v Page The Newmarket Thursday HOUSE FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE t NEW modern bungalow attached garage hardwood and floors oil beating Immediate possession Phone Newmarket or write PO box Newm NEW bungalow 2 bedrooms hardwood floors bath oil heat garage- Apply St New HOUSE and large lot- Cream stucco six rooms and all conveniences nicely land scaped double deck chicken house Apply Sydney Morning mile north of Davis Dr on Sharon highway subdivision on on highway lot survey lots sold and choice lots left for your inspection Frontages SO ft and ft priced to Terms re Privately homes are the best investment Klein Evans phone New market STORE FOR RENT STORE OX MATS ST GOOD window heated wash- rooms suitable for any small business or office Lease avail able per month CHARLES BOYD REALTOR MAIN ST PHONE BUNGALOWS FOR SALE KESWICK A CHARMING bungalow well- sited a fine street rooms and Many closets and other features- Very suitable for retired couple Write Box Keswick or phone Roches c6w29 acres good garden land inside linoleums screens and heating equipment included sev eral outbuildings Schools stores etc walking distance rooms new roof Want home within four miles of Newmarket Will sell or exchange Phone Qucensvill HOUSE and lot To settle an estate Apply St Newmarket FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE NEW modern bungalow all con veniences near town shopping schools bus passes daily Toron to miles Sale for cash balance on mortgage Or cash and for car balance on mortgage Write Era and Express box 592 New market STOUTT REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET VERY attractive broom bunga low on a lovely new street large living room modern kitchen bedrooms bath oil furn ace etc Very good value at down SHARON THIS new bungalow is located on a picturesque hillside lot large picture windows in finished room over looking wellwooded ravine Large living room and rooms oil furnace No rea sonable down payment refused Full price 10000 GILFORD BEACH SITUATED just a stones throw from the lake this room furn ished cottage on a lovely treed lot is reasonably priced at down very easy terms stucco house hydro and good well nice level lot with ear garage outstanding value Full price NEWMARKET NEW stucco bungalow with at tached garage centre hall plan Wdrooms nice liv ing room large modern kitchen divided basement with recrea tion room hot air furnace Full price 9300 Only NEWMARKET ft ravine lot In exclusive residential district overlooking park area- GORDON STOUTT LTD REAL ESTATE Call Aurora ROOMS FOR RENT ACCOMMODATION given to elderly lady Write box Newmarket el ROOM suitable for one girl Pho ROOMS newly decorated part ly furnished suitable for light housekeeping Quiet people pre ferred Abstainers Phone Newmarket egwjQ THREE unfurnished rooms newly decorated Kitchen cup boards hot water oil heat Child welcome Reasonable Apply St Newmar ket WANTED TO RENT Christian mavvtod couple desire or unfur nished renting for around Aug in Newmarket after noon FAMILY transferred from Hal ifax Sept require or room furnished house or Apart with modem Close to Softool Any be tween Aurora And Barrio Ref erences supplied- Write or phone Thompson Kins phone PA Aurora family tin September apartment ox house in or around Newmarket Careful considerate tenants Throe wellbehaved children Close to school preferred Min imum two bedrooms Large house considered for sharing with friends- Reasonable rent al Abstainers Details Griffin Wilson Ave- Beverley Hills or BEDROOM unfurnished house or selfcontained apart ment Newmarket or vicinity required by careful tenants for September Teacher 2 child ren Write Era and Express box c3w29 APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 NEW apartment and bath hot and cold water built- in cupboard tile and hardwood floors Holl and Landing apartment heated cen tral adults only Abstainers Phone Newmarket lw31 OCTOBER to May inclusive furnished apartment Very rea sonable rent Oil furnace adults References requir ed Apply Church St adjoin ing Park or phone New market BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES South American Chin chilla are not rabbits pells sold in New York for each on June The fur Is demand Get start ed raising this profitable animal Build a business of your own to Chinchilla Ill Haddington Ave Toronto Ontario ARTICLES FOR SALE FARM SKID GASOLINE TANKS CYLINDRICAL TYPE gallon gallon SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for ill styles of windows tracks drape arms and hooks etc Free estimates Installations