Classifieds Continued DEATHS CHANDLER At York County hospital on Wednesday June 30 iii Eleanor Dales wife of Frank Chandler Newmarket at the funeral parlors of and Rose Service on Friday July 2 at pm Inter ment St James Crematorium Toronto Please omit flowers Beach Keswick on Monday June Annie Margaret Hodgins beloved wife of the late George and dear mother of Maurice and Clarence of Beach j Wilfred of Sutton and Mrs Kelly Dorothy of Port Credit Resting at the and Rose Funeral Home Newmarket Funeral on Thursday to Church of St John for re quiem mass at Interment St Johns cemetery Newmarket Aurora announce the marriage of their daughter Emily to Mr Stewart Rankin in Vancouver BC on Saturday June Mr and Mrs Rankin will reside in Ottawa ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Dorothy Jean daughter of Mrs Rebecca Newmarket and the late Mr to Mr Francis Hall son of Mrs Christ ine Hall Toronto and the late Mr Fred Hall on Friday July at oclock in the First Baptist Church Aurora MARRIAGES RANKIN TEASDALE fc and Mrs Mr and Mrs Wallace Adams Newmarket wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Margaret Elizabeth Betty to Arthur George Cum mins younger son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Cummins King City the marriage to take place Satur day July NOTICE BYLAW NUMBER A Bylaw of the Board of Trust ees of the Roman Catholic Separ ate Schools the Town of New market to raise by way of loan the sum of for the pur poses hereinafter mentioned WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of New market require to borrow the sum of to raise funds for the purpose of building and equipping a School addition and for such purpose to Issue deben tures bearing interest at the rate iCC set out in Schedule A hereto annexed which sum of is the amount of debt Intended to be created by this Bylaw AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instal ments during the period of twenty years in the respective amounts set forth In Schedule A hereto annexed which is hereby declared to be and form tart of this bylaw AND WHEREAS it will be sary to raise during the respect ive years of the said period of twenty years the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule A hereto to pay the yearly sum of principal and in terest become due AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property for the purposes of the said Separate School Board according to the last revised assessment roll is AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of New market Is and no part of the principal or interest of the sfld debt Is in NOW THEREFORE the Board of Trustees of the Roman Cath olic Separate Schools for the Wedding Rev Dr William Mulligan performed a recent doublering ceremony for Janet Rogers daughter of Mr and Mrs Norman Rogers when she became the bride of Ernest Ralph Smith King City the son of Mr and Mrs William J Smith of Ottawa The vows were exchanged in St Andrews Presbyterian church Aurora Mrs Eugene Cane was organist and the solo ist was Marion Gibson Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore a gown of frosted white shadow lace and tulle The moulded bodice had an illusion yoke edged with a wide lace ruffle The bouffant skirt fell to floor length Her fingertip veil was caught to a headdress of pearl flowerets and she carried a cascade of red roses The Gibson ah Elaine Zephyr News The June meeting of the WI gave a splendid reading and the was held in the community hall Morrison Bros and sister gave a Wednesday June The roll lovely vocal trio call was answered by a home Mr and Mrs were remedy 20 ladies being called to the front and ent A committee was appoint- Arnold read an address and a presentation was made of an j The Newmarket Era and Express Wednesday June Page Service Courteous Drivers Distance and insured cars aylor and Browntftiey wore waltzlength costumes of pale pink nylon net olic layers over taffeta The fitted Town of Newmarket ENACTS strapless and feat ured net bolero jackets Their head bandeaux were of ruffled IGHT NEWMARKET SteC ART THOU 830 AS FOLLOWS 1 That for the purposes afore said there shall be borrowed tho sum of and debentures of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of New market- shall be issued therefor sums of not less than each coupons attached thereto for the payment of inter- est annually The debentures shall be dated as of the First day of July 1954 hear interest at the rate set out In Schedule A hereto and shall be payable in twenty instalments of principal on the 1st day of July In each of the vears to Inclusive and the respective amounts of prin cipal payable in each of such shall be as set forth in Module A hereto The debentures as to both orinclpal and Interest shall be ex- pressed in Canadian shall be payable at the off of he Bank Toronto and at the principal office if the said in of he Cities of Toronto and at holders option The Chairman and of the said Board slim and issue said de bentures and the debentures be Corpor ate Seal of the said Board The interest coupons attached to debentures shall be signed by the SecretaryTreasurer and his sig nature thereon may he written stamped lithographed or en graved 5 During the twenty years the currency of the debentures the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule A hereto shall be levied and collect ed annually by a special rate sufficient therefor over and hove all rates In the same manner and the like per sons and property from upon or out of which