r be so pleased so proud iAIHt IT YOURSELF A MAX Si fore rooms are being painted with Super KernTone than with any brand of latexbase paint jits tremendous popularity TMghuRi a S St 2 beautiful readytouse colors an unlimited variety of individual taste Glides on with brush or Dries in a matter of minutes without laps or streaks furniture can go back the same day cleaning problem at all when youve finished the job marks vanish quickly from utensils with just and water alls can be washed or scrubbed as often as you like Be Family with KEMTONE There will be no service in United church on Sunday Sept 19 Our congrega tion is invited to Hope church anniversary services The teachers in area are Miss Dorothy No East on the fourth Mr John Hillside school teachers are Mrs Lloyd senior Mrs Angus Smith intermediate Miss Jean Lewis primary We are sorry that some of the items your correspondent sent in for last week were not pub lished They were too late be cause of the holiday Congratulations to the ball team They are coming through flying colors United church people spent the Week at Camp Mr and Mrs and family arg visiting Mrs parents hi wan Sorry to report that Mrs is hospitalized Mrs- Frank Milne has return- home after a six weeks visit With the Riley Lake We are to report that Mrs fiane is much im proved Sincere Is extended to and fetojly of the late Mrs who has been- week Reefing auxiliary held the of Sirs John Tuesday Mrs Charge of the worship and Mrs Margaret Whiteldi will on Hostesses are Mrs Ronald Sen Mrs Angus lien Salmon smiths Keswick News Miss Van Norman has returned to her teaching duties in Toronto after spending the summer holidays at her home Many Keswick friends attend ed the funeral in of Mr Cameron To ronto who died suddenly on September He leaves his wife the former Olive Terry and two daughters Joy and Rev It offici ated Mr Sanders gave a fine address on Sunday morning in the Chris tian church on the work at the Bible Society A on this work is being planned for September Mr Worthing Beach has leased the Cue Cushion snack fear ftpm Russell who is forking in The restaurant has to Mrs Kay Killingbeck I Miss Terry spent a few clays week visiting friends in Tor onto- School opened last week with four rooms this Miss Ruth liver and Mss tola Clark are of the new teachers Miss Agnes Campbell has been her parents Rev and Mr and Mrs Keswick Beach held open house The occasion was their 25th wedding anniversary A shower was held recently in the United church for Miss jh Wffl PINE Whitchurch Community Board is spotisoririg aganco at Musselmans Lake on Friday Sept Congratulations mct Mrs Lome Shropshire oil the birth of a son Wayne Herbert Miss Jean Johnston Toronto has been visiting Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston Rev Shannon Newmarket chose Humanity oft Jesus as the theme of his sermon at the Union church on Sunday Sept Rev George Newmarket will be guest speaker at the Union church on Sunday Sept at am Sunday school will be at am Anniversary services will be at am and 30 pm at the Union church on Sunday Oct 3 Special music is being ar ranged Mrs Bert Stephens journeyed airport to welcome her sister who had arrived from England for a months vacation to Mr Root Davidson who celebrated his birthday oil September Saturday he was given a surprise party by family at the home of Mr and Mrs Kay Belhaveife Mrs- Ralph Davidson fcevaelCi holidayed in the com munity Glad that Mr is Mr and Mrs Stevenson Virginia and Mrs Henry Kay spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Messrs Robert Davidson and Murray Thompson and Miss Davidson attended the wedding of their cousin at Mount Dennis on September Miss Davidson remained in Toronto to commence her teaching duties in New Toronto Miss Gloria Nelson won a from the Department of Education Joyce Porter a bridetobe and her fiance Mr David Huntley The first fall meeting of the Keswick Institute was held in the community centre oh Sep tember Miss Dorothy Rye daughter of Mr and Mrs Freeman Rye Toronto a prospective bride was agreeably surprised on Sep tember when she entered the room to find friends and rela tives present She was presents with a shower of ware Mrs and Mrs Irene Donaldson were the hostesses Mr and Mrs Vernon Rye spent the holiday weekend at their cottage Haines Lake Par- Sound The Afternoon auxiliary lias teen invited to on September when they will introduce the hew study book Thanksgiving services will be held at Baptist on undayi Sept N Canadian Council of Churches WjH be the guest Speaker at both services apd Special music will be provide at the service by the Newmarket Bap tist ladies choir and male Quar tette and at the evening service by the Baker Hill ladies octette StouffviHe Mr and Mrs Sydney Walsh entertained friends from the city and a few neighbors at a and corn roast on Saturday ev ening at their new summer home Mrs Herbert Sutherland the former Lena Barradell Calgary spent Friday visiting relatives in the neighborhood The Newm Era and Express Thursday Sept Page have just been appointed a local FASHION COUNSELLOR for the lovely Line NORTH AMERICAN FASHION FROCKS 100 LOVELY STYLES SIZES 52 Get in touch with me and will gladly call at your home and show you these new Kail and Winter dress samples I MRS P KYLE Andrew St ph itimm Newmarket GODS UNCHANGING WORD For feelings come and feelings go And feelings are deceiving My warrant is the Word of God Naught else is worth believing Though all my heart should feel condemned For want of some sweet token There is One greater than my heart Whose word cannot be broken itll trust in unchanging word Till soul and body sever For though all things shall pass away His word shall stand forever Martin Luther MIGHTY NICE JOS IT SURE AT WE coop SAVED j ili I evol it UBURBANITE it NO P in Cfi I Wva RECAPPING VULCANIZING ROAD SERVICE PHONE As in starts her fall before takes over its sad to see some of the things we love being thrown into the discard Nature alas is not like the majority of house- keepers who resolve one moment to get rid of this and then when the moment of lion arrives say Gh well might just need these things they would be gone and back they go No nature is relentless like the queen in Alice in she orders not Off With their heads but