Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jun 1954, p. 7

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Newmarket Era Jane Page l FARM ITEMS ABERDEEN ENSIGN Enrolment No PREMIUM A Clydesdale stal lion stand at his own stable miles west of Bradford on High way Fee including at time of service balance when mare proves to be in foal- AH mares bred at owners risk Mil ton Ritchie phone Brad ford FIELD of standing mixed hay Apply Dunham St Newmarket- ACRES of orchard and grass for sale suitable for hay Or green silage Apply Marion Atkins or phone New market APPROXIMATELY acres of ted clover hay May be bought in any quantity Harry P Newmarket phone FARM ITEMS ACRES of excellent Alfalfa mixture Phone Newmarket PLANTS FOR SALE BUCKWHEAT G Graves ABOUT acres Clover hay in area Write Fish St Clements Ave Toron to of daytime Empire evenings Mohawk DEADSTOCK removed front for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect or Toronto GORDON TO UNO NEW MASON AND PIANOS VERT GOOD ON PIANO ALSO RECONDITIONED USED PONTING rllne Tuner and St- BALED clover and timothy hay wheat arid oat straw Will de livery Sharon phone WAr Horses for mink Will call truck Good cash price paid Frank phone or write PA box LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OXFORD sheep and 25 lambs all young Phone Queens- ville POULTRY WANTED POTTED plants for most occa- sions Geraniums and double petunias etc Holland Landing phone Newmarket THE annual sale is on Plan months ahead for new home maker and late gardener Sale commences at pm Friday evening when thousands of box es of flowers and vegetables will go under the slash prices of We specialize in grow ing box plants also cutting cost production All plants have been grown especially for this sale Our motto big busi ness quick returns and low prices to all lie per box tax ex tra Also for the big gardener fiats of many var ieties at outstanding prices Holland Landing phone Newmarket PETS CANARIES Baby Budgies cages stands and supplies breeding cages African Violets colors each Mr William Agar phone FOUND BROWN pigeon with No Apply Graves lw24 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT boat houses on Jersey River phone New market ALL kind of live poultry Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket Live poultry Any Bring them In or will call quest Highest prices paid Oak Hid phone Turner CUT flowers at Hills im phone CHICKS FOR SALE JUNE chicks Broilers for August should be ordered also Bray still has a wide choice for prompt shipment and started Mixed chicks Pullets Ask us for full particulars Ed Whiffle- trees suitable for hedges ranging from to ft Phone 20409 plants or Middle Main St WOOD FOR SALE MIXED hardwood Stove length Warren Graves phone Mount Albert 12wl8 Open air Church in Lions Park every Sunday at Conducted by The young people of Church Vocal and instrumental music and the singing of the oldfashioned hymns FIRST OPEN CHURCH MEETING SUNDAY JUNE and every Sunday thereafter dollars worth of gas a coupon you to a free car lubrication Maxim and MISCELLANEOUS LARGE SEPTIC INSTALLED drain digging and tile laying All material supplied Prices greatly reduced on com plete tank jobs in or near town For estimates call between and pm Murray Baker Eagle St Newmarket phone MUCOUS IN THROAT Fink Tablets lor the nose and throat for the of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump the throat and disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price Trie Best Drug Store phone GOODMANS SALVAGE COMPANY WE have all sizes of used mater ials Pipes steel posts angle iron channel iron cables steel rods reinforcing steel I beams and boilers suitable for culverts Phone Davis Drive Newmar ket Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT HOSPITAL beds wheel and in valid chairs and Drew- phone Mount Albert REGISTERS Auction mm and to Kin Terms SHc tleby Community by public auction the village or their equipment frame as a club house also approximately fencing and posts flood lighting BEST BRONCHIAL coughs colds and bronchi I prompt and effective rem- bronchitis and colds cents Trie Best Drug Store and other appliances pm Carman Tllson pres Smith WEDNlDAYyjNEaO lion sale of implements head of and Guernsey cattle horses hogs hay and grain tractor No full line of farm implements thron ing machine 25x42 near now also household furni ture TENDERS TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above win be received until pm June for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Prov ince of Ontario FORMS of tender with specifica tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores De partment of Public Works Otta wa the Purchasing and Stores Officer Sullivan Street