The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Ana HUSKIES The Hunt brothers new Ken Harmons Holland Land- lions to the Huskies lineup Huskies dropped a close decision to Maple at Bradford arena Thursday in a exhibition lacrosse game It was the Huskies sec ond game of the season They tied Maple in their first divided the Holland Landing scoring Art Hunt hit the cords for four goals while bro ther George got three The Huskies are hoping to ar range exhibition games with Newmarket and Aurora in the near future New Breeding Stock vw- Puts New life Into Your farm Why Wait go ahead with See your nearest Bank of Montreal manager about a Farm Improvement Loan Queensville Wins Lake Pennant are Lake softball league pennant holders Playing sharp ball afield and carrying loaded hickory war- clubs to the plate Queensville dropped Newmarket Legion at the fair grounds Wednesday It was the second successive win for the ChapmanCryderman and gave them the Business and Professional AWARD Bank of working In walk Branch CAMERON Manager KENNETH Canadian Builders This man houses Canada series arid league flag in two heats Big guns in the camp were Doug Eves and Haley The Region pitching corps of Bill and John Shedlowick stop Eves The Quefensvilte shortstopper hit pay dirt with home pitched runs a masterful four hitter to silence the ire fcam Myles gang strong They picked up two runs in the first as Norm Legge and Don Smith dropped bunts and scored on Doug Eyes peg to third After that jhe locals couldnt make a dent in column Newmarkets other hits came in the sixth as Don Smith doubled and Bruce bunted safely runners were left stranded as fifaley got Mickey Smith Doug Simpson to pop Up and out Queensville tied it fe the second on an whipped ahead in the as Doug Eves and Dave Harvey supplied home rims Queens- ville added to their margin as Doug Eves hit runs in fifth and seventh and oji eft singled and scored flit single in sixth got JnTfew- four Haley fanned nine VanZant working until John Shedlowick took charge the sixth yielded six hits Shed gave up five hits Cain Shows Em How Doug Eves practically tore the cover off the ball with three home runs and a double at the fair grounds Wednesday as captured the league flag For quite a spell it appeared Eves stupendous effort would get him a repeat award However up came Herb Cain coach of our intermediate hopefuls in a pinchhit role with three on and two out in the seventh in Fridays baseball to do at the fair grounds Newmarket trailed and needed a run desper ately to tie Flyers It was quite a spot for the locals coach to put himself in Herb promptly got ticketed for the hero slashing a single through the middle That hit scored two runs and earned Newmarket the decision and theatre pass Playoffs the Township league will start next and since postponed games have a part to play in the final have to watch the posters immediate future of Aurora Sgysy thing cer tain is that the Legionnaires will tin and finish seconder thirds with Mark- ham Aces as opposition unless strange things with whom the Au rora even on the season appears to be a certainty place situation is tangled with either or to firials last winter is intact and it is expected to move up to midget and emulate the feat the Aurora Lions club of who took a title A meet ing was held in the interest minors on Monday under the sponsorship of this group There are quite a few who be lieve that some of the team are ready to move up to junior ho ckey fight now namely boys as Charlie Vrana Wayne Barry and Jim Were not saying that the kids all couldnt do it but its a lot longer hike than most know and it takes a player like Bobby GucI WW- m mores to is one of the army of daily wage earners who have created Jrl Canada as it is today But as a daily wage earner changes a fleet him More others his ability to enjoy life depends on what happens on a or weekly basis Unexpected illness or another emergency may reduce his income But he must still live must still pay bills and clothe and feed his family In the face of this kind of emergency he might have to borrow docs the Small Loans Act will protect him He will be able to the money he needs from a consumer finance company quickly at a reasonable rale The consumer finance industry enables this man to meet unexpected money needs Gives him assistance in planning his budget or expanding his business It allows him to do all this and maintains his credit Allows him to meet obligations without becoming dependent on relatives or friends This is how the consumer finance industry helps Canadians It is an essential source of additional money It is how Household Finance has supplied the answers to problems of millions of Canadians for over a quarter of a century Money When You Need FINASSCE CANADAS LARGEST MOST RECOMMENDED CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANY Behind Ida pitching qualified for a spot in the Simcoe junior ladies league semifinals by walloping Lake Wilcox in a first round playoff game The win gave Queensville the best of three series in two straight the defending league champions will now meet Mount Albert in the semis breezed home in easy style after scoring first round runs Lake Wilcox used three pitchers in ah attempt to stem the tide All the Queensville lassies had at least one hit with Barbara Foster collecting three home runs and Lynn two round trippers to earn the top hit awards Were tied on point at the week end- but had one more chance than the Hitlers to make the playoffs Last Thursday night saw the Aurora club blow both hot and told In the first doubleheader f the year the club won and lost y identical scores to Jack boys In mortis to prove the exception The team sponsors we under stand hope to keep the lads con- Newmarket Legion Wins Tourney Aurora and district softball patrons