Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Jul 1954, p. 11

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AMATEUR GARDENER WRITES For Success Keep Hoe Bus Was Old Gardeners Advice For as long as we can remember we have been fond of gardens In fact this liking began very young for one of the tales concerned with our infancy goes to show that we were lost in the home garden and found at a gooseberrybush the fruit of which we were enjoying Tastes vary with the years for now we dislike gooseberries as much as we dislike But our liking for a vegetable garden has never diminished In fact as the years go by our inter est increases for that patch of earth where the root crops grow There is a lot of fun in garden ing always providing that you dont do too much of It and know when to off It is intense ly interesting to sow a few seeds watch them sprout from the soil and carefully them un til they are ripe for the table On Guard Of course one must always be on guard against the predatory enemies that are always on hand to suck the lifeWood from the young shoots It is no use say ing thai once youve planted your garden youll just stay put and Jet nature do the rest Nature will do the rest sure enough Let nature alone and In a few short weeks youll have a plentiful crop of all kinds of weeds and a plentiful army of bugs thriving on your labors Without the hoe and the insect icides youd have no garden Come to think of it if man let nature have her way shed soon choke him to death Where our fine cities and towns now pros jer vyas once dense forest and the pioneers of civilization had to make a clearance of it in order to survive Canada Is an abiding testimony of the will vision and endurance of the early pioneers At this writing near the end of the month of June we have been taking stock of the situa tion on our small but sufficient vegetable patch We are in no way dissatisfied with it although we have had a few losses of neg ligible value In faith and hope we put In three rows of spinach It appear ed to be prospering but some thing happened there Some species of worm invaded it and it seemed that overnight the young leaves took on a whitish color and we could do nothing about it The end of that story is that we gathered only one small boil ing of one of the most succulent of all the early vegetables We had tour rows of wax and beans that were coming along so well that they were Joy to behold They must have been pleasant to the palate of a young rabbit that took a notion of eating one row of them Of course the young fellow had no Idea of what we were thinking snout him- we were think ing was that he would make a fine target for a shotgun However fund here we touch Weed something have hap pened in the course of his career for he does not appear to have visited us recently We sincere ly hope he will keep his distance Taking An Inventory Looking over our stock now we have three rows of broad beans bloom and four rows of peas that are in the podfilling stages The onions have reach ed a point of getting thick neck and will have to have their heads turned downwards The carrots and the beets ap pear to be thoroughly enjoying their youth and are good to look on Nearby are the three rows of wax and green beans that the rabbit either generously or by force of circumstances left for us Neighboring them are two rows of Sprouts the leaves of which are multiplying and enlarging with generous speed A few rows of Irish Cobbler have now reached that pleasant point of where they are about to break into flower The process helped them considerably as it did the broad beans and peas The wax and greeri beans will soon be com forted by having the soil drawn up around them We are ever mindful of what an old gardener once told us Rain and sun can do much to make your garden grow but al ways remember that the secret of success is in cultivation Keep the hoe going Now in that Land where past ures are ever green we often call up the memory of the old gardener and keep the hoe mov ing Also On The List above our list of what is growing includes scarlet runners now embracing their stakes tomatoes In healthy con dition protected by Tomato Dust obtainable from the gen ial Jim Wilsons hardware store also by their stakes Hubbard Squash with daily expanding fol iage neighbored by Vegetable Marrow some Swiss Chard and White Turnip Two vegetables we are exper iencing difficulty with the gentle leek and the noble parsnip Not too many people like leeks the Welsh national emblem but to us the leek Is one of the choicest of root vegetables Parsnips too are very palatable to those who like them But ours are reluct ant to show their attractions In this troublesome world Worth The Trouble Perhaps there is little or no financial saving In cultivating a vegetable garden But what Is more pleasant than to walk along the garden path and see the labor of your hands coming to fruition And perhaps see a fat toad leap ing among the drills busy among the hugs A vegetable garden is not to Ik calculated on a basis of dollars and cents It has to be calculated on a basis of spiritual and phys ical weltheingv The home gard ener with his hoe and his pipe has always seemed to us a mortal than an am bitious pulling world hi shape WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES Extracts From Town Accounts In order that taxpayers may know how some of their money is spent Aurora News Page pub lishes from month to month major expenditures as reported For Friendly Personal Service Shop At DRUG STORE St Auroral Telephone