or Harold St Newmarket SEPTIC TANKS to gallon capacity SNOW A BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora TWO used space heaters in Al condition SNOW AND HEATING LTD St Aurora phone PA Save percent NEW my made from your old rugs woollens etc Blankets also made Phono Newmarket NEW I only few times since nought Apply Bon Miles Mel Keswick I I AIR all sizes SNOW A BEST HEATING LIMITED St Aurora i NICELY furnished sitting room with or without private kit- equipped with stove refrig erator utensils etc Centrally located Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket after COMFORTABLE double ground floor bedsitting room Central Board if desired Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket cr2w30 ROOM AND BOARD J J country home for child- Stwar years and over dr permanent Close approved WOODEN sluing- and mattress in good condition electric range Walnut table A Phone Newmarket COMBINATION nearly new reasonable chair and do quart Phone Newmarket AND CONDUCTOR AND SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora BATHROOM light fixture towel glass shelf mirror Music cabinet Phone PA Aurora FOR Orates Dampers Pipes Bricks Cement SNOW ft BEST HEATING Phone PA St Aurora VACUUM CLEANERS Triple brush floor polishers Sale and Service Newmarket Branch Office It Hamilton Street Herb Mftt That Apply ftlL New market c3w31 P l AND PIPES AND ELBOWS all sizes SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED St N Aurora tf23 of beam scales lbs Phone Newmarket tf27 BEAUTIFUL walnut din ing suite good as new Electric stove nearly new Electric refrigerator- Reasonable prices Phone Newmarket OIL SUPPLY TANKS AND ACCESSORIES to gallon Tank Gauges Filters Vent and Fill Pipe Caps SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora RED Maple desk 7 red maple bench new electric rangette occasional chairs set chrome chairs china cabinet walnut chest of drawers and vanity dresser wal nut glass top cupboard 2 new blonde maple chairs office swivel arm chair stenographers swivel chair 2 office straight chairs oak office hat tree office desk mantle radios quantity of fruit sealers and table lamps solid oak hand carved board room table drawers piece solid walnut dining suite kitchen tables and buffet Dishes china glass other articles Fred Hirst phone cement mixer Wil liam Johnston phone New market COLD WALL refrigerator Find- lay coal stove with porcelain shelf Porcelain kitchen table kitchen chairs end tables and many other household articles Phone New- ma lw CHILDS corner wardrobe cedar lined oak end tables Small dresser Metal walnut finished double bed with springs and Prospect St Newmarket TENNIS racquet and prep leather loafers never worn blue suede sport shoes Phone Newmarket bedroom suite and Ice box Both in good condition Phone P Aurorac2v31 COAL Medium heater Apply Queen St Newmarket FACED stone suitable for a fire place etc Phone ville LARGE white enamel baby hath Babys auto seat Both in first- class condition do fruit tars size Phone in good condition suitable for child to years Mrs Burke phone New market for living new or nearest offer Tennis nylon string new S5 or offer Main St or phone Newmark MANS good Ion Reasonable Phone Newmarket SERVICE AVAILABLE TRUCKING SERVICES TRUCKING of milling wheat loose or In sacks Harold Rog ers phone 20610 WILL give day care for child Write PO box Newmarket Armour ATC M teacher Piano and theory Classical and popular phone 1169w Newmarket WORK WANTED CUSTOM COMBINING CUSTOM Combining We will supply equipment to handle grain Frank Graham phone Roches Point or viiie CUSTOM COMBINING I am prepared to do combining with a selfpropel led ft combine Tank wagon supplied for bagging the grain Phone REFRIGERATOR repairs Fully experienced service man for im mediate service on all domestic and commercial units S Beare Main St phone Newmar ket TOP TELEVISION SERVICE QUALITY Repairs and INSTALLATION MAURICE CHEVEIGNE Phone Sutton PROFESSIONAL permanent waves given In your home if de sired Irene Sheridan phone St Newmarket MACHINERY FOR SALE WELDING CEDAR ST NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding white metal and alum inum welding Veranda railings made to order Iron works and repairs of all kinds 6- WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS AH makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket PERSONAL COMBINE ALUS Chalmers bin combine with screens and pickup Used one season Excellent condition Using a new selfpro pelted reason for selling Apply Cook Armltage PO miles north of Aurora LOST POULTRY FOR SALE