Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Jun 1954, p. 1

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v G j- i LIS Joseph Pales clears the high jump bar during track and field events at the Junior Olympics held at Pickering College athlet ic field last Saturday The Junior Olympics sponsored by the Newmarket Recreation Commission to encourage track and field among young boys is an annua event Reeve Dales high jump record at Newmarket high school was broken this year The reeve made a challenge for another contest to Create interest in the Junior Olympics Tate won SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO 26 NEWMARKET ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SINGLE COPIES CENTS Interest Shown At Friends Annual Meeting At College The yearly meeting of the So ciety of Friends in Canada was held at Pickering College from Thursday June 24 to Monday June A healthy interest was shown throughout the meeting Leonard Hail spoke on The Gospel of Growth and Errol Elliott editor of the publication American Friend told of his re cent visit to Kenya Colony Ham- malla Jordan and the Lebanon Sylvan told of mis sionary work in Japan On Saturday evening the New market Friends who were res ponsible for the dedication of the anniversary of the coming of the Friends to Street in held a tea in the college common room A large anniver sary cake was cut by Joseph Mc- headmaster of Pickering College Mrs- Ethel and Mrs T convened the event On Sunday meetings for wor ship were held in the Newmarket Friends Meeting House on ford St At the morning service addresses were delivered by Stanley Dr Arthur G of the University of Western Ontario on the coming of the Friends to Upper Canada Heron London England who spoke of pride and intoler ance as being the cause of sin in the world today Richard a lawyer who came to this country from England at beginning of the year and who formerly attended the Lon don meeting spoke briefly Following Sunday dinner at the college Richard White sang Africa folk songs At the even ing service the traditional Sun derland P Gardiner lecture was delivered by Howard Hetntz professor of philosophy at Brook lyn College JR LADIES AID HAS PICNIC SUPPER The members of the Junior La dies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket and their husbands enjoyed a social even ing the guests of Mrand Mrs- Sidney Jones on Thursday June Thirtythree sat down to a picnic style supper m the large diningroom Later all join ed in games on the lawn William Andrews brought the evening to a close by moving a vote of thanks to the host and hostess MRS F GREENWOOD GUEST SPEAKER FOR WOMEN LIBERALS Liberal women of Newmarket and district will meet at the home of Mrs Stephenson Eagle St on Tuesday July pm to hear Mrs Green wood Toronto as their guest speaker Mrs Greenwood Is the president of Toronto and York Region Womens Liberal associ ation An organization meeting of the Liberal women of the are was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs Hunter Plans for the July la Alex Doner meeting were made A cordial Newmarket celebrated their invitation is extended to all wo- The men of the community to attend d they received many congratula tions Priest Killed In Crash Of Plane In Alberta Former Sutton Man A former Sutton man died Sunday night when a privately operated aircraft crashed In Al berta The dead man was Father Vincent Paul Pressor known before he entered the Order as Frances He was the son of Mr and Mrs Ernest and brother of Jean Donna and Susan of Farms Yonge St is an uncle Father received his early education in Sutton and although a member of the Fran ciscan Order of Western Canada he was ordained in Toronto and said his first mass in his home parish church St Anthonys at Virginia The AttorneyGeneral of Al berta was the pilot of the plane which crashed on a takeoff burning its passenger The pilot was token to hospital with mul tiple injuries Father Pressors parents have left for the west where the burial will take place Father was on faeut- Anthonys College in County Pressure On Newmarket Eased By 5500 The expected burden on New market caused by the countys financial burden was eased to the value of approximately yesterday The revised levy is mills instead of as recommended earlier by the county finance committee As the county mill rate stands now Newmarket will be asked for 45772 for its 92 percent share of responsibility in the county The final amount is 5772 more than the town council pro vided in its budget for county purposes Newmarket levied for at home to provide for the the time ho levy was no one knew what the need few months previously Settle On Mills For York County Levy Debenture Hospital Grant Cutting Budget By 60000 York County council adopted its budget yesterday setting the levy at 106 mills This is a decrease of 12 mills from the recommended levy made by the finance committee a little over two weeks ago The reason for the decrease is that the county will deben ture for a five year grant to York County hos pital instead of carrying 60000 every year for five years on its budget by Ontario decisionary felgfe likely that