Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Sep 1954, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Notebook We saw the Green Gaels in their last game of the lacrosse finals at home last week and we were impressed by their team spirit and fair play Lacrosse may appear to be a rough game but we saw no case where a player on the Newmarket team or the Long Branch team pur posely employed roughness or used unfair tactics There may be unintentional slips in lacrosse but on the basis of what we have seen we would not criticize the game as it is played in the as much as we would criticize the way many hockey games are played Although they lost the East ern Canadian championship in overtime in the final game with Long Branch at Brampton Fri day their followers were proud of them It is an adopted team Most of the players live in the Toronto area two are from the local district But as far as Newmarket fans are con cerned their naturalization has been complete We hope they will be playing here again next year From the Files of Newmarket town council met Tuesday night but there were three members absent and there was little worth reporting Councillor A re lentless in his crusade for ac curacy declared that a copy of a resolution for an allCana dian seaway sponsored by the Township of was sent to Ottawa by Newmarket But he said it was not passed by Newmarket council as reported He said that it was sent to the member of Parliament for York North Councillor Robert dis agreed with Councillor saying that he was sure the re solution was passed Mayor M and the town clerk said they believed that the same resolution was sent to the fed eral member Mr J Smith asking for further information about the seaway We commend Councillor Be lugin for his dogged insistence upon being accurate As for tenacity no better councillor is there to be found than Council lor 25 and 50 Years Ago AUGUST Mr J of Newton- brook and formerly of New market struck an artesian well at feet on his new subdivi sion Glen Echo Beach and one half miles south of Kes wick Mr extends an invitation to anyone wishing to spend a day bathing or pic nicking io visit his property Following the extreme heat of Thursday of last week an electric display commenced early Friday morning illumin ating the darkness which con tinued in intensity till nearly six oclock a tremendous crack was heard and the lights went out all over town People are accustomed to get breakfast with electric stoves and utensils had to bring discarded coal lamps Into re quisition and get breakfast In the oldfashioned Mrs and daughter Helen who have been visiting relatives in Newmarket and East Gwillimhury since the middle of June left for home in Areola on Sat urday after a lovely visit Mis3 Eileen Boyd returned from Montreal on Saturday af ter visit of ten days accom panied by Mr Jackson Miss Beryl and Horn by motor the Jackson group remaining here for three or four days before leaving home Mr and Mrs fc ton and their daughter Virginia of and Mrs John daughters Misses arid Ruth of Media Pa were visi tors at Mr Sunday afternoon Miss Eileen and Mri and Mrs A Starr of Newmarket Mr of Toronto Mr and Mrs laird family of Many Newmarket will regret to learn Bert Day who has employ of the Bell Telephone Company as line in this district for on Wednesday to assume is ire sponsible position at though all will wish him suc cess in bis merited promotion None will feel the loss more than his friends in this sporting circles of the town SEPT The number of readers at the reading room is increasing Every chair is occupied for a couple of hours every night with many unable to find a seat Six new names were add ed on Tuesday night and over books changed Mr Mitchell and Mr have returned after spending weeks very pleasantly in Port Huron and other places Rev Miner and wife of Buf falo and also Mrs George Min er of the same place spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs A West They vere on their way to to attend the conference Miss Clarice is spend ing a few days in the city this Her sister Miss has been in the city for the past three weeks will return home with her on Monday G Jackson spent Monday with her sister Mrs Harding at Misses Minnie and Pauline who have been visiting at and Gait arc ex pected home next Wednesday Miss Gertrude and her friend Miss Ethel Garrett spent oyer Smtg Miss Edna- Mrs of te mm also Miss who has been in the city for the weeks return Home with her on Monday MM Emily Fen ton spent two or three days with her cousin 3s last week Mis Billings and Mr spent a couple days this week at Mrs- Crone and daugh ter of attended the Friends convention lit Toronto ting last week visited her sis ter Mrs Jane Taylor market last but buyers did not get near the quantity Wonted Prices as butter lb eggs- IS to apples a basket potatoes honey lb celery head cabbages head cauliflower io head Millard and leave for Manitoba next week Off to Ireland fa the symbol of world tractor plowing supremacy the Golden Plow for teams an expected countries will compete at Eire Octobers and in the second world contest Dispatching the trophy which was won for Canada last year by James of Brampton during tint wot Id match at fa J thomas of Toronto president of World Plowing Organization The trophy was especially designed for the by the Goldsmiths and Co Ltd of England Serving Newmarket Aurora and rural districts of MEM press North York Newmarket Era The Express Herald Published ever Thursday of Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription for years for one year in advance Single copies an eoch Member at Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Moil Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN Managing ION Womens GEORGE Sport Editor RACINE Muling and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE SECOND DAY OF SEPTEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR COIiMULOiK From an editors point the late was deal newspaper owner jHis sudden death last week ended years of his ownership of the Era and Express including a period of nearly twoyears while the newspaper has been present manag ing editorship We knew Col as the owner of this newspaper we did not know daring his political career