Newmarket Era and Express, 19 Aug 1954, p. 9

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I V Will Torchlight Procession Lead Citizens Safely Home In one way it was extremely amusing to hear the mayor calling the deputyreeve to account for bad taste The Banner said he had been castigated no less Such emanating from the present mayor was as we say amusing The last man on council to presume to lecture anybody on bad taste bad form and other qualifications concerned with so cial behavior is the present mayor of the town- Has he forgotten how he swore at Aurora News Page at a coun cil session because we had criti cized a closed meeting How he rated his councillors and call ed on them to have the guts to vote on a controversial How he anonymously lambasted a citizen in a frontpage Banner letter for asking him questions over the telephone Now he comes forth as an au thority on good and bad taste bad form and the like We hope the present mayor will not take it into his head to compile a set of rules on etiquette That would be too much Murray Was Bight The reason wny the mayor re buked castigated Deputy- Reeve Murray was because he signed the leaflet on the new park project in his capacity as deputyreeve The mayor ar gued that if Mr Murray wished to send out such a leaflet he should have done so as a private citizen Because he put deputyreeve after his name that was bad taste and bad form said the The subject on which Mr Murray was expressing his opin ions for the benefit of his fellow- citizens was town business For that reason he was quite in or der in signing himself deputy- reeve After all that is his of fice on council It was a different situa- J Murray has never on a single occasion to our knowledge brought poli tics into municipal affairs In discussing a town matter he was completely in order in signing his office after his name The mayor therefore wrong and Murray was right Frothy Recommendations Councillor Clarence Davis was back in his place at council On behalf of the safety council a projection of the junior chamber of commerce with a pedigree possibly stretching back to the Banner he submitted a series of frothy recommenda tions concerned with safety There were no less than six of these promulgations concern ed with SLOW SCHOOL CROSSING and other stuff devised by a section of an or ganization which the Banner re cently congratulated under the editorial title of BUSY- BODIES If half as much trouble had been taken over the quality of the work done on the sidewalks fewer people In would have suffered bad fails on its- broken surfaces It was so J Bad thatjhe f inn had to come back and carry out re surfacing and the resurfaefhg so bad that about it at councOFwIth direc tions thai a letter sent to the firm asking for a 12month guar antee Cracks and breaks are already showing in the resurfaced side walks What will happen to them when winter ice sets In fuss And Feathers The fuss that is being made when members of council the safety campaign Is sent out leaflets to the citizens becoming slightly ridiculous during a federal election and What with the large posters in after giving advice on how they should vote signed their names and office That was not only an instance of bad taste and bad form it was worse It was a misuse of their office as mem bers of counclL J WILLIS PhmB Druggist The Rexall Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone PA Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results Try One AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads HISSES WOOD St Aurora Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The O D HESS Drug Store Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel PA Calls Telephone FA for Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone PA four colors printed by the Ban ner press and plastered on poles along Main St and elsewhere and other activities one would think that Aurora is an area with a high accident ratio The opposite is true Apart from the accidents that have oc curred on the broken sidewalks Aurora has a wonderful record for freedom from accidents thus far As the town is almost crimefree likewise it Is almost accident- free People in their own interests fake precautions at street cross ings and intersections They dont need to wisdom from Banner posters plastered on poles People from outside may get Aurora is a dangerspot Mane shy away from the town Even the churches have been roped in for sermons safe One of these nights we would not he surprised to see a light procession proceeding through the town its purpose be ing to guide the citizens safely homewards Perhaps the editor of the banner would he at the head of the procession holding the mastertorch meaning of all this fuss and feathers is there a Cash Prize somewhere at the end of the line Councillor