Newmarket Era and Express, 26 Aug 1954, p. 1

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r I Number of Copies Printed this Week and SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AMD THE RURAL DISTRICTS Of NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three mouths ending Mar eh IS63 Trading is Aurora 520 Others TOTAL PAID YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST Here and There Around Town By Observer The signs which have been Pasted in auditorium of the Newmarket Hall are eon- fusing- Anyone in attendance at Magistrates court must be un certain as to the correct conduct- Spaced conspicuously around the room are the warnings Smoking strictly prohibited and No smoking There can be no doubt as to their meaning- But at other in tervals on trie same walls are Other signs which read Do not throw cigarette butts on floor containers they smoke there or not Perhaps nervous attendants at court have been grinding their cigarettes and dropping the crumbled remnants on the floor That could be the reason the conflicting notices But itdoes leave one with the impres sion that the courts are condoning a breach of the rules You arent to smoke in that room but if you do please use the containers the signs imply The safest pro cedure would be to give up smok ing and then there could be no worry for those at court OOF CENTS EACH I W P His There have been popular songs have old of June in Janu ary but this next item is a De cember in August one In the midst of this weeks heat and hu midity we learned that people were thinking of Christmas This is the season that the Christmas tree growers begin their advertising Soon buyers will visit the tree plantations from all over the country It must be difficult to think of December when the temperature is high Most of us need snow to arouse our interest in Christ mas frees The- Citizens Band has been holding outoftown concerts this year The band is shown above when it played recently at York County Park on Lake Simcoe Residents of the Sutton district had high praise for Newmarkets band which has won at a number of band competi tions the past few years The band will hold a concert at the Newmarket fair grounds Sunday evening at pm when a silver collection will be taken for the York County Hospital Building Fund At the fair grounds there will be lighting and seating Concerts have not been held at the Lions Park this year because of summer church services being held there Photo by Mike BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED BY KESWICK WOMAN Mrs Arthur celebrated her birthday on Thursday August Mr Russell Mr and Mrs George Gilroy Mr Gordon and son Doug las were home with their sis ter Miss Eva for the oc casion Mrs Russell Gilroy and Mrs Gordon Gilroy were unable to attend because of illness Mrs has three grandchild ren Mrs J Macrae Donald and Douglas Gilroy and three great grandchildren Bruce Ian and Macrae all of ville The luck of the white heather the reason that a prominent local Scot won a prize on a draw for the first time in his life Robert Martin won a book of milk tickets at the Newmarket Trade Fair last week because he says he wore a bit of white heather in his hat Restricted Area Laws Cause More Trouble Over Beaches Luck of the Heather The heather was sent to him by another Scot Mrs Morris Crowder Newmarket who was on a trip to her native land A in really a rare incident in the game of golf when one thinks of the mathe matical chances of getting one One prominent Newmarket citizen no doubt will be boasting of this accomplishment to his grandchildren Dr is the holeinone golfer who accomplished the feat at the Summit golf course last week end Witnesses were K M It Stiver and Or Gordon Cock The second of two special coun cil meetings held by North township council was in BelhaVAn-Jfali-orxatOr- Aug Several beaches associations presented Separate problems Orchard Beach ciatioft at a earlier sought what was being done- thel township in regard itpbifij boat renting contrary to law At that time assured the township ted to obtain were being of At Saturday frV Pi anus er of Mercury council and hail been taken into court on without Oft try Itctfiise the case held the council- could whether r not ftp toasts Mr KliyalaclMs replied thai fie rented cabins a teali in with asked if he license to rent he replit from bad led satnfe business for a of years He been from ratepayers infKatiillistcici the Lodge and We council would be required cense He was told that fortunate thafc hj puriihi the wfttcrt not be there and council merit said they were afraid Mr has taken you in Link asked what council intended about the operation of two boat houses by the Johnston brothers at Island Grove contrary to a restricted area bylaw covering that dist was said that no bylaw was being broken Mrs replied that she liked fair play and while exception was being taken to Mercury nothing was being done about the opera tion of a business at island Grove to the bylaw A delegation from Association attended the know what progress made to remove a building gowned by Garrett had erected the area bylaw covering Council gave the at it did at that the had a of the fe ad thai Gar had creeled tile new to the road at bylaw called tar and that these findings had fceon sent to township off ice where they were back a signature of a person Mr being a certified surveyor Miss Campbell spoke for the Beach Howard Point enquired as to the method used by he Garret la a license of in front of Page Col DONATIONS WANTED HOSPITAL SALE Plans are underway for an af ternoon lea and white elephant sale for the last Thursday in September It will be held at the home of