who took in the eight team Aurora Canadian Legion sponsored Softball tournament were treated to a full afternoon and evening of topnotch soft- ball The largest crowd to jam the Aurora park in some time saw Newmarket Legion on southpaw Norm for nine hits including smashes by North Simpson and Bruce Towns defeat Aurora to capture fourhamen crown and mythical North softball championsliip Earl home run and Grant Win swung for three hits to pace Au rora Newmarket scored five first round runs and never loofc back Aurora couldnt fastball slants after the latter relieved I Bill in the second In first play Aurora behind Norm SiuVdehs three hit twirling blanked Pine Orch ard 30 Ted uncorked a three hitter for the losers Newmarket in the wake of Wrights twohitter topped Keswick Com ets on Claude Pollocks three hitter beat North York 71 McNeil and ace Bill Bowen waged a tight pitchers duel before Thornhill edged Willow Beach INSURANCE FIRE BURG LAKY AUTO AND LIKE New and used cars financed Bill Timothy St NEWMARKET ACCOUNTANT PHONE A A CONLIN 5 Main St Chartered Accountant NEWMARKET LEGAL FLOYD CORNER Solicitor and Public Aurora Ontario one Aurora PA Res PA if I ill j r Tba thai from with and for and of inooia for of your W mU you a Am of Joseph O Dales Solicitor Notary Public Office and Residence Phono Main St Evenings By Appointment SUN Lift COMPANY A effort plus Norm nope to Keep me con- stundens five hit pitching en midget company where Aurora to blank BERT MEEHAN PROSPECT ST NEWMARKET Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE they be in their own class and while Newmarket behind gaining valuable experience Wrights five hitter the future j swamped in j Rumor which appears to be semifinal action Wright sock- fairly well founded is that j ed a home run and single and Eddie Bush will depart from Newmarket plated three runs in and take over the the sixth to wrap it up J chore at in he Lake Junior replacing under suspension from the A until next February is hoping the will lighten the sentence but we dont think that is likely to happen Bush First Highly Fortified a EGG MASH CRUMBLES costs ways It takes pounds to produce a Electrically feed mil result in a better balanced ration Extra keeps birds on food keeps em laying Leas wasted with Crumbles No waste through loss of drink more Keeps up body weight The jitters a common complaint was chiefly respons ible for Newmarket ladies absorb ing a defeat at the hands of Dixie at the fair grounds Thursday The game a first round playoff fixture was the starter In a out of three series A shaky that included three disastrous bobbles in the firs two innings opened the door fur Dixie to skip ahead The invaders second pair in ihe third wurv definitely runs as Scott tripled and homered make it A was the end of scoring as the VanZanters away to play up to par ball The locals werent hitting They only got six off Dixies Lois was the big sunshine provider with three while the other fell to Barbara Wall Barbara Gwilliams and Sarah Barradell The VanZantCourtney nine didnt shake the horsecollar until the eighth It was third hit sipgie that the ball rotting Shy Preston next up waited out a and both runners hit the on a Dixie sour peg Dixie got ten hits off -Sarah- Ifcu radell After the third Sarah pitched shutout ball working her way skilfully out of several spots Helen the winners big With four hits in five Wtes Preston Barbara and featured afield with big league catches while Betty starred defensively for Dixie port in the second game they gave both better and hitting support for win hurling against former mates seemed below par while OXd Man River rolled along in high gear for one of his best performances of the year scampering like a jack rabbit provided some the fastest baserunning ever seen in the Aurora park in both games taking extra sacks on scratch hits with abandon Grant played standout ball in both contests Umpire Jack Ornery ruled the roost like Bbgh and the result was on the bounty Aurora was banished in the first game fox tossing his bat his who holds down first sack was banished in the second game for protesting too vigorously Druerys ruling that he had taken a leadoff A rhubarb occurred later its Young and Ornery de- baited the fine points of whether not a time out Grant Winters a new lease on life even though had call ed htm out At one stage the wits awarded to Aurora since with Bell out only had eight players Apolo gies the cries the fans and the officials caused the players to kiss and make up and the contest finished It was a great night on all and we saw the only- brother battery in the league in action with Jack tossing and George behind the bat for A brother battery while unusual is not too strange a sight as weve o used to seeing ttill work capes ones mind that the tela- Errors Rum Newmarket In A Series In baseball language errors j W kill you of course do a good job optimists found this out in A and his record as sorrow As a coach speaks for itself ably more rumors Athletics had slated departure from over the years have emanated than about any sports figure This one we be lieve is the closest yet but bet on it The Schomberg pacer Ben Boy ended the Woodbine meeting as the lop pacer Mrs Miller won four feature purses for total of over three grand and the eight heats In seven times in he lost he broke stride us he the stretch and came back to take Ben Boy has a pacing mark of for the mile at Woodbine and Mrs aside the gelt is of silver as welll ton junior players to move to Aurora hockey this winter The names have been turned over to the Aurora management but theyll have to act fast We draw- to your attention the fact that the private TiV stations at Ham ilton Kitchener and in the UiS are giving to their views the top sports features each Saturday particularly baseball if you