In Simcoe Lead took a commanding 20 lead in in the best of five Softball league finals as they shaded Zephyr Blues at Albert Monday It was another close battle and another topnotch hurling bout between Haley and Bon Whether it was the weather or not both pitchers gave bits than had eight Zephyr In the whiff column Haley fanned Kester Errors more than Queens hits beat Zephyr The Blues had greasy fingers and committed six bobbles had one The two tallies the first under th unearned banner Cliff Ward poked out a double to start things Ted Reeve playing left field hit an infield bouncer The play went to third to cut down Ward The Blues third Ken Taylor had Ward by a city block only to drop the bail A minute later the sacks were populated as Roy Eves lin ed into left Ward panted home but Clark Arnold had the throw in time to Reeve at the plate but dropped the apple af ter making the tag Bob Millers twobagger a Zephyr outfield error and Cliff Wards infield skipper plated third counter in the second The shot home the ultimate game winner in the fourth Ron tem porarily lost his control Both Bob Miller and Haley drew walks and Cliff Ward collected his second scoring Milter with a single Stan boys promptly and efficiently matched lies tworun first frame out put Leadoff man Alan hit a high infield popper The wind caught it and Cliff Ward chasing it right into the plate dropped it Clark Arnold spill ed out a hunt Ron sac rifice fly put both runners in scoring position and Cries neys hit provided the gohome music Bill doubled in the fourth and scored on Bill single with Zephyrs third tally Trailing the Blues tried desperately to tie it in the fifth With one away Clark Arnold beat out an infield hit and Harry singled A doubleplay in jig time got Haley and his pals out of that spot of dif ficulty The Twinkilling went from Haley to Ward to Roy Eves It was a fine bit of work and along with Bob Millers diving catch at short it featured the fielding Roy Eves had three hits Cliff Ward two to pace Clark Arnold was the Blues ace with three Bob Harman Assistant Recreation Director Bob one of Auroras most popular sportsmen has been named assistant recreation director and arena manager Bob will bring a wealth of sport knowhow to his new position For many years past he has been actively associated with Aurora sport both as a player and of ficial Bob along with Harry Sutton and Thornton Browning and other sportsmen organized the return of minor lacrosse Next year the lacrosse men hope now that a floor has been installed in the arena to bring the national game back into prominence in Aurora Last winter Bob was manager of the Aurora Wildcats who played in the Newmarket and district hockey league and on numerous occasions has been ac tive on Aurora town league soft- ball and hockey league execu tives This season Bob added another accomplishment Under the tu telage of the Bill um pire school graduate Bob branched out into the umpiring trade He handled several Simcoe league games without a squawk from any of the teams STRIKES AND SPARES The frost Is on the pumpkin Thats the signal for the bowlers get back into action The first report to hand from the Thurs day Night ladies loop Shows that the gals have been in action couple of weeks Top scores posted by Hazel and Walker Ply next week all the local cir cuits will be swinging action Your strikes and Spares observer will bring you- up date on doings the leagues operating and various league officials See you behind the four pin Total net general expenditure of Canadas provincial gov ernments increased percent from in to in These fig ures do not include debt retire ment Lighthouse Fish and Chips LET US COOK YOUR SUPPER TONIGHT OR ANY NIGHT We fry only prime Pacific Halibut- The very best for and chips TRY OUR FISH AND CHIPS HONK 11 NEWMARKET TIMOTHY ST DoNuts Lose In Ontario OBA Finals Hub baseball fans will have to stand by until next year to celebrate an title Our last hope for this season the DoNut boys for the second successive year reached the Ontario finals only to fall a whisker short of their goal The DoNuts with coach Fran cis and manager in charge rode into Saturday along with and Paris teams lor an midget titledeciding series- Newmarket was matched against Paris in the kickoff semifinal In the tense dram atic struggle that followed the DoNuts blanked Paris Jack Cain hurled a terrific four hit ter to lead his mates to victory Jack had a nohitter in tow un til Paris shortstopper Dice Wil liamson singled in the sixth Twentyone DoNut boys fan ned Despite the big strike out roll call the DoNuts werent shying away from the plate and tagged Wooden for nine hits The hit of them all was Bob Peggs seventh round triple lined into right center field It scored George Chadwick and Pat Ewing The latter pair had hit the baselines via singles The DoNuts infield was red- hot They latched onto every thing shot at them by the des perate Parisians Don Thorns Bill Francis Lewis and Nick all made sparkling plays Pat Ewing Bob Pegg and George covered the outfield acres with big league authority Bill Cain caught a supercharged game to rate star