Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jun 1954, p. 2

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v Pages from the Editors Notebook a aw NEWSPAPERS i We saw hail stones last Thursday wore an inch and a half diameter The storm was a disaster for many gard eners in the district particu larly for those who had just planted their tomatoes We of one slightly less thusiajlic gardener whose tom ato plants were wiped out dur ing the Thursday storm and who immediately put in plants on Friday The second crop was washed away in the Saturday downpour As storm gathered last afternoon we noticed that the wind was blowing from the south and clouds were p- from the north at highspeed For a few moments some of the staff members were uneasy a long thin feath erlie white cloud hanging in fte to the of New- As the cloud mass proached drooping end of lie long cloud be gan to swirl and coil We were sure it was ih beginning of a tester hi a few moments dispersed Lightning too caused damage Several people in the district described balls of fire streak ing pa windows and in ana out of barns in one Newmar ket residence fuses were blown out and wiring was burned from the Files of away Hair stone a number of Members of town council were discussing the damage by flooding after drains had up One sewage pump was put out action by the heavy of water backed up and cottars were flooded It was stated thai nfl legal could he brought against the town be cause it was not caused by neg ligence on the part of the town At the opening ceremonies held at the York County build- nig on Tuesday afternoon the county regiment the Queens York Rangers was represented by its commanding officer who addressed the gathering- The history of the Queens Rangers dotes back over and the county can be proud of its regiments colorful history We noticed that there was no representation from the reserve squadron of the winch was named after the County of York We were conscious of the absence of the County of York squadron representation because shortly before the start of the ceremonies we watched two new fighters fly past at low altitude and high speed along the eastern out skirts of town Newmarket Aurora end the rural of North York the The Express Herald Published every of MS Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription 4 for two years for one in Singh copies are each Member of A Weeklies at Cqffodo Canadian Weekly Newspapers mo Bureau of Circulations Department Ottawa JOHN GEORGE RACINE THE EC Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Sports THURSDAY THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED nd 50 Years Ago J Mr George Stark and also Mr and Mrs end Clara motored to Severn Bridge on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs sis ter Mrs Mrs Walter Wesley has re turned to Acton after spending a few weeks with friends and Mrs Goodwin of Toronto are spending their holidays with the formers par ents flflte annual picnic of the JST was held at Sharon Temple grounds on Saturday June with a splendid at tendance The beautiful wea ther and the spacious grounds made it an ideal place for the of J North York to en joy a holiday Among those a distance were people from King and 30 or m from the head office of the in Toronto Mr and Mrs Gee and two daughters left on Wednesday for the Channel Islands on the English coast to visit parents Mr and Mr George Micks also Glen and mo- Corel to last Sunday to visit Mr Micks sister Mrs Joseph Faulkner Dr and Mrs Caldwell of Toronto formerly of Mount Albert arid Schomberg left on Monday on a trip to the Pacific Coast They expect to return in October Mb and Mrs Ross Horn arid Master Ivan of Mich are the guests of Mrs Main St Mrs Walter Wesley has re turned to Acton after spending a few weeks with friends in town Some of the Pickering Col lege and High School students attended the Ontario Athletic in last Saturday A few Newmarket Masons attended service In the United church Aurora last Sunday evening and joined in the pa rade Mr Roy of Toronto Is visiting his parents during his Vacation JUNE 17 Mr Donald Campbell of Hamilton formerly of Colling was calling on friends in town last Friday Mr Frank business manager of the Edmonton Bul letin gave the Era a fraternal call last Friday Mr Patterson druggist is ex- here next week his bride and will occupy the house vacated by Mr Hunter on Prospect St Mr Schmidt and bride arrived from Rochester on Sat urday evening followed by his brother who remained a days and is quite with the enterprise and natural beauties of Newmarket One of the surest signs of summer Is the travelling musi cian On Tuesday we had two of them doing up the town each on his own attachment the other with the bagpipes A3 usual a crowd of with a handorgan and monkey children were delighted McDonald the milliner at Roches left yesterday to accompany her sister to Clifton Springs Mr and Mrs J Ellis To ronto were welcome guests last Friday Anglers are now speculating on their big catches Bass and fishing commenced yesterday Eight tenInch and four inch is the limit placed on the daily catch of each angler by the regulations Fish are measured from the Up of the nose to the of the middle of the tail Last Saturday afternoon some men were engaged In stalling a machine at the Office Specialty Works Mr Geo was lifting by means of a crowbar it slipped and he fell bis side coming in contact with the of a wheel Medical aid