Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Jul 1954, p. 6

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T The ft- HOIKS FOR Ti- EXCELLENT bedroom bunga low only year old completely modern tastefully decorated sit uated Ontario St west Rea sonable Mrs J Hardy phone Newmarket NEW bungalow bedrooms floors bath oil heat garage Apply St Newmarket ROOM house imlurnlshed all convenience Modern kitchen a month Phone New market or enquire Andrew St Newmarket MORTGAGES WANTED WANTED first mortgage on new house Interest ed parties write Era and Express box BUSINESS RAISE South American Chin chilla They are not rabbits CHINCHILLA pelts sold in New York for each on June 21st The fur Is In demand Get start- raising this profitable animal Build a business of your own Write to Chinchilla Ill Haddington Ave Toronto Ontario BUILDINGS FOR SALE L Red Must be Newmarket ESTATE ACRES with Stucco house heavy wiring spac ious shaded lawns barn miles from Newmarket on round open road vacant down A JOSEPH REALTOR 218 Main St i Phone Newmarket Evenings REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET bungalow 22 ft bedrooms modern 4plece heating hardwood jots etc down total price Immediate MODERN bungalow tiled kitchen ft livingroom 3 bedrooms plus completely contained basement apart ment with private entrance Oil furnace A real buy at cash required THIS very cosy attractive bungalow on a lovely new street has a large livingroom modern kitchen 2 bedrooms piece bath oil heat etc Very good value at down SITUATED very close to schools grid shopping on an attractive street this bungalow is priced at down- BARGE ft room brick house on floors at present used as dwelling bath full i tubs hot heater Situated on a large welltreed lot with One block from school fid shopping Must be sold to 05 estate Asking All offers considered located on edge of town this bungalow has large bright modern kit- 2 master size bedrooms bath full basement with hot air furnace 2200 Full 8200 Balance on one THIS attractive new is locate on a hillside lot with large windows in finished rec- overlooking well- ravine Large living- room and kitchen 2 bedrooms furnace etc No reasonable payment refused Total price STOUTT LTD HEAL ESTATE BROKERS Aurora tw TRAILER FOR SALE trailer In good Phone 94r3 Roches Point It ROOMS FOR RENT 3 ROOMS partly furnished entrance room on ground floor Apply Alex Era- meraon Hamilton St flat newly decorated kitchen cabinets Apply St Newmarket NICELY furnished bedsitting room with or without private kit chen equipped with stove refrig erator utensils etc Centrally located Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket after HOUSEKEEPING room per Week quiet person- Apply Prospect St- Newmarket UNFURNISHED rooms cen tral separate entrance not more than one child Phone New market UNFURNISHED rooms second floor heated in Newmarket Phone Newmarket clw28 COMFORTABLY furnished bed- sitting room and kit chenette central Phone Newmarket COMFORTABLE double ground floor bedsitting room Central Board if desired Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket LARGE furnished room suitable for light housekeeping Abstain ers Apply St phone Newmarket cr2w2S BEDSITTING kitchen and bathroom grill and garage central Phone Newmar ket FURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping- Apply IS Charles St or phone New market WANTED TO RENT OR house in Newmar ket vicinity 3 Children Apply Era and Express box HOUSE or cottage unfurnished for English couple boy and girl car owner willing to give parttime services for reduced rent Dickens Mark St Aurora phone PA 75473 after Pm BARN approximately miles from Toronto Apply Randall Holland Landing phone Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT apartment heated continuous hot water Phone New FURNISHED basement flat con tinuous hot water own entrance Apply Crescent Newmar ket APARTMENT WANTED USED SPACE HEATERS TWO used space heaters In condition SNOW BEST HEATING LTD 28 Yonge St Aurora phone PA RUGS Save SO percent NEW rugs made from your old rugs carpets woollens etc Blankets also made Phone Newmarket ICEBOX white enamel Couch Mrs Burt Hughes Eagle St phone Newmarket clw28 AND CONDUCTOR PIPE AND STRAINERS SNOW BE HE LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora MODERN Quebec heater flush to floor design good condition 10 Phone Newmarket electric range high oven warming closet good order cheap quick sale Apply Vail Newmarket PROPANE gas stove in good condition Phone New market PIANO baby grand style Phone Newmarket REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FURNACES