Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jun 1954, p. 1

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r NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending March Newmarket Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PAID YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Awards Given At College i PUBLIC INVITED OPEN MEETING RETARDED CHILDREN A general meeting of the New- market and District association for Retarded Children will be held in the Sunday school room of the Friends- corner of and Sts New market June and children are urged to at tend An invitation is extended to Anyone interested in the work to be present Organizations and clubs in the district are asked to send representatives Is SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN Ik A class was begun on Tuesday tor the retarded district in i room of the The class which on opening day with more to being operated by the and district associ ate Br Retarded Children teacher is Mrs J will conduct fr of June will be no school during regular summer holiday but the association is to obtain a permanent teacher for the fall session Any one interested in project is requested to contact the presi- William Warden for fur ther particulars Neil Tate a student at Newmarket high school shows New markets reeve Joseph Dales the height at which he broke the high jump record at the high school this year set by Reeve he was a student in The reeve challenged Tate to a contest at the Junior Olympics to be held on June and Tate has accepted Photo by High Jump Challenge By Reeve Be Feature Of Jr Olympics Two high jump record break ers will compete in what will be a popular event at the Junior Olympics to be held Saturday June at the Pickering College athletic field One of the participants in this special event will be Neil Tate a student at the high school who broke the high jump record this year at the schools annual track and field day The other is Newmarkets reeve Joseph pales whose high jump record at the high school was broken this year by Tate Tate and Dales had a work out on the weekend and both did well Reeve Dales received his public school and secondary school education in Newmarket and was a keen athlete particu larly in track and field sports Reeve Dales now serves on the Newmarket Recreation and decided to challenge Tate in the jump event in hopes that it would create interest in the Junior Olympics The Jun ior Olympics sponsored by the commission will give an oppor tunity for all youngsters to par ticipate in track and field events Pickering Colleges closing dinner for the year was held Monday One of the high lights of the program was the presentation of special awards and school colors to the various students Chuck Klein Toron to line coach was guest speaker The Cane presented each year to the student of the graduating class who comes closest to Pickering ideal went to John Wesley Mr Klein made the presentation The Rogers Cane presented annually to the student most rep resentative of the ideals of Pick ering College in Firth House Prep School was made by Rogers to Roger Wilson Mon treal awards present ed each year to the students who contributed most in extra- ricular activities apart from ath letics were presented to John Wesley Peter Quebec Garth bridge Doug Crawford Toron to Ian Peterson Toronto Chuck Klein Dr Norman physician of the Toron to Maple Leaf hockey team Jack member of the Quaker Relay Committee and Rogers chairman of the Pickering Col lege Old Boys Association were guests along with former stu dents George and John Meiseh Mr Harry Beer Pickering College headmaster Black- stock physical education direc tor and the schools staff mem bers made the visitors welcome Not Satisfied With Autopsy Report SUTTON PAYS FOR MUNICIPAL WORK RECEIVES NO REPORT Wrong Calls Cause Delay In Accident Investigation No Fault In Childs Death At Hospital Coroner Says A statement provided by a coroner of the County of York has been issued concerning the death of a nine year old girl following an anaesthetic at York County hospital a few weeks ago The father of the girl said this week that he was not satisfied with the statement because he had been no definite answer as to the cause girl was consultation daughter Douglas Fosters was May mM IRIS SHOW The annual iris show of the m Newmarket daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Charles graduated re cently from the Hospital for Sick Children Graduation exercises were held on June at Convo cation Hall Toronto EASTERN STAR HOLD GARDEN TEAS j A garden tea and sale home baking will he held auspices of Newmarket 282 UD Order the grounds of heart an pefteg ffie walk the heart jWiih attorney we have that since elence of or improver inquest will be fewr- the tor- the chillis father SpuastEjJsgr said ep has the autopsy TOe the Toronto fit l Otis S ito- j Dora Law 16 Alton Ave To ronto vas injured seriously when a car carrying five Toron to teenagers went out of control and rolled over two miles east of Newmarket at the corner of the fourth concession Whit- Another pa as receiv the remain injury grove Ronald and Arnold Bachelor said urn ftJjiv tile rt Newmarket Horticultural society Wednesday June will be held in the Sunday school The room of the Christian Baptist church on Saturday June The show is open to the public at Boyd and the pm All entries must he made Op on preceding evening by A ialli