Newmarket Era and Express, 23 Sep 1954, p. 11

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RUNS INTO MILLIONS For Recreational Activities The Ontario Recreation Association has just issued its No bulletin which covers the period of July Aug ust and September 1951 It is not too much to describe it as a vade of information on Ontario recrea tional activities That recreation in the maintenance of facilities and of Ontario has become what might be termed Big Business is shown in the chapter headed Finance and written by A Game field representative community program branch of the department of education the Ontario government Mr Garvie points out that millions of dollars are being spent annually by municipal re creation committees in Ontario are over municipali ties in Ontario conducting pub lic recreation programs the statement shows Of Supply In asking the question where do they get this money the answer is provided as follows Two millions are provided by the municipal councils one quarter of a million is derived from donations half a million is obtained from fees and admis sions and a further quarter of a million is provided by the province in the form of grants Spending The Money As to this large sum is spent it is pointed out that near ly one million goes for leader ship salaries nearly one million AURORA Social News Dale King following the passing of his final examination tests with distinction is to be stationed at Clinton near for a possible period of three years as the officer com manding at the radio and com munications station monitor section Mrs King and family are leaving Aurora almost im mediately to join King in their new quarters Several members of the Au rora United church attended the dedication services for the new organ which has been installed at United church To ronto Mrs Murray Young is soprano soloist at the United church Playing in the fall golf tourna ment of the Transportation club of Toronto at St Andrews golf course held on Thursday Sept Mr Sinclair won the Hiram Walker trophy He was also awarded a special priae of on insulated picnic jug Graham Marie and Mrs Bell Toronto were visitors last week at the home of Mrs Fish Miss Shirley Mclntyre is tak ing a course in household science the Ontario agricultural col lege at For Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone PA J WILLIS PhmB Druggist The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone PA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationary Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads THE BUSSES WOOD St Aurora administration cost over one million on program expenses in the form of supplies and a of the total amount is ab sorbed by salary expenses- is It Legal Procedure course of his financial survey of recreational activities Mr Garvie has one observation to make of a somewhat surpris ing nature He poses the ques tion whether it is legal for a re creation committee to handle and spend money without in so doing referring expenditures to the first place to the municipal council The point is put thus by Mr Many Recreation Com have their own bank ac counts and handle all of their monetary transactions It is questionable if this is legal Several authorities have staled that the municipality should handle Recreation Committee money and disburse it as requir ed This is worth investigating to stand where we stand The writer closes his as follows We are spending a lot of money Be sure that every dollar is wisely invested in Recreation programs that have value for the Indi vidual and the community Administration In ft preceding contribution Mr A Irishman field super visor of the community pro grams branch points out that It was in the year that en abling legislation was passed permitting communities to set up programs of recreation and physical fithessi In fo grants he points out that the original maximum grant amounted to a total of Today it out some communities can obtain grants to tie value of as much as the grant Oft a recreation directors salary was but this has now been increased to Public VunO In the section concerned with public funds states The municipal council provides the public funds for the development of a program They seek a budget from the commit tee and require an audited state ment of how these funds were spent Policy In regard to policy the writer states The Recreation Commit tee is responsible to Municipal Council for preparing policies to term needs of the citizens A meet the long term short constant evaluation is required to meet changing conditions and trends within the community and to effect necessary policy changes Recreation Director The position and duties of the recreation director arc thus de fined The recreation director the executive official of the Recreation Committee develop ing programs within the policies prepared the committee policy changes to the committee as he becomes aware of changing needs con stantly searching for volunteer and parttime paid leaders helping develop training courses as mentioned above Growth ff Act The rapidity of the growth of recreational activities in On tario may fee appreciated from the following figures Since we have grown from organized communities with fulltime directors until now we have with directors In 48 communities were drawing grants while in 150 collected grants The fig ures for are not complete yet The figures for fulltime recreation directors have not changed much over the past four years remaining