Bill caught the second game despite a badly injured hand drew as their semifinal opposition It was a onesided affair with a 153 win Newmarket Simcoe fi nale wortjby Coach Francis sent Jack Cain to the hill coun tered with Doug It was a piping hot pitchers duel Cain surrendered five hits white toned down the Do- Nuts hit production to four Cain whiffed The DoNuts fielding wasnt quite so sharp They committed three errors while Simcoe was charged with one bobble Nelson Pottruff the Simcoe tipper tagged a pitch for a roundtripper in the second It was the only hit Cain yielded until the seventh Ahead the Cubs spiked two clincher runs in the seventh The DoNuts two of Iheir four hits in the leadoff innings Jack Cain singled Don fanned Bill Cain singled The Cain twins were holed up at second and third and ready to j go jet propelled home on the I first sign of a hit but were left stranded as Don Thorns whiffed and George Chadwick was out three third to first A DoNut run at this stage might have made all the differ ent in the world to tlu ultimate result- Pat doubled in the fourth and Jack Brooks in jected into the lineup for Fran cis Lewis beat out an infield hit in the eighth The Do Nuts planted a couple of runners aboard in both the eighth and ninth but couldnt get telling hit to break the goose- egg- Summing up the DoNuts The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept Page 13 Ladies Capture Lead In Barrie District League Another win and Newmarket ladies will be and district ladies softbalt league champs Behind Sarah sterl ing fourhit pitching Newmarket defeated 6 at the fan- grounds Thursday The win gave the locals a 2 edge in games in the best of five league finals The locals went to work early to provide their pitcher with a cushion With Coach making like a hitchhiker on the third base coaching line they pumped home three first and two second chapter counters to take charge Those runs were enough to land on the ropes For added security the locals tacked on a fifth frame insurance tally It was one of Sarah Barradells best pitched games She held the powerhouse swatting north erners to four scattered bits and breezed home in fine style If it hadnt been for errors theres little doubt that she would have hung up a shutout Orillia made a gesture to get into the game with a single run in the third This tally like the visitors sing letons that followed in the fourth fifth and seventh were unearned Newmarket didnt exactly wear out the apple as Irene Payne the invaders pitcher outside a shaky start settled away to hold the locals to five over the rest of the route Lois and Sarah Barradell with two hits each along with Lois Cockburn Jeanne Barbara Watt Edna McGrath and Mona Dean emerged as the locals most illustrious sluggers A walk to Lois start ed Newmarkets three run first frame output Jeanne singled Barbara Watt socked a towering triple and Lois basehit kept the outburst on the elevator Dean took walk to open the second Sarah singled Both moved up a station on Lois Cockburns sacrifice and headed for the plate on Jeanne infield scorcher Edna Sarah Barradell and Lois sandwiched hits to provide the one run scoring power in the fifth Dorothy Fletcher Irene Payne and Smith collected singles Jackie Jordan the visitors out standing outfielder smashed a triple to round hit sta tistics played sharp ball afield Jack Cain pitched two great nine- innings gamps out standing star award of the nainent The tournament was under the direp Belt of Listowel convener Newmarket J Cain lo Cain thorns a Chad P Lewis J Jfc- Albert Ladies Win Title Theres a new champion and runs as Rita strolled and Roy Pollock Trophy holder in the Lake Simcoe junior ladies soft- ball league Its Gladys Roll ings Mount Albert ladies team The rode to the championship Friday under the Newmarket lights on Marguer ite Greens versatile five hit nine strike out hurling as they defeated the HareJack led Keswick Cardinals in a suddendeath title deciding struggle Grace Curtis named to oppose the ace surrendered seven hits and trapped four strikeout victims It was in the field that Mount Albert showed its championship class They were playing heads- up ball behind Marguerite Green and had only two errors The Cards on the other hand booted four The took a mortgage on the triumph with a three run second Ahead the Mounties spun into the victors circle with a fifth chapter singleton and a two run burst in the sixth The Cards after drawing three blanks picked up their initial marker in the fourth It came on Clarks single and a Mount infield bobble Ruth singled and scooted to the pay off window with Keswicks sec ond run in the following panel The Cards struggled to the end to catch the They rose up for two seventh round Bev Heaton and Ruth singled in turn The Cardinals left the tying runs on the run ways as Grace Curtis fanned to close the rally Marguerite Green tripled to start the three run second An error and hits by Dorothy Wright and Jean Rolling kept the scor ing wheels churning Lois Mor risons hit and an error furnish ed Mounts fourth run Mount Albert wrapped up the game and title with a two run