LIGHT Sussex pullets months Phone Newmarket SKINNY MEN WOMEN Gain 15 lbs New too Try famous Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh new vigor New get- acquainted size only All druggists clw31 TRAVEL RADIO AND SERVICE REPAIR PICKUP and delivery Phone Newmarket service Com mercial and domestic sales and service Geo phone Newmarket LOCKS KEYED and repaired Keyed alike or master keyed Door closers repairs and service Keys cut while you wait Auto keys cut to code Craigs Lock and Oak Ridges Just south of the Windmill HELP GOING OVERSEAS WE seii passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines eta Our information and service is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket Phone tf USED CARS JANITOR required for Main St building part time Apply Main St Newmarket MANS with bal loon tires with Mine motor at- inched Sell with or without motor in condition New tires Phone Newmarket carriage new Phone J Newmar ket WANTED TO BUY play pen playpen Phone Newmarket MERCHANDISE for We deliver Phone 28 RELIABLE baby sitter Phone Newmarket EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 5Day week clean modern plant rent periods steady employment C TOBIAS CO LTD WELLINGTON ST Aurora GIRL or woman for general housework live In congenial home pleasant room pay ample time off Must Ik food of children Phone PA or write Drawer Aurora CLEANING woman for genera housework Phone New market manager married or single for dairy farm starting Sept Regular hours goo1 conditions Sep arate quarters for smalt family milk and hydro Apply Smith Newmarket USED CAR SPECIALS FORD 2 dr MONARCH dr IMS PLYMOUTH dr CHRYSLER dr DODGE dr dr 1046 CHEVROLET dr IMC PLYMOUTH dr PLYMOUTH dr USED TRUQSPECIALS 1950 DODGE I ton express 1950 ton chassis and cab i A SALES Limited and desoto cars dodoes trucks Davis Dr W Phone Newmarket Newmarket even- 2w3l OPPORTUNITY DOMINION AUTOMOIULK ASSOCIATION Canadas most progressive motor club requires representative In this district firrtup sickness health and accident benefits plan and other security and benefits for the conscientious salesman Desire to work more important than past experience Write in strict confidence to Newmarket and Express box hard top Reasonable Apply An drew St Newmarket I yellow goi condition Apply Service Station Si Newmarket sedan In At con- all good tiros not miles selling owing to age John 3 King AUSTIN in condition new Phone New ma el 1 1933 VS Tires paint and mechanically first class Private Sacrifice for quick sale Reason for sell ing poor health Apply St market or phone New WORK WANTED ANY of work required by reliable man Have office ex perience Phone Sutton PAINTING High work manship Reasonable prices estimates phone New- RU1CK custom deluxe sedan less that 20000 miles jusi like new Schoin berg Can be financed coach new con dition miles Apply J Sharon phone 1919 FORD radio heater gnml motor minor repairs on body cash Phone Newmarket couch origin al owner outstanding condition Cash trade or terms Phone 1200 Newmarket after pm market TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE PLUMBING SUPPLIES FOR COTTAGES CABINS MOTELS HOMES Showers Sinks Pressure Systems Sump pumps Copper and pine and Rings you pay no Write for free catalogue S V JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Phone Open Wed and evening 1111 MO DAILY housework References if Phone CAR I NET makers Custom made furniture Free estimates Phone Newmarket miss these chick and tur key bargains while they last Immediate delivery Barred Rock New Hampshire Barred Rock per hun dred pullets per hundred White Rock LiKht Sussex Black Australorp Light Sussex New Hampshire Light Sussex Red White Wyandotte Jersey White Giants nonsexed per hundred Pullets 1595 per hun dred Assorted breeds per hundred less White Leghorn pullets per hundred Assorted Heavy Breed Cockerels 1195 per hundred Turkeys Bronze hens Assorted heavy breeds per poult less old Bronze hens assorted breeds 06c per poult less Shipped TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS ONTARIO YELLOW Labrador also large hound white with black and tan markings Phone Aurora PA BROWN change purse contain ing sum of money Reward Write Newmarket Era and Ex press or phone Newmar ket Taxi REWARD SETT of socket wrenches In preen box between Sharon and Aur ora via Davis Dr on Sunday Aug Phone 20708 Queens MISCELLANEOUS THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and branch A prompt and effective rem for the relief of tight or chesty coughs and cold cents The Best Stor Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets