fll-H- WANTED CHEQUE Continued from page 9 It was about five minutes to nine when the two men came into the store said Mr They came straight through the store to the counter and one of them produced a cheque for and asked me if I would cash it One of them looked at a pair of shoes and said he would buy them if J cashed the cheque The cheque was typed and there the name of a Toronto firm im posed on it with a rubber stamp I questioned them about the firm and was assured that it was one of standing although I myself had never heard of it told them there was nothing doing and they promptly beat it out of the store Except for Mr Irwin Watts no other member of the Osborne staff was in the store at the time It was probably a good thing Irwin had not left Mr Osborne said The description of the two men tallied in all details with the two bandits who visited the Gift on Saturday morning PINE ORCHARD The Willing Workers of Union church held a successful tea and bake sale a the home of Mrs Roy Cody on Thursday May Mrs B Wright was hostess at a shower in honor of Miss Isabel Cody on Tuesday May Mrs R McMath and Miss Buchanan Newmarket were re cent guests of Mrs Miss Jean Johnston Toronto has been holidaying at the home Of Mr and Mrs Walter John- Mrs John Cedar Valley has been ill in York County Several from Union church Sunday school attended the Whitchurch Sunday school con vention at Mount United church on May Mr and Mrs Albert Bailey and Mr and Mrs Douglas Mc- Callum Toronto were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Ross Armitage Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Douglas Hope on the birth of a daughter on May The temperance address by Rev George Ontario Tem perance Federation was well received at Union church on Sunday May The attendance at Sunday school Is encouraging There will be church service each Sunday at am and Sun day school at am at Union church and Church of Christ Rev Gundy Center Iowa conducted the ser vices at the Christian Reform church on Sunday Mr Fred J Havjnga Weston visited Mr and Mrs last weekend Miss A Hamilton was a weekend guest at the home of Mr and Mrs John Van Rev and Mrs J and John Cochrane visited here during the week Several young people attended the youth rally Bramp ton on Monday The will have its last meeting of the season on June at oclock A K Bennett TRAVEL BUREAU For Canadian National AirLines Steamships Real Estate Insurance St South Aurora Tel FA Evenings PA FLIGHT OF ANT WITH RCrt Mr and Airs Clayton and family spent the holiday week end at Beach Mrs Nigh was hostess at a recent pantry and kitchen show er in honor of Miss Helen roe Sutton whose marriage to Mr Bill Armstrong took place last Saturday Congratulations and best wishes are extended to this young couple Mr Frank Donne celebrated his birthday on Tuesday June Misses and Susan Cook and Larry and CooKwere among those taking part in the piano recital presented by the pupils of airs Verne Scott last Friday evening Mrs Cook and Mrs Porter attended the trousseau tea given in honor of Miss Helen Sutton Mr and Mrs Nigh spent the holiday weekend at Niagara Falls Sorry to report chicken pox is again in the community Mr and Mrs Porter were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ron Aurora on the occasion of Pamelas birthday Miss Feme and Mr Wallace Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mrs Ben Hendricks The display of tulips at York The Newmarket Era Thursday June 3 County Home for the Aged is worth seeing this season One stock has all six blooms on it There was a good attendance at the St Meet- Williams rural vicepresident was in the chair There were over present Others from the Eversley aux iliary were Mrs Arthur House on Sunday when they Mrs John Mrs Cur- held their Meeting and Miss J From Strange were Mrs A Black Mrs A Kerr Mrs Fred Gray and Mrs Rlioda At the meeting tribute was paid to the memory of the late Alice Ferguson Dr Cameron spoke on the place of the Presbyterian church in the World Council of Church es The sectional meeting will be held at Nashville RURAL RALLY HEARS DR A CAMERON Dr A Cameron moderator of the Presbyterian General As sembly addressed the 38th an nual meeting of section Wo mens Missionary society at St Pauls Presbyterian church on May Mrs T L Koyal Canadian Navys three new Plasecki helicopters hovering over Dockyard at Hali fax in inaugural flypast Leading is LieutenantCommander George KCN of He is flanked by Lieut Webster Montreal and Lieut Wallace James Central Pre Dartmouth The tandemrotor helicopters first in the are now operating from the Naval Air Station Shearwater near Dart mouth Later two will be based on the new Arctic patrol vessel Labrador O TO ADVERTISERS 5i I Ui Ji I K- jC- J V Airs Reid Atkinson Is Elected President Of Home And School Mrs Atkinson was elect ed as president of the Newmar ket Home and School association at the annual meeting on May Held at the Stuart Scott school the meeting was under the di rection of Dr Margaret Arkin- convener of religious edu cation The guest speaker was Rev A JR Yielding Grace church who was introduced by Dr Arkin- stall Mrs Stephens sang two selections She was by Mrs Horace William moved the vote of thanks to Mr Yielding Mrs Lang- staff past president of York- Home and School council and chairman of District On tario Federation installed the newly elected officers She spoke briefly and congratulated the Newmarket association on its excellent work in the past year Mrs Atkinson presided in the absence of the president Mrs Ray The meeting op ened with the singing of O Can ada with Mrs Robert Morrison at the piano Mr Yielding led in prayer Reports on the years work were presented by the treasurer Mrs Reginald Ball and secre tary Mrs Charles Jamieson Mrs William Peters gave the re port of the nominations commit tee William Warden president of the Newmarket and District as sociation for Retarded Children spoke to the group He outlined the work of the recently organ ized association as well as tell ing of many of the problem fac ed by parents of retarded child ren Following the ceremony Mrs presented with a gift Mrs How ard Morton made the presenta tion