RAIN who ever visited Con- dan knows Piccadilly Circus and the famous statue of Eros God of poised above its central fountain This statue hi taken a tot of punishment dur ing the past sixty years from both practical jokers and Lon don But because cast it in aluminum it v is the lars statue to ca in new metal it has come safely through the When it was cleaned up for Coronation as fresh ly as ever The enduring beauty of aluminum has white it a f oriie of architects furniture decorators too Aluminum Company of Canada Era and Express classifieds bring results Soldier Apprentice Plan offers young men of a bright future Training begins Sept CcrtodJon Soldier a of for cafe in Mil and Hoftjj A a yourvj moo get a thorough trad training in of In b phytic ckemiitryj flenataJ military training of Canadian wilt living happy Can hi Qntting a Schooling and Life for oil Army bow Army pay while on birthday full To eligibly a moil 16 jrtl and must hove a of for an fcooWei with motion on Soldier Apprentice Han write the Amy Recruiting you if now tanning your Pi ft Pis I 111 I It TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE 1 K TO THE EXHIBITION AUGUST TO SEPTEMBER 1 1 ARE and HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going August to S a lord ay September 1 Inclusive Return limit September ham ogtal CANADIAN King City And District Mrs Rolling CorTespoadent Phone To Build Park Lake Marie King Athletic association will erect a street sign on Doctors Lane to welcome visitors to King City Memorial park- The construction and let tering will be done fay Glen At a meeting of the association Aug it was de cided to sponsor the annual party for 2 Bus Chartered for Mrs hen has consented to take bookings for the on behalf of King City for a bus that has been chartered by the branch The date of the trip to the Exhibition is Music Day Thursday Sept Mrs asks for notification no later than August The trip open to the public leaves King City at pm and will return after the fireworks at night Transportation includes bus fare and admission to the grounds- Mr and Mrs Bruce Hall Mr and Mrs George Harvey have been holidaying at the Hall cot tage on Kingfisher Island Geor gian Bay When Mr and Mrs Fred Dent and their daughter Freda spent a week at Deer Lake Haliburton district their stay was hamper ed by a week of rainy weather Mr Leslie and Mr John Earl leave tomorrow on a vacation to Florida and other points in the southerri states Miss Jessie her niece Beth and Miss Irene accompanied Miss Evelyn Courtney and her mother on a sixday motor trip They crossed fver the St Lawrence river on Ivy expansion bridge near to the side Visitors e last were her sisters- inlaw Miss Ella and Mrs Angus and her daughter junior fifed Cross badges in swimming course are Jim Peter Joan Bare and The summer training age children tff district will soon be closed Mrs McDonald King City her va- cation Mr ma McDonald a couple and their two young he making their home on the for mer property Irs Ritchie of Toronto which is near the concession Strange STrs made the pro perty her home for a number put visited Mr my obson SLcBride at St hospital spending weeks vacation at the Mrs Barry WIS Mai v spent the weekend at miss bad a trip New Brunswick and Edward Island Earlier in the summer visited her sifter affg Quebec for week Her father Mr irately and son made a trip to Montreal where they visited Harold ami Joyce Mr Erank accompanied by Mr 0f fa Whorje Me Fog artist and is undertaking he lap of early places in Ontario Church Inrter St A presbylerian church is- Undergoing a An eight- foot panel is built on the west wall of the auditorium behind the pulpit and loft The vestry will lie emipped as a school loom The is and the floor tiled The floor of the furnace room will be cemented and a pew side chimney is built Donald Fa itch is and building chairman officials unci the are the work The minister David is helping has constructed a which is finished to with the it is expected me whole will be completed fur services in the fall On Radio Rev David of Strange West King congre gations is conducting Devotions on radio sta tion at Monday through Saturday this week Mr Is vacating the King cparge and his farewell services will conducted on Sunday Sept Ik- is to become min ister of Glebe Presbyterian church Toronto New Fire Chief Glass of King City Mo tors has consented to act as fire chief of the voluntary King City fire brigade in process of being organized George Brown acting chief for the past four years favors taking one of the deputy posts There are or more men who are willing to enrol The system would require regulars on steady call Those from the gar ages would likely take up most of the daytime duty The vill age is prepared to take out blan ket insurance for 10 fire fight ers Mr states Until public funds can be raised to equip the volunteers with helmets rubber coats and boots the men could not be ex pected to fight a fire without uniforms Some means of rais ing money by public entertain ment or voluntary private dona tions will have to be planned Water was drained Humber river concession to test the efficiency of the equip ment and a village cistern was emptied in another test Township Aerial Sketch The exhibit of an aerial sur vey of King township which was presented to ratepay ers at a public meeting last week was described by Mr Gor don almost as accur ate as a land survey It imple mented the planning board in drafting the general plan to ward development of the township The sketch shows every lot stream hill and hollow to pro vide authentic not only to township council but to the individual Qy means of a stereoscope land can be spotted without having to visit the area in question A property owner may purchase prints showing the survey of his own properly The cost of the aerial survey of 1300 was born by a group of interested ratepayers to relieve- the township council of putting the expenditure on taxpayers The salary of the planning con sultant of for a period of two is borne by taxpayers officials state Sportsman Injured