Newmarket Era and Express, 26 Aug 1954, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Notebook Our experiments with a tape recorder at a meeting of coun cil last week caused as we ex pected a considerable amount of comment We believe we made it clear that there is a difference between what Coun cillor A calls ac curate reporting and good re porting in what we consider to be the public interest In short we do not report every word uttered at council meetings First this news paper is not dedicated to be a mouthpiece of one or more members of council and sec ond not everything said by members of council is of inter est to our readers The tape recorder did pro duce some laughs too From the time it was set up at the press table it drew some sus picious glances from one or two members of council One in particular was not too hap py about this new gadget After a long discus sion on whether the infernal recording machine should or should not be allowed in the council chambers and after a vote was taken approving of It the operator meekly announced that he was not sure that the machine would pick up the voices of council members From that point on the ma chine ceased to be a threat It is sometimes a reassur ing to know that even ma chines are not always perfect Actually reporting a council meeting is more difficult now than it was when council met in a small room on the ground- floor of the town hall Now that meetings are in the auditorium the press table is set a considerable distance from the councillors desks We recall a meeting a few months ago when a large floor model electric fan was operat ing noisily in one corner of the auditorium for an hour We missed most of the first half of the meeting Probably if the press table were located in the centre of the council semi circle it would be much easier to hear what is being said We forgot to mention that after the meeting all the mem bers of council gathered around the recording machine to hear what they had said- Here Is a story about a local merchant which is worth tell ing Last week a stranger came into town and dropped into the premises of a Main St He told the that that he was a friend of another local merchant who operates a dry goods store He asked for the location of his friends store because he wanted to make some purchases while he was in town Why not buy here his brother said the So it was that the stranger bought 32 worth of goods from the Later he drove his car up Main St and told his dry goods friend that be had bought things at his brother store It easy to guei the dfSStory The was not the dry goocts mans brother all The dry store proprietor was correct on first guess at the identity of the No doubt reader guess too The was Mm one On Mr Hattj Harrys Dry Goods From the Fife 25 and 50 AUGUST A friend in Detroit sends us the following clipping from the Detroit News which will be read with interest by many of the older residents of Newmar ket as the late Alex was once a principal of our public school Alexander au thor of The Maple Leaf Can adas national anthem for a number of years was precentor at old St Andrews Presby terian church at Ont With a large tuning fork and his melodious voice he led the congregation in singing in days when it was considered a sacri lege to have an organ in a church When the first organ was installed in one member of the congregation was so indignant that he ran away with the key of the church and never again attend ed service there Two motor cars collided on a dangerous curve on the Holland landing hill last week As a result Mrs of To ronto was taken to the York County hospital with a broken arm badly lacerated leg and severe cuts the head Her husband and children were not hurt Mrs is improving and expects to leave the hospi tal this week Dr and Mrs Graham of and family cousins of Dr were recent visi tors at the manse Dr Graham leaves on the 23rd for Formosa with his family to take charge of the hospital at that station Miss re lumed home on Sunday morn ing after a wonderful trip to Alaska having visited such places such as Edmonton Cal gary Vancouver and other coastal cities Messrs Broughton C Howard Stewart A and Watson had a fine cruise on Lakes and this week on the yacht Var Starting from Brad ford and calling at Big Bay the Narrows Orillia Strawberry Isle Jacksons Fox Island Roches and back to Brad ford in three days is the rec ord including one day spent fishing down the Severn River They report good luck with the bass and some fast runs under both sail and engine Carl Van Norman who graduated front the To- University this present year and who has spend ing the summer at the summer residence of his parents Mr and Mrs Van Norman Cedars Lake staged on Tuesday of last week for the Pacific coast to attend the convention of the Medical Association at Vancouver Mrs Anderson of the is here on a visit with her son Chief Anderson She came by way of Sit Forest has been visiting and Will return by way of Chicago The Misses Tipping of Cold- water are spending a few days Mrs Watson Mrs Gordon of Moines Iowa is over on a visit for a couple of weeks On sbe accompanied Mr and Mrs I Mi to Belle- and spent a day at the camp with Mrs Lloyd Miss who has been at the camp for a few days returned with Mrs Gor don to enjoy the- visit vith her CANADIAN CHOIR SINGS AT WESTMINSTER Ira and mem a en it Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York Newmarket Era The Express Herald NEWSPAPER Published ever Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Era and Express limited Subscription 4 for two years for one year in advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second MaiJ Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN E Managing CAROUNE ION Editor GEORGE Sports Editor RACINE and THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE OR LESS AT THE FAIR THIS YEAR I For the sixth consecutive year Newmarket has had a successful trade fair town display their wares at the arena Iiarge crowds attended on the four last week Wednesday to Saturday ft is reported that the counting registered as the total attendance like to accept that figure people attended the Mr mote and passing through the gate countless times were members of the arena stiff and swarms of who tan In and of the building One exhibitor who esltapted a good outside guess would nothing but superlatives about the trade fair every year We agree that the fait is a fine event for the merchant and for the town as a But it is our own ami the opinion of others that there was less to hold interest this year It was not up to the show of We had the impression that there were fewer products on display The auto