which ended in because of his poor health From the time we accepted the position of manag ing editor in October 1932 until his death we were never once given directions about newspaper policy His attitude offered complete freedom for every depart ment the paper both news coverage and editorial writing has always been carried out without instruction from the owner Full responsibility for policy was put in the hands of the managing editor and the managing editor was subject to no political requirements Col served the community well by provid ing a free and independent newspaper- Although he did not use his ownership to dictate policy he was always interested in progress of the newspaper and the community We could not expect to find a better news paper owner We pay tribute the late Col in this regard because it was through a pleasant rela tionship between owner and editor that we knew him best and because as owner it was his only wish that the Era and Express be a good newspaper serving the community well and thus serving Canada well CHAMPIONS FEDERATION A weekly newspaper was recently taken to task for telling farmers to of false prophets while it was common ting on the Federation of Agricultures rival farm organizations The secretary of a local of the Ontario spited to the Canadian it hail implied that fanners are to think tot paper again replied mil it certain that it has respect for honest opinions honestly expressed and added in a democratic society it is a fundamental rule majority prevail we are quite that the great majority of farmers in Ontario not in support of this new movement to set up rival farm groups to the Federation paper claims that a great deal of preaching of false gospel has been going on and that the pity of it is that there appears to be a few good people farming communities who have been misled by it taken for granted that in the face of the are obviously false and wade by those who have either personal axes to grind or personal ambitious to serve know nothing about the false prophets and we can neither agree nor disagree with the Statesman Farmers can form as many they wish but we side with Statesman which challenges the statement that the Federation has done nothing in its years of history to justify its existence Some of of he Federation notecl Hie has- successfully negotiated many of the policies now in effect at Queens Park for betterment of rural life in It has the marketing Has now been for sonic years and has had a ha in the setting up of all the various producer marketing schemes now The has helped in organizing the viirious commodity gronpa now function so a successful ergaixtotio for it has dealt fully a thouaand and one the fanners of the have provincial ftod federal it im on ljk of ymp for the ftj fielda its county organizations have rinding cooperative health service Federally tlie Federation was able throughout the war years to guide the negotiations with government farm products and farm subsidies in relation to the wartime food con tracts into hands across the nation the production for wartime needs The Federation during Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger those years was granted representation on wartime advisory boards haying of the Agricultural Prices Support Act and the setting up of the Agricul tural Prices Support Board After some years of urg ing the federal government passed the Federal Market ing Act which was unanimously upheld as constitu tional by the highest law court in Canada Through over 10 years of constant negotiation with innumerable consultations and conferences the Federa tion has been able to obtain a complete revamping of the policy respecting the application of income tax regulations to the farming business which wiped out old inequalities and injustices and provided for such institutions as the averaging of farm income the basic herd system the readjustment of depreciation allow ances the farm income tax guide and innumerable other concessions and improvements In the early years of the war it negotiated the federal freight assistance policy on feed grains which brought these feed grains to the doors of the eastern livestock feeders at rates which eliminated for the farmers the burden of the freight transportation costs over the wide gap between the prairies and a policy which has since been acclaimed by all members of all parties in the Commons which has saved many thousands of dollars for Ontario farmers SAYS SEAWAY NOT A SELLOUT Contrary to the opinion of some Canadians the SI Lawrence Seaway is not a sellout says the Financial Post it is of the view that most Canadians would have preferred to see the St Lawrence Seaway altCanadian but adds that most Canadians realize that you cant treat a neighbor like the United States with the brusque contempt which would have been necessary to keep Washington out once Congress has voted approval The Post says it has pushed for the seaway hart most of people who are now making such a fuss about US It goes on to say that it has always supported the agree ment under which Canada undertook to build the sea way itself once the power project was launched and no power project was possible without US approval The latter significant point is one that present critics prefer hi completely ignore as if the St Lawrence River was bound on both sides by Canada The seaway if neces sary could be built on either side of the river but the power project of course must be tied to both The US Administration pushed through New York States power development at a time when it seemed impossible to get Congress to approve either seaway or power If it had not we would still bo as far from the seaway now as we were in or 198 J Neither Truman nor Eisenhower ever gave up hope of got ting Congress to join in the seaway once the power was launched And Canada itself undertook to build the allCanadian seaway only the assumption that it will not be possible to obtain Congressional approval for the joint scheme of I This is spelled out in Canadas note of June SO 1932 NOT QUITE UNSHOCKABLE The Printed Word ft is barely possible that Canadians after alt have a capacity to be shocked No one has yet been convicted of any crime in connection with the