iWW8 Mi connection ft M fbis K haw the right to know why ttw needed mm IE that the but f dont definite as to the causevof death a sal is factory answer I touch with my lawyer see- action is moved to Raven- aferonto last Decern- sawl that theft a was is she near PUPILS ENTERTAINED AT FRIDAY Over grade eight students of the towns elementary schools with their parents and relatives were the guests of honor on Fri day June when the annual Graduates Night was held at the Newmarket High school Wesley principal of the high school was the guest speaker The evening was sponsored by the Newmarket me and School association Welcoming the guests was Mrs Atkin son president who introduced Mr air outlined the high school curricu lum and explained the system of options to the prospective high school student There was a short musical pro gram- Contributing to it were Kerry Peters pianist Robert Daniels harmonica and Myles violinist who was accompanied by his sister Samuel Jefferson principal of Alexander school intro duced the members of his gradu ating class William in the absence of A- supervising principal of the Newmarket Public schools in troduced Mr Jacksons class and the graduating students from St Johns school were introduced by Joseph Vale Mrs William Parsons Home and School vice- president moved the vote of thanks to all who had partici pated in the evening were served at the close of the program by the executive of the Home and School association the lac Vive her In the opinion of the she Was ami tlmogh raw does occur lues a -pre- paxett emergency tftts she Iliad in Is case alo find all kwpwn methods both medical surgical were carried out by the concerned The child water when the beach and parents t torn RECITAL TO HELP BUILDING FUND Mrs Eugene Cain and her pu pils are holding a on Tues day evening June in St An drews Presbyterian church Newmarket Proceeds from the recital will be given to the York County hospital building fund A program of fine music con sisting of piano solos trios vo cal solos duets and trios has been arranged for all the Police wastfli church township and the town Arthur More IS SJSS M AREA pm and police p years Former the tinier contest This win ill itrarS AS place Pi Eaton Hall Garden Party To Raise Hospital Funds garden party will be held ickct holders York A car pool for Hospital Womens Anyone want- ilia at pi tuton Halt on I rails porta lion Juno in teas revved The village of Sutton council at its June meeting to and instruct its solicitor to take to secure a proper report upon the work undertaken by Wilde and Associates vere retained by the vill age during the year and other times Council may ask for a refund of the monies paid for the said work totalling The purpose of the work was record water levels fin the vill age ami for compiling to be used for drainage pro- and District police radio dispatcher wrong flew open foil out information had lxcn given as to of the car More thought that the location of the accident car rolled on girl other accident had been reported j According to persons at the a few minutes earlier and the re- scene of the accident the confusion caused the police were telephoned Jay oral times but an officer did not Miss Law was rushed to To- arrive until after oclock ronto East General hospital She Police said later that several suffered a broken back broken people telephoned and collar hone crushed ribs arid wrong information An and is still in serious curate report was given condition location avid through the fusion the dispatcher thought It finolner a RETARDED CHILDREN fcw m A general meeting of the I to the BRIDAL SHOWER A presentation was Miss Margaret at a shower hold at the borne Mrs- pete with the of tef zones good as if time last No report in connection with the work has been received by council although the sum of was paid to Hi Wilde Associates for its services Keswick is the local for and Associates lion for Retarded Children will he held in the ThornhilJ Public Mi school St on Tuesday June pm A cordial in vitation is extended to the gen eral public to attend An offi cial from the Ontario associa tion will be the speaker another heck on the Former Mayor Walter Eves Served Hospital Walter Eves a forme of died oil He was He had a record of service to cmrnpnlty having served as niaypjp five consecutive year he early 1920sV Before that he- served on town council 00A public school board ftr years Was art active figure on the hospital He nam for the hospital was in New- lie past board of for and a member of for years was born in Sutton but to Newmarket when he of age He was the fives fe Goal Co- Davis from to for years he was member of the Tuscan and A M and a member Cystic Shrine He Is sur- a laughter Miss Mrs Julia i Police said that well meaning often become confused in an emergency and because they cannot provide accurate informa tion make the duties of the lice more difficult There Is a police ruling that a dispatcher cannot send an am bulance to the scene of an acci dent until an officer has report the facts The ruling was made because witnesses often say that accident victims are seriously Injured when they are not- The result Is that no one pays the cost of the ambulance THURSDAY J Canadian Special frames games Time sharp In aid of the Canadian Ladies Auxiliary SATURDAY JUNE Dance in Holland Landing Community Orchestra Bert Dixon and his Lazy Valley Ranch Boys Time pm Admission