PA WILLIS Drunk The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Founded Yon St Aurora Telephone PA Make It A Meet Your Friends At The Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel FA Calls Telephone to council by the chairmen of committees The following ex tracts are from the minutes as of Julys Attrldge and Son Lumber Aurora Banner Adver tising Aurora Hy dro Street lighting waterworks etc total Bell Telephone Co Fire police etc Brocks Chemical inc Disposal plant Canadian Indus- tries Disposal plant Davis Fuel clerks office K Property and Sons Fire expense Police Hoi man gas and oil Taylor Tires total postmaster Postage Hose Bros Streets Sidewalks etc Repairs to mower and cement mixer Wilson Hardware Waterworks property 7022 etc James Wilson Sewer excava tions Waterworks Accounts Nep tune Meters Ltd meters Postmaster postage James Wilson Excavations and gravel Streets Accts Lloyd Grav el New parking lot 375 Mil ler Paving Co Oiling Relief Accounts News J SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 It For The Best Deal In AtUMlNUM DOORS and WINDOWS call St PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AMD EDITORIALS TWO SURPRISES Therell be no new park at the south end of the town and for such relief many thanks This we believe will be the sentiment of the great majority of the citi zens of Aurora We dont want that park the time is not now said Councillor Bill Davidson a man of the people voicing the mind of the people The final judgment on what always US M a fantastic proposal provided at least two surprises Our major surprise was the chairman of the finance committee He voted for offer t was SSMs made in the budget for such an expense during the and inconsistent his own financial arrangement chimed that the for fiiiSSHn nllocatetT the Society tlifc Second payment would be made by the 1955 council Such a be contrary to municipal Jaw It wggjm that was a Ruiii value of acres land If that Is sosfl presumably been bought cheaply is that the in that yea The evening was the who voted voted The only comment we have to make on that is that it its killed the death MRS VOTED DOWN Murray Pulverize Proposal To Buy New Park Despite speeches council head from representing the agricultural society Lome Lee representing the board of trade and the mayor of the town all of whom urged buying the Woods property for a new park a motion to purchase was defeated a meeting of the town council held on Monday night A bylaw covering the COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Mayor Wont Get Plaque To Commemorate Hew The mayor has taken some bad beatings lately at the hands of his hardhitting deputyreeve i Mur ray Last meeting was an absolute flop for him his followers with one of them falling away from grace and going over to the enemy The councillor who Fell from grace was Clarence Davis The I top occurred over the new park proposition by ihe mayor propagandized by the Banner The defeat this eat and mouse affair to its efter many weeks of rmer tied vote the his plump for the pari and an offer of purchase at Mrs to council to make a per sonal appeal in which to the rcstrictionnife the planninK boards marvellous Officsgp is iipthinjr council can except make to which has created AurofrtBOir council fixed To that extent muster of the setup is to go cap in his colleagues and say Tiiis is will you please Some time iigOtheiCoiffiCft a recommendation that Mrs to build 11 homes on ffiit lotec recommeiuia- That was why Mrs if To HigherUp council has now recommended that Mrs Zimmerman he allowed to ftglpts Councillor Davidson ridiculed the idea of such a proposal out that Working homes as were common on Kennedy St weal But that is the best that council could do Coun cillor Jones said the department had turned down foot lots on the subdivision and said they would be very lucky if we get foot lots through That rec ommendation will to the planning board for their imperial consideration Such is the pass to which Aurora has been brought by a body of men who a few years ago passed legislation through council which clearly they did understand The present council is shackled that if the right measures were taken could still be broken- In the succeeding point the way out BREAKING THE SHACKLES in the summer of last year members of council at a special meeting unanimously passed a motion request ing the repeal or amendment of the Official Plan gov erning land use En the municipality of Aurora Nothing came out of it for the following reason At that time the chairman of bylaws was Coun cillor Dale King He personally worked hard on the problem of getting the Official Plan amended and made several visits to the department at Queens park to see the matter through It was explained to him that necessary forms had not been correctly com pleted No legislation ever existed that was incapable of being changed by the wisdom of experience Experi ence has shown that the Official Plan is a stumbling- block In the way of Auroras progress Let the present council renew their request after first insisting that the Bcxesssfry forms are correctly completed and see what fe had already been drawn up in anticipation of the purchase and when this had received its second reading J Murray rose to move an amendment that the council do the land e course of a lengthy ad- ess Mr Murray reviewed the history of the proposal to buy the park pointing out that the offer to purchase had already been turned down and that money had been levied in the budget to enable them to feuy it how