investigation into the letting of and carrying contracts in Ontario highways but several people and corporations are to stand trial on charges of fraud or some tiling like it The Ontario highways department apparently thought that the public was let a contract to one com pany on the very day that that and at least one of its officers were in the for hearing on charges in connection with previous contract It remains for the courts to decide whether Apt the company and officer to but only after a outcry the that company would not bo awarded pending courts mmister highways or officials of the depart ment granting a contract to an accused company unless the courts decided that the charges were baseless A bank teller accused of robbery of his employer may not be guilty but he is not allowed to resume work in the tellers cage while awaiting trial servant no the of their guarantee Infringement on their rights thw agent in and nation a it not Juration of to of tfiose which test on imSvkknd Shocking said Mayor Indecent said Deputy- Reeve Col Holland Rivera Them old painters painted to interest the masses They shouldnt be al lowed in our show said Coun ciilor Colin The committee of three ap pointed by Corners council was making a survey of all exhibits and entertain ments at the annual Thimble- berry Fair and Horse Show at Cuttin Corners this week What prompted the investiga tion was a complaint earlier that one side shows the Follies was indecent and highly suggestive the subject of complaint told the committee that they should go and look at their own art show There she said were pictures of peo ple completely exposed The members of the special investigating committee receiv ed the shock of their lives for they had never seen an art show before And people dont even have to pay to see the art show was reported to have said- Slim our Corners correspondent and spe cial fair and horse show re porter interviewed In real life she aint a Parisian beauty at all but rather she is Miss Jennie Smith of Brooklyn New York said Slim Confidentially said Slim I think its just a big trick to keep up with the CNE Seems to me that they have a scandal every year and it usually gits around to the art show some how It harks back to several years ago when they had that by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches big fit about the painting Sail ors and Floozies Well after all these exhibi tion and fair committees have got to keep up their publicity department I said What would the exhibition or the Fair be if they didnt have a scandal an inves tigation and a lot of newspaper copy You mean that von think that plant ed said Slim Wouldnt surprise a bit I said Boy would I like to it said Slim It would max the biggest of the year Why spoil a good thing I argued Its good publicity for the shows the and everybody People like to wit ness the process of the law punishing its criminal Similarly they get a big kick out of the stamping out of in decency such as that in Follies Radicates Something like the masse on the said Slim Similar I said I knew a painter once in the United States who hung a sample of modern art in a gallery and the critics said his painting was Red I couldnt tell because it looked to me like an after noons work in the kindergar ten Anyway he was investi gated and it was a good piece of publicity for the investiga tors Just like Fifi and the art show said Slim You know you kin hardly tell what the real motivation is behind hard ly any human action these days Now there is a real mouthful of philosophical as sessment if I do say so myself You said it I said Life is much the same at the CNK There is the same coy drivel written about the farm ers in the daily papers and the farmers are back the same way to put up with the slipshod way in which things are running at times For example there ne ver is an electrician to Gut the lights or to turn them on But the is cool and let us give credit where credit is there is no ice show to interfere with the show ing of livestock Last year we were lending cattle on top of a on the and with sawdust ft the number days on which be is decreased too and all in all the show may be quite bearable mis year One might as well be there as not since the weather turned cold and miserable- It is quite a surprise since the 30day long range forecast indicated weath er above normal and dry The last forecast for July and lufe turned out to be accurate and all indications were Sot a good season to take in second cut buy But it huSttH started yet It is quite how and varied the moisture has been this summer The papers- tell us how the milk production short in Trenton area because draught and it hasnt stop- pod raining fin days and days It mak fanning much like a sweepstake except here the winnings are subject to income tax It lorn now until we will have to start in the barn regularly and we have been doing seine to keep every thinas arnica possibles Handling lakes time and it takes- and able vary Iron fei elaboraK setups equal fe small mill all fob old method rowing actually a and dgp cows and else on tarn irnTociauafe this Is not reason of economics spread tort percent dairy ration wide and trying to pay lor the milk cheque her fa out own as la thing to it sell it buy instead We machine only being too sIoav there Li the question to do with it next Mixing the feme grown feist molasses and some high concentrate makes good Seed The trouble is that it takes twoway trans portation and white molasses good feed the cost of and grinding phis the hagrtini and handling makes it We are lookiug forward to seeing some machines other arrangements which would show an inexpensive way of handling the grain from the combine to the COW in problem there are savings to be made INDIANS CLING TO HISTORIC MOUND Dotted Una here Indicates serpent mound prehistoric on the north shore of Lake near Oat For years amateur archaeologists have dug In it for and cows have wandered over it The site was bought by the federal government In and given to of reser vation and now that wish to turn into a park tha Indians refine to part with It It Is only mound known to exist in Canada but several ones av been found VS

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