Moffat Councilor Moffat made an ex cellent speech at council con cerned with the new park pro ject which she has strongly op posed it was her deciding vote as chairman of bylaws that gave a quietus to the proposi tion Quietus until the Banner came out with editorial re viving the subject which as a newspaper it had a perfect right to do Those who question such a right are wrongs All progress comes out of a conflict of opinions The de bate in council could have serv ed a useful purpose if it had not been degraded by the importa tion into it of false accusations which we have already dealt with Aurora News Page J G SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE NINETEENTH DAY OF AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR TAKING A VACATION In five years of continuous editing reporting writ ing and the carrying out of other duties connected with newspaper work we have taken no vacation Five years without a breakis a long time We are tired and we need a rest We have been urged to take a vacation dur- past few years of Aurora News Page but we did not like to part company with our readers even for a brief spell As mentioned pur issue of July 29 we are taking a Mtionhis yean It will mean that Aurora News Page will riot be published for the two weeks of August and September feel sure however tfcatouriowlts for healths sake Sonie people who do like feel no including in their number one or two newspaper shysters who will be denied a free meal We have chosen what we believe are the est l lbcalriieSvS always allowing for the fact can see into the future evor happens we s a J not present te report it although our Era and Express colleagues will spot to the hews the no regular of the until Tuesday Sept The editor of the Aurora Banner will no doubt be happy ta know if we are alive and Well that meeting will he duly reported in our issue of September He appeared to he bothered be cause a council meeting held on Augusts was not re ported by us until August owing to staff shortages arising from vacations We shall look forward to resuming publication of Aurora News Page for the issue of September and in the meantime ask for your continued support of its par ent the Era and Express OUTSIDE INFLUENCE According to the Aurora Banner Reeve Cook de plores what he calls outside influence The outside influence is of course Aurora Page We sup pose we should feel flattered at the amount of attention given to the question of our outside influence We are happy to be on the outside j there we can see more clearly what is going on If there were no Aurora News Page the would have the field all to itself Then there would be nothing an inside A lot of broUejp work could be carried through without let or From the evidence already hand get schemes and stunts might filague the town- towtt might have to pay for these in the form of Banner advertising Reeve Cook rated our influence very high when he lamented thai our outside influence had ruined town projects Old Home Week in the course of his remarks The influence of a newspaper is no stronger than the support it receives from Its readers Without such support it is powerless The we have received proves that we have voiced tlie wishes of the people COUNCIL REPORT Proposed New Subdivision At The North End Of Town Reeve Cook presided in the absence of the mayor at a regular meeting of the town council held on Monday night Aug It was a quiet and short session a pro posed new subdivision and half a dozen bylaws were I the major subjects before council The proposed new subdivision for residential and some com mercial purposes concerns the former property at the north end and part of which is in King township A representative of the interests concerned was present at to submit preliminary plans Since the area if designated for loader the planning boards some time will before any steps can be taken to develop the proposals It was stated that approximately some acres were within the mu nicipality of Aurora and some acres in King township Crumbling Sidewalks Councillor Wffiiam Davidson drew councils attention to the of the side walks indicating a number of places at the south and north etui of the town where the slabs were broken and falling apart It was directed that the town clerk check with the contractor Chicken Plant Bead The matter of repairing the private road from No high way to the CutUp Chicken plant again came up for discus sion with the reeve stating that the mayor was in favor of spending some money on The deputyreeve and Council- and Davidson how ever took the view that the re pair of the road was not a re sponsibility of the town and a motion to that effect was car ried Debenture ByLaws Chief the debenture by laws introduced by Councillor Moffat was one for 200000 for extensions and additions to the