sixth outburst fashioned around Dorothy Wrights single Evelyn Greens triple and a Keswick error Donor Roy Pollock pre sented his trophy emblematic of league supremacy to the winners in the alterthegame ceremonies Mount Albert Lois Morrison Marilyn Morrison Marie Harri son Marguerite Green Longhurst Dorothy Wright Ber tha Crone Evelyn Green Jean Rolling Gladys Rolling coach Keswick Peters Grace Curtis Clark Lit Rita Heaton Ruth Grace Peters Pet ers Helen Hare coach Jack manager BELLS CORNER RESTAURANT MOTEL AND SERVICE STATION Open seven days a week Summer closing hours Saturday RESULTS Make now your bookings for the personally conducted CHRISTMAS SAILINGS II To Germany Holland Ireland and TRAVEL BUREAU Herbert Goodhoofd Main Street Newmarket Ont Phone BASEBALL SOFTBALL RESULTS Midget SemiFinals Sept 25 Newmarket 2 Paris Simcoe Midget Finals Sept 25 Simcoe 3 Newmar ket and Ladies Finals Sept Newmar ket Sept Newmarket Newmarket leads best of live finals games to PeelYork Finals Sept 23 num ber Summit Sept Schom Humber Summit leads best of seven set games to Lake Finals Sept 23 Zephyr leads best of five series Lake Jr Ladies Finals Sept Mount Albert Kes wick Mount Albert wins championship HERES HOW YOU CAN CUT FEEDING COSTS cut down work of am xpnuv grain two Ways MINOR HOCKEY MEETING Everyone interested in the fu ture of minor hockey in New market is to attend minor hockey in Newmarket is- asked to attend a minor hockey organization meeting at the Newmarket Memorial arena on Tuesday Oct The meeting called for pm WHEN YOU NMD fertilizing equipment for pasture improvement dont delay until you have the cash See your local Bank of Toronto manager about a Farm Improve ment Loan Hell be glad to explain how you can invest a Farm Improvement Loaa in equipment livestock appliances or farm buildings to improve your farm BANKotTOROHlO S During Canadas fish- processing industry produced sealskins or seven times as many as in IN A SERIES YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS YOUR HYDRO power to scan the skies In our constantly shrinking world the field of electronics assumes increased importance daily One of the great marvels is radar and here again Ontario Hydro plays a vital role Hydro generates much of the power for the radar at our airports and defence stations an alert guardian of your safety and sentinel of our Dominions security Radar is another way in which todays advanced electronic equip ment made possible through electric ity contributes to our way of life another example of ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by to your Hydro Chairman 620 University Toronto NORTH YORK FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Senior Oct I Aurora at Pickering College Oct Pickering Col at Newmarket Oct at Aurora Oct Aurora at New market Oct at Pick ering Girt Oct Newmarket at Pickering Col Oct- 22 rora at AUiston Oct Oct Picker ing College at Aurora junior Pickering Col at St Andrews Col Oct Newmar ket at Oct St An drews at Oct Pick ering Col at Newmarket Oct at Newmarket Oct St Andrews at Pickering Oct Newmarket at St An drews Oct Alliston at Pick ering College ZEPHYR Mail goes out every day from Zephyr P at am and in coming mail is ready about am The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be held in the United church on Sunday even ing Oel at pm Rev Davis will conduct the service Mr and Mrs Palmer and Mrs Edith Toronto called on friends here on Sun day Among those who attended the wedding at Sharbot Lake on Saturday were Mr and Mrs Ben Mr and Mrs- Ron Kester Mrs ace Kester Port Perry Mrs- Taylor Toronto Mrs Dunn Newmarket Mr and Mrs Ray Thompson and Mr- Clayton The Zephyr United church will hold the anniversary services on Sunday Oct The hot fowl supper will be served on Wed nesday evening Oct Mrs Steeper and Miss Bertha Harmon Mount Albert were the judges at the WI flower competition The prizes were spring bulbs Mrs H Chelten ham England arrived via on Tuesday to spend tliree weeks with her mother Mrs A B and family The Zephyr will hold the October meet ing on Wednesday afternoon Oct A special program being prepared Note the change of date because on Thursday af ternoon Oct the members have accepted an invitation to attend a meeting with the United church Mr and Mrs Armstrong and Mona have returned home after spending a few weeks In Western Canada Mrs has gone to reside at lodge Whitby A NEWMARKET WENT TO MARKET Hog production can be made MORE profitable Wellfed sows will wean an average of pigs per litter pigs that will hang up or pounds of pork in months or less Litter like that are profit producers It can be done At the Farm 9 pigs reach market weight from every litter farrowed 3 more than the average for the country Balanced feeding makes the difference Sow Ration has been tested and PROVEN under Canadian farm conditions It is fresh and highly palatable because it is manufactured local ly Local manufacture also eliminates freight costs and middle man profits For economy in hog production for economy in production of ALL of your livestockfeed MILLS LTD Phone Newmarket CASE and DIKE Mount Albert Phone