Was sent for and he was short ly after removed to his home where he is recovering Miss of Rich mond Hill was a visitor at Mr Allens St for a couple of days this week BUSINESS NEVER BETTER At TRADE FAIR f mm i i fc LIMIT SUFFICIENT of a child last Thursday after she had been struck by an automobile on Prospect St should make all motorists mindful of the dangerous condition on most of the towns streets They simply are too narrow for modern mileanhour traffic According to charges laid by police against the driver of the automobile involved the childs death was an accident But the driver who had only a beginners permit should not have been orating the car without a licensed driver as a passenger That business matter with whiM deal occur reason enough officials to adopt all possible safety measures citizens to oft streets mhfWoUWt the convenience offered to motorists by through streets in residential areas is worth the death and injury watched many gain speed along these streets and feravililafc such a rate to be to avoid a child darting onto safttike would it not be better recalled that a Written by a citfeett in lSMrWm- published this newspaper The case of excessive speeding oh a residential about Queen Gharles by stating After considerable and property Is that outs MSideuVi practically a MI time in the only is to break SSSSSSmtl mSm fining signs may be placed at On Niagara im 9fe St Sm WWK that an automobile trayeUife at fl Additional frtfc are cars tlftiEjr Most sidewalks J so children can easily roadway why not sfe is fe a through highway and a permit a free by a highspeed ftllfe il normal times the flow of traffl lowering Jigjffife At rate 0 miles an hour tfangef qua a speed of our streets NEED LATERUigiDS In his remarks at the of County building at A Mackenzie foi- thought there should he The need for an east- west by municipal and by the The has made ftfex urging west the stretch As the with other districts traffic increase of in the regions Bat few roads and no arterial links to serve long between the area and Western Ontario Traffic through north and south w ftij but as time goes on eastwest Improvements to the road would provide a link between provincial highways No and No A through road would then link Kincardine Walker- ton Arthur Orangevilfe Newmarket Lindsay Peter borough and Ottawa and important markets One of the most heavily travelled portions is the stretch and The provinces attention has been on super high ways between metropolitan centres in the past few years Expenditures on these super roads have been necessary but secondary routes should not be The recent unhealthy situation in the department of highways no doubt will delay consideration of any proposals at the present but early action on this pro posal is needed LOCAL COMMUNIS I 1 A missionary who had served in China described some of his experiences and sufferings at a local recently and as reported insulted a had been in the audience The man called missionary a liar after he had described in China under the Communist government more inclined of course to believe that the mission arys statements are true As for reports that there Communist cell in Newmarket we know no details aboutjt There may be Communists or Commune sympathizers here but we know of nothing that the law would do about it defend the freedom to have any opinion and to express it in this country This country is one of the few remaining where that can be done without fear But while defending this right we must remember that individuals responsibility to offset Commun ism which attempts to make its subtle advance use of these freedoms YOUNG FARMERS UP AND There have been depressing notes of pessimism uttered from time to the future of this increase in larger blocks of farm in a few hands and lack of displayed by the younger generation observes Swift Current On the there is much for an optimist growth and development of the indicates that young people on the farm are coming more and more around to the landing that farm life has advantages outweighing way of life eminently and We are sure that club members of this district never form a bread line or on relief Government agencies farm organizations even service clubs of the city are fully imbued with the aliatio worthiness of the movement atid with their support and good leadership we are going forward in this country to an encouraging era for agriculture ur young folks are learning f rom the ground up and thats not art Wish witticism WERE MOST OF it Post The US Supreme Court decision finalizing New York Slates right to build its half of the St Lawrence hydropower project comes like the happy ending to all the com plications that any have invented But at long last the rival love a sorted tiii No to he Ontario as anyone could se ha w from the beginning So now it is the pro ject Ontario get clear sailing fithe federal Washington can 106 ftflt A US support for 0W got it just when wo luTfeeji equally bo The way it looks now the US will e no compared to what Canada pays dredge the river as far as Montreal We do all the works in tho Machine section and some of the work in the Inter- a section We have built ami paid for the Wei land Canal The US proposes to dig one relatively short canal for a cost of little over millions la this a fair share for half the control Even willi this settled if it can bo Canada will still want some pretty definite assurances The tolls and the regulations