Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jun 1954, p. 6

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The Newmarket Era and Express Jane HOUSE FOR SALE house with bath large garden Reasonable down pay ment For full details phone Newmarket NEW bungalow bedrooms hardwood floors bath oil heat garage north of Eagle Ave Newmarket Write Era and PASTURE WANTED Express box house on large lot on St Newmarket Apply Sawmill Eagle St Newmarket HOUSE FOR PASTURE farm about acres near Beach Phone Newmarket after pm ARTICLES FOR SALE PASTURE FOR RENT COMMERCIAL refrigerator good condition Phone ion wmarket WE have several houses for rent in Newmarket with posses July CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Phone PASTURE lot for rent within town limits Phone market PASTURE for head of cattle Phone Newmarket PASTURE suitable for of young cattle- Phone BRAND NEW dealers mode refrigerator capacity clearing at wholesale price Mil- sleds store phone StouffvUte v PIANO FOR SALE APARTMENT size upright in good condition Price Miss Jean Hunter phone Newmarket 2w24 ARTICLES FDR SALE ELECTRIC refrigerator and washing machine good running order Reasonable Apply Main Street ground floor phone SSI Newmarket MERCHANDISE HELP WANTED suite Table four chairs and buffet Phone ONEHALF duplex house cent rally located rooms bath mod ern conveniences garden and garage Elderly people preferr ed Abstainers Available July Court St Newmar ket COTTAGE FOR SALE DRAPES READY made draperies WINTERIZED cottage inches wide to Inches Ions acres fruit trees good road edge of Newmarket Bargain All cash Write Era and Express box COTTAGES FOR RENT WOODLAND BEACH Georgian Bay cottages equipp ed First two weeks in July and month of August Phone Newmarket HOUSE at Timothy St Possession July Apply Timothy St Newmarket GARAGE pair We now make drap eries and slip covers free Main St Newmarket tna FARM SKID GASOLINE TANKS CYLINDRICAL gallon gallon SNOW BEST HEATING l LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora NEW plate glass mantle mir rors design on both still in cartons Will make ideal wedd ing gift One 36x60 Retail price Will sell for half One price Sell for halt Phone PA Aur ora or apply Tyler St c3w24 USED Crosley refrig erator in good cvondition Ap ply Harrison Ave phone PA 75055 Aurora GENERAL Electric range Excellent condition Best offer Must sell by Saturday Phone Newmarket CAMERAS and miscellaneous photographic equipment Cash or trade PA Aur ora evenings AT INSLEYS Pistol Pete gun and chains sets 39c This is a social message for Young Can- Please do not rush me If necessary line up an orderly fashion No more than one gun per p please AT Boys all wool tweed knee pants ages to only Regular 300 Sale p SI 83 AT Boys drill shorts size or age years Regular 239 Sale price AT INSLEYS Mens long fancy design dress wool hose Regu lar St Size to Sale price or pair USED CARS r all sizes HEATING HOUSES and rooms Ap ply Era and Express box REAL ESTATE WANTED FARMS WANTED IN YORK and COUNT IF you have a farm to sell Phone Rex and Jack and start to pack WE specialize In farms and farms only and have a large FOR FAST SERVICE CONTACT REX SMITH phone or JACKOLEARY Toronto Representing J St Toronto ESTATE FOR SALE CASH Full price Immediate possession 3 bedroom bungalow south of Keswick on pavement Heavy wiring water on Up cupboards and Dorothy Davis Drive Newmarket phone representing broker Toronto ANDREW ST cash for this owners locat ed on specious lot Beauti ful large ultra modem kitchen and See this beautiful home Today A A COLTHAM Woodbine Ave Ox Toronto GARAGE for cars or any kind of storage per month At the rear of Eagle St Bill phone Newmarket TR FOR SALE HOME trailer Private bedroom double spring mattress cooking oil heating Tires nearly new A good home while on holi days or travelling All equipped for travelling or as a home See this