other Separate School rates are levied raised and collected for the said period of twenty In each year of h said twenty years of the said debentures the said Board shall pursuant to the of Section of the Separate Schools Act request the Municipal Councils of the Muni- wherein properties rate able for the purposes of the said School Board arc situate that the said Municipal Councils through their collectors and other municipal officers cause to he levied in each such year upon taxable liable to pay same all sums of for rates or taxes imposed thereon j In of Separate Schools The said sum of so and interest thereon and the said debentures shall and the same are hereby made a charge and premise and on the real and personal property vested in the said Board of Trust of Roman Catholic Sep arate Schools for the Town of Newmarket and upon all the Separate School rates of the Board to be hereafter Imposed until the said debentures and ft and every of them together With all Interest thereon shall been fully paid and satis fied The said debentures may con tain any clause providing for resist rat Ton thereof authorized any statute relating to Muni- debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof A FIRST SECOND ami THIRD TIME AND FINALLY this day of June J chairman A secretary- treasurer was to arrange a bus trip about the third week in July It was decided to buy a deep freeze for use on sports day the to pay as their share AH who want Institute pins are to give their money to the sec retary Mrs Harrison It was also decided to raise the lunch fee to An invitation to go to Mount Albert to hear a speaker on Mental Health was accepted for Sept- The Bible Society had a speaker at the meeting in the room on Thursday evening June 24 and had a business meeting as well when a report of the years work was read by Earl Lockie Some new officers were elected A splendid film was shown The congregation and friends of the United church held a fare well party for on Friday June who are side elsewhere Keith upholstered chair floor lamp small table a satin cushion and a chrome chair for David Mrs received a lovely cup and saucer and box of writing paper Both made very suitable replies Lunch was served by the ladies Mrs A- Smith returned home on Sunday after spending a in a Toronto VANDORF Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Richard Preston Jean who were married on Saturday Mr and Mrs Carson Robinson and son Murray Newmarket Mr and Mrs Merle Johnson Victoria Square were Sunday tea guests of Mr and Mrs Grant and Misses Janet and are spending few days with their grand lGI0H HEWS piano and Miss Marie gave two vocal solos Pickering and gave a piano selection and Mi chael Ballard played on piano accordion Lee net and they carried cascades of pink carnations- Barbara Bill- played two as flower girl was in pale green taffeta and net She wore a matching taffeta bonnet and short net gloves She carried a nosegay of pink roses and carnations Robert Walker supported the groom and the ushers were Rogers the brides brother and George Bill ings For the reception held in the church parlors the brides mo ther was attired in Queens crepe with matching flower hat and white accessories Her cor sage was of pink roses In the absence of the grooms mother Billings assisted hose a white taffeta dress d with blue and mauve couple of weeks The regular meeting of the will be held at the home of Mrs House on Friday ev ening July at Keith Profit Gordon and Roger are spending this week at Camp Point Decoration service will be held at Zephyr cemetery Sunday July at Mr Btowq will conduct the service There will be no evening ser vice in the United church owing to the Decoration service in the and Mrs James Heath and Bobby and Mrs John spent Sunday afternoon at the and Mrs Allan J Noble the parents Mr and Mrs William Mr and Mrs Reginald J Wil liams and son Brian parents of Mrs John White and Mr White were weekend The Newmarket branch of the Canadian Legion established two scholarships this year to be I given to the boy and the girl who have the highest marks in the Newmarket public schools Paul Blair won the boys scholarship this year and receiv ed 25 Karen won the girls scholarship and received 25 The Legion congratulates of Mr and Mrs A these students for working hard White and family Mr and Mrs J Mitchell Mari lyn and Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs- Harold and family Mr Bob Rostance Mr Jim Mitchell Misses Joyce Sleeth Laura Mae and Marilyn Mitchell spent Sunday and Mon day at Sparrow Lake at Rost- cottage Mr and Mrs Albert Hayes and Marion had Sunday tea with the family Mrs Edward Aylett entertain ed members of the Baptist church at her home on Thursday evening Newma to win the honors The awards will be given annually On July the Legion district Softball competition will be held Teams will be entered from all centres in the district There was a record number of members attending the last gen eral meeting The date for the next meeting is July The Legions annual soap box derby will be held in August The date will be announced shortly Contestants are urged to work on their wagons for the big event Classified ads bring results accessories were shoulder corsage of red roses brides travelling outfit Mr and Mrs Norman Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs James Coleman a powder blue summer suit with white hat and white and navy accessories A- corsage of pink roses completed her cos tume The couple motored north for their