Toronto Ontario TENDERS will not be consider ed unless made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accord with set forth therein THE Department reserves the right to demand from any suc cessful tenderer before award ing the order a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque drawn on a bank Incorporated under the Bank Act or the Que bec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender in accordance with the Government Contracts Regula tions now in force or Bearer Bonds with unmatured coupons attached of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian Nat ional Railway Company and its constituent companies uncondi tionally guaranteed as to prin cipal and interest by ment Canada I mother of Mrs William Donaldson and Mrs Robert Wil son Newmarket Mrs Frank Granger Lansing Cameron and Arthur Toronto Gordon Ough Chatham and sis ter of Mrs Jack Tor onto Funeral service was held on Monday Interment Newmar ket cemetery SHERIDAN Suddenly at New market on Thursday June Lynn Patricia Sheridan in her year daughter of Mr- and Mrs Douglas Sheridan Funeral service was held on Monday Interment Pine Or chard cemetery IN CHAITLER In loving memory of my darling grandson Charles Buddy Chantler who was sud denly taken to be with Jesus June Two little hands forever clasped Upon a peaceful breast Two dear bright eyes forever closed And sweetly taking rest Safe In the arms of Jesus Safe on his gentle breast Always lovingly remembered by his grandma Jones auntie Lll uncle and uncle Bill In ever loving memory of a dear wife and mother Nel- Mae who passed away June Wo often sit and think of her When we are all alone For memory Is the only friend That grief can call its own ivy on the withered oak Whon all other things decay Ours her will still keep fade away Mylgglg remembered by bus- family- The Kidnappers a J Arthur Rank film about a family in Nova Scotia in the year 1904 will be shown at the theatre market Monday to Wednesday June to Vincent Winters left steals the lead in this film with his natural portrayal of Davie The management has invited the residents of the York County home for the aged to see the film Monday June 21 mm iMrRobert Bell KER At IS passed and gone One wfr so well home on earth The- flowers upon her aim decay love for her who sleeps bteatfl never f ade away by son Marion SpNIe 6Mt of a Mrs Jack HURLS NOHITTER Another nohitter crops up this week Marguerite Green Mount Alberts speed ball artist chalked up a nohit norun game as Mount Albert blanked Pinups on Fri day at Mount Albert in a Lake junior ladies Softball league game Shirley TrWett opposing Marguerite Green pitched fine ball for the Pinups Shirley yielded but four safe ties Jean Rolling got two Mar guerite Green and Rita Long- hurst one each Mount scored three firs runs and wers never Along with Marguerite Green spotlight stealers for the Winners were Marie Harrison who caught an excellent game and Lois Morrison big league style at snorts OPTIMIST BANTAMS WIN Assistant Coach Ken Wright took our Optimist bantams into Lake Wilcox on Friday for a North York bantam baseball league contest The Optimist came home with a win over the Lakemen It was Newmar ket third win in five games Southpaw Ron Bray turned in a versatile pitching show for the winners His support afield was ace high Newmarket rose up for six runs in the third to line up the win John Don Bone BarBrice Dave and Ralph were the Newmarket hitleaders t i a a son K t K- I CHURCH ST Associated Gospel Churches Pastor REV A YIELDING I J BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages CEDAR poles ft long suitable for hydro poles Phone rheumatic tablet tor muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Bert Drug Store phone KIDNEY ACIDS Rob your Rest tn to a Thjr turn it on it iheu and ml Aont ltd am Kidney ihe and Kidney Pills At York County hos pital Monday June to nd Leo a son At York County the properly Bali June to Oxbridge Mr and Mrs Elsscs Newmarket a son lot con 5 miles straight west of Time pm Terms cash No reserve as farm sold Faulk ner clerk A Fanner auction eer phone NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LATE OF STOUPFVILLE IK THE COUNTY OF YORK CREDITORS of the deceased who died at the Village of in the bounty of York on or about the day of A mil are here by notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the under signed proof of their claim on or before day of July after which date the assets of the will be having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this 27th flay of May AD Mathews Stiver Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for the Executors At York County hospital Tuesday June to Mr and Mrs Maurice Fa arson a son FORREST