No Revenue The deputyreeve said that the Horse Show was a wonderful ad vertisement for name of the town of Aurora but there revenue from it as far as the merchants on Main St Such a used for one day of fcs contended and Horse day was a dead loss to merchant only one business on St said Mr Murray- that benefits from the Horse Show and thats the Aurora Banner company which did advertising and printing At the conclusion of a long series of arguments against the purchase the deputyreeve fin ally clinched them by reading extracts from municipal law and challenged the legality of such a purchase by council ShortSighted The denounced the stand as very short sighted and said that they shouldnt think of mere dollars and cents St on Horse Show They should look to the future ami he be lieved that those who came after them would praise the present council for looking ahead and buying the land for use as a park Cook spoke strongly in favor of buying the land Opposition Continues Councillor said he had voted against buying the land some years ago and he would vote against it now In the course of an impressive address Mr Corbett pointed out that debentures amounting to some 147000 that should have been issued in were still outstanding and would not he understood be issued until 1955 He could see a raise of five mills coming along j Why buy Kef when so Councillor the land ajid town would tomtit lights and We jpajrks we already he wgy buy one Davidson said it business to con- solidato gains and not spend more Ho argued that they find money for but appeared to be able find money new park We dont want that park said Mr Davidson The time is not now Changes His Mind Councillor Clarence Davis said he agreed with what Councillor had said Mr Davis said he had always been against the now park but had heard an eloquent speech in favor and voted for it Now he felt that it was not the park fee wanted to see A new disposal plant would likely cost around 20o0Q0 and taxes were increas ing lie would now vole against buying the land The mayor reeve and Coun cillors Jones and for the park The deputyreeve Councillors Davis and Davidson voted against W left a tied vote and Councillor Moffat as chairman of bylaws voted against the purchase was then declared dead their decision and Councillor agreed WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Speeches Reported In Brief One That Wasnt Spoken At last meeting of council the mayor paid high compliments to the Aurora and ipso facto to the editor We like to hoar tho mayor praising tho Aurora Banner it seems so natural that he should do so and his words come so easily and so smoothly To cap it the reeve and Coun cillor Moffat respectively moved seconded a motion that of congratulation be sent to the editor of the Aurora Banner That seemed so natural and smooth Were not sure but it have been town business Some part of the praise was with winning a cup and in the course of his eulogies the mayor said the Jay cere am the Aurora Banner worked well together well indeed that the Banner does the printing and advertising for the Only I In a frontpage report of the new park flop the Banner mixed news and opinion so evenly that the result was a hot brew of bias By the time the last paragraph was reached the Banner had brought the cost of the proposed new park down to as tow us 2500 Those who voted against it threw away Auroras chance of securing a tenacre park for 2500 Lord Randolph Churchill fa ther of Sir Winston Churchill once said in regard to figures that you con do anything with those damned dots DeputyReeve p J Murray said that by the time a 100 new road was laid in lor the- new park the cost would be 2500 said the Banner It must have been thinking of a pawn ticket on the parkl Attacks Councillor Davidson Last week the Banner gave Councillor BUI Davidson a li talking to in an editorial The Banner could not have laid hands on a better or a more sincere man Next week wo shall do a little talking on the same subject Briefest Speech The briefest Speech we have was opinion her best Sled the new park project she said Tin against Bylaw defeated Much in little rTVii Longest Speech The longest speech we have heard from the lips of the town solicitor was In our opin ion his worst Disraeli once said The honorable gentlemans ease never good but if it had been it would have been destroy ed by his own verbosity So so with the town solicitor and his exuberance over a bell of trees and a creek subject new park Gracious Speech Baffled and frustrated by the planning boards vetoes Mrs Zimmerman came to council to plead her own ease for her sub division As she was about to leave the council chamber Coun cillor Davidson rose to make a gracious Utile speech Explaining why he had voted against lots Mr Davidson said Im not voting against you Mrs Zimmerman Im only too sorry you have been held up so long Mrs thank ed the councillor Speech live regret this day said the mayor as he held the defeated new park bylaw In his hand like one holding A dead leaf that had fallen from ft walnuttree How did he know that the five who voted Nay would regret this day Is the mayor a soothsayer Undelivered Speech A speech would like to have heard but didnt was one that the editor at the Aurora Banner might have made after Councillor Moffat had said against We did hear that there were remarks but Thru thcr matter bobbed up a special meeting when Mr Cousin said there had some dickering Woods and himself Mr Cousins said he was sure the land ife bought if count acted quickly But the sneer meeting