Newmarket wilt i licit caused by the I the other hand if re the town may be close to in the hole FLY FLAGS JULY Although there are no festivi ties planned in Newmarket for Dominion Kay tomorrow the Canadian Legion branch has that citizens mount flags on homes and stores Said the president of the Le gion branch Wesley We can show the tourists that we also can bo patriotic on our countrys birthday Lake Of To Check On With a view to restricting the activities of unauthorized can vassers and doortodoor sales men the Lake South Shore Chamber of Commerce is having cards printed lo display in all business establishments stating that canvassers must be approved by the Chamber of Commerce When outoftown canvassers desire to operate in lbjeea will be compoUeii be by the Better fitiKoau through ey will he is card which fie when US vassal The districtsi MiTfe Clare Sutton filflhreGVlcvo The first debenture payment will not be made until next year Jthus reducing need for on the budget it permits reduction of the levy by 13 mills Opposes Debenture Elton Armstrong of Ring township opposed the move to issue debentures for the hos pital grant He said that it would tost the county dollar per thousand to have the debenture accepted We would need the approval of the Ontario Munici pal Board That cost whatever expense for printing he Reeve Ralph Corner of township explained that the debenture would enable the hos pital board to go ahead with its plans lie said that in to Approach the province for grants the hospital requires a guarantee that the county pay its full grant Armstrong said on the olhec hand Unit in the event they Municipal Boards i Brian Jones flies through the air to win the junior broad jump the Junior Saturday Photos by Here And There Around Town By Local Observer ROADS COMMISSION OFFICES LOCATED j IN NEWMARKET The Toronto and York Roads is reestablishing offices in Newmarket The mission is presently in the former garage building on the county property Second St Newmarket to pro vide office accommodation for the commission stuff It is ex pected that the work will be completed by July Oat Nema Said Problem For T I- K For the following item Local Observer has a cooperative reader to thanfc In a letter to the Era he wrote I read with interest the column by Local Observer but am also aware that a number of interest ing happenings might be missed because the observer cannot be everywhere once In view of I draw your attention to the J art some- thing has happened in town that should be not only to the observer to the towrisneopte generally A chrysanthemum thief has Newmarket has an w helping or herself church Every Sunday at the staff of Dry Coods spent most of Monday Atkinsons drinking coffee and trying to keep warm Man- Drck recently installed an airconditjoning in his tbre for Chopping In cool comfort and although morning brought w6alheri he Insisted that his feature be kept in waft reported that start dipping their their coffee to thaw plahts on Park Avenue ft ffio residence of Or and Mrs George the doctor who his blooms which ifi In the ho had a notion to garden come and Is that Is torn a in the wring piously ft pm a platform la set up in the Lions Park and a regular pro gram is enjoyed A teacher from the district who was leaving her school at the close of the teaching term this month was showered with gifts from the children- Other member of the staff had parties ftei and 15 cents in an en- she to keep as a ft was givento her a snail boy who had been late- bringing his contribution Hospital Campaign Brings 519000 Figure were released by A chairman of the York County hospital build ing fund showing that over Soli t00 has been subscribed to the building fund for hospital exten sion amount Include all grants and leaves a balance of still to be raised if Ob jective of is to he met We a long way to go said Mr Gathers Iwt am very optimistic about the out- come Results from canvassers are coming In daily showing returns However a deal work Is still done before can reach our groups and organiza tions are making substantial con tributions to the effort lite re cent bam dance at Farms netted and a Garden Party by Womens of the York County hospi tal held at Eaton Hall Farm King brought in over in spile of a heavy rain storm The oat a tiny wormlike creature s smalt that it cannot be seen with the naked is severe damage in many oat all across the The pest which at tacks of oat plants has reported in York County on hiiriKus advised to be on the lookout for Usually the nematode is for several years before it k noted and the the population depends to iiyal extent upon the which grains and par- pats are grown on a survive even increase slightly on barley but it is on oats that rapidly and causes such heavy losses In severe cases the oat nema tode infestation may be noted in an entire field but more re it is in patches of vary ing size In infected areas the oat crop will germinate normally but in a week or days it is stunted and the grain stands erect without the usual wavy appearance of healthy grain Tips of the blades and later yellow and pie grain will 05 ftofi lit all and infected afftaMarfi a backward