In a game between King City and at King City on Aug local layer Gordon had the mis fortune to strain his ribs- The incident puts the veteran player out of the running for this sea son has been called in to fill the vacancy on the King City team Two little girls have become local residents in this district One is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Aubrey Glass of Strange born August at York County hospital The other is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bur- well Jackson King City who was born on August at the Womens College hospital To ronto Miss Ruth KoJlinshead daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Harold Hoi- King City who has been working with the Canada Life Assurance Co Toronto for the past four years was the re cipient of miscellaneous gifts from her fellow workers at a shower given in Toronto She a special gift from the employees of the firm The marriage will be on Sept- in St Anglican church Miss Joan Hare ville spent last week with her sister Mrs Robert Turner To ronto Ronald Parker visited his cousins Bobby Mary and Char lie at their Hilts- burg farm for two weeks and last week he visited his uncle and aunt in Toronto Carol Parker his sister was at Weston for the weekend and will be at until school opens Miss Joan and her friend Myraa spent last week at Balm Beach Georgian Bay at the cottage of Miss grandmother Recently Mr and Mrs had a Sunday gathering when Mrs John Snider and her four children Victoria Square and Mr and Mrs Nelson Thomp son Temp era nee were sup per guests Mr and Mrs A Carson joined the gathering in the evening Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs Arthur and Mr and Mrs- Ed Toronto Building Decreases There has been a decrease in the number of building permits issued in King township In the past seven months there were permits issued Of these were for houses with most of them being erected at King City and The total value of buildings was estimated at Truck Burns A market gardener Newmarket had his hands burned and his hair singed when gasoline ignited while he was fixing the gas line of his three- ton truck The front end of the truck was destroyed Loss was estimated at The incident occurred on highway north of King late Monday night A provincial police offi cer and Jack of the Shell service station quelled the fire with extinguishers until Maple fire department arrived The back end of the truck was saved Mr and Mrs Norman Wade and their two little daughters Linda and Sandra have spent five days at Mountain Lake near The family spent a day at the cottage of Rev Roy Hicks a former minister at Aurora Roger returned home last week from Balm Beach Georgian Bay where he has been a voluntary worker with the The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Aug Page 9 First Generation Squatters Fourth Subdividers On Farm From squatters rights to sub- for his log cabin Here his development is the born Possessing the of the farm at hardiness and courage of other women of her time Mrs City Trading off acres of land at Torontos Queen street for a team of oxen seems Bride who weighed only pounds would trek over the deer path to Muddy Yorks mar- nig higher and Christian Childrens Special Set- vice Mission and the Scripture Union which is under the spon sorship of the Anglican mission comprised some children from the district cottag es This week he leaves for Es tonia Park near Lindsay where he will help with a similar in terms of todays Here she traded her basket value of property in that eggs for pounds of flour Yet years ago this happen- and whatever small things she when David and John J could carry Bride who wets JS was Dutch descent grew tired cleared and when son Isaac Muddy York and the difficulty Bride came info possession of it of working land with inadequate he built the present house and drainage They set about seek- farm buildings that face more favorable St Richard Kifbyson had bought the gully portion of the With their wives and a pair of farm a few village lots oxen they set forth over deer j facing St With the rail- trails to the high land to the way built in Isaac north It was not until they employed his trading instinct gram Harry has been given a King township building permit to erect a service station and a dining grill on his properly- at King sideroad and the third concession corner Classified ads bring results reached King township after passing through much unclaimed land to the south that they were satisfied David settled for acres of solid lying at the third concession of King Here he found an encampment of Indians whom the law mov ed on to other sites when he laid claim under squatters pri vileges to the crown land made a little grain to buy and ship wheat seeds and dressed pork Thus the farm has been In the same family for nearly years Now owned by Alfred the great grandson of the pioneer it is in the fourth gen eration King City grew around the fringe of the farm and likely to have a portion of the land through annexation to the village A small subdivision on the property will be clearing at the rear of his land built in the near future c r a if Hi l il i i til a ft An aft I a ft Ss i ft v- fit V J- ufe- f NO Oi tf MM y a m A v K TrlSorvico Drill Squads tit outstanding Canadian Army Dispatch Riders in exhibition of precision drills thrilling motorcycle demonstration wAy r i Dont Variety Show with Roy Roger every evening at pm climaxed by the great dis play y have ever seen Take In kid la Roy Roger iMun- packed Afternoon Grandstand every day at pm For the best teals make sure you get your tickets now TICKETS NOW ON SAU at the BOX OFflCE on the City Hall lawn and at the Box Office in Grandstand at The Exhibition open am to pm daily or your local ticket agent ROY ROGERS IN AFTERNOON Reserved Seats QftwirA ROY seats reserved an MAIL ORDERS AUO MUSS WHEN MUSS runs- rood III IM a fcfjP4 Mill I nit ln ihtriii in Alt hM til Die colli I- OAtll Hi mfr iii MM COiisium mJ J ivw m th NO u AUG SEPT WW HMO PRODUCTS 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