one first Phone Newmarket TRAILER FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE trailer for sale or rent Apply Murray phone WANTED TO RENT HOUSE or cottage unfurnished for English family adults children and years Reason- able rent Aurora area preferr ed Phone PA Aurora ACCOMMODATION GROUND space for rent Suit able for trailer good drive Write Era and Express box 561 ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY furnished bodsitting room With or without private kitchen equipped with stove re frigerator utensils etc Central ly located Phone Newmar ket or apply Joseph St after pm BASEMENT furnished flat con tinuous own entrance Apply Crescent Newman feet r a UNFURNISHED rooms self- contained sink with hot and cold water and all conveniences Ground floor private entrance couple or pensioners ab stainers only need apply Phone Aurora PA 7fiS7 VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Kirsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone or apply Harold Ont ario St Newmark RUGS SAVE PERCENT NEW rugs made from your rugs carpets woollens eta Dominion Rug Weaving Co phone Newmarket SMALL Taylor safe fireproof Apply Millard Ave phone LADYS spring coat yellow size Never worn Phone Newmarket after pm SEPTIC TANKS to gallon capacity SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phono PA St Aurora FURNACE AND STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS SNOW BEST HEATING iiiMfrep Yonge St Aurora AT INSLEYS Junior boys suits coat and longer extra pant free Size to MAN or woman in this locality to do confidential work for No selling Good pay for spare or full time For complete de tails write Kent Publishers Ltd PO Box 11 Hamil ton Out clw24 WOMAN for general housework Phone 2S5 after oclock or ap ply Timothy St Newmar ket III M j FOR- July and August middle- aged woman for general work at Franklin Lodge Franklin Beach Lake General work and to insist with cooking Apply Mrs Ed Long Branch Ave Long Branch DRIVE YOURSELF Rent a car by the hour day or week from IMPLEMENTS FOR Harris model This machine is in repair cut approximately acre Complete with bushel tank pickup clover screens and grain lifters PA 1 Call business MAJOR tractor or residence hauled Three furrow Newmarket phone Mount Albert V 2210 PRICES PRIGES METEOR practically new under list Clw22 aba Pair free AT Mens all wool imported English coats Reg Sale price for Fathers Day Why not give dad a new coat AT Boys all wool Plain shade ankle hose Reg each or pairs for St Sizes to AT boys scampers Rog Sale price LADYS new suit size never worn J 15 Ladys serge slack suit size wine Phone Newmarket BEAUTIFUL painting Italian artist mantel radios Reg now Choice of colors Stewart Main St Newmarket phone KELVINATOR refrigerator ft good as new Mitchell St house from Don Mills lw24 ICE cream cabinet trie Apply J Snack Bar Keswick LAWN ONE set of four 1kw1s condition as new Apply Era and Express office c2v23 fiPIECE suite almost new Chrome kitchen suite almost now miscellaneous house hold articles Apply Welling ton St Aurora phone PA AND CONDUCTOR PIPE AND STORE fixtures Modern front foot sections wall with drawers below stock elevator condition Retiring sacrifice for quick sale Drugs Barrio phone BRAND new set of aluminum pieces Original price 127 ll G0 Phone jueensville clw2l ELNA sewing machine iron Nearly new Moving Write Era and Express 1 I PARTS i FOR FURNACES Orates Pipes Bricks SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora AT INSLEYS Mens plain shade- snort shirts blue sand and pre v short sleeves Reg Sale price Sizes Si Vt straw hats too much get one want anybody sunstroke this from the straw HARDWARE fihone fvvr ANTED WOMAN part time work Phone Newmarket MACHINERY SALE CUSTOM baling done with new Holland baler Large bales Moderate Chap man phone Queensville and Case and efficient ser vice MfafeLockie phone Mount