appearance The roots of infected when the nematodes attack be short and stubby with shallow branches with art amount of soil clinging to roots usually Have a color while healthy roots are white time the female stage of the oat nem atode may be visible to the eye on the roots as a small roundish white sack the she of a grain of salt Control measures for the oat nematode are long rotations avoiding oats as much as Fields badly infested should be seeded down and left in hay or pasture for at least three years and if oats are to be grown they should be seeded on the sod ground and followed by wheat seeded again to hay or pasture Farmers who are suspicions of nematode damage in their fields are requested to bring samples of the suspicious plants to the office- of the Agricultural Repre sentative In Newmarket did not raise fttnoa by public its campaign to build hew county give that yeafe spend and nothing We lust paid before Also there may benefactor who will thousands of dollars and the entire grant will nut be said Is A I John repeated that lriihOspilil must have assurance that it will the grant we can stall off this another year it would saving He said the FOR SUMMER Chief William Hill of the Township force has additional help added to his three man staff for summer season fid Keswick has been employed jcd for the summer months lis a fconslable and Ira Sedore iKoches is working on Jlorce during the busiest times employed by the hour Chief Hill reports that no serious accidents resulted over the past weekend on the townships roads despite the very heavy traffic has the borrowing power to go on and it would not need the 0000 this year Alfred said the council was taking 4 short sighted policy to put off the in evitable day that it was taking off the in the wrong place He said will have a levy plus this left over from this year Why levy this now Why put off Reeve Joseph Dales Newmar ket pointed out that financial re- lor the county from the Ont ario Municipal Boards decision wilt be a portion of the total levy this year If the is not in levy then the relief we receive will be thai much less he said Burden Own Doing When asked by the Warden for an opinion County Solicitor J Lucas said that he could not pit- diet what the countys turn for relief will mean to the Ontario Municipal Board lie pointed out that the basic burden on the county is caused by the number of roads It keep up Regarding the grant he that it making In Provincial Potato Day To include Tour Of Marsh The third annual Provincial Potato Day will take an entirely different form this year with the growers and processors on the Holland Marsh providing a tour of that famous vegetable grow ing area and visits to storages and processing plants on day August The potato committee met with the local committee last week at Bradford and selves made a test flight of the threehour tour which has been planned as a comeandgo informal day In stead of a program of speeches there will be guides to accom pany each group to explain points of interest and also com at each stop on the marsh or in the plants visited The committee is preparing an illustrated folder with a map of this acre garden giving some of the highlights of its history development and econ omic place in Ontario agricul ture These will be mailed shortly to all potato growers and extra copies to the Agricultural Representatives The Marsh located six miles north of Newmarket on No highway straddles the berg River which divides York and counties The com mittee for the day consists of Newmarket l representative for York airman crops Toronto secretary for South secretary with plant managers inspectors as lief according to the solicitor COMING EVENTS SATURDAY JULY Dance St Johns church on rectory Holland Community grounds Ontario St hall Orchestra Bert Dixon and his lazy Valley ranch boys Time pm Admission TUESDAY JULY social at Pine Orchard School Supper to pm Variety program Adults Children Sponsored by Pino Orchard Womens Institute WEDNESDAY JULY Whit church Conservation Club an nual picnic at Park mhlluirst THURSDAY JULY In Legion Special games 15 sharp in aid of Canadian Legion Ladles WEDNESDAY JULY An- garden party sponsored by FRIDAY SATURDAY AND MONDAY JULY 3031 AUG 2 Keswick carnival trade fair and sports day JULY Queens Sports Day IS 10 and New- market Annual Trade Fair The show window- of York County every Saturday night at Euchre every Thursday night at In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission tf23 DANCING even Friday night at Port Bolster Music by Man hattans Teen Town WiR resume hi September FOR BOYS Over boys members of the and Squirt Hockey teams were entertained by the New market Recreation Commission at a picnic yesterday Held at the County park Lake the was under the supervision of P Hull recreation director Two the fit of service in World War place on memorial at Newmarket cemetery decoration day Left is Cj Robert the ISftKiatinw Couneihor member The Canadian Corps color party Is seen marching fv on decoration day when memorial sercea district were- on parade Shown color party is the

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