steadily at the figure New Telephone Service AURORA AND NORTH END TAXI M1 WISH TO ANNOUNCE TELEPHONE SERVICE from Miner and Grill Bus Depot Dialling Just Pick Up Receiver and Ask for Taxi and North End Taxi a and District Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor HALL AURORA OFFICE TELEPHONE PA 74573 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1954 NINETEEN HUNDRED AND feejglf complainant fat re cently the of the town council the need for cleaning up a small portion of Yonge street Where weeds had established a for survival It was only strip grass border near the sidewalk Where the sturdy bur docks had raised their not unpleasant heads and ful filled their into flower be understood by all and sundry that we Aurora are very touchy over some things and not so touchy over things of greater importance For ample have already recorded a vigorous complaint by a citizen who I strongly objects to the despoiling of a the boulevard adjoining the sidewalk immediately opposite the residence of Stuart Mills member of the Aurora planning boards The offence consists of the laying down of a path way of old bricks that have obviously been discarded and should have been carted away to a distant rubble heap Instead they have been assembled from the side walk to the roadway and represent a poor engineering job We have caught sight of no one laying down the worn bricks For all we know they may have been installed by the very same army of gremlins which the Banner editor lamented had played dirty tricks with his type Hut the bricks are there and red dust from the mouldered bricks is also there It is ironical that such despoliation should be happening right under the nose of a member of the planning board which includes town within the orbit of its idealistic ramifications No complaint strangely enough has come to town council from Mr Mills Burdock is a weed But old bricks are still bricks For the preservation of such a beautiful area as Maple street the unsightly mess should be cleaned up A town boulevard is no place for a rubble ANNEXATION Annexation is an ugly word with a bad history A Roman emperor annexed Britain two thousand years ago and Hitler did quite lot of it until retribution caught up with him The Aurora town council pro poses to cany out an annexation plan of land in the townships of King Wfiitchuih But this tea peace ful process of annexation But will it eventuate Theres the Aurora plan ning board the Ontario municipal board the authorities and taxpayers in both townships all of whom will have their say By the lime all these have spoken darkhaired men may be turning grey perhaps whiteheaded WALK STOP A visitor tie Aurora can be excused at this time if he imagines that the town has suffered some heavy accident casualties and that extreme precautions being taken I check the dangerous caprices of a heed less community Banner warning placards on street poles have now been reinforced by yellow paint on curbs with directions to walk stop You cannot both walk and stop at the same mo ment You must make up your mind to do one or the other either case the green and red lights are there for No matter The Banner are having a good time and the Banner is having a good time And how much did- they say the Cash Frize was worth at the end of the line As Confucius said to his counsellors as he dissolved them into a committee of the whole Pray consider the contents of the JackPot FOR RAILING Last year we wrote several times about the bad engineering work on the sidewalk at the Bank of Mon treal Several people had accidents there resulting from the sloping ledges One town notable almost took a nose dive as he left the bank but friendly hand pulled him back to safety ere he touched bottom to collect some broken bones or bloody nose The constructionists returned to improve on their work but in fact their second effort proved no better than the first Stumblings and fallings earned the cor ner an increasingly bad name There was no debate in council but Councillor Davis and his streets committee have had railings put up at the Bank of Montreal at a cost of Until we saw the council minutes wondered who had put the safety railings there Now we know it wasnt the Jaycees who did so INGRATITUDE It was a small service hardly noticing but the recipient called to sec us to say thank you very much for what you did it made me feel good The trifling effort for which we were being so handsomely thanked was in no sense proportionate to our visitors gratitude Actually our little service brought its own personal compensation But there is a of person that knows no grati tude and who regard a simple thank you as a con descension from their high estate Perhaps they think that any service is due to them by right of birth and that they who render a service are sufficiently honoring themselves Ingratitude is worse than bad manners it is bad breeding SUCCESS OR FAILURE its At Top Levels Where Good Labor Relations Start Two men were talking and a third was listening to a conversation concerning some current events in Aurora particularly relating to the labor situation and management The following is a condensed report of of what they said First speaker Its not much use all this talk about new sub divisions if we havent the means of looking after them Take the wate question The trouble is to find enough water to supply our own needs Where would the water come from to supply the needs of a few extra hundred homes Second speaker Oh