Grates Dampers Pipes Bricks Cement SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA Yonge St Aurora tf27 Rates GILSON refrigerator cu ft in good condition Sacrifice price Phone or apply Elm St Newmarket WASHING machine new condi tion bench and tubs included Kitchen table and chairs Util ity cabinet Space heater oil Card table Phone or Newmarket or ROOM unfurnished apart ment private hath in Newmar ket vicinity Business couple Phone Newmarket before 5 pm or Newmarket after ARTICLES FOR SALE DRAPES HEADY made draperies inches wide up to Inches long pair We now make custom draperies free Main St Newmarket FARM SKID GASOLINE TANKS CYLINDRICAL TYPE 200 gallon gallon 5300 SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED ICEBOX lb capacity in ex- condition Phone Newmarket after 5 pm FURNACE AND STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS all sizes SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED St Aurora c3w21 OAK dining room suite buffet china cabinet table and six chairs Lome Ave phone Newmarket clw28 SET of beam scales 2000 lbs 15 Phone Newmarket tf27 SINGLE bed springs and mat tress nearly new Apply St Newmarket or phone AIR CONDITIONING FURNACE FILTERS all sizes SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED St Aurora CAR radio Pontine custom fit 1950 to ears in jKrfect con dition Originally Reasonab le price Phone Newmarket I Plume PA St Aurora LOTS FOR SALE subdivision on highway lot survey lots sold and choice lots left for your inspection Frontages ft and ft priced from Terms Registered re strictions Privately built homes are the best Investment Elgin Evans phone 297j2 New market CHOICE building lot approxim ately frontage x deep on Oak St excellent location Phone or apply Second St New- VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or Made for all styles of windows Kirsch irape tracks drape arms and hooks etc Free estimates and installations or apply Harold St Newm t27 PRESTO size complete with fittings perfect New Williams sewing machine In splendid condition- Mrs Walsh Mount Albert or phone Mount Albert BICYCLE mans Phone Newmarket BOYS bicycle in good condition Apply Taylors Service Eagle St Newmarket lw28 SEPTIC TANKS to gallon capacity SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora BOARD give room and board to Ctrl old for months on the farm Express box I I f RECORDS RECORDS on sate All for Studios Music Dent Newmarket next to the Post Office and stroller Phone Newmarket 2PIEGB chesterfield suite with alto covers Phone keti Hall to repeated Tea Is paid week of Coming two a gale for the week cents for each Ire week Card of Thanks and Death announce meats cents for announcement less cents if paid within week of fa cents for each a tine for Urn If paid within week of publication Classified advertising uuybe Into or left at The Era and Express oat Main St Newmarket at The Store St Aurora or Aurora office phone WORK WANTED PROFESSIONAL permanent waves given in vour home if de sired Irene Sheridan phone 790r St Newmarket CARS WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE TOP TELEVISION SERVICE QUALITY Repairs and INSTALLATION MAURICE Phone Sutton tf27 FA Aurora at Mr Kins or with any aemvttd the mail Your advertisement 1st homes North Phone Newmar ket MERCHANDISE How to overcome moth damage For sale mens and suit dress and coat storage plastic bags Regular sale price Imagine those little devils of moths can see the garment but cannot do any harm tf27 AT Girls western cz The new Black Rid er Jeans Sizes Price 27 AT Mens white Broadcloth combination knee length size and only A for the smaller sized man Reg Sale price 179 tf24 MORE about Insleys Store Just pee how many people are alert enough to note these ridiculous low prices These prices are correct and are not a clerical error So run all the way down and bring a large shopping bag with you No more than two articles to one person of each item AT Pistol Pete gun and chain sets This is a special message for Young Can ada Please do not rush me If necessary line up in an orderly fashion No more than one gun per person please SERVICE AVAILABLE RADIO AND SERVICE REPAIR PICKUP and delivery Phone Newmarket REFRIGERATION service Com mercial and domestic sales and service Geo phone Newmarket tf26 LOCKS KEYED and repaired Keyed alike or master keyed Door closers repairs and service Keys cut while you wait Auto keys cut to code Craigs Lock and Key Oak Ridges just south of the Windmill HELP WANTED MEN WANTED TO enlarge our selling course in Newmarket Aurora and sur rounding