Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Aug King City District Lion Correspondent Phone Kin The first building lot to be Bold in the King farming dis trict under the King township bylaw which permits an owner to sell one lot to acres of lane adjacent to the village was Bold this week- Alfred sold land 1300 square feet to Mr Elmer Had- said the chief trouble was met in the eyesight tests Several applicants should have had their eyes tested long ago he said Mr and Mrs Gilbert Quebec spent a weeks ftoUys the parents Mr Albert Tern- Mrs Winter has re turned to her home after under going a major operation at York County hospital Family Reunion A family reunion of SO people was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Garnet on Saturday evening It was held during the visit of Mrs sister Mrs Charles her husband and their son Alan and his wife all of Dauphin Man The large gathering marked the birthday of Mr George Mount Albert King Township Ratepayers Consider Official Plan FOURCAR ACCIDENT DELAYS TRAVELLERS Queensville News of William vicechairman and the On Wednesday August a spring I public meeting of King township son is ratepayers will be held at Noble- members are Elton Armstrong ton community hall at pm wen The lot is located Arthur southwest side of proposes King City Harry Mrs fractured daughter and her her when she stum- children were guests of Mrs bled on King St sidewalk last last week week Her wrist will be in a cast for five weeks Tree had caused the sidewalk Sfi heave three inches i j a for a family gathering Mrs are visit- her Mrs J Glass J j Mr and Mrs Scott has been attending Norman Blackburn the former Margaret Chapman and Mrs George Bindley It is being called by the township council and the planning board to consider the official plan for the develop ment of King township The plan which was prepared From King City were Mrs Rob- by the townships planning board Farren Mr and Mrs Donald and adopted by the council will and Mr and Mrs Ed- be submitted to the minister of win planning and development If summer school in Toronto Safe The Safe Driving clinic was held at Park on Wednes day July under the auspices of King City and Maple lions clubs Many of the who took the tests were young peo ple Keith Cambden chairman of the King City lions safety com- Mrs George The Blackburn called at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry They were former resi dents of King City- Miss Elaine enter tained young friends on her eighth birthday on July at the home of her parents Mr and Mr and Mrs left on a motor trip to the Pa cific coast on the weekend Mrs Stewart spent a week at Stratford and attended two of the presentations of the I approved by him it will become the official plan of King town ship Drafted in general terms the plan indicates the way in which the board considers the festival Mrs Sussex is visiting her daughter Mrs Dan Parker King Mr and Mrs Keith Cambden and David Mrs daughter Judy are on vacation at a cottage at Port Bolster Lake On July the Baptist congre gations of King City an unfair burden of taxation on and Second King church held a farm lands the predominant use of land in this township VISITS HOMESTEAD AFTER YEARS Mr William has re turned to his King City lif ter a two months visit to his native HiH near Here ford England which he not seen for years Mr and his slater Mrs I J made the return trip by plane At the English home stead which had been established A fourcar col Union of high way south City caused ft northbound conation hours on Saturday July At Of the hi cars only I wo wftted drivers of ml fro in Mid HI The extensively was ttht fan Wright July wmn fffytw Kenny Vftti w I Ik mi ft idf KulAdpfVoA fir J fVl A J- -i- fAASi vrTOfL fir of ferfix f fitiAfflBK Lake Headquarters For EFFECTIVE FLY KILLERS BAITS SPRAYS VAPORIZERS picnic at This Thursday the Sunday school of King City United church and congregation will go by bus and cars to park for a basket picnic Picnic Members of King City and their families will hold a basket picnic at Springwater park Mid- hurst on Tuesday August The bus at Non- members and visitors are cor dially invited to join the group Those wishing to attend are re quested to contact Mrs the convener in advance System Checked ship should develop In order to increase land value throughout the municipality without de stroying the tax structure of an agricultural community It will permit the freest possible economic use of land provided who had that no form of development is Weston permitted such as close urban After arriving at Malton air- which would impose p they were met by the family on July given a welcome home patty the home of Mr Boyjiss son imfthii Wii titUUlt tit tf by his grandfather a o rtjpiinis of r Km xmrifcl