on behalf of the Newmar ket group Refreshments were served at the end of the meet ing Those elected for the ensuing NEWMARKET VETERANS J mm a- W 1 A 91V V- May concluded the month ly general meetings until Sep tember We had the pleasure of honoring one of our oldest members not so old in years but one that has been a- market Veteran for a long time Jack Wright The bingo held on May 12 was -V-i- Mr year include past vicepres Dr Robert King William Parsons and Hurst recording see Mrs corresponding seep Mrs Bruce Hunter Reginald Ball Mrs Fred Mm William Mrs Morrison Mrs John Mrs John amount over and above will be turned over to the Hospital Building Fund Sheinnual Pilgrimage Parade to Niagara Falls June seems to be the cehrgiot attrac tion this month Those who contemplate making this trip are advised to contact Wm Bone phone arrange trans portation for yourself- and fam ily All citizens Newmarket and vicinity are asked to remember June tag day Chndrtfii wishing to sell tags arc Keswick News Phone ROBINSON FUELS WHAT FOR SUMMER PRICES ON NUT STOVE COAL 12 Timothy St Newmarket The Christian church congre gation enjoyed two fine services on Sunday under Major and Mrs of the Salvation Army and the Toronto Sing ers The group visited the Rest Home and the Queens- ville Rest Home and sang for the patients in the afternoon They also presented a program after the evening service Mr A Davidson now owner of the Keswick mill is busy Urging the office building CO living quarters Mr Munro Mann and friend Detroit Mrs Mann and Mrs A York attended the wedding Miss Helen rind fttrJ Armstrong in Sutton on day Mr and Mrs Dan Mr and Mrs Mrs Van Norman Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs and Miss Joyce Porter also Mrs A and the wedding of Mr Dan and Miss Betty in Tor- onto on Saturday Mr and Mrs Erie Thompson moved June 1st a new home in Pickering Betty and Dan Jr were honored at a mis cellaneous shower recently at the North Memorial Centre Keswick Baskets of pink and white snap dragons matching streamers decorat ed tables The happy couple received many lovely gifts Guests numbered Outoftown guests were Mr and ley Miller and Lynda Mr and Mrs Sutton Airtl has been em ployed at the Hydro Electric- Power Commission at Willows dale The of rice staff of the ttlj entertained a shower and she received many lovely gifts including ot trie blanket profitable newspaper advertising I Your advertising message should be newsy friendly a facts and news about your merchandise and service- 2 Advertise regularly Make your advertising do what successful salesmen do call on customers and prospects consistently Insist on audited circulation reports give you the facts about the audience that your sales messages will have when you newspaper advertising I I Is there a measure for value of news paper circulation to lards a merchant uses in buy ing example like STERLING on A Yetin the well knowi A At V regular intervals one of the Bureaus large staff of experienced circulation auditors makes a thorough audit of the circulation records of each publisher member report for your use and protection you newspaper advertising A ABC reports tell you how much circulation where it goes how obtained and other facts ry advertising as would make anyfsSund business investmentogtM basis of known values and audited information membership VS i GRADUATES I soiilot Mr Kef for Timothy has successfully hls arts course at ollege University of ivlfli standing and yvSldci his de Mrs Milton Mr and Mrs liny at tended the I tall on May hp are ft help el at mm contemplate ma arumWaS and anyone please accept this as invitation We have ftr at from Toronto Guest speaker Will A Other speakers will also be on hand later bulletin will give full about time of assembly and route of march The bands attendance will be Newmarket Citizens Band Re serve Trumpet Band will part if suitable can be made Audit BuBKAU or fc what A This Org advertisers nonprofit si this i Circulations 5fe porting the papers and 93 iditing LOS irds m til c 3 Forest fires destroyed nearly a third more timber in Canada in than in The toll cubic feet WINNER AT FAIR Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth won second prize in the open saddle pony class at the Rich mond Hill fair on May 24 This Saturday June Miss will be driving in the harness pony classes at the fair ST PAULS A The Senior A St Pauls Anglican church cloned the season with a business and devotional meeting in May It was held at the parish halt and reports of the A- annual were given mi 1954 BRAND Si 1 rK vc iff try Queensville News Many from attend- the bridal shower at the borne of Mr and Mrs Bob Watson Hazel visited Mrs Newmarket in honor of their niece Miss Ann Mrs Charles Lewis Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Robert Lewis and family on the week end and on Sunday attended the annual meeting at the Friends church St Mr and Mrs Harold Simpson have moved to Newmarket The hail storm on Friday night did considerable damage to flowers and trees Some win dows were also broken We are pleased to report that Mrs Percy has returned from the Mr and Mrs Collins Toronto had Sunday supper with Mr and Mrs Archie Smith Mr Collins the pastor of the Baptist Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr John The funeral was last Mr- Gordon spent m mm Mr and Mrs Charles Mrs and Miss sister Mrs Lapp at Markham on Sunday MAPLE HILL A miscellaneous shower was held in Sharon halt on Friday night in honor of Miss Joyce Knights a bride of next week Mr and Mrs John Wright and family visited friends here on Sunday A shower was held on Wednes day afternoon at Mrs I Roses home in honor of Mts3 Shirley Wright Aurora formerly ot this district Miss Marilyn spent the weekend with Miss Buelah Joy Services will be as usual next Sunday with Sunday school at and worship service fol lowing at Prayer meeting and childrens meeting will be on Friday at Model ft Colo ram a styling YOU SAVE SALE PRICE 38495 Down payment Used days at cooking school Monthly payment Model ft YOU Model mm no Model YOU ffll w3 BRAND m- Kv Model 20c YOU SAVE SALE PRICE Down payment Monthly payment 70 i 267 KEI3 t TC AND BYI