and the management should in fairness be arranged so that Canadas predominant indeed overwhelming contribution to the building of the Seaway is fully recognized Let nobody that this can ho negotiated overnight But a US veto which they bought at cut prices would bo too much to take From our correspondent in Corners we learn that there are rumors of a mam moth subdivision going in at Thimble Park and that the members the councils of Corners and East township are anxious for light industry Townsfolk here are outrage that a plan has been put forward to subdivide Thimble Park long a favorite spot where shady trees benches and a fountain have pro- relaxation for the citi zens writes correspondent Slim BHggens Mayor said at the lastcouncil meeting that the balance of assessment was too unbalanced and that what Cut- needed was more industry We want more in dustry especially light said We havent had a Industry here since the pickle works were established in Councillor Colin against progress declared We should be satisfied the way we are We dont want no called progress here Leads to naught All you gets is prob lems problems problems- The taxpayers here elected us to handle problems and way to handle problems is to do without says said We have no railway no industry and no main highway only the pickle works I hate Hoggs s- for buyer and mIUM mad In iff to tt feu to Hit HUM u it Mfvonfc not of on In mt not o loo m tfuoronfoo and imvm it rot progress declared First thing this council did was take away the water in trough at the corner of Thimble and Main I tell you the farmers dont like it and where do we get our trade from The farmers I say This here council has showed complete disregard the far mers because they took away the trough First thing you know be Sat urday night hours like that place to the south of us Councillor Bust declared Corners is ripe for spec- I am in sympathy with the townsfolk because of the fact that Thimble Park is being used tot low cost hous ing Thimble Park is part our heritage and it is being chopped up by big city inter ests he declared The time has come for us to consolidate our position and look to th rear and look to the fore It a time when this here commun ity needs leadership Council passed a resolution that council prepare for pro gress with a view to consolidat ing its position and keep out big city speculators provided that some light industry could be acquired to offset the devel opment of unwanted subdivi sions because the unbalanced assessment should be What are we gonna do if we aint got progress though said Councillor Bust at the Monday night meeting Every- body else is got progress at their doorsteps except us so far Carried I tell weve fiei pre Mayor said pared for the seaway when it in complete agreement with comes When this here seaway the resolution and that at the comes well have the biggest boom ever seen previous What goods the seaway next meeting of council a dis cussion would be held on a policy for controlling progress We wish that somehow the time or the season would come when we are not late doing something Of course there are many good explanations why one is late Some are legitimate Some are excuses and some are theories made up after one is already late For example somebody asks us if have a certain operation done We answer that uo we havent but we dont think it should bo done yet because and then comes the story- We are late filling the silos this year One reason is that we are just plain ordinary because seeding was late because the manure wont out We ftiUy expect that from here on until fall plow ing we wont catch up with benefits of deep cultivation Another difficulty that been bothering us this spring is that when the grass is ready to put into the silo the field often too soft A good wagon loaded drawn by a trac tor and preceded by a tractor and a harvester represents seven pairs of wheels We can assure you that it makes quite a mess of things We had broken reaches and bogged down wagons last year and this year we just didnt take ffie chance and the result is orch ard grass that is long in the tooth although the clover with it is still all right We heard of the solution of clipping the pasture very early with a harvester and sickle s jg saws m Si assess arc done on time be filled in order silage and not same is true is certainly seeding There be done in have do the soluBmaC0n nice to sow fflBaftKHC Now that for doing the should be done waste of nice young and we have never I we sometimes job We even found of chisel the fia tendency of shifting the work from winter to spring A field that is really opened up left rough the way it should bo is too hard in whiter time on manure spreaders OS when there is snow We are afraid It we harrow after the chisel plow we undo some of the mm late is a work the weather or in the per- It bothers us our waiting for this Ye read in the other day a re- doctors on heart read about the My life Is in the next rascal who bothers me Wo the farmers shouldnt this saying Our hap piness is in the hands of the next job at which we are late getting started Well from here on the prob lem is one for new years By then the silo should be and we Will nut feel the pressure By next spring well who knows RAW MEAT DEVELOPS BALD EAGLES When Andy Macintosh and two young on had Mialpye on a rw birds uW w different lnd of bird fled bold l-i- i i

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