territory If you are cut of employment or would like to change your present job we can offer you a splendid oppor tunity selling a new patented electrical device on a dealerprof it sharing basis Car essential Write Era and Express box 578 WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket TRAVEL HOUSEKEEPER Light Work children Liberal free time Boys alt wool Cheerful companion for elderly tweed pants ages to lady preferred To begin last Reg 3 Sale price clw22 AT Boys drill shorts size 24 or age only Regular Sale price AT Mens long fancy design dress wool hose Size to 11 Sale price or pair for HARDWARE We deliver Phone AT Boys all wool plain shade ankle hose Reg MANS winter overcoat size navy quart sealers Phone PA Aurora breakfast suite Pro pane gas stove oak dining table red maple rawer red maple stool solid oak hand carved room table large Blonde dressing table with mirror pair blonde end tabbs spinet desk large oak china cabinet walnut dresser and vanity occasional pair walnut dinette chairs bridge and table lamps Mantle radios new Williams sewing ma chine Welsh dresser electric rad iator pair dental Iron tables library table chest drawers China glass etc Fred Hirst phone ICE refrigerator Phone Newmarket OIL SUPPLY TANKS AND ACCESSORIES to gallon Tank Gauges Filters Vent and Fill Pipe Caps SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora tf27 WANTED TO BUY washing machine in good condition Phone New market after ft pm CHEST of drawers In fairly good condition will If necessary Phone New market CHINA cabinet condition Reasonable Phone New market each or pairs for SI Sizes AT hoys scampers Reg Sale price AT Mens plain shade sport shirts blue sand and prey short sleeves Rep Sale price Sizes supplies FOR COTTAGES CABINS MOTELS HOMES Toilets Basins Bathtubs Showers Sinks Pressure Systems Sump pumps Copper and pipe and Fittings etc You pay no freight Write for free catalogue SVJOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES ONT Phono Wed and till HMO pm JULY CLEARANCE CHESTERFIELD SUITES double spring construction nylon rid lt800 green frieze rose nylon a air foam grey frieze davenport suite green frieze sleep or- lounge with spring mattress wool frieze Chesterfield suites from up Many others for your sel ection OYERS FURNITURE Your authorize dealer Mil Main St Newmarket Phone 1250 week of August Mrs- John Keswick- CAUPENTER part time mediately Must bo experienced Write Era and Express box 4 or 5 GOOD raspberry pickers women preferred None under years Phone ket after pm AGENTS A progressive company is offer ing you wellknown and products such as Toilet- culinarles domes tic farm necessities tea S8 will enable ta per wcokCS vacant territories Money refund- if you do not succeed Details TITO St Hubert Mont L GOING OVERSEAS sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines etc Our information and service is reliable- Come In and talk over vour proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket Ont Phone USED CARS low mileage whitewall tires one owner Phone PA Aurora before pm HOLIDAY SPECIALS Wit MONARCH door radio heater white walls metallic green FORD new paint 1947 door radio CHEVROLET 2 door IMG PLYMOUTH door PLYMOUTH door good transportation 526500 FREE OIL CHANGE GREASE AND FULL TANK OF GAS SALES LIMITED DODGE DESOTO CARS TRUCKS Phone TRANSPORTATION WANTED Good clean USED CARS Our stocK is low BEST OFFERS Made on your old car ON THE UPTODATE V8 54 FORD Good selection of new cars in stock wide choice of models and colors TOM SONS Ltd Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Davis Dr at Prospect Phone or Open evenings till pm PULLETS HEALTHY White Rock pul lets Arboracre strain weeks old A Cedar Valley or phone Mount Albert ROCK pullets ready to lay Allan Zephyr phone Mount Albert POULTRY WANTED ALL kinds of live poultry want- ro Any amount We will pay you Toronto price right at door Phone Newmarket quantity Wtie them in or call on a J phone Turner USED TRUCKS WOMAN as housekeeper am attend convalescent from to Oct on farm near Newmar ket Phone Newmarket I JS BUS For smayt c i aucnnt opening soon serving highest quality to midnight Apply evenings or by letter SHELMAR TERRACE RESTAURANT Highway South FEMALE SALES HELP In Superette No Excellent working All benefits Insur ance bonus pay vacations Apply in own hand writing to and Express box WORK WANTED r apply 120 MERCHANDISE AT store only Girls soft pliable blue and denim western Jeans Sizes Regular Sato tf SERVICE AVAILABLE service man for mediate service on nil domestic and commercial unit 113 Main St phone