disposal plant It was pointed out by Councillor Jones some 47000 of that sum would be borne by the Leather company The next regular meeting of council will be held on Sept WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Many Attractions Provided For Legion Day Supporters The event of Saturday Aug will be the annual display of Branch Aurora of the Canadian Legion in the town park Given good weather convener Alex McLean forecasts a record attendance the eight years the local history A great amount of work has hope the hometown paper been done to provide outstand ing attractions for the enters of a large crpwdi as may be seen from the notice of major events published The Aurora and North End issue One of those major reputed foe its good events will be the vice to the public has tournament representing a novel and useful assist best of North York when the for its clientele It has in north meets the south fir staged a direct line of telephone eight team playoff at two points in There will be a draw for one at the Food- Bonds an amot and another at the bus and Other attractions depot include Bingo and a AM that is required is for the youngsters bicycle- to pick up the receiver good food will be available for a taxi There is no but not least thare will be needed You just pick yill break with custom in this instance and express regret for its unpleasant inaccuracy And Monster Street Dance by Percy Cood and his Madcaps Saturday August at the town day for the and porters of the Canadian in Aurora We wish event every success Snow And Entering the of Snow UP receiver and immediate made with the Aurora Sad Taxi Your are then attended to Besides Winning the John prize as the most student at the Aurora District school Wilfrid the and Best heating experts St the other day Wft church prize valued at Iii order that Aurora taxpay ers may know where some of their money goes Aurora News Page major Hems expense as shown in town coun cil minutes The following ex tracts are for the period ending August Aurora Banner Publishing Co printing and advertising 18588 Aurora Hydro Com disposal plant 6966 street lights S55434 eta Owen labor at McMahon park plumb ing supplies Bell Telephone Co I A Bowman insurance library build 75 Bowsers of waterworks 985 traffic total ddtan fctd disposal plant expenses Corner Insurance Agency in surance police cruiser County Of York indigent pa tients police uni forms Rose Bros streets etc repairs to mow er Taylor gas and oil for mower etc Wilson Hardware property and waterworks 9042 Waterworks accounts Aurora Hydro Comm 18650 Bell Telephone Co 8386 Canada Valve and Hydrant hydrant Neptune Meters Ltd meters FUntkote Co Colasmix Frank bulldozing relief accounts relief were impressed by what seems be the cpnUnuous in services taking place there A new counter has been added and other the business have Fresh from his vacation Snow said he was forward to a lot of hard work ahead of him Since the Snow and Best has become g wholesale service business had expanded at a very satisfactory ratio can supply everything connected with heating and in- said Mr Snow and provide a service equal to If not better than what can be found in the city both as regards qual ity and Alive And Hearty He is the son of Mr and Old St of of as the best boy and Be girj for the school year Fish has been chosen for the school year Mrs Jack wife of weUknovm Main St barber good fortune to win a prize in the wordscramble competition in a Toronto daily newspaper By an appropriate coincidence the winning word was soap Mrs does not take full credit for the successful solution of the puzzle She says her husband and she worked the contest together However this might be the prize won at a timely moment for the were alarmed to see on have gone on a motoring the front page of last weeks trip in the Quebec district Aurora Banner our good friend Copies Weekly Charles Badger described as the We hope our readers have no- late Mr Badger Like that the Era and Express Mark Twain Mr Badger can has lately increased the number scribe the report of death as j of its copies printed each week greatly exaggerated Many from to This is years elapsed from the time oil practical proof of the increasing the American humorists report- popularity the Era and Ex press as an independent weekly Good reporting consists of getting the essential parts of what a speaker says into print The haste con tent of an egg is its yoke You may also eat the white part that surrounds it But few people we imagine would oat the shell also Home speeches are all shell and no yoke and are not worth reporting By refrain ing from reporting such releases from the void the reporter does the a real service Bad reporting consists of putting into print only what pleases the editor of a newspaper or otherwise serves his purpose If