a lot of that talk can be discounted makes good newspaper headlines for a week or two But as far as can see Aurora is facing other problems at the time What about the short time that is being worked at some of Ihe industries First speaker Youve got something there The wonder to me is how some people especi ally those that are married and have homes and families to sup- staff you dont get the same re sults I can remember the time when the boss of one of the big gest firms in Aurora knew his employees by their first names and used to go around the shop to see that everybody was happy Second speaker Well things have changed here and not for the better In one place youve got to fill up a daily form show ing every detail from start to finish of the day Shouldnt be surprised if theyll want you to fill in the time youve spent in the washroom one of these days First speaker Well that doesnt go for every firm in Au rora heard some fine things said about the manage ment of one of the younger in dustries in town The manage- LOYAL TO CANADA Lucrative Offers From USA Declined By Canadian Artist speaker was saying soon as anyone shews some soil of talent for anything connected with the arts they immediately receive of from flxe United States They can hardly be blamed for taking advantage of opportunities that are seldom offered to them in Can ada The speaker herself had re ceived a number of lucrative of fers from the United States a recent appearance on- television in Toronto call by telephone came oclock in the morning cut I have I would like to use in the interest of my native land As a loyal Canadian I am anxi ous tor its cultural Of Ballet lis Montreal Miss show on the previous has lived most of her and others followed friends in the city of Toronto She port can manage to make ends toss ho meet on what some of them are earning at present Whats Wrong Second speaker Whats wrong with this place anyway One hears of skilled workers be ing laid off while greenhorns take their places at cheap wages most of them foreigners Dont you flunk that our own people should be looked after before outsiders are taken on First speaker Youve got Thats one of things thats wrong here There seems no youngest superintendent is friendly with all the workers And they get the payoff by hay ing a loyal and cooperative stuff that does its best for the firm and always speaks well of it outside Second speaker Yes thats the way it should be Its not whats said inside that matters hut whats said outside She best bit of publicity that any firm can have is the good opin ion and goodwill of its workers Thats where good management comes in where the Workers cons deration is shown for old lhink employees who have given a lifetime of service to a firm Its the old employees whove built up some of these industries But get that into the heads of some of the managements Second speaker Cheap labor thats what theyre after Some said I was crazy lurmng all them do wo The speaker was that and highly intelligent lady whose brilliant ballet recital the Aurora high school torhim in June gresi year will be vividly remembered by so many the large numbers who wee present at flte To Canada Miss is a of personality strong convictions concerned with Canada hate to see people rushing away to United States she said rt soon as they have made a hit here at home We are constant ly losing talent to our neighbor to the south because of the tempting money offers that come along and the opportunities that are put before young artists of promise Miss instanced ex amples of those who had gone to the United States because of the financial attractions offered them Its a shame that we cannot keep them here at home where they are so badly needed to build up our cultural But the monetary rewards are so small at home when con trasted with the offers they re ceive from across the border Of her own decision Miss Mac said I feel that I did the right thing as a Canadian in turning down the advice of my who urged me to accept the offers I received after my television show Whatever taking lessons in ballet at four and has engaged in it ever She began teaching years ago at Lindsay and later associated with Miss the falQWTi dancing and director or a large school at To ronto she slatted her own school at afterwards starting here in Aurora Miss she had been jfeejgly impressed with what she described as Auroras high tential and expressed high tri- nrute to the of the pu pils who attended her school last Miss Macaulay said she liked Aurora very much and because her faith in the artistic she had seen here was school again She said she had been delighted with the success of her pupils at the recent recital at the high school and greatly appreciated the encouraging press and other comments the recital had I am looking forward to a successful season she said in view of the fine results achieved by my Aurora pupils last sea son Miss will open her School of Ballet on October I in the Aurora Lions club hall It is advisable that applica tion should be made for admis sion to the school informa tion can be obtained by writing to Miss Macaulay Box Axfr of them dont give a hoot for long service Management First speaker Seems to mo that management has every thing to do with the success or failure of firm Where youve got a snooty highhat boss whos too big in his own importance to be on friendly terms with his boss Summing Up The conclusions derived from the conversation reported above is that there Is