honeymoon trip When they return they will live in King City Mrs Hunter and son John Port Crediwere Decoration weekend guests of Mr and Mrs John Hamilton Terry youngest son of Mr and Mrs Bert Budd is con valescing at home after having been a patient at the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto for weeks is progress ing satisfactorily Mrs Samuel Atkinson spent BELHAVEN For a few days recently Mrs Gerald Meek and girls of Mount Albert visited her sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Freeman Stephens Mr and Mrs Root Davidson and Mr James of spent Wednes day with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay Mr and Mrs Emery visited Mr and Mrs Skinner of Sutton Line on Sunday Kay Barnsdale mm Stanley mith Mr and Mrs Walter returned on Friday night South Porcupine where the visited for a of their soniniaft Iter Mr and Mrs Norma Verna spending a Mr days parents Mr and Mrs Anne Stephenso guest soloist at the Bo McDermit wedding held at Park Road Baptist church Toronto on Saturday and Mrs Harry Van- sickle Marmora were weeken guests and Mrs and family Visiting home of Mr and Mrs C A Shropshire for the past two weeks was Mrs Violet Wilson Tillsonburg Mr and B last week in Hamilton and Dun- das the guest of relatives and Mrs S and family Verona are visiting at the home of Rev and Mrs G and family Mrs Merson and son George Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank Cole man Mr and Mrs Fred Penrose and visiting in NB Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs j the guests of their soninlaw I SEP percent Debentures ears Year Principal Interest Total 1755 3 2005 1620 2000 2945 2000 855 IS 3000 270 3000 SHARON visited her brother Ralph last week before he returned to To ronto to take a special course in schooling- Hoover and guests of her Elliott Mrs Perry ad Sunday and Mrs Nor- Mrs Henry Kay and grand son Eldon Kay of Lome Park College spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Kay Sutton West Mr and Mrs Harvey King were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Norman King on Saturday evening MOUNT PLEASANT Commencing next Sunday July and the following Sun days through July and August service will be held at am Sabbath school will be discon tinued for the two months On July 5 the Rev Mr Hop- ton and Mrs will con duct Bible study for the children and will continue for two weeks AH are welcome These meet ings will be from to 11 Monday to Friday in Mount Pleasant church Sorry to hear that Mr Thos Bosworth is ill at the home of his daughter Mrs Shanks in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Davidson and Mr Kellington visited their cousins the Bros at Egypt one day last week Some from here attended Dec oration on Sunday at ville School is closed and the child ren were given a social after noon by the teacher on Friday Elliott Haines Mrs Mr and Mrs Kyle and and Mr and Mrs Watte all of To ronto were Decoration weekend School Results Grade to Donna Donald Faye Vicky Her- bie Kay Suzanne Trough ton Wesley Grade to 3 Peter Barselaar Glover David Ridley Lloyd Shcri- Smith Heather Stewart Swanson Louise progressing satisfactorily and daughter Dr and Mrs J Davis and family and their I daughter Miss Mary Mr and Mrs P J Tod I turned on Monday from Kitch- 1 after having spent a few days with their son and daugh terinlaw Mr and Mrs J A Tod Ian and Mr and Mrs Stanley Smith spent the weekend at Island Grove the guests of Mrs Toronto OSNAS Trevor Shier ar rived home on Saturday for three weeks sick leave Trevor had been a patient at the naval hospital Halifax for four weeks prior to coming home He is OTHER MODELS ALSO SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED Walker Grade to Brenda Glover Helen Ridley Gloria Grade to Sandra Barker William Church Shirley Druery Barbara Sheridan Sheri dan John Watts Patsy Walker Gordon Grade 5 to Michael Barker Vicky Nicky Glover Graham Eves Heather Price Doris Kenny Marilyn Miller Nancy Ridley Jean Troughton Grade to Earl Kay Roger James Moore John Moore Preston Shir ley Smith Gordon Sutton Doug las Grade to Bonnie Bain Eunice Elaine Rose Frank Judy Watts Grade to 9 Church Charles Greenwood Margaret Rose Evelyn Sutton Richard Miss Anne Stephenson was guest of honor at several par ties prior to her leaving where she had been the direc tor of music for the public schools Newmarket Motors LTD Formerly and SI Ph 1400 5 is MORRISON Summer Discount SALE Those visiting Mr and Mrs Welly Stevens over the past week were Mr and Mrs Herb Stevens Wayne and Gail Iroquois Palls Mr and Mrs Robert Stevens Mi Mr and Mrs Gerald Wel ter Mr and Norman ft ARM1TAGE Mrs Frank Hope was hostess recently to a dinner and party for he entrance class on occasion of her son Harrisons birthday Miss Pasty Adams was a week end visitor at the Groves cott age Willow Beach The School picnic was held Monday on the school grounds Mr and Mrs Walsh and family of Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Hendricks Gloria Is spending a few days with her aunt Misses and Margie Cook attended the Aurora Gospel Church picnic at Camp on Saturday Many from the community were guests of Mrs Rogers on Friday when she gave a trou sseau tea in honor of her daugh ter who was married on Saturday V Mr wr Something NEW in REFRIGERATORS Place food anywhere even uncovered in the remarkable new GE Roto- Cold Refrigerator ideally- air constantly guards their tastetempting natural flavour GENERAL REFRIGERATOR Weekly n NEWMARker mm tf W W tf A IT I