can draw in the station We in the Toronto even find a Saturday program under little trouble recording a win over the locals The game played at the fair grounds was the first in a threo series in the OBA ban tam Second game is at this week harvested off the combined pitching of Barry and Bob Keffer took over in the second ahd pitched eight hit bait trie rest of the route Keffer was plagued with walking eight and errors rather than hits The locals slipped behind the eight boll early as Merritton plated three first and eight sec ond innings runs INSURANCE JOHN JAR VIS Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Phones Newmarket 1303 Mount Albert Insure Today the coop way Enquire at your local coop John Newmarket W MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA NEWMARKET Timothy Phone 176 PHONE PA Life Fire Auto Casualty Insurance and Low Cost Auto Wellington St MATHEWS STIVE LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitor Notaries Mathews M STIVER LYONS BA Joseph Vale Main St 210 Bay St Phone 120 Phone KM Newmarket Out- Toronto A MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Newmarket Phone bJl VtOLET Conveyancing Insurance St Newmarket Phone DENTAL First Mount Albert squeezed by Zephyr in the Lake softball league playoffs The game the opener in a best of three first round set was play- We Mount Thursday ATTENTION FARMERS AND SMALL HOME OWNERS We ate now equipped to do all types of fencing such as LAWN STOCK POLE RAIL have a complete stock of 7AWwlTofimr catches won I POSTS and it for the Bill INC FOR DR W DENTIST Over Provincial Police Office Office Residence 1341 Dr C VanderVovrt DENTIST Mm St Phone Iw made a glove catch of Dave Couchs long foul fly After the catch- Art on second via a double rocketed all big league Wo hope Jack Smith the local member reads this IPs time the monopoly was broken in Toronto area not so much that you vTrlS stations as Jack Williamson is second xoMy and put Joe Cases j contingent ahead Zephyr squared accounts in the sixth Ron reached on an and then scored Harry Hawse- and Don Hewlett poked out singles It stayed until the last of AERIALS CALL JIM Newmarket DR W DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Phone I ii MISCELLANEOUS dw have to cater to the Nson Case tastes of its Wo realize 5 bi course that deadlock and gave Mount a win sports officer of Aurora wffltor fie succeeds Doug Richardson but again that who gave up the post Ihiough pressure other activities Is enthusiast for darts and bowling and tho lac Monday evening sessions likely see groups participating with the Legionnaires in these for sport oh the Legion sports Miss Judy will be thanks and private interests- Flushed with the success of ssasoi his reached the and made money intermediate 5fon ttlcteon former recreation director at From November ember the numb Of civil servants employed government increased to It is that by November the total will have increased by addi tional t In the earj doiogs Bob Bad- triple and Kelly Cases double ave a run in the retaliated in round two as Harry scor ed on Ken Taylors hit blessed with Sanitary Contractor Drain Cleaned ami Repaired Septic Tanks Pumped 24Hour Service RICHMOND HILL TURNER ntmOVER SALE Hill 13 1 row players n Wetter seven woo known MlltBftw Autledge SMITHS FEED AND SEED Ont Ct nod iui fitrtt is woeful fcQ MM lit or fall iw jl rticitiM eat btWtt Mt New Toronto who twined the the Hancock agaliv headman for amaujs George year who di who oft SY- have and heard Aurora allroiuvd interviewed on the stations sports- parade Eric who is tt top amateur this year at the Hamilton member a panel champs from the Hamilton Tommy Spence and Powell are losing no getting minor hockey off to a flying start at Aurora this year Both gents as well as other members of the committee who looked after the Aurora Bantam club have a series of draws go ing each week to raise funds for the forthcoming season The team which went to the bantam Remember oft Bolton and player a fuss for A- ftttohlngi lor Sotmlif in- Township league divides Be fihoxe- brother Mttttt to ftf foe bus- last year in junior Exams when the results are known lead to considerable chan ge secondary school sports anct will that will be hard to fill at aurora this By pfestecarook fine running half will enter hall will law at of Keith Kin- first string quarter will go to Western in journalism Ted clever centre will en roll in teachers college Norm star lineman will go into business and Bob Moose Andrews plunging and defensive star is said to be bound for the York County Hospital Needs Your Donation CONTRACTING Home Farm Wiring Free Estimates BAIN Ontario St Bex Phone III Newmarket was brilliant on both sides however can he up with some as per usual the ceoach n through a Rood winner at Branch Speedy Shep Mrs gamely carried the stable after the death hep husband with nut too lucfe like all her stable bred being the son of anstito winning the race defeated such good ones as Speed Ik Vital York Township will in stall three outdoor portable ar tificial ice rinks this year and Toronto will add seven more Wont long until the will be able to look after all its own needs in Toronto The poli cy of catering to the at hometown expense is a dangerous one to follow over the years- THE BEST CUTIERY BUY in YEARS a tor tana by tint or fowl luster fmuni tieJ ultra Twmrtfour pistes con- Honed fork tjnitrt In tfainM fiiit lor 5 dar GUARANTEED ONLY EVANS FUELS Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Phone Outer- taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling BOX COVE PO EVANS Distributor in Newmarket and District for WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Gasoline Motor Oil Stove Oil Fuel Oil Phone 5 USE AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING ARTICLES YOU NO INTO CASH