Hot WELDING CEDAR ST NEWMARKET electric acetylene welding white metal and alum inum welding Veranda work aj CUSTOM combining with an SP We will supply truck and elevator to handle grain Phone Crone Mount e to order of all makers made fund hire reflulshhig Free estimates Photic Newmarket with steady de sires work erecting summer cott age or temporary weekend work Phone Newmarket ROTAVATINO your garden makes perfect seed bed for or vegetable sod Apply John ifi Maple St Aurora phono PA radio repaired in a and Newmarket 1232 suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any A ONLY 4 LEFT USED TRUCK SPECIALS FARGO ton chassis and ceb FORD ton stake DODGE ton panel MERCURY ton pick up FREE OIL CHANGE GREASE JOB TANK OF GAS A SALES Limited DODGE AND DESOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS Main St Phone Newmarket LIVESTOCK FOR SALE cows fresh Jack Winch phone REGISTERED Yorkshire boars service age out of advanc ed registered sire and dam Also younger both sex E Den nis phone 174J14 Newmarket LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink Will call for Prices Main St Newmarket r OLDSMOBILE blue in Klass 125 See CHEVROLET coach In condition Apply Emery Will- FORD coupe ool motor minor repairs body cash Phone Newmarket CHEVROLET blue in shape Phone New- For sate 1951 CHEVROLET brand new off list Phone Newmarket after p mm custom Font radio a heater nearly tops See or Ave Newmai W FROM Aurora to Toronto arriv ing downtown Toronto am Leaving Toronto pm Phone Au PA COUPLE desire transportation to on July Phone Newmarket after Iw28 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED hardwood Stove length Warren Graves phone Mount Albert PUNTS FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS A good selection of this popular house plant available at Davys Greenhouse Holland Landing phone Newmarket PETS REGISTERED Dachshund pupp ies no papers and up- Ap ply Rainbow Gardens Keswick V LEAVING Newmarket am lor downtown Toronto Returning 5 pm dally Phone Harris combine goal as now In subdivision Alt Marsh hone 31hv3 Newmarket CwS I REGISTERED Hampshire sow lbs black with white band ear tag AEH0 Route taken Bradford Bond Head Fergus Will pay costs Walter 1 Sutton West y NEW Holland cash No i all luwly iibberMie CHEVROLET coach owner outstanding Cash trade or terms Newmarket after Phone pm FORD and MONARCH USED CAR BARGAINS K given de luxe door low mileage cash down kI CHKVUOtKT ftreen 2 door standard low PLYMOUTH blue 4 door mileage MONARCH green radio white wails directional lights cash FORD deluxe green a local ear St FORD blue low mileage PONTIAC deluxe door lowergllde radio directional sunvisor 1505 FORD custom green radio low 4 green auto matic MONARCH club coupe black 47 CHRYSLER club coupe a good car best offer Several ears from up TOM BiRRELL A SONS LTD Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Newmarket Phono Davta Dr at Open evenings till pm early one nearly new Harvester from motor to blower ox condition COMBINE Case motor YOUNG AND SON MOUNT S HEAR IWATEtp Minimum t NEWMARKET tftw28 THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs olds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets tor muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket FARM ITEMS GOOD clean black hush loam tit us of cement Apply John St Aurora phone iA removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect or Toronto Em LIMITED CHICKS FOR SALE BARGAIN sale of day old chicks and turkeys while they last for one week only Pullets Rocks New Hampshire Rock New Hampshire 1595 New Hamp shire White Rock Sussex Rlack Ausirntnrp White done assorted heavy SI per hundred less Turkeys Broad Breasted Bronze assorted breeds assorted breeds shipped TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES FERGUS ONTARIO Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports belts Rest Store Lumb phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT HOSPITAL beds wheel and In valid chairs Thenker and Drew phone Mount Albert LARGE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED drain dieting and tile laying All material Prices greatly reduced on tank jobs In or near town For estimates call between and Murray Baker St Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the log of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable lets that have been used tor many year by adults and chili with good results Price Best Drue More phon 14 GOODMANS SALVAGE WE have- all sizes of pes Iron Iron rods steel and Phone a Ai di m

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