Business and Professional INSURANCE FIRE BURGLARY AUTO LIFE New and used cars financed Bill Timothy St NEWMARKET PHONE FOI Mil from with ftod for ritul rtir- for zgorxDt of through a A- 11 Aam of LIPI ASlUtANOI COMPANY OP DENTAL NOBLB DENTIST Over Provincial Police Office Office Residence Or VandtrVoort DENTIST 51 Main St Newmarket Phone DR DENTIST ISO Main Street Newmarket Phone MISCELLANEOUS Garden Equipment SALE SERVICE Richmond Hill YOUNG SWIMMERS SUCCESSFULLY PASS RED CROSS TESTS For King City and district children the swimming classes at the ThornhiU pool during July and August ended with several outstanding awards Transport ation was provided by King City Lions twice weekly for an aver age of children on each trip The Red Cross tests gave Jim his intermediate badge Bill Cairns and Clara won their senior Red Cross tests John Collins passed his Red Cross junior badge and wa ter safety tests Carl Archibald was the only young swimmer to win his way from the wading pool to the Sharks big pool Joan Hare Lily Peter Rawlings and Elizabeth McNeil won their junior Red Cross tests Elaine Phyllis Judy and Marie Little passed into the larger pool III midAugust Gail ventured there Chiefs Island Home Shelters Sailors During Lake Storms ZEPHYR BERT PROSPECT ST NEWMARKET INSURANCE JOHN j Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile Casualty St Newmarket Phones Newmarket Mount Albert Insure Today the coop way Enquire at your local coop John Sytema ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING House Farm and Industrial Wiring Free Estimates BAIN Ontario St Box Phone Newmarket EVANS FUELS newmarket Coal Wood PhoneS son six for the last few training classes Next summer there will be many youngsters enrolled by the swimming instruct classes Mrs Bill on be half of King City organiz ed the women to assist the Lions supervise the children on the Once again during this past weekend Chief Lorenzo and his wife were hosts to sailors seeking shelter from the stormy waters of Lake The un expected guests were three young men Bon Horn Bill Day and Harris set sail from Barrie in their 20 foot sloop in midmorning on Satur day for a cruise around Lake Simcoe At the time of departure the waters were calm but within an hour the wind had risen and the lake became rough They de cided to have their noon lunchxat Stroud and about again set sail this time attempting to reach Big Bay Point before dock ing Within a short time the crew found it necessary to of a threequarter motor to keep contoigtfie boat and by nightfall they werefable safety and they were then given dry clothing and a belated supper They slept out the storm at the Bigcanoe residence and by morn ing they decided that a sufficient amount mended to getfebacfetclBame The Harris Steele informed respondent by Bigcanoes were Kindness itself and that he and the other two were rips in the sails which would be machinesewn by Mrs Page The Era and Express Thursday Sept 1954 Newmarket Phone W Greensides MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA NEWMARKET 10 Timothy Phone AURORA PHONE PA Life Fire Auto Casualty Insurance and Low Cost Auto Financing LEGAL FLOYD E- CORNER Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Aurora Ontario Telephone Aurora PA Res PA JosepK Dales Barrister- At Law Solicitor Notary Public Office and Residence Phone ISA Main NEWMARKET Evenings By Appointment A Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA Wellington St MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notaries L Mathews K Stiver B E Lyons Joseph Valb Main St Bay St Phone Phone EM Newmarket Toronto A M MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Newmarket Phone 461 Orders taken for Gravel Sand land Crushed Stone and General Hauling EVANS FUELS Distributor in Newmarket and District for PRODUCTS Gasoline Motor Oil Stove Oil Fuel Oil Phone SILK SCREEN SIGNS and DISPLAY POSTERS IN COLORS JACK BYRNE PHONE NEWMARKET LADIES MEET The Mission Circle of the Christian Baptist church open its fall term on Thursday Sept 23 at fe 4he day school room SCHQMBERa Mr and Mrs C Weston visited with last week Miss Irene Macintosh has returned home after visiting Mr and Mrs Wil son Miss Porter Midland ed friends in town for a few days QUEENSVILLE Mr Bill Miss Mary Reg motored Iff Terrace Bay where Mary will continue her nursing at the hos pital Bill will return home af ter a short holiday The will hold the af ternoon meeting at the home of Mrs J Smith today Mrs Frank Milne has returned from a six weeks visit with Mr and Mrs Tom Riley Lake prior to their leaving the island about noon on Sunday The said the men were becalmed boat about pm Sunday just off Fox Island but by the time darkness fell they ihad not reached the mainland The provincial police boat set out in