there is a financial axe to grind only that which sharpens the axe Will be reported Dis tortion malice envy and hatred will be the weapons used to prejudice the reporters victim in the eyes of news paper raiders Himself the guilty one such a reporter will try and accuse the innocent of his crimes against truth TELEPH8MiALUR is understandable some go to much trouble and expense to secure fight kind of person to conduct ley re quire a giHJil voice and ft hinanneri Such essentials are a sound invest in the cause of goodwill A voice Some people at tle telephone at such a manner that might wonder if they would like to pay off an old grudge Their hard vocal chords assault your MP as though a table spoon and take refuge by providing a space between your ear arid the receiver to we admire the art which people have perfected in the use of the telephony Their firsHvrds promote a feeling of friendliness They do not whisper neither do they shriek They speak clearly and precisely What a contrast they provide to the babbler whose profuse outpourings seem as endless Niagara Falls Wilfrid proved successful as the winner of the John Stuart prize and the Whitchurch town ship prize in the Aurora and District High school grade examinations Hereunder is complete list of exam inations as received from Principal J II Knowles death until the word finis could be written of his career the Banner editor conducts a ceaseless Campaign by poster and newspaper comment to im press readers that the home- paper carries news It is hot on the trail all of the timet But you can be too fast with the news His numerous friends will be glad to know that Bad ger is hale and hearty is not in any sense late We hope it will be many many years before the gets the news straight in report ing the late Mr we providing readers with good hews services candid editorial opinion and sound advertising York countys leading weekly and Express has one of the largest weekly newspaper circulations throughout Canada- Aurora New Page As mentioned elsewhere we are taking a two weeks vaca tion There will be no Aurora Page issue until the week of ptember when we shall resume publication Meanwhile you will be able to get your copy of the Era and Express as usual Andrews Armstrong Betty C Armstrong HI Ill Trig David Hist I Ill Trig I If Comp Brooks Ronald Hist HI Cam Alex Lit lit Wilfred I Lit Hist I I Trig I Chem I Au Doris Frank HI Lit Alg HI Trig Gomp Coe Noel Hist HI Lat HI Davis Ashe Lit HI Hist Lynn I H Trig I I I Au Fr Comp C Norman Lit Geom Peters Alg Trig lit Fish Carol hit I Alg I Geom Trig I HI Chem it Joe Lit C Trig HI Chem HI Greer Keith Trig It Robert Ill Lit It Hist Ik I Lat Au Keith I f Au Comp King Sam Comp Lit C Alg HI L I HI Michael i Trig G I HI Au HI Janet Alg Trig I Au HI Lister Ruth Hist I HI I Lat Au I I J Lit Trig HI Mary Geom Trig Shirley Comp it A HL Osborne Lit HI HI feig C Comp Parsons Marjory Comp Continued on Page PACK Owing to the absence on vacation of the editor of Au rora News Paso the An rum office of the Era and Express will be thwed from August to In the meantime news social mailed the and Express offices at Newmar ket Advertising should either be mailed to the and Main St Newmarket or telephoned to Newmarket phone number News Items can be phoned to the editorial department phone In his capacity as Hon Col of the Cadet services in Canada tin Duke of Edinburgh hpecs ed navy and Air Force Cadets at Royal Canadian school of at One ot the cadets chosen to of honor was Cadet Bull son of air and Mrs Robert Bull Centre St Johnson of the high school staff the group of army cadets from Banff Alberta Mr and Mrs J taking a vacation at Lake Mrs Johnson has return a two weeks visit with her mother at Man Mrs Dennis are on a visit Mr and Mrs Charles Spruce St Prior to the marriage of Miss Jane Badger to ttr Quarries Miss Dora Newmarket and Mrs Arnold of Stouffvtlle were at a miscellaneous shower In honor Mr C Oaborne and son Peter are on a vacation in Vic BC On their return they stay at Saskatoon where Mr Osborne will attend chiefs convention They iare expected to arrive home on August Ore Mulligan has left for Chicago will attend the World of and of family have returned from at and a Mrs Bill Watson and daughters and Bonnie Mrs Blanche Noilly have returned from a motoring trip through Michigan State return ing by Marie Mr and Mrs Jack have left on a weeks vacation and Mrs Leslie Wilson have been on a vacaUon at Port Murray Young and infant daughter Janet spent the- weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Miss Carol Fish has left for a at Camp Mr and Mrs J Emmons and north end taxi WISH TO SERVICE from and Grill No Dialling Just Pick Up Receiver and Ask for Taxi Aurora and North End Taxi Serving Aurora and District

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