Mrs George Case Park Ave under the auspices of the York Hospital Wo mens auxiliary In preparation for the sale a request been made to the friends and of the aux iliary for donations- Small ar ticles such as china jewellery and- other items are wanted for the white elephant table Those wishing to contribute should leave their donations at the Of Mrs Alex St or if preferred Mrs will arrange to tip donations Gaels Lose Last Night m Seventh and deciding game in the Newmarket Green Gaels vs Long Branch series for the Eastern Canada junior lacrosse crown will be played at Brampton arena tomorrow Fri day Game time is Gaels officials are hoping to see Colonel the Hon William Pate former Postmaster General of Canada died suddenly at his resi dence two miles south of Newmarket on Street hue yesterday afternoon Col was the owner of Era Express A heart attack caused his death lie had been in poor health since when he retired from political life the Post Office Department Canadas present air mail system was developed When he was not at Ottawa he divided his time between his law practice and his farm near Newmarket Since his retirement in he has lived at the family home Street Surviving are his wife the for mer Kathleen Johnston two sons William and Thomas and his mother The funeral service wilt be held Saturday at 10 am at was the grandson of Sir William who was Post master General from to Col was in charge mails during the war period when he directed special operations needed to mail to troops overseas His first attempt at federal candidate he was defeated the late Herbert Lennox toflW York North riding Four years later he contested the seat at caused by of Cot he piled up a majority of the largest in the history of the riding retained his seat in th 1940 general Ho entered the- King a large cheering from cabinet Hub A goal with seconds to play his poHlical ran parallel that of Sir speech in drew attehtionv and was by Sir ft was the first time a was present grandson took the seat originally held by him- selt into of Jforttt Yorks polities As known the j sort of Wiltatft and late He ftducated Canada the To Halt served the Canadian Kjrce in Siberia He read law with Milli- in to was called to the bar lift f20 He became a Kings Counsellor the same ity Anglican church Aurora In- BRANCH MEETING SEPT provided Long Branch with a win over the Gaels at Long Branch bowl last night It was a tough one for the to lose By periods it was 1all at the end off the first led at half and had edged ahead at the threequarter mark Gaels roared back to tie it early in the fourth before the spun In the win ner Bill and Denny fiaajaeach te pace year he age he was the to his name in will be at Mount Pleas- at the time his administration of ant cemetery Toronto f Stolen from Park Loses 425 Plead Innocence Of Crimes Because Of Intoxication cprljglaWts were made to fSattonGcorgina police on the hat had been from focKJ at white the occupant away swimming com plaints Were by Tocphto people investigation showed that the automobiles had entered by forcing a window on one and forcing air vents open on the other two in order to open the doors Prank Smith Ave Toronto who had left in cash in his wallet while he swimming returned to find his wallet and cash missing The other sums were and 30 Constable Brian Stephens inves tigated Because of renovations being done at the Newmarket legion hall the branch general meeting will be held Thursday Sept when ihe opening of the modern will be held Warriors a tickets me available for veter ans their families relatives at the Embassy Beauty salon and evenings at the Legion hall The WellBaby will be held tomorrow August at the York County Health unit Newmarket from to pm The is sponsored the Newmarket Womens institute exhibition as a part of its general program to promote better health In thfe community The service Is free for ail who wish to avail them selves of it i Lawn Bowlers For Era Trophy Sattuid it- Intoxication in varying de grees was used as an excuse by several accused persons when pleading their innocence of a variety of charges at Magis trates court Newmarket on Tuesday August The pleas were unsuccessful One Toronto man facing a charge of breaking and entering a television and radio shop in the Lake area said that was too drunk to know what he had been doing He admitted to having taken equipment from the store but said that since he wasnt sober at the time ho wasnt guilty of theft His de fence counsel supported that pica but it was not upheld by the magistrate P When the lawyer said that his client was so intoxicated that it would have been Impossible for him to have formed a criminal intent Magistrate in terrupted by saying he was so intoxicated as you claim he wasnt able to form any intent in jail criminal or otherwise The magistrate said In passing sent on the man after he had been convicted of the that the mans consumption of alcohol had no bearing on the charge before the court A fel ony had been committed The accused admitted having entered the premises and taking the vision equipment His drunken- ess did not alter the fact that a crime had been committed He was given a suspended sentence ami placed on proba tion for six months In another case in court that same day an year old Toronto youth was charged with joy rid ing the taking of a motor ve hicle without the permission of its owner He claimed that he had been drinking at the time and so didnt know what he was doing Once again the magistrate didnt agree that intoxication should excuse hint He was con victed and fined or days County Will Meet Tomorrow In South Finals Newmarket County will meet in the first game of the south