to the trees she says Off with the leaves and to the birds to your quarters To some wild creat ures she gives the command hi bernate and to others change our color At this time of year I develop wishes if could only understand the bird language One sees them congregating in great groups There are times when our trees Managed has Rural Areas The manager with headquarters in the Area Office is a specialist in rural electric supply Ho is on the most practical and the most economical use of But his prime purpose maintaining a dependable electric to all his customers providing owcost hired hand to work on the farm and help a make life Ontarios rural areas comparable convenience efficiency to t cities HYDRO A WORK FOR YOU YOURS CWfM Since IMS your Hydro Ihia he number hi from a loUl to Of June seem to be leafed with birds in stead of leaves and the odd thing that the birds are exactly like humans They all talk at once and unless ones ears play them they do not all agree There is however a very vocal major ity as in all large gatherings which shout or chirp down the feebler voices and then they mi grate to another tree and begin all over again presume that the choice of leaders of starting time and route are as vital to thirds as to humans and probably they enjoy the fuss of prepara tion equally Our cat Tiny to whom the name Jumbo would be more appropriate only he will not answer to it is changing his ha bits in preparation for the winter Instead of visiting us once a day or once in three or four days as was his summer habit he now visits us two or three times in one day and has even looked over the living room to choose new chair in preparation for his long winter sleeps Hes changing his I diet too refusing cat food and ordering up salmon toast and milk and more milk We have a squirrel too who is putting up his winter store He is very tiny and we are trying to tame him He will come the foot of the tree for nuts but he will nut come and eat from our hands like Mrs Wileys squir rel Maybe grey ones arc easily turned but we are hoping when food gets scarce that he will be more friendly Ive been watching the maple trees too and wondering why one spot on each of them will sudden ly show a gorgeous autumn dis play of color before the rest starts changing Isnt it in triguing how many things turn golden as summer wanes The sun flowers their golden bonnets the golden glow and the golden rod wave goodbye to mer with breeze pumpkins pile their golden nuggets in jich promise of pics to come the red gold of wheat and pale gold of grain adorn the fields till are safely gathered in The autumn sunlight seems more golden and even the moon tinges her shield with golden while the elm and birch trees literally shower gold upon the earth Summer surely goes as it comes with a glory With all the children back to school everything is busy in the Brown Hill kitchens There is the aroma of pickles and pre serves everywhere Mrs Ferguson has returned to teach grades one to four after a good holiday and Mr has the senior classes Mr is recovering from an injured shoulder which has disabled him for several months Miss Mary Jones has been ill for some time We wish her a speedy recovery Mrs Delia had the mis fortune of breaking her shoul der recently She is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs A York Mr Mrs Smith To ronto spent a few days with their nephew Roy There is Sunday school and church at Brown Hill every Sunday 2 pan Next Sunday is a special day when everyone is invited to bring a friend to hear the new minister Rev Daw Birthday wishes are extended this week to Marion tenant Newmarket years old on Friday Sept 10 Nancy Carol Micks Newmar ket years old on Friday Sept 10 Alberta Irene Ridley Newmarket years old on Sat urday Sept John Douglas Newmar ket years old on Saturday Sept Lois Marie Wilkinson Sharon years old on Sunday Sept 12 Betty Martin lf years old on Sunday Sept Teresa Jane Lloyd It Newmarket years old on Sun day Sept George Albert Aurora years old on Tuesday Sept Carol Hunt 15 years old on Wednesday Sept Fletcher Newmarket years old on Wednesday Sept Sanders 1 years old on Thursday Sept Ann Aurora years on Thursday Sept Held over from last week Mary Lehman New market years old on Satur day Sept Christina Wallace Woodvllle old on Sunday Sept Billy Glover years old on Monday Sept James Cole ft years old on Monday Sept Wayne Coll Atlandale ft years old on Monday Sept Ronald Ross Harrison Mount Albert 3 years old on Monday Sept Barbara Ann Burgess New market years old on Tuesday Sept Catherine Olive Holly Hol land Landing years old on Tuesday Sept Frances Kathleen Davis New market years old on Wednes day Sept ft Elizabeth New market 7 years old on Wednes day Nancy Jacques lmmarket years old on Thursday Sept Richard Elden New market years old on Wednes day Sept 1954 Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club Anniversary services will be held in Hope United church on Sunday Sept at am and Special music will be provided Mr Sheldon Walker won two first prizes one second five third one fourth one fifth one sixth and two seventh prizes at the horse show Mr and Mrs Lewis Maple were guests of Mr and Mrs Shel don Walker on Sunday The is quilting on Sep tember at the home of Mrs Jack There will be a pot luck dinner Mr Ronald Pottage spent the weekend at Point attend ing a youth camp Mr and Mrs Allan has returned after spending a few days at the Ottawa fair are sorry to hear that Mrs Stewart is ill and is confined to bed We wish her a speedy recovery Mrs Lillian Boyd Orillia is visiting Mr and Mrs Stewart Walker is attending normal school Toronto Hoof m fc in I Mi K YH HAVE TO CHASE All OVER TO FIND OUR COWS You Can Fill All Your Main St Newmarket YOUR HEADQUARTERS Phone TRaU8LE I rt tun use A For Top Quality Fence Reasonable Prices ffi i J u A two hands do 1 work of three Why not start today to develop that third hand called money If you have a thousand dollars to put to work for you it can cam you as much as a year a full weeks work at an hour But how to get that first thousand dollars If you had started two years ago to save just a week you would have more than that tight now Start on that third hand now A good way to begin is with a Savings Account at iv T a- A SrTirJ tc