mobiles refrigerators and large appliances there are the less tijnelttaces to make the rounds of the exhibits There were fewer exhibits displaying small items this yean We also noticed the absence of dry and clothing We would like to have seen more crafts more local color and if possible or services represented which a customer can find in Newmarket but not in Toronto We feel that if annual trade fair is to continue to be a success it will be necessary to present of the unusual We view cars the Exhibition or in nay number of show windows We must point that one car dealer did show that he had by featuring a wheel balancing demonstration of the larger see long- the trade fair opens and their presence does not discourage home owners from- buying the of We are sure that if the selection of for display con tinues to be so Jim fy not show signs of greater the fair will lose popu larity ON PLANNING Newmarket was incorporated as a village in the year The town- of Kort Erie incorporated in same year according to its newspaper com- loaders already are starting to think about a centennial celebration in The president of the chamber of commerce there is quoted as saying To properly commemorate the event thinking and planning should commence at this early date Newmarket can fake a tip from Fort Erie So far we have heard nothing about Newmarkets centennial cele bration in The Peace Bridge town also shows signs of aggres siveness in the industrial field The chambers man aging director recently returned from a holiday trip to England lie was in contact with a number of English businessmen Of 20 contacts made it is expected that two executives of British companies will survey the Fort Krie area shortly for the purpose of evaluating in facilities Most other companies indicated that it may be a year or two before they are ready to estab lish manufacturing plants in Canada It would seem that the best way of encouraging British firms to locate in a community is to go directly to them for a personal interview SUBPIVI PREMATURE It would seem that the Ontario Municipal Board made a sensibly decision on refusing an application to construct a large rural subdivision in East township at the Poplar Banks siderooJ near Yonge Street The decision was not influenced by ratepayers fears of high taxes nor by the fact that the subdividers were prepared to pay only a lot for services rather than as ratepayers requested The subdivision simply represented planning It would have been too far from a serviced area It also lias been proved by the that subdividing into two acre lots is nut wise Eventually the area will be developed but until such time that gradual development takes place the area is serving a better pilose by being used for agriculture SELLING OUR BIRTHRIGHT There is mounting public opinion against the of anything but an all Canadian the St Lawrence River A few weeks ago the town Chorister David Evans bishop Ontario Canadian ensign cm he and vambers of St Cathadrai from lads in London for ffular chair of Newmarket a copy a thf townsKipi been to Ottawa It to tJig present plans which are- understood to call for the most of the ship canals on the of the The town of passed thesame resolution and sent Raying to resolution ilr Smith federal for indicated letter week that Canada is now committed to a plan to extent iMt there is that it can revert to the Canadian proposal He that there has evidence of public opinion against the for on Ameri can side of the border ho be glad to attend a meeting of council and explain the situation Last week the weekly Fort Brie TimesReview which is consistently antiLiberal government said that Canada is selling its birthright to another nation The newspaper goes on to say For many years the St Lawrence seaway has been just the subject of a great deal of discussion and conjecture Now as we find it reaches the point of actually becoming a reality we have at the present time a government selling out our inter ests to the States at a tremendous cost to the citizens of this country The very heart the seaway is the navigation wotks at the International Rapids and it seems at this point very clear that the canals are to be built on the American side and ships using them will come under the jurisdiction of the United States The reaphed in between the two countries was to the effect that there would be an all- Canadian seaway with all the canals being constructed on this side It seems rather strange that these last few months have seen such a sudden change of heart on the part of bur government regarding the project First the seaway was to be entirely Canadian built then this was later changed to one of a joint partnership with the United States in the construction of the seaway Now another change has taken place one which looks to be the final disposition of the matter We are to bear the greater part of the expenditure and the ne cessary facilities are being provided by us to make the seaway effective It is not now even a partnership but we ore in the position of being servants of the United States We pay the collects the tolls etc As a sop External Affairs Minister Pearson informs us that we have made it clear that nothing is to interfere with Canadas right to build canals on the Canadian side of the river What has happened to Ottawa that this backing down from the original plan allCanadian seaway has taken place Were we afraid to tell the Americans that their plans were not acceptable American elections this year might have a bearing on litis matter but what has the success of a particular party to do with our birth right being sold We are aware that the added prestige given to the present party in power in the United States would be a factor in seeking the votes of the electorate there that the St Lawrence Seaway project would be something the administration could claim as being started by them In Cornwall Out a petition has prepared in an endeavor to impress the government with the need of building an allCanadian Seaway Lionel President of the St Lawrence Seaway Authority was aware of the nature of this petition and had sug gested that certain be made and set the date of August 19th for officially receiving it With the meetings now being held with the US negotiators at Ottawa the petition may he received too late From the information that is being given to the public the seaway situation is distressing We may be hearing only the worst features of the present plans We hope that Mr Smith does come to Newmarket and provide us with more facts about the seaway Possibly there is a brighter FARM INCOME How much cash in armors pocket come harvest time Maybe not as muck as last