muscular arthritic sciatic pains Price Drue Store phone at via Newmarket to Toronto east end 115 pm ROTAVATINO your garden makes seed bed for grass or vegetable sod Apply John Maple St Aurora phone PA WANT your radio repaired In a and ptmranteed Newmarket Chesterfield suites chairs rebuilt recovered In fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market ENGLISH trained nurse avail- able by the week or day or will make dairy Excellent Phone I FROM Sharon to Sta tion Avenue Road Toronto or subway Leave am return Phone TO Toronto days weekly Newmarket to returning pm persons phone Newmar ket Trusses surgical supports elast hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and cent of the tendered LOT NO Consisting of 3o00 tagged Scots pine trees in Vivian Forest on Lot con V Two of Whit church LOT NO I Consisting of tagged Scots pine trees in Vivian Forest on Lot con VII Whitchurch LOT NO Consisting of tagged Scots pine trees in Vivian Fores on Lot l2 on of East LOT NO Consisting of tagged Austr ian pine trees in Vivian Forest on Lot 22 con and con Twp of Whitchurch Tenders will forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to the District Forester Depart ment of Lands and Forests Maple marked TENDERS FOR CHRISTMAS TREES LOT Tenders will state their bid price for trees cut and piled truck roads Cutting and piling of trees will be completed by Department staff on or about November unless a later date is re quested in writing by the suc cessful tenderer Successful tenderers will be shortly after August and will be required to submit a by certified cheque pay able to the Department of Lands and Forests in the amount of twentyfive per cent price This deposit to be received not later than Monday September The balance of payment will be paid on completion of piling Failure to do so mav result in pullets months starting to lay Mrs Eric Red- don phone Sutton PULLETS 5 months old starting to lay Walter Warren Mount Albeit BRAY started chicks Available now And Mixed Pul lets cockerels Wide choice of breed and crosses to choose from Ask us for complete list Step on your order for Aug- broilers Agent Ed Whit field Queensviiie FARM ITEMS White No 6 threshing machine near new Apply Clif ford Preston 11 miles east of lot 11 con 5 Whit church knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket FOX pens size and high fully enclosed ground wire and lower two feet mash No I forfeiture of the deposit gauge galvanized hexagon Arrangements mav be made to mesh upper four feet and top inspect the trees contacting mesh No 15 gauge Ideal for the District Foresters Office Marie Toronto or Maple 111 Further information be ob tained from Zone Forester Gage Department of Kinds and Forests Maple or the under signed The or any tender not accepted Arthur W District Forester chicken dog or rabbit pens Also kennels Apply Allan Newmarket mile east of No from Inn FOR SALE OR RENT HOSPITAL beds wheel and in valid chairs Theaker and Drew- phone Mount Albert THIRTY acres of wheat straw per bale in the field Apply Mrs Levi Wedded Sharon phone ACRES oats in field for sale Truck available for curling re quired Phone 23206 removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect or Toronto En GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ARMY WORM DUSTING am prepared to do crop dust ing for the control of army worm with DDT CHAPMAN Plume ENCILISH each 12 io baud dust er A J Only phone Stwi POULTRY LARGE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED drain and tile laying All material supplied Prices greatly reduced on com- tank jobs In or near town For estimates call between and pm Baker St Newmarket ph MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for th nose and throat for the of mucous discharge of the lump in the throa other disturbances These ire the same reliable pink tab that have been used tor years by adults and child with good results The Best Drug Store phone GOODMANS SALVAGE COMPANY WE have all sizes of used mater Pipes steel posts angle iron channel iron cables steel rods rein forcing steel beam nd boilers suitable for culverts Phone Davis Drive DRESSED young for all occasions Ben Cox I Sharon or phone SALE REGISTERS kinds of live poultry wnt ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices at your Phone Newmarket hive Any them in or will call on re iliiest Highest prices paid S Oak Ridges phone Turner LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DARK rid ituai spring ers Dark rel dual purpose bull ready for set vice young sows springing