need in some In dustrial quarters lit Aurora for a greater consideration for the services of old employees and a more friendly and gettogether atmosphere as between manage ment and staff There are industries in Aurora where such desirable conditions already exist and the proof of their importance can be found in the fact that fulltime employ ment is being enjoyed as well as happy WHAT THEY ARE SAYING A general meeting the Aurora town council was held on Monday Sept SO of subjects of discussion was the question of and annexation involv ing King and townships II all seems so and wo are frightened of the audacity and devilmaycare attitude of the man who feels that he is good enough tokeep out of trouble or who claims that he is not his brothers keeper A bylaw concerned with the annexation plan was by Councillor floUfc but was given a first reading only The general feeling of coiinil was that before further steps wore taken an effort should he made to discuss the- proposals Willi and Whitchurch Snow Introduced by Councillor Da vis council debated the question of agreement Willi Mr Harrison for snow removal Oie chamber an I and The above paragraph is taken from brilliant piece of writing in last weeks Era and Express written by our colleague Dairy Farmer in his wellknown col umn The Top Six The article was emphasizing the- need of compulsory licensing of driv ers of motor vehicles and opened with the following concise- It is beyond our understand ing why it Isnt compulsory for every driver or owner of a mo tor to carry insurance for public and property damage Some considerable time ago we reported an instance of seri ous damages suffered by a mo- to his new car caused by a truckdrive who carried no of any Kind litiga tion followed and although our part of his fi nancial loss many months elaps ed before her was successful In find instalment We agree with the views of Oaliry Farmer so forcibly set foe too need for the protection of driver and the public has not been enforced long year of progress marked long will it be common sense cumpusory insurance for all drivers of vehicles be insisted on as a condition dent to the issuance a Farm Tractors I While writing on this mjjttg we would mention that our formation Is that are exempt from licenses A friend who gave us this mation said he was puzzled why exemption should be per mitted in regard to farm tors and combines which con stantly use roads There may be a sound reason for such exemption if it Is so which our friend Dairy Farm er might be good enough to explain Date to I Friday September is albert elate to remember in connection with a draw that will be made rat Thompsons furniture store sponsored by Aurora nurses in raid of York County hospital fund- The draw will take place at pan For the that has been made possible tributes are due to Mrs Ed who donated a quilt to Mrs Joe ftolman carved a purse and wallet Mrs William Green who made and donated a pair of dolls and Mrs Jim Thompson who donat ed a pair of embroidered pillow slips None of these ladies are nurses but they have worked to help Aurora nurses in the fine cause of helping the York Coun ty hospital fund Incidentally we were somewhat amazed to learn from Mrs Osborne that there are over registered nurses resident in Aurora Only a small proportion of them are now engaged In active nursing the majority having married or have taken up pursuits Pastoral Saga We had a delightful motor run one afternoon of last week along Wellington street and out to a d For those who like country scen ery tig vistas over this route are delighUul combined with the vhefltm homey scenes fanning and mighty hogs burying their snouts in mother with its stilly atmosphere always to us a place where abide whereas seems always to be full energy and activity from one end of its long to the other Perhaps the editor of the Sra and Express will find it possible to give us a word and photo graphic picture of and in line with his recent exhilarating writeup of that fine community Mount conclude such an at the rate per hour with jauuiniteed mini mum of 30O and the to tun one year Eire And Water DeputyReeve Murray gave a lengthy review off the water situ providing numerous figure in his survey In regard to the of the Sun Oil com pany for services it was agreed that the extension could not be granted Parking Spa Considerable discussion look place in regard to a bylaw for extra parking space on the Fiance properly It was finally agreed to conclude an agreement with fr A for a 10year lease at per annum Of Councillor a request from the Safety Coun cil of the that a of propertyowners be their hedges several members were so immediately unfavorable the written request Davis Attenii A letter was received from Mr of the yhanipoje Commerce out that fiJCfc Pred the thai the tile Au rora Iowa unanimously to the InyUatmot tA detailed of the- toH proceeding will appear in eouncd in next weeks issue of Aurora Page Ed 1 o and Express results Make It A Meet Your Friends At The D HESS IDA Two Graduate St Tel PA Calls Telephone PA SCHOOL OF BALLET TO OPEN IN LIONS HALL AURORA Corner of and Victoria PERSONAL MREQTtON OF Miss Jody Macaulay FRIDAYS am Primary Class Ages am Adult Class Exercise and Ballet SATURDAYS am Class Ages am Beginners Class Ages to 12 11 a m Beginners Class Having Studied at least one year 12 Intermediate Over years For Further Information Write Miss Jody Macaulay BOX 343 AURORA

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