but still a pretty good chunk says Jack in The Financial Post The actual result and particularly the farmers feel about his own money position affect much of Canadian business His gross take touch record millions nor millions It may lo down a percent to percent from 1951 But like tho weather it may even be bettor in some regions The big imponderable is of course the wheat crop So much depends on future wheat market ings ami the final price stole the servant not the master of the people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent in international and national issues it fa not the function of the state to assume the direction of those rest on individual choice Office Cot Reports Catnips By Ginger We had to bail our out of jail last week It was a horrible incident which I tend to forget easily declared Slim on his release No matter what it was Slim is now a of the Don jail At the fantastic hour of am on Wednesday Aug 15 there was a hollow knock on ffie door of sleeping Slim rather on the door of his residence Two husky gendarmes hustled him off to the grim greywait ed institution and he tempor arily became part of the great anonymity Inside He had caught up in the dragnet of the law In short I was in the jug Slim summed it up as wrote this He in the cause he failed to pay he was short the cash when the minions caught up with Slim offences were no muffler on his Pierce Ar row and making a left hand turn where he shouldnt have At first I though the boss had planted to get a story about prison conditions I was there type of story It might have been a rival to that of Shaving the detective But it was no hoax When the gen darmes picked hint up they were far from lenient He dragged them to the apartment of Stretch- resident correspondent for the daily offered a cheque for the correct amount but the lawmen refused it because it was not certified How can you certify a bunking cheque at the crack of dawn sfeouted from the top of his stairs The saga continued as Slim phoned the boss house fat the skins but he had stayed all night with Huxley at the lake Resignedly hero walked out to the squad car under es cort and slumped into trie back seat When I was offered a prison uniform refused Slim said told them had a wealthy benefactor who would rescue me within minutes Then waited for six hours before that timeless advertising man at the office came and rue of place The delay was caused be cause the was busy all day It was not until afternoon that he got around to thinking about S Urns message and his wretched plight in the cooler Finally the lxsssent the ad man off to make rescue in his Blue Beetle Adrian liuxley who writes the best advertising copy In our oneman advertising de- parthiem is an unassuming marc Hi related up to prison door A little peef opened They let me In was frisked I thought they were thereupon going to imprison me But they didnt Thence I was taken underground to a danJc musty cell where I could hear water There was our man shackled shivering in the pitch dark I say no wonder they called Elizabeth Fry or whoever it was the with ihe lamp Triat was Florence Nightin gale whatever said was true about prisons Theyre beastly places and very she didnt say it It Elizabeth Fry I said But she didnt have a lamp It was Florence Nightingale who had the lamp and she was a nurse why bring he into it What has she got to do with this about prisons anyhow asked Huxley Hux ley is sometimes impossible a excon Slim now that he shout go through life helping people to avoid brushes with the law especially young people From his- own experiences Slim the following conclusions Crime dortt pay Take it from an ex perienced jailbird Prison life I had might send the less steadfast citizen on a road to ruin An remember check your muffler and beware of left hand turns Above all pay fines when due or you aint got a chance Gingers note This story Is percent true about an ac quaintance of mine by Dairy Farmer Tim Top S Inches The Newmarket Trade Fair is over and after the dust has settled we are just wondering about the changing quality of this annual event Basically it is an event to promote trade and being a trade promotion project it should be directed at the customer who is most like ly to be shopping and buying in Newmarket But if this is the case then either the buying tastes are changing or farmers in this area no longer represent on im portant factor in the economy of Newmarket all the ex hibits there was none that could be called an exhibit by merchants supplying farm needs Of course we realize that farmers buy television furniture and all other things town buy Maybe as far as appliances are concerned there is little difference today between a household and town home But there was no farm hardware dairy sup plies no farm paints or roof ing no feeds and feed ingredi ents or seeds and no farm god- gets or small equipment and tools to be seen anywhere is always possible to say that some of the men tioned do not exhibit well and that on he whole no can be gained from such ex hibit- Well it may be so but the point still remains that the town of Newmarket is a shop ping center for farm popula tion and one doesnt get any business by taking it for grant ed Somebody somewhere Is missing the boat And while we are on the boat missing business we might mention that the trade fair convinced us more than ever that the solution to the surplus of dairy products is making people drink more milk powdered milk skin milk and all the other dairy products are important and necessary in the dairy economy And incidentally a good exhibit of butter and nicely packaged samples and the beautiful yellow color of it would have looked good at the trade fair However is no disease its industry that an extra glass of milk per person per day wouldnt cure The dairy booth at the fair was mobbed by children and the milk went as fast as any other among children We are further convinced that in order to have this extra we have to do a selling job op fluid milk in the glass and persuade the dis tributors to do this The days when we could say we pro duce it and you sell it are oyer and since the increased sate at milk is a goal attractive it has to be done If increase then the extra cost or advertising will bo jus tified because due to the larg er volume price would not have to go up to the consumer and the cost should be less to the producer and distributor- ANNF ON FOURTH BIRTHDAY Catnl study of Princess Anno was road for the occasion of fourth birthday princess Is wearing a votS over feu with pink coral She had her birthday party at Balmoral Cult ScoUaai

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