Yorkshire and Aiv ply Holt J Vorkshlio boars service age out of advanc ed registered sire mid dam Also pigs both sex ids phone 17lJM SATURDAY AUG 7 House for sale by public auction room frame house newly decorated half acre of lives near and Lemenville con of Whit church Terms lime imer of sale 2 pm A NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN the Estate of Elizabeth Ann Barker late of the Township f East in the County of York married woman deceas ed All bavin- claims against the estate of Elizabeth Ann Barker married woman late of the Townshin of East who died on or about the day of 1952 are hereby notified pur suance to the Trustee Act to send to the Undersigned proof of their claim on or before August after which date the assets of the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims to which the will then have notice Dated this day of fulv Violet Robinson Sole Executrix Newmarket NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN the matter of the Estate of WALTER It EVES late of the township of East in the County of York retired lumb er merchant deceased CREDITORS of the abovenamed deceased who at the Town of Newmarket In the of York on or about the day of June 1951 are muffled pursuant to The Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or the lth dav of September after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having only to claims of which the wilt then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Nth dav of AD of Olive Eves h Everton Smith Stiver SATURDAY AUG Special auction sale of wholesale jobbers dry also of last weeks antique sate We still have half of It left to sell this week as we did not have time to finish last week Also incuts such as automatic motor driven hay baler plows binder Executors by their Solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ontario IN loviiii- of a dear mother May who passed August I Ron away from sin and sorrow To a better home above remembered by son calve horses call poultry vegetables In of etc and see this special a dear wife and moiber HOI STEIN cow fresh Cow and heifers due August vaccin ated Apply Lloyd Kes wick phono LIVESTOCK dry sale for the whole family Special invi tation to the ladies 3 auction will make never a dull moment Everybody welcome Sale Sellers and Atkin son auctioneers Horses for mink Will call for with truck flood cash price paid Frank Coleman phone New marl t or PO box NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH OWILLIMBURY NOTICE is hereby given that the council will its monthly meeting at and close at pm on Sat urday Aug in order to attend the Sutton Horse Show being held same day Winch clerk Lillian Coates who passed away August I One passed sine that sad day The ore we loved away God took her home will Rut In our hearts she I oviiKly by band and daughter draco PETS MALE Collie J black and one tan with white marking each Also one brown female free to a good home weeks old Rhone Newmarket LEAVING Newmarket nan for downtown Toronto Returning pm dally Phone New market IMPLEMENTS BINDER ft cut power take off good condition Small cut corn or Herb phono Newmarket RKOISTKRRD Dachshund le no papers and Up Ap ply Rainbow Gardens Keswick LOST REWARD PAIR of rimmed glasses In green plastic ease Name Dr A Hurst Newmarket appears on front of ease In Aurora Park vicinity If found please return to Miss Helen Sargent Guild In dustries Newmarket phone NOTICE IHRISTMAS TKDiRS will received the undersigned up to and until Thursday August loth at oclock noon Daylight Savings Time for the following lots of Christmas Trees LOT NO 1 Consisting of taggtxl Scots pine trees In Forest on Lot 12 con VII Twp of LOT NO Consisting of tagged Scots pine trees In Forest on tot 12 con Ill Twp was called it was His still bus- In lovluj of a dear mother May Lillian Co ties who passed Am I l5a Her weary hoars and days of pain Her troubled are past And In our aching hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last remembered Mur ray Doris and Kenneth WEST In memory of a dear son II West who died on Aug ft Time on years have passed Since death its gloom Us shadow cast Within our homo where all seem ed bright And took from us a shining llht- miss that light and ever will His vacant place there la none can fill Down hen we mourn but not In vain For up hi heaven we will meet remembered by father and mother broth and sister We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to every one who sent getwell cards Rowers gifts enquiries also those who helped In apyway These acts of kindness have i