search of them and shortly after midnight came across the boat and towed it back to Barrie Mr Steele said that it was for tunate that they had worn life- preserver jackets during Satur days storm and were able to con centrate on keeping the boat up- right operating Readers Miss Ruth Macintosh Toronto and of the Provincial Depart ment of the Womens Institute was the instructor at the cooking held last week by the Zephyr WI A number of the ladies attended this school and learned timely hints on cooking The ladies Pres byterian church held a quilting and dinner on Tuesday at the home of Miss Jessie Mr and Mrs Stevenson Bel- haven visited their ter Mrs C Harrison and family on Sunday of the United church will serve luncheon at the Sellers Stock wedding next Saturday in th the Sunday school room Mrs spent the weekend atSt Marys Mrs James Galbraith spent the weekend at Buffalo The meeting will be held in the community hall on Wed nesday afternoon September at 230 There will be a display of flowers and prizes given The following are the classes dining room table bouquet living room table bouquet mixed gladioli and asters Prizes will be given for African violets Mrs Coon Mr and Mrs from the United States spent a few days Mrs Ma- honey and Edwin- Mr Ralph Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Stephens for a few days recent ly Mr Charles Goldiog Toronto was holidaying with his cousins Mr and Mrs this week Mr and Mrs Frank Chamber- lain have returned home to the US after spending a few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Harry Mr and Mrs Freeman Steph ens attended the annivers ary services at Mount Albert United church on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ralph Davidson who are holidaying In the district spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay Mr and Mrs Ferry spent Sunday in Peterborough I ROWLANDS RADIATOR and GARAGE SERVICE Repair to till RADIATORS AND CARS Drill Hall at Fair Grounds PHONE 1245 NEWMARKET Sanitary Cle and Repaired 24Hour RICHMOND HILL TURNER Bookings fott Land Sea and -fig- TRAVEL BUREAU Chief Big to get ashore on the west side of island The have their home on this side of the island and when the men landed they were taken to the Chiefs house Relatives in were noti fied by telephone of the sailors The September meeting of the Sharon branch was held at the home of Mrs John Greig Twen tyone members and six girls were present Motto Take pains with your meals to avoid pains afterwards Roll cull What to do until the doctor comes was well answered Mrs P Hamil ton gave two readings How Hall got its name and The most commonly used drug aspirin Two duets were sung by and Patsy Myers What a Beautiful Morning and Come to the Fair Two readings were by Mrs John Its Always Better With Butter and And Now Mrs an interesting paper on van illa A lunch was served by the committee Authorized Agent for All Steamship Lines Iain Street Newmarket Ont Phone i VIOLET ROBINSON OtA Conveyancing Insurance ATTENTION FARMERS AND SMALL HOME OWNERS We ate now equipped to do all types of fencing such as LAWN STOCK POLE RAIL ETC We have a complete stock of POSTS and FOLKS INCLUD ING FOLKS FOR TELEVISION AERIALS call JIM ESPEY J I Newmarket St Phone Newmarket ACCOUNTANT A A CONLIN iv 5 Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE NEWMARKET Builders Contractors or Farmers No and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Delivered on the job by truck Write for prices Lumber Co Port luring Ontario I STEWART Its too bad that on his side of the Atlantic we missed one of the most ex citing tele vision shows ever to be presented A few weeks ago eight nations cooperated to bring a speech by the Pope through the air TV living rooms while the Pope was speaking in Rome The pictures travelled miles leapfrogging along relay sta tions and reaching Into the homes of about million TV owners The job wan accomplished by the use of more million worth of British equipment In addition to the speech the Pope from Rome the network pictured the flower festival parade at Switzerland A few days later using the same net work which has been call ed pictures were sent from London were seen instant aneously in England Prance Western Germany Switzerland glum Holland and Den mark This was another great advance in TV and Im sure we wont very far behind On this Hide of the At lantic weve taken second place to no one In the and of TV eb available for the average home Three big factors are Involved and price There Is one set Ive always felt combine the best of all three the Victor high and low price Ami at Stewart Hear Radio Appliances Main Street the bent In TV Is combined with that satisfying assurance that a serviceman ts always near ah your phoue Letters to the editor are al ways welcome