SATURDAY Iris show itiFafty in York County hospital fund by the Womens Auxiliary of the York County hospital Tickets JUNK garden at Snowball church Even ing entertainment a wellknown entertaining speaker Miss Eliza- year I piled by he office NewmatMtf I Several tBiS so tgcigcd fix me ttotfena mm a tew Newmarket definite period In Aurora the Shoe Company is operat ing on short time The approach JUNE Annual of the Eaton Co Newmarket Subject Eating Europe In basement Christ- Adults Children c Eves United church interment was at Newmarket cemetery where a Masonic service was held at the Minnie Wilson Pallbearers were Alex Spear Earl Al funeral service was held rose J If Bell Stiver afternoon at IVinity and Steve Hose VISIT MAD GARDENS Once the flower lovers from Newmarket and district took the opportunity of the gardens of Mr and Mrs Kidd during tulip time Tile was sponsored by the New market Horticultural with Mrs Jean Jay program convener in charge The society wishes to extend Us appreciation to Mr and Mrs for opening I heir tfardnns for the visit It was a source of pleasure to the many who attend ed The annual visits have prov en an encouragement lor many property owners in the area grounds- ehiiKh Open to public 7ui in All onirics to be made not JUNE 111- Spoils Day At pm soft ball- tournament WED to Lin in tore HOLD PICNIC The members of the and Professional Club are hold ing their fifth annual picnic on Wednesday June at Mrs Alex Eves cottage Lake Mem bers are expected to attend and husbands and guests are cordially invited later than ptn preceding even EVENING J JUNE At oclock of piano and voeai pupils of Mis Eugene s Presbyter A very fine proceeds donated to the York Building Fund JUNE East oration of Agrl- a bus trip Day Anyone in touch with Mrs Ski Jones Mrs John Fair Hurry Ferguson or Allan Bats- don WEDNESDAY JUNE HiEuchre every Wednesday afternoon pin Scout Hail Newmarket a urine summer months Under auspices of Mothers auxiliary Prizes draw Admit in Lake Marie Pavilion Kin- City path Hank Jones and his Men new pm I a in Refreshment booth by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association Admission each- THtmSDAY JUNE Garden Party Eaton Hall farm pm ticket prize Sponsored by York County Hospital- Wo- auxiliary in old of Hospi tal fund Admission to the estate fcvijtiCSivd to tMt bazaar is The- wilt o mm Aurora anas my mas nta booth IDOtted mm Cininty played as well as pictures ether equipment placed in the the summer holidays may the liter suit in further work stoppages Over persons are on short time in the Newmarket employ- office area mens 1st prize 2nd Junior tournament mile bicycle race hoys to 15 net show after noon show races lor children midway Supper by Womens Inst it tne Even ing program from US A ai Dance to Charlie orchestra at MM adults Wk ears 25c free Grand draw valuable prizes One admission admits to emtio show To be held rain or shine MONDAY JUNK Piano re- clfa by pupils of Mrs well United Church School room at Parents and friends Invito JUNK 25Carden forty sponsored by Our Ladv of Grace church Aurora Games bingo lucky draw fishpond Supper served pm JULY It- church Conservation club annual FRIDAY SATURDAY AND MONDAY JULY AUG Keswlck carnival trade fair and sports day JULY ville Day BINGO every Saturday night at pm every Thursday at pm In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission BEACH OWNERS OBJECT TO BYLAW CONTRAVENTION The Property Association presented a let ter to North town ship council on Saturday which told of its concern that has permitted the beyond line of an attached garage to the cottage being erected by Mr and Mrs Garrett on The owners say it Is in contra vention of municipal bylaw No Council passed a lion to the effect that the proper ty be surveyed by Engineer and that Mrs- Garrett be in strutted to move her building back to a distance if feet from the lot line within days of notice will he outlines several expenditures by the auxil iary A will be op erated where membership tickets for the Hospital Auxiliary can In purchased Donations to thi- fund will be received at this booth ami official receipts issued to the donors Tea will be served in the villa There will be prizes for lucky RK DELAYED Wrightmao chairman of the roads and bridges committee in Newmar ket said week that road oil ing and repairing of streets has been delayed by weather Roads have not been oiled because of the moisture in the ground he said Registration of children at the Newmarket Nurs ery for the term will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Scout hall 130 to Morning classes will be held next term for children from the ages of two and a hall to five IN CONTEST Donald Jackson son of Mr and A Jackson represented Newmarket in an oratorical con- tost at the Optimist International District annual convention at Windsor Fifteen students com- pcteti in the contest They were the winners of the preliminary competitions in their own areas all of which had been sponsored by Optimist clubs Donald plated Open house was held at the Newmarket switchboard of the Bell Telephone Company on Monday night A ourofeer citizens of the district were invited to see how the office functions Above Miss Edith Kay i the operation of the board to Mr and Mrs Harold Walsh within the top five in the district white Mrs Cameron Newmarket makes telephone connections

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