SKt he found many changes o73t His boyhood pals him in royal stylo don Mr Bayliss and his sister were entertained by Canadian come from Bruce P Davis is chair man of the planning board which was appointed by council in the visit to England next Wilfred Mr has begun plans for a return A FEED 5ERVICE BALANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS farmers across Canada have come to recognize the Iff balanced headquarters ty fil i program to suit A sevenday test July by a graphic meter at King City waterworks pump has shown that it operated percent of the time to convey the water supply from the town well to the stand tank During that time it worked hours out of For more than two and a half days the pump operated continuously The waterworks commissioner Alex Campbell told the board at a special meeting on July that the report would indicate that gallons were pumped to the tank every day This means that approximately gallons of water used by every person in the village every hours Trustees discussed the j of sinking another or the installation of a heavier mo tor at the pump No additions have been added to the pumping station since it was installed in The growth of the vill age has increased the demand on the vater supply The engineer the commissioner Alex Campbell is to make a survey Combat side road and nutnrf hers will be even and have odd numbers The project involves no to the village as it volunK work of the Ljons under the of village- trustees Water Supply Alfred appeared fee fore the King City village trus tees at a special meeting he applied for a preliminary aft of the development of acres of his farm as part of the proposed Gardens subdivision Approval by council is dependent on the ability of the village to supply water to this property A reunion of school mates and former friends was held for Mrs Ivan Jasper the home of Mrs Aubrey Camp bell King City on Thursday Mrs Aubrey Gordon and Mrs were the assistant hostesses Mrs Jasper was raised at Kinghorn She had not seen some of school mates for years Mrs Jasper presented with a gift At rivrvr A ii SHARON Sunday 4S i tit day jJJst fit vtii Welly Hit hard Mr rSft rfrUtf Scott Vet iwi Mr Stevens Mr and and Of t weekend with the parents Mr and Jm A- Donaldson jiawfc Dixon and visited ftEfiMFte parents Mr- and IS at issksjjjk qo fife last week fefc r Miss Doris and Me fl gftflebMjtf Smday fe A- and Mrs Kite- mm Wis Mrs Kidd Toronto alfetf tia few days withrsr4ori fc i Vm Mrs Stewart Miss May Stevens e afe p a their and Mrs Gordon Stevens aeaa Mrs is Salads dle friends at Aincourt and off while Master David music school for two weeks fflJjgfe Mrs visited Mr Mrs w ifj JAW Bite jf p r 5 T prior to leaving for i Halifax where- they will make their home Mrs Stone on Friday evening Walker brought the gifts into the living The brideelect who is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Whitney will be married to Thomas Page Saturday Mr Mrs itaj Sunday was with a The King club has honor of her marriage on July begun an allout program of Honor safety Letters have been sent Miss Frances J Whitney township and village author- erley was given a miscellaneous ley United church on ties and the provincial police shower by her grandmother August requesting the enforcing of speed limits within the village The clubs cooperation in any safety has been pledged Reeve Elton Armstrong has written the club that the matter will fee discussed the local Pine Newmarket Mr and Mrs Willis were recent visitors and police No reply Mr5 about gravel trucks from paying in the Par- Mary pit travelling at ex- speeds and carryings Haines Overloads as fatnily visited Miss great as two tons reported Con- Toronto on tabifc Bill Davis Mrs Andrew spent Wednesday at the Street for a home of Mr and Rosa house numbering in King City arc being carried oat Miss McClure is week by the club under with her grandparents the direction of John and Mrs Whitfield Herb Boss of commissioner Bob Mcleod Orchard I will hold 20foot is to meeting at the a number Only feHildim will Mrs Ross oil bear mm pa Wednesday August at wilt be Mrs A returned Mrs weeks- am Sir and Mas Ate I ife SteSi toraa Aft at Church of Christ on Sunday evening July Howard Rue and spent a day with at MWtorst Korea gave a by MIsSM a2ae And idsabios Mr an Bert and were a guests of and Rev WWfettalfcii Mr and Mrs Toronto Mrs W were sail j schedule KilSrSif of St and Ki thing that belonged to Union Sunday 5 YOUR HYDRO AT YOURS ui ShhBpvv A Pf A fc mm I the feJassj awtny vnjttwvui2 was a the sec was fa about to f first Has do i high point your Hydros years of has been the of Ontarios E J bring oiul SSSW gs yea between province ami Dominion the Government of U lie objective of New fl fc a of want Id A wwitlu I l af iv w