METEOR Custom Custom 8 our CHETOl two door S150 Low Down All cars Warranted months UXSPRINSMQJ FAVORITE separator wood body on steel high blower threshed acres cutting box feed pipe enough for with pipes Skyline Wower for grain or forage Case bio for grain or Case age harvester filled silos ply Pickering ley phone Stufille mm NEW Holland No automatic hale tension baler in good side rake on rubber Pearson Mount phone Mount Albert BAY ire rehio Apply genial Point Box Keswick CHESTERgrEfiB rugs cleaned Phone CUSTOM weed spray CTonei HBSm Albet Junction git Port BUCKRAKE in tedder and Kim Rose phone Decker threshing machine body chaff and straw blower in condition Mrs Clifton Tot con King phone Aurora M from KSED model arriving Toronto wand box equipped with delivered A beautiful bathroom set at a reasonable price thing In plumbing and he hurry and mm tf3 upholstering suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent 95 St or phone New- WANTED TO BUY KNOW BE EATING MH J Plumbing Supplies OiKJii Wwinesday and Friday evening and all day Saturday T ffpwntpwn Toronto Leading rake on turnings Nesviriarfet 5 excellent Neymarket 5 ft binder aV v phone King at Broadview Returning pm Phone I bring LEAVING Newmarket am I PROFESSIONAL waves given in your home if de sired Irene Sheridan phone St Newmarket 23 Church and Richmond returning Newmarket SERVICE AVAILABLE SERVICE QUALITY Repairs fr4KVUATION MAURICE mm Sfittert sm returning pm Phone 76w3 TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO Avenue Toronto Leaving 7 to am Returning pm Phone Newmarket twit f Aurora to Richmond Hill working hours am to Phone PA or lw j PRODUCTS SPECIAfelUAIRCUniNG Phone Newmarket Scalp for dry lifeless hair Mrs VOLT transformer Newmarket alter pm MERCHANDISE phone in Newmarket for appointment fc SUMMER OR COUNTRY HOME CHEAP ROOMS together with acres excellent mirkcl garden laud at Roches Point across from modern school Good buy handy man Miss Davis phone Sutton IS ARC A IN HOME WITH EMPLOYMENT ON Lake south brand new yearround almost completed sample home with lieauiiful view oil city conveniences large lot near Roches Point Built to hell tor Will take down Easy terms Owner will have opportunity to manage sales on new lot sub division LAKE SIMCOE HOMES PROPERTIES Jackson Point Ontario Sutton LOTS FOR SALE LOT IOC frontage by on Millard Ave Phone New market PROPERTY FOR SALE storey and a halt full basement modern kitchen bath room furnace Half cash We have many others in and district CHARLES BOYD i IT MAE ST NEWMARKET PHONE ROOM AND BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN desires room and of Prospect Sept 7th Write Era and Ex press box SOL ROOM AND BOARD ROOM Apply Charles St Newmarket ranges goya ulfilSfe mm ROOM and hoard in country home Write Era and Express box BOARDERS WANTED Gentleman preferred Phone Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT ROOMED selfcontained ment private entrance floor share bathroom suit couple light housekeeping 15 monthly include hydro and water Further pratlcutars phone Newmarket heated apartment per month CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Phone MODERN furnished or unfurnished wood floors In livingroom and targe ban Tile in bathroom and kitchen Rent Includes heat hydro separate hot water tank electric stove and refrigerator Phone or Newmarket after f J CARS sih aai tear up it Auto APIECE told POWER mower bargains salvage of Maxwell flockeis All have and engines Some 3ter and damage guaranteed perfect working Rocker recoil starter Sale pocket wrfe havy mowers for lawns and work- Terms arranged St Mate Gim western a stools hack denim tein- Solo prico KEYED and repaired Keyed alike or master keyed closers repairs Keys cut while you wait Auto keys code Lock and Kev Ridges south Windmill electric and welding Iron worker spec- repairs St Newmarket able for Value