division South baseball league finals at the fair grounds tomorrow Fri day at Game ably will be played on the new diamond- Newmarket qualified for the finals by nipping Flyer at the fair grounds last night Jerry Hugos three run homer and Herb Cains two run round tripper pulled Newmarket from behind a 32 fifth innings deficit Ken pitched a sevenhitter and closed out Bar riers dying three run seventh innings rally by striking out Ken Robertson Newmarket bagged nine hits Irvine and Ken had two hits each for Newmarket Geo and Frank poked out two run doubles for Lawn bowlers from various parts of Ontario will compete for the Era and Express trebles trophy at the Newmarket lawn bowling greens next to Lions Park Saturday Invitations have gone out to many bowling clubs in Ontario for the event which starts at Two Newmarket rinks were winners a held yesterday a entry doubles tournament at with an overflow Allandale an3 Murdftson and Lou three games each placed the first live winners Top bowlers who wilt compete for the Era and depress trophy presented annually competi tions will also receive a of other prizes ii- Aurora Of BuyinparR Hand The Aurora Board of Trade is holding an emergency general meeting on Monday Aug 15 to recommend to the members that the board sponsor a movement to purchase the Woods property at the South end of the for a public park reports the secretary A J Child At a town council meeting held on July a motion to purchase the land was defeated Mr Child said they to interest in the chase oil the properly For Newnrket Nuts phv day at ill tevtJBa- lhJi get Asa member the North Memorial Arena committee formed township council that d welldigger had been brought to the arena property to drill wafer to supply the Water has been found at feet with pressure l- ions Council purchase a well since the arena ws built Iive years ago there has navir an adequate and much money has been spent in other sources Six new who have purchased en acre paresis laud from Don Christian and eighth concession district of North northeast Kim- grove have council for a into their OVER mmmm The Newmarket Fire brigade hold the picntc at York Lake ok Sunday Aug There were over attendance A bus chartered tot those cars was enjoyed by iho adults the In charge of fur the youngsters were Firemen and pitching aroused Considerable was won by Fireman Bond and Hill Dm in Lieut Curtis won womens nidi driving contest A coiupoHtian tor the men by A- delicious supper was provid ed by the oarlock eniin in the Herbert was in attendance Present from eouncil were Jack chairman of the Fire man and Charles Vin2ani were to the Fire Gibson and his tor excel- tent preparations tor the picnic was one of the best that I amities have CIRC CLASS Page Stittttf The- Express has were editors year the and won third place the to former the and Express has a prominent place its A the place Another for the Wospital Building Fund by irnarst Association at The money was raised fey a bingo and dance Prizes the or- and the were sponsored by the the cheque was turned over to the chairman of the fund in township Frank Kes wick Members of the association said that the hospital in Newmarket has been a great help to many residents and summer visitors of Beach for many years Every summer scores of holiday have been rushed to the hos pital and in many cases the im mediate service available has meant life instead of death in ILaxitffog Orchestra Bert his Valley Ranch boys Time pm AUG Chartered bus to Toronto Exhibition will leave aim from the hotel Return tare this includes admission grounds Bus wilt feuvc exhibition pm hone TORONTO rloMixds Mil a Mrs of first J g sat pliape ftgr its page in tub News Class The Eras page was second in Canada which ha a of The ttward an the ch Assawv cunventtun Is in this winr in the eitt- was land which ajso an first nor iijiround The judges for the Sovoral cmplts dents 0WSoxEiaxcas Lake fecejoi recetved by the town- shift Complaints regarding refuse on the resort beaches made by the The Brewers warehouse Blame was Doiton Road Sutton was placed on boats from the t by a rear door between the boat liveries In the area which hours of four and nine Sun- are used for fishing Hie day The sliding door was e4 open with the use of tools which were found on the prem ises by investigating police The tools were stolen from a toot shed It is thought the would-be- thieves were frightened off just after they forced entry as the took ami a pair of work gloves were left behind It is not known whether any cases of beer wore taken but cash In the front office was not touched oil requested the po lice to investigate the cause of the debris The of the cleaning of the ditches throughout the Goodyear subdivision was raised by W Council decided to contact the County engineer James Clark and William King were appointed to accompany the tuwnship roads superintendent Rye when meeting the engineer to decide a course of action Aurora hall games harp a of item FRIDAY SEPT variety show dance at North SfeniQflai centre Norm fe orchestra Admission and Time pm THURSDAY SEPT tea at the home of Mis Geo Case Park Ave New market from i to pm Bake table and white elephant sale Admission to York County Hospital Womens BINGO every Saturday night at Euchre even- Thursday night at pm In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission The winners are seen lined Up after weeks Soap Box Derby held on Newmarkets Main Street hill by the Canadian Left to right First Vice Alex Hands and President Wes present ehvques to the winners Wayne Edwards third winner Frank second Terry Tug welt first Sail Palmer

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