Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Sep 1954, p. 1

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4700 er of Copies Printed this Week ERA YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months March 31 Newmarket Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PA HI NO 37 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Beaches Keep Twp Vigil New Hunting FeeAigSet At the regular monthly meet- fully assessed amounting to 8480 held on Saturday Sept on lot and to plan Driver Injured Members of the Society of Friends and students of Pickering College have been holding work projects to make repairs on the oldest religious building in the district the Quaker meeting house on Street Newmarket built in Structural improvements have been made and the build ing was painted last week Unfortunately funds have been running out and the Society of Friends would appreciate any contributions to help pay for additional repairs which are needed J Photo by Here and There Around Town By Local Observe Monday was a bad night for motor traffic in this area There were five accidents between and pm with personal in juries in three of them and seri ous property damage in all the accidents If people insist on speeding of even travelling within the speed limit when the roads are slippery and the visibility is poor commented the police They will continue to pay the price in broken bones and thou sands of dollars expenses Options On Outside Land For New Industry Suggested The direction signs in certain A suggestion that Newmarket take options on land outside its corporate limits for industrial purposes was made by Reeve Dales at a meeting of council on Monday night The reeve recently attended a municipal convention at Wind sor and his report Monday night was chiefly on industrial expan sion Newmarkets problem he said is that industry wants to locate new plants in recognized indus trial areas Industry is not in terested in providing a town with tax revenue or employment for its people he said We must sell the purposes and maybe Newmar ket should take options on out side land Mr Turnbull of the depart ment of planning and develop ment said towns should put it up to the people Maybe we should ask for a mandate from the people on how much we should spend on promotion the reeve said a problem to find the correct route Once he enters town on his way to there is no sign at the intersection of Davis Drive and Main St to show him Toronto has spent 100000 a year for lhepastycrmio moling industrial expansion the reeve said In two thirds of the new industry in Ontario in the Toronto area- the the way proportion has decreased since Several times this past week have been mo- sa that we have been questioned by mo as to the correct route to their destination One was re turning from a fruitless search on Main St North for the way to Lake by way of Queen- sville and Sharon Of course anyone familiar with the area knows that he could have reached his destination eventually by con tinuing on that road Thats if he knew when to turn east again In another instance signs al though prominently displayed had not proven of much assistance to some travellers They stopped at the Shell garage on Eagle inquire the way to Aurora Questioning them the garageman learned that they had come north on Yonge St from They had passed through without it No com- should have an industrialist on its industrial committee and that it may be necessary to spend more money on an industrial ex pansion program tip saicjj that Newmarket has no land the corporate PRIZE WINNER Thirteen prizes were won in the competitions for horses by Sheldon Walker Hope at the by North Gwillimbury Township Council there were several dele gations of summer residents who approached council with their separate problems Miss Dorothy Campbell spokes man for Beach Asso ciation enquired of council for the fourth time what progress was being made in regard to the removal of a building erected on property at Crestwood Beach by I Garrett which she said is contrary to a restricted area by law She was again told that the township solicitor Joseph Vale was still on vacation and he had been previously instructed to take steps to have the bylaw up held Murray Keyfitz tax Bills for the past four and a of J fori the In hispjoperty assessed for on this Subsequently oil arid buiicSngg iJgKl fit and this Sep was A lawyer fey profession ar gued that Si did the township monies it failed to the past and the council that the taxes year be The motion was moved by Councillor Frank and seconded by James Clark Hunting Licenses At the same meeting council passed a bylaw setting fees for hunting licenses to be used with in the confines of North township In past years a license to hunt pheasant and small game issued by either Whitchurch or East Gwillimbury Township was valid in North but it was now felt that more protection was needed j isyear and in the future a separate license will be needed for hunting in- any one of the municipalities License fees were set at for nonresidents tor of the pheasant Sunt and thereafter for rabbits March For residents fee is for pheasant season and Cor rabbits and foxes until Bylaws Although construction has commenced on the Municipal Of fice Building at and Miller 