but the names of writers known to he editor The Editor 111 come to my attention that a well dressed stranger is canvassing the homes of the town a petition asking for a vote liquor outlet for is rather strange that an out- sider should be needed to come into town to handle a matter which is essentially the concern of the people of Newmarket It would seem to show a singular lack of courage and frankness on the part of those who want this vote but are not courageous enough to put the matter to the people of Newmarket personally There are two possible conclu sions to be drawn from this in cident Either the people who want this vote are lacking in courage and frankness enough to put the question to the people personally and on their own res ponsibility or else the vote is de sired by outside interests who see a chance to make some easy money Either way the proposi tion lacks something of being at tractive and decs not appeal to us as the way good citizens do things The people of Newmarket would be wise when being ap proached by the young man or young men to advise him to go back to the people who employ him and tell them that the people of Newmarket are quite able to look after the affairs of Newmar ket for themselves and that we prefer to do things personally and for ourselves and in a clean cut and above board manner Yours sincerely J Aiken The branch of the Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Noble on Wed nesday Sept 22 at 2 pm Roll call My favorite flower There will be a visiting Institute and its members will provide the program Pine Orchard branch held the September meeting at the home of Mrs Walter Johnston The program was under the con- of Mrs Johns ton Roll call was My favorite breakfast cereal Current events were given by Mrs Johnston A paper on Food and Agricultural Organiz ation was read by Mrs Carl Link Mrs P Wood told of the preparation of flowers and plants for show purposes Mrs Johnston replied to the motto Mrs Ross Armitage gave some practical hints on horticul tural exhibits Anyone wishing to go to Pe terborough on October by bus is requested to contact Mrs Douglas Hope or Mrs Harry Union Street branch the home of Mrs Lee Glover on Wednesday Sept were lf members and four visitors present It was decided toxoid euchre parties once a month In Sharon hall beginning In No vember Mrs Moulds was a pointed delegate to be held November was program con read Mrs Herb Harmon district research was spcuker She chose as A Trip Up St by Stage Couch the Year the her topic The Aurora branch will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday Sept in the United church hall at Hie roil all will Exchange of plants and The program will he In charge of Mrs I convener of agriculture ami Canadian indus tries committee Shower for bazaar article for the baby booth Hostesses Mrs Fos ter Miss Mra and Mrs Davidson Funeral services were held in on Saturday Sept 1 preceded by a masonic service on Friday for the late Thomas Cameron a former resilient of Pine Beach Keswick and fete of Toronto Horn in Toronto Mr Cameron came Keswick In follow- four years service overseas He was twice wounded in coin bat He had been employed by Canadian Ltd as an electrical foreman for the past four years He had enjoyed health Until the of Sept when ho suffered a fatal heart seizure Left to mourn his loss are his wife the former Olive Terry Keswick two daughters Joyce and a sister Mrs William Hughes of Toronto an Keswick and two brothers An drew of Keswick Florida and William who is of the permanent armed forces and a veteran of the an war Rev A Marshall The funeral service for a Newmarket minister Rev A Marshall Drive Toronto was held at the Murray funera Peasant Tor onto Interment was at Mount Pleasant cemetery Horn Centre he graduated Victoria college In and was ordained a later of the Methodist church He minister at I Jons Head tcln Hi ant ford Hamilton Newmarket ftoti Branch In the Toronto area After he was assistant At ftondhiort Square United church Ottawa ami for the Inst seven years Si Tamos United church Tor onto He was predeceased wife former Jessie Cavers He Is survived one son Douglas Marshall If audi ton and four daughters Mrs A A Bailey Saskatoon Mrs A VV Jones Mrs Ann Stewart Toronto and Miss Helen Marshall Toronto pounds tf rim Super Laying Mash does the work of pounds of ordinary laying mash pounds regular 415 56x100 pounds Super percent Mash Saving 31c per cwt Besides this you will also use only as much scratch more savings and you will get MORE EGGS and DIKE Phone Newmarket Mount Phone FROM 9 Sept to Oct custom built Ford installed VALUED 125 DVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER TOM BIRBELL SONS Ltd SALES AMD SERVICE DAVIS AND PHONE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL