs Anno Mrs has held the parties at her home during the winter months In receiving the donation the presi dent Mrs Charles Gordon thanked Mrs for her interest and work for the auxil iary Mrs Donald Burch convened the euchre party which was held at the Legion hall There were tables A draw on a basket of groceries was won by Mrs Prize winners included first Mrs Joseph and Ar thur Daley second Mrs and Mrs Anne lone hand Mrs If and Mrs Robert and con solation Mrs J Flanagan and Eric West The Ottawa River is miles long- A thought this one op Ho handles freight to and from Alaska by man of alu minum vans which arc loaded driven to the dock and there lift ed by cranes from chassis into the ships hold Saves a lot of cargo handling damage and pil fering the vans can be individu ally heated or refrigerated to protect special cargoes too More than a thousand keep busy turning alumi num into everything from ash trays And it keeps us busy wondering how next they will use this modern metal to save weight or time or trouble or dollars for somebody Aluminum Company dfCiinaua t tf I L-3- i