39 Keswick was admitted to Western hospi tal Toronto with severe face and neck lacerations on Sept as the result of a col lision between his hard top convertible and a truck The ac cident occurred in Aurora on No 11 highway Bruce Rose Aurora the driver of the truck was uninjured The entire top of car was sheared off in the collision Both vehicles were travelling north and Rose had started to turn into a driveway on the west side of the road when the of the Sedore car artel the rear right of the truck met The Sedore car swerved across the street to hit a parking meter and then skidded feet down the road before came rest at- the Aurora Automotive Co as a complete wreck Chief Aurora in vestigated the accident KINDERGARTEN STARTED Glasses in a separate kinder garten called the Newmarket Junior school started on school building at Council Aids School For Retarded Children With Initial Grant A grant of was made by A council overlook- Newmarket town council to the Newmarket and District School for Retarded Children on Mon day night The request was made by William Warden chair man of the Newmarket and Dis trict Association for Retarded Children The school which opened on September with to of found Itself in financial difficulties because ay of education grant 25 per month for each ccwhbe the association has not had time to raise funds to expenses and the teachers There was a- the legality of making- a grant solicitor there could be- no assurance the technicalities and author ized a grant of Con said it Would be an initial grant and council ay discuss further grants at a later date Council lor said that the child ren should be educated and that the department of education should take more responsibility the matter Mr Warden who attended the meeting said that the must pay a month rent for school accommodation at the church Sunday school and 250 a month salary for the A few students from outside file will be attend ing and Mr Warden said the in which they live for grants back said that there are other on its the provincial children in the district who On at I could be attending and that Councillor Robert and there should be a second class in the school Another teacher would be required for the second class And Fire Hall At KesvikiUpi A hearing plans for a new fire police office for North low Beach the final reading of the- bylaws authorizing the erec- of these buildings were 9 this council meeting after having had the final approval of Municipal Board Canadian National Exhibition Toronto Mr Walker took two by the HUNTING SEASON The hunting season in York County opens October this year and extends until Decem ber The Minister of Lands Forests Hon Glare announces that duck hunters will be allowed a daily bag limit of eight ducks does not include mergan sers and may not include more thai one woodduck Five geese 25 rails coots and in market The school was started by a group of mothers Kinder in the public school Was closed this year because Over crowded conditions there has been an adequate fees have been re for the new Further information may be from Mrs Held Newmarket township to be built at Keswick was held on MonaSy Segfc 13 first prizes second five eight third one fourth one fifth two prizes Ontario 1 Messrs JUNIOR EVENING The The Junior Evening auxiliary authority fe dispense a ion hall mm Perhaps youre wondering why the Newmarket Bus is under fire said Councillor Jack Ham ilton as he took the chair at coun cil meeting on Monday night af ter council had resolved itself into a committee of the whole to deal with correspondence Whats this said the mem bers of press as they quickly reached for their pencils Per haps this will be interesting But Mr Hamilton as the chair man of the fire committee was mentioning an item in the ac counts report He was referring to the fact that the Bus lines were listed as a Fire committee ex pense because of the transporta tion for the Firemens picnic Special frames In aid of Ladies FRIDAY WBako Newmarket trie store 2 Children Tick sale for radio draw FRIDAY Dance King City Memorial Park Pavil ion Weirs orchestra by Lake Trinity United church vtt of the ratepayers re- Newmarket will open the season spect to a proposed capital the for th con- w a buUOg Kes wick for use as a fire hall and police office and to provide for the purchase of equipment The had also foe the approval of the expenditure heating was of shoj dur ation ending with the by the Municipal Board after it had dispensed with the vote of the ratepayers Only a few people attended meeting and there were no dissenters Tentative plans call for the building to be located on the property owned by the munici pality adjacent to the Memorial arena at Keswick Mrs Aubrey Watson fane on Tuesday Sept hi pm AJye young women the congregauon to attend GIRL GUIDES I for girl guides at Newmarket Scout flail will be heia on Sept 22 All gftls from JJ to ifyffi welcome One of the members of the Era staff and her family had a police escort into on Sat urday They hadnt mistaken her for Marilyn Belt There was a 15mile race being run in that day As the Newmarket car came along the Main St and was halted for some time to allow the racers to pro ceed a change of route was de cided After rounding several corners and deciding that at last they had lost