Wcase WIirrE sink compile solid drain like new JA St pi cm market Kin offal Phone PA imiH Vi used less Ml ilourfr real bargain New- market white elxe grtod hie Apply St phone Newmarket pm in white VMOi size- ana A lor smaller a mm it MONARCH ice condition Phone Newmarket tor Sport am sum A PORTABLE Welding Electric Jim ton phone 21G09 WANTED Keele and Station King City CUSTOM WOOD WORKING Cupboards Counters of u all types Furniture Repaired and Refinlshed Sign Work KINO 145 OR I7il i- itlon Flowers wired to all part of ttifc world WNERAL A mm Phone Rosa MAIN Strasler Son FUNERAL ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or day or will make daily visits Excellent ret- Phone Newmar ket shaver fed Write and Express box T at the Chip St W New BfQMJjae help conecientlous and of young chMct3ri MACHINE AH makes by qualified factory trained service mail ANU Phone t5i Newmarket your We bpeeiallo la dusiUss machine troweled floors entered or plain Fullers air Turner IWl Richmond Hill GARDENS CHURCH Fellowship of AlkaUdr just south of Prince of Charles School on Muriel St il worship Wicksion O50 School ainAVership Service 1 tvaogiatte Service lrayer and study meeting A warm welcome awaits you fcKKE It Minister T7 apartment with cony downtown location home surrounded shade trees Couple only Newmarket H- FAtM WANTED FOR SALE 5WP and medium with Phono DEEP freeze cabinet ft year GETTING MARRIED BEFORE you buy furniture of any kind he sure and see our room group special pieces complete including lute room group tied room kitchen suite pieces 30 pieces din- netware and 16 pieces glassware Everything you need on easy plan New low price complete- Furniture phone Pi50 Main market OH TANKS AND ACCESSORIES r 100 to gallon Tank Gauges fillers Vent and Pill Pipe Caps SNOW REST HEATING LIMITED St and shoes Am flSe Rroailhnts shoM Narrow or medium widths Aiitf Wests Main Si Newmarket mm for men and hoys and work boots Wests K Main SI Newmarket by Ritchie for Fathers Drown mesh leather trim mocassin vamp dress oxford In and black Rata shoes at West Main St Newmarket e2w23 AT count on suits and rain- mens and rain coats MORE about Just see many people are alert enough to note these low nrices prices aw and are not a clerical error So run all the way down and bring a large shopiins hag Write anil or fiiyiniisv ploy meat L C TOBIASM w Aurora tor clean Sight work tun will train will lo learn limit IB t years Newmarket for or write Tenal Ltd Davis K MAN for a few hours weekly garden maintenance Phone irtvrerr- WW Apply in S child seven near Aurora refer ences Aurora olwM GOING OVERSEAS Pi sell inXotnMionj Soriw noj trill Mrs Si dure 10 am Sunday School service June Society meet- YOU ARE ARMY W Newmarket and Sirs ft Meeting am Sunday School pm Salvation lm Welcome k1 hi enod Private nwner Phone Si New mar Chevrolet heater new tires Apply Neumaikel Kiiaiatv mileage IMs new Phone 1nRw or 1478 J Newmarket tfLwtM in gHkil order any cash not refused elwit item wach origin- d owner you No more 4 1 I am4fl am Kventns service will be welcome frUiity lton Hall Aurora ll am and pm SUNDAY JUNE and of If and party prayer offered for and Phone PA iL- OF TUB Cot Main and Queen A Collins June Mb Norm day am- a in tiOUKGB SERVICE trio J Eastern College THY FATHER Fathers Day service Men Chorus ttiea June at Rev Mr Paul Johnstan Rev I Paster Ke Every LU 4ju Jidivns in of ft pm Newmarket WMS will hi in the f lKnNUS I LOU am Meeting fur Worship Hill and family of expect to he with All welcome On June it will tie 150 years since the Meeting wast established on Street in are commemorating this event at the coming Yearly Meeting June Come and wurship with In thy presence is fullness of joy Wr Mr Sunday school II am worship Evening service will zr i- j THE 1BMPWCT Mala Strttt Ministftr Rev 10 Morning pm- Wed a

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