AtYorlc bounty Thursday June 1954 to and Mrs Frank Oak a son June Tn our hearts your memory ger 9P Sat tender fond and There Is not a day dear mother That we do not think of you Ever remembered by husband family memory dear who pa away What glvei Her hand to press lne engagement is announced of June Eileen Blair daughter of Mrs Blair Newmarket and the late Blair to Mr James Michael Mr and Mrs Cain V tak0 July 3 at 330 oclock at the home Bring Results clasp Her To hear- her 11 am The Pastor 4 STUDY IN PROVERBS 7 pm The Pastor THE GLORY OF CHRIST SPECIAL MUSIC AT SERVICES Join our largely attended STUDY EVERY AT PM Grace Church in airconditioned worship in cool comfort J COMMUNISM UNVEILED Leslie Ml Returns by Special Mob W JUNE Pi Me three me ftW a few wee he comes celt Iron Cu FERGUSON At County hospital Tuesday June Mrs William sort ftR a daugh ter A York County hospital June to Mr and Mrs Ivan Hill Newmarket a daughter At York County hos pital Saturday June to arid Mrs Gordon Aurora daughter At York County hospital Saturday June to Mr and Mrs Harold Harrison Albert a daughter aw happy mitt son Wis fliul As In the lays that uc4 to be Rut soiseCth again loll aft Strife And more In heaven gS Charlie Eva and KiandchiWjSSiV CARD OF We wish to express sfltiSm appreciation Rhodes and Dr Case In our ent bereavement Mrs Gillies and family ANNOUNCING THE Quality Production dispersal Davidson Ontario Accredited all Waft mm TENDE NORTH rat fe oclock noon for the one storey eluding all site at Spd Co ft Up to for Optional gel Tank YOUR BEST BUY I A HANDS HANDS SAUS AND tt i-i- LOWEST or any tender floe accepted K Invin Winch Keswick NOTICE DAY The annual decoration service at Newmarket cemetery will he held on Sunday June at It oclock All are Invited to the service Willis Airs A Anders wanted to June for a tworoom addition to school Plans can be obtained from secretary LOWEST or any tender accepted secretary Stouffvllle NOTICE DECORATION FRIENDS and relatives will place flowers In cemetery Sunday June In re membrance of loved ones Alan Shaw Fred K Dew sec c2w YOUR local dealer and the New Holland Machine Co wish to In vltoyau to their annual farm ers night and baler school Every farmer who has a baler or should attend Every welcome Time Harry P terete Klnf nun to Mr and Mrs Clifford Ward COC AiE nos nltal June 10 Mr and Mrs J Douglas Wit- cox a son At York County Saturday June to Mr and Mrs aughter York County hos pital Wednesday June 0 to Mr and Mrs James Aurora a son DEATHS on Monday June 14 MM Matilda in her yean wife of the late and mother of Mrs Merrill Johnson Florence Mrs Herbert Robinson Mary New market Mrs Harry Webster Vera and Stanley Kettleby Funeral service was held this afternoon Interment Kettleby cemetery OILLIESAt his residence Stanley St Newmarket on Sat urday June 1954 James Oil lies husband of Catherine and father of Mrs Frank Jean and William Gillies Newmarket Funeral service was held on Tuesday- In terment cemetery Newmarket on J Mary CARD OF THANKS wish id my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards flowers fruit candy etc sent to me my stay In the Toronto Western hospital Mrs Norman CARD OF HANKS like to sincerely thank tor the ersi WiM- cards and many acts of received timing my Siajr to Sao hospital and since A We wish to express our sincere and appreciation to all at the fire In or with special thanks tt and Aurora Fire the people who gave the alarm Mr and Mrs Ceo OF THAN wish to thank all of our kind friends neighbors and fr many acts of kind ness of sympathy flirrai and condolence our recent bereavement Mis Lillian Johnston I have been consistent winners lixgersoll Stratford I consecutive years the cattle being offered are da APPSjsprmg and daughters terdsire selling The- carry closeup the blood of three outstanding ityt eackoyer 100000 lbs and one Excellent Registered FARM AT on MONDAY JUNK inshii hters of VERBIGI Dl located on No Highway mile east of HAYS FARMS LIMITED Sale Box Phone Victor MARRIAGES Saturday June 12 1051 at parsonage Newmarket by Rev A Coll ins flenilce Ann Frances Hollo- way granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Smith was united in marriage to Mr Frank Cooper of Brad ford son Mr John Cooper Why risk a spoiled hoi id when lX til ZEPHYR SPORTS DAY Zephyrs annual day will be held Saturday Zephyr sportsmen and park board offi cials have lined up a busy and interesting program of events Welcome mat of Is out for all the district folks to life tend A major will be the afternoon feature tf traction teams Newmarket Zephyr and entered Mount Albert probably make the sixth It should the tana Softball starts at pjn it a no service i til I tif-

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