the runners the car turned down ano ther street But they were trapped Before they could back out the runners and escorting cars and mo torcycles were behind them The remainder of the trip was made with the sound truck a police cruiser two police escorts on motorcycles the Newmarket car and then the runners It Isnt often that mem bers of our staff arrive to visit their relatives with this amount pomp and ceremony booth Admission SATURDAY SEIr York County Farm Forum toast in Community nark at pm SATURDAY SEPT St Johns bingo in Newmarket town hall pm Jackpot Admission SATURDAY SEPT In Holland Landing Community hall Orchestra Bert Dixon and his Valley Ranch hoys Time pm Admission 50c WEDNESDAY SEPT Shar on school fair sponsored by Shar on Home and School Official opening at pm Open Everyone welcome WEDNESDAY SEPT Im portant general meeting of King crafts at the home of Lady velle line of King pm to finalize plans for Kingcrafts sale of handicrafts Oct AND SAT SEPT AND soon Trade Fair exhib itors attendance last THURS SEPT and Figure Skating club payment of fees due at Newmarket Arena Group lessons 18 semiprivate 42 private Further regis trations invited Instructor Is In terested in an Adult Waltz Mrs Bruce Hunter membership convener phone Newmarket FRIDAY SEPT Opening dance of Newmarket Teen Town in the Newmarket Arena Time pm Manhattans Orchestra and SEPT In Thomp sons furniture store at pm the draw for purse and wallet quilt dolls and slips sponsored by Aurora nurses in aid of York County hospital for 100 at Osbornes or Thompsons store from Aurora nurses mSRM SEPT Boy Scout paper salvage on west side Of town west side of Ham Si Have securely tied bundles at curb SEPT 29 tor noon tea sponsored by and District Association Retartled Children home of Mrs Sanderson St to pm Draw on radio THURSDAY After noon tea at the home of Mrs Geo Case Park Ave New market from to Bake tabic and white elephant sale Admission Proceeds to York County Hospital Womens Auxil iary for all is two HOBBY CLUB The September meeting of the Hope Hobby Club will be held at the home of Mrs Norman Crone on Tuesday Sept 21 A special page on the his tory of Slouhl Albert United church and on the history of that appears in the Era Express this week Kcturcs and articles are on page On Sunday the church markeftits niversary the early Method ist church having been built years ago SA the first Presbyterian church having been built 90 years ago Miss Margaret Hyndman Miss Margaret Toronto will an open meeting in Newmarket on Thursday Sept 23 when the theme of her talk will be wo mans place in civic affairs The meeting sponsored by the market Womens Liberal BeilV Marilyn Bell Pool To Help Crippled Children CONTINUE EDUCATION Frank Carr owner of Bells Corner restaurant and motel at the corner of Davis Drive and St Newmarket thought of a way to honor Marilyn Bell for swimming Lake Ontario and ait the same time help crippled Many local students who at tended high school list year have registered in To ronto hospitals where they will children continue their education The name of his Edwards and ment Bells Corner of course Antoinette hove entered put on the idea front the school of nursing St Mi- of the restaurant there is hospital which catches the Earlier this month Miss eyes of motorists travelling Jane Gould was accepted at- the busy St and Davis Drive Womens College hospital Miss Since the fountain and pool Gould is taking a at its hase have been erected technician course many coins have been dropped Beginning their student in by tourists and S nurses training at the Bells Corner and Frank has General hospital are Misses Don sums of money Barber and day during the summer Now ho plans to put a bronze plaque at the pool dedicating it to Marilyn Bell and on it will be inscribed the date of great swim He will pave the bottom of the pool the base of the fountain with a marble finish and money collected the pool from visitors who use it as a wishing will be sent to the Ontario Society Crippled Children In addition Frank says will hold a at Bells Corner for crippled children Newmarket on every of Marilyn Bells swim On Monday night at the re- quest of Violet Newmarket town WHITE ELEPHANTS WANTED FOR SALE Knicknacks jewelry and other small items suitable for a white elephant sale are requested by the York County Hospital Wo mens auxiliary The sale will be held at the auxiliarys after noon tea to be hold at the home of Mrs George Case on Thurs day Sept 30 Donations of suitable articles should be left with Mrs Alex McKay St as soon as possible as all the contributions FRIDAY OCT Newmarket arranged for Figure Skating club skate ex- display prior to the tea A pick- change at Newmarket arena 3P of white elephants can be Wednesday morning the day he was to hold the public opening of his newly construct ed modern bowling alleys on Eagle St Frederick J Counter a candidate in the elections for Newmarkets town council died suddenly of a heart attack Mr Counter died at am only two hours after Reeve Joseph Dales DeputyReeve Violet the mem bers of council the others officially opened the new bowling centre Mr Coun ter had worked hard to put the new building in shape for the bowling season Modern shops at the front of the building were near comple tion It was Fred