in tfeimayors absence did nothing to assure Why was he so in- teresV Bti when the mayor came hack to he oner more for He even warned HfiivlNHiltjsht meeting waftter all gi TRerj had rckofted oft fell and ids ftieu TOe Bift presentr Mr rjculiuntt socic buying on a previous Jfc pleasing for modest gen when he lost his case Jfe himself a Then for about half ah hour Mr ceased to act as town legal adviser and took or the character of park propa gandist on behalf of the hoard of trade whose representative he Wo suggest thai this was an error judgment oft Mr part We suggest that he should have retained his Impartial position as town legal adviser and left the business propa ganda to somebody else jle talked and talked ami t He overdid it He repeated And in alt this talking discover one sound reason the taxpayers should saddled with such Ho was looking to the future for our children aitd our grand- sake He was a more verbose Posterity He closed down at either through loss of further words fatigue If either cause provided re sult was a happy release for the speech had become more than Mayor and Reeve Hie mayor his oratorical outpourings Hi too of the future ami the and the grand ten It struck us as a of bath- He rapped Reeve Murray whom ho with lie really napped Ihe deputy hut the deputy back lire reeve spoke the of a missionary pleading fdi a noble cause who could not recommend the purchase of a small plot of ground at the north end of the town for a childrens playground went all out for the buying of 10 acres of the Woods property for the sake of the future of Aur ora Councillor Councillor struck top form in his attack on propos ed new park Mr Leo had des cribed the land as a heritage for future youth that would mean no more than two mills on our assessment Mr said of debentures had not yet been issued They should have been issued In he charge ami estimated a raise of five mills therefrom The asked why the taxpayers should be put to fur ther expense on it new park when the town couldnt take the ones already had The pro posed new park he said had quicksand in It It would have to be sewered lighten maintained and kept In shape The taxpayers were paying enough already he said Mr Is hack to his old form of some years J Murray DeputyReeve Murray excelled himself He spoke tor about minutes and marshalled his gumeuls with telling effect There was no case the now park when he was through His words were deadly The Horse Show was a line Aurora feature but Horse Show day was a dead loss to the Main St- merchants Only one busi ness on Main St got out of It and that was the Aur ora Banner company which car ried out advertising and printing an acre said Mr Mur ray was residential land price and the land they were proposing to buy was only To wards the conclusion of his speech the deputyreeve chall enged the legality of ihp propos ed purchase and submitted the three following clauses from mtmieipa law bylaw may for acquiring land within or with out the municipality as a place for holding agricultural to exhibitions and for erecting maintaining buildings thereon that pur pose and for the management of Except where otherwise by this or any other Act corporation shall not incur any debt the payment of which is not provided for in the estimates lor the current year unless a bytaw the council authorizing it has been passed with the assent of the electors Si If the council authorizes the borrowing of or borrows any larger amount than is permitted under this section every mem ber wlto votes there fore shall be disqualified from any municipal office for two years Mr Murray final legal atombomb sat lite town solicitor In hand which he said what the solicitor has quoted words but they Flop it was Council lor Davis who brought on the flop the proposal This time his mind to good pur pose lie said he agreed with Councillor had said and he Would his and vote against park this time There was a visible drop in the facial temperature Of the support- fere of the park at announcement Mr Davis s a councillor is often unpredictable no one had expected such a volte face Hut it and When it happened bylaw was already dead Finance chairman Posterity had jitven no sijtt of hofirho would vote and we heard tot one word on the from Aurora Councillor Jones Came lineup and lhiui for park The mayor Councillors Jones Opposed the Councillors Davidson A vole Madam Moffat briefly said ip Bylaw It Was to the mayor He held the deail document in his hand as Youll live to Said mayor hit the table a resounding blow with the navel and his bigg- est defeat was now a matter of historfe Therell be no quS Woods acres to itNtd gratitude to Rose Mayor of Aurora lf524 for his unlhin labors hi helping to create this beautiful park and to the editor of the Aurora Banner his valiant and true-blue- supporter Pro bono publico AURORA Social News Mrs and Mrs i nave a shower in honor of Miss Jane Badger whose marriage will take place on July Mrs returned from California alter spending the winter with her daughter The Aurora Womens Institute has arranged their annual picnic for Thursday July at the home of Mrs John wood Alcona Beach Further information is available from the president Mrs Jennings Or Miss Leonard secretary Mr and Mrs J Emmons had as a recent visitor Miss Mrs Willis has accepted a special invitation from the music committee the Richmond Hut United church to take the organ on Sunday July and again on Sunday July shoppy Stationery Agent For i Classified Ads WOW w -r-

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