Counters dream to have a modern estab lishment on Eagle St which would be an asset to the town to pm and to pm Please have both skates tagged with name size and price Club re tains on all skates sold All sales are final Skates not sold must be picked up by pjn MONDAY OCT Opening meeting Mothers auxiliary Scout hall Full attendance requested of cub scout guide brownie mo thers SATURDAY OCT Soap box derby sponsored by Aurora Fire Brigade Wellington St Good prizes All welcome WEDNESDAY OCT Home and School card party Fire Hail to aid Retarded Child- rens school Prizes refresh ments Save the date THURSDAY OCT 21 Home and School Opportunity Sale Leave contributions with Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Robert Morrison Pickup arranged clw37 THURSDAY DEC Trinity United Junior will hold Christmas tea and bazaar BINGO Saturday at pm Euchre every Thursday night at pm In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission DANCING every Saturday In Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Burllnc and his orches tra Modem and old tymo Ad mission ranged by contacting Mrs Mc Kay Newmarket 1202 Start Development Of 133 Building Lots South Of Sharon A subdivision with lots being developecT by the Fear- son Realty Co is being opened between Newmarket and Sha ron- Approval for the develop ment has been given by the township of East and by the Ontario Miiniclpal Board The subdivision north of the Evans su on the third township Bulldozers preparing the ground It Is to be by wells and septic tanks have been no special about extra school accom modation At the present time the Sharon school is being reno vated and an additional room Is being added At the last meeting of coun cil part of the subdivision be ing Block A part of lot three concession two was deeded to the township by the owner Council also decided that Block be deeded to the township This photo of the late Fred Counter with his son Fred Counter Jr was taken on Tuesday night a few hours before his death Mem bers of town council and others were present at his new bowling alleys which were to be opened to the public Wednesday Fred Counter Jr plans to carry on the business Photo by ho Was a business manager who insisted on perfection and on ef ficient service for the public Marched With Fred Counter was born in Devonshire England and came to Canada when he a small boy Although he lived most of his life in Toronto he marched out of Newmarket for overseas service with the battalion in the first world war at the age of He and his father operated a number of businesses following the first war For a number of years he was foreman in a To ronto plant and was a member of the Foremans club In To ronto He improved his know ledge of business administration at night classes at the University of Toronto He came to the Newmarket district nearly five years ago and operated the Hill top Lunch a half mile northeast of Newmarket for three years He moved to Newmarket last year and offered himself as a candidate for the town coun cil last fall Probably because he was not known too well by the Newmarket electorate he was not successful Fred Counter is survived by his wife and his son Fred Counter Jr who served with the RCAF overseas in the second world war His death occurred on wedding anniversary His death was a shock to many Newmarket He was popular among the members of town council and the town officials The funeral service is to be held at the and Rose chapel on Saturday with inter ment at Newmarket cemetery Son To Carry On Fred Counter Jr intends to carry on the new business The public opening was cancelled yes terday and the opening for bawl ing leagues tonight has been can celled The establishment is to open on Monday council sent Miss Bell a letter latum will be held at the home of congtatulaUons of Mrs Kenneth Morton St Jack Smith fed eral member for North York will be present Miss who is the senior member of a Toronto law firm and the first woman in Can ada to become a director of a Trust company was called to the Bar of Ontario in When she was made a KC there was only one other woman who had received that honor There are now over 20 in the Common wealth with their In recognition of her work in obtaining Equal Pay legislation in Ontario Miss was elected Woman of the Year by the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wo men in She is on able public speaker who known for her wit A cordial invitation Is extend ed to all women of Newmarket and district to attend this meet ing It will begin promptly at on September OVER FOR HOME The Loyal True Blue Orphan age has expressed thanks to all who contributed toward the or phanage fund on Saturday Sept Total raised was Special thanks is mentioned for the children who canvassed and all who assisted on the tag day The highest canvassers were Polly Van Wayne Green field Douglas Andrews and Mar garet Hayes in order of standing BUSINESS STREET IN MOUNT ALBERT TO BE PAVED paving and new storm sewers are planned for Mount Albert main business street Center Road Tenders for the work were